
AT782505CR - Graphics Arts - General - Award 2000 [Transitional]


This AIR consolidated award incorporates all amendments up to and including 3 April 2007 (variation PR975184).

Clauses affected by the most recent amendment(s) are:

1.2 Arrangement
5.1.4A School Based Apprentices
5.2 Allowances

About this Award:
Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer.

Please note that this consolidated award is prepared by the Australian Industrial Registry and is believed to be accurate but no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given and no liability is accepted for errors or omissions or loss or damage suffered as a result of a person acting in reliance thereon.

Copies of official decisions, awards and orders of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission can be accessed at no cost through the Commission’s web site ( or purchased from any office of the Australian Industrial Registry.

AT782505CR [Transitional AIR Consolidation]


Workplace Relations Act 1996
s.113 application to vary
s.107 reference to full bench

Printing Industries Association of Australia
(C No. 20241 of 1997)

Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996
Item 51 Part 2 Schedule 5 review of award
(C No. 00561 of 1998)

(ODN C No. 22956 of 1995)
[Print M7985 [G0439]]

Various employees
Graphic arts


Award simplification.

A. Further to the decision issued by the Commission on 5 August 1999, [Print R7898] and the supplementary decision issued on 8 December 1999 [Print S1715] the above award is varied as follows:

1. By deleting all clauses, schedules and appendices and inserting the following:


This award will be known as the Graphics Arts - General - Award 2000.


[1.2 amended by S4010 (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585) PR959585 PR964986 PR975184]

This award is arranged as follows:

Part 1 - Application and operation of award

1.1 Award title
1.2 Arrangement [PR975184]
1.3 Anti-discrimination
1.4 Definitions [S2976]
1.5 Date the award starts
1.6 Industry of award
1.7 Area of operation
1.8 Scope and parties bound
1.9 Previous awards and savings

Part 2 - Enterprise flexibility

2.1 Enterprise flexibility
2.2 Work organisation
2.3 Facilitative provisions [S2976]

Part 3 - Dispute resolution

3.1 Consultative mechanism and procedures
3.2 Dispute settlement procedure [S2976]
3.3 Dispute settlement training

Part 4 - Employment relationship

4.1 Employment categories [PR964986]
4.2 Termination of employment [PR947661]

Part 5 - Wages and related matters

5.1 Wage rate and classification structure [PR975184]
5.1.4A - School Based Apprentices [PR975184]
5.1A Transitional Wage Rates for Victoria—Application of Common Rule Award. [PR959585]
5.2 Allowances [PR975184]
5.3 Payment of wages

Part 6 - Hours of work, breaks, overtime and shift work

6.1 Hours of work [S4010]
6.2 Special provisions for shiftwork employees
6.3 Meal breaks
6.4 Overtime [PR923296]
6.5 Call back
6.6 Stand-by for work
6.7 Time provisions [S2976]
6.8 Special provisions – hours of work [S8310]

Part 7 - Leave of absence and annual leave

7.1 Annual leave [PR964986]
7.2 Personal leave [PR964986]
7.2A Bereavement leave [PR964986]
7.3 Parental leave [PR964986]
7.4 Jury service
7.5 Public Holiday entitlement [S2976]

Schedule A - Award respondents [S2976]
Schedule B - Smogan Fibre Containers
Schedule C - E S Wigg and Son Pty Ltd
Schedule D - PEP Colour Pty Ltd
Schedule E - JAC Australia Pty Ltd
Schedule F - Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Ltd
Schedule G - Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Ltd
Schedule H - Lithocraft Graphics Pty Ltd
Schedule I - Zimuth Pty Limited, Optima Press
Schedule J - Pemara Corporation Pty Limited [S2976]
Schedule K - Sands Print Group Western Australia [S4010]

Appendix A - Australian Capital Territory [S2976]
Appendix B - Northern Territory [S2976]
Appendix C - Workers compensation make-up pay [PR914081]
Appendix D - Protective clothing
Appendix E - Long service leave [S2976]
Appendix F - Broadbanded classification structure [PR965498]
Appendix G - Interim classification structure [PR966443]


1.3.1 It is the intention of the respondents to this award to achieve the principal object in section 3(j) of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 through respecting and valuing the diversity of the work force by helping to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.

1.3.2 Accordingly, in fulfilling their obligations under the disputes avoidance and settling clause, the respondents must make every endeavour to ensure that neither the award provisions nor their operation are directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects.

1.3.3 Nothing in this clause is taken to affect:

1.3.3(a) any different treatment (or treatment having different effects) which is specifically exempted under the Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation;

1.3.3(b) junior rates of pay, until the 22 June 2000 or later date determined by the Commission in accordance with s.143(1E) of the Act;

1.3.3(c) an employee, employer or registered organisation, pursuing matters of discrimination in any State or federal jurisdiction, including by application to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission; or

1.3.3(d) the exemptions in s.170CK(3) and (4) of the Act.


[1.4.1 corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

1.4.1 Award means the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.

1.4.2 Act means the Workplace Relations Act 1996.

1.4.3 Adult means:

1.4.3(a) An employee who has attained the age of 21 years other than an apprentice who has not completed their period of apprenticeship.

1.4.3(b) Any employee who has completed their apprenticeship but has not attained the age of 21 years.

1.4.3(c) A non-apprenticed junior who has not attained the age of 21 years who is employed as a Keyboard operator/assembler.

1.4.4 Adult apprentice means a person of 21 years of age or over at the time of entering into an indenture of apprenticeship provided for in 5.1.3(a).

1.4.5 Commission means the Australian Industrial Relations Commission constituted under the Workplace Relations Act 1996.

1.4.6 Day's work means work performed between the usual hours of commencing and finishing work on any day work, or shift work.

1.4.7 Hourly rate means the weekly wage prescribed by this award for the work performed divided by the number of hours which constitute the employee's ordinary working week. In the event of an employee being employed on shift work the penalty payable for work at such hours will be part of the weekly wage of that employee.

1.4.8 Saturday means the time between midnight Friday and midnight Saturday.

1.4.9 Sunday means the time between midnight Saturday and midnight Sunday.

1.4.10 Union means the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

1.4.11 Production definitions

1.4.11(a) Embossing means the making of an impression or impressions upon any surface by the use of male and female dies, whether or not ink, foil (whether of metal or otherwise), or any other colouring medium is being or has been applied to the surface upon which the impression is being or has been made.

1.4.11(b) Graphic pre press means image design and development, composition and graphic reproduction and all incidental processes.

1.4.12 Graphic reproduction definitions

1.4.12(a) Dot etching and retouching means the following group of operations or any of them: aerographing, tracing, stripping opaquing, staging, dot reducing, retouching, colour correcting negatives and/or positives, and all things incidental thereto.

1.4.12(b) Lithography and lithographic without limiting the meaning of such words, means the lithographic processes known as photo-lithography, photo-lithographic, lithographic offset, photo offset, offset, lithography, offset printing, metalithography, metalography, planeography, chromolithography, and dry lithography.

1.4.13 Printing definitions

1.4.13(a) Flexographic printing means a method of rotary letterpress printing which employs rubber or other types of flexible plates rapid drying fluid inks.

1.4.13(b) Gravure printing means a process of printing, from a recessed surface; the opposite of letterpress printing, in that the design areas are recessed into the plate instead of being in relief.

1.4.13(c) Letterpress printing means printing by direct or offset printing processes from electrotypes, stereotypes, photo-engraved blocks, type, or any other form of printing from a relief surface and shall include printing by multigraph, writer press, roneotype, or similar machines printing from type, stereos, electros, zincos, photo-engraving or the like, but does not apply to printing which is done wholly by ribbon process using a stencil of waxed paper or prepared tissue paper.

1.4.13(d) Lithographic printing means planographic printing by direct or offset printing processes from surfaces or stone, rubber, metal, or other material on paper, tin or other material, and includes printing by Multilith, Rotaprint, or any similar type of printing machine but does not apply to printing which is done wholly by ribbon process using a stencil of waxed paper or prepared tissue paper.

1.4.13(e) Non-impact printing machining means:

1.4.13(e)(i) Non-impact printing machines used in or in connection with the commercial printing industry but not including non-impact printing machines used solely for photocopying or facsimile transmission; and

1.4.13(e)(ii) Non-impact printing machines which employ non-impact printing technology in applying images to paper and or other surfaces and includes (either singularly or in combination) but is not limited to - lasography, inkjet and inkbubble, ion deposition, thermal transfer, xerography, magnetography, cathode ray tube projection, light emitting diode, liquid crystal display; and

1.4.13(e)(iii) Non-impact printing machines called Electronic Printing Machines or Laser Printing Machines that use one or more of the above processes. Major manufacturers of this type of equipment include, but are not limited to Canon, Hewlett Packard, Siemens, Rank-Xerox and IBM.

1.4.13(f) Small-offset lithographic printing machines means small-offset lithographic printing machines known by the trade names A.B. Dick, Gestelith, Hamada, MGD 22, Multilith, Romayor and Rotaprint (and any other similar kind of machine) having a sheet size the longest side of which is less than 620 millimetres (24-1/2 inches) with the shortest side not exceeding 450 millimetres (eighteen inches) and with the printing mechanism driven by a motor which is specified by the manufacturer as not exceeding 1.1 kilowatt power (1-1/2 horsepower): Provided that nothing herein shall be construed to include the printing machines known by the trade name Davidson Dualith or letterpress printing machines of any description.

1.4.13(g) Screen printing means the process of printing or reproducing through a metallic mesh screen or a screen made of silk or other material; the preparation of copy including screen art and/or designing and/or the making therefore of all classes of stencils.

1.4.13(h) Stamping means and includes the making of an impression or impressions upon any surface by the use of a blocking die or blocking dies and using ink, foil (whether of metal or otherwise), or any other colouring medium on the surface upon which the impression is being or has been made.

1.4.14 Classification definitions

1.4.14(a) Art and/or designing (including commercial art) however described means the work of an employee employed in or in connection with designing, sketching, drawing, tracing aerographing, keying, colouring photographs, retouching of bromides, reproducing, writing (including ticket writing) lettering, illustrating, commercial art, or in copying art work or layouts, or in any way preparing art work or layouts manually or electronically for the use or prospective use within the industry as defined in this award.

1.4.14(b) Binder and finisher means a tradesperson who performs the general trade skills of binding and finishing.

1.4.14(c) A despatcher in the corrugated and solid fibreboard containers industry section means an employee in a finished goods despatch area whose duties include (but not being the labouring aspects only of such functions): Receiving finished goods; assembling or collecting goods in store to satisfy orders, requisitions or Schedules; checking goods before despatch for quantity type or size; handing over goods to the person authorised to receive such goods. In addition they may be required to keep appropriate records. There will be at least one employee in each finished goods despatch area who is classified as a despatcher.

1.4.14(d) Fork-lift and/or grab truck and/or similar powered vehicle operator excludes an operator of any vehicle where the operator is not required to ride on the vehicle in order to operate it.

1.4.14(e) Graphic pre-press tradesperson means a tradesperson who performs the general trade skills of graphic pre-press.

1.4.14(f) Keyboard operator/assembler means an employee who performs limited functions of keyboard operating and/or assembly, who is neither a graphic pre-press tradesperson nor an Artist/Designer (including Commercial Artist) and who does not perform the general trade skills of a graphic pre-press tradesperson.

1.4.14(g) Machinist means in the corrugated and solid fibreboard containers industry section without limiting the generality of that term, the person who, under the direction of the employer is in charge of and responsible for the safety of those under their control, the efficient operation, care and cleanliness of the equipment and its immediately surrounding areas, the behaviour of the crew (if any) and the setting up, maintenance of quality and output of the machine in accordance with the standards set by the employer.

1.4.14(h) Assistant machinist means in the corrugated and solid fibreboard containers industry section the person (who is second in charge of the machine) appointed by the employer to assist the machinist in the performance of any of the duties of the machinist as defined but who is not responsible for taking charge of the machine unless so directed by the employer.

1.4.14(i) Any other employee on that machine means in the corrugated and solid fibreboard containers industry section any employee other than the machinist or assistant machinist who is assigned to the machine by the employer to perform work at the direction of the machinist.

1.4.14(j) Single facer machinist means in the corrugated and solid fibreboard containers industry section the person in charge of a single facer either operating in line with a double backer or as a separate unit, making single faced board.

1.4.14(k) Packer and/or despatcher means an employee engaged in the despatch of goods and whose duties include (but not being the labouring aspects only of such functions): receiving goods; assembling, packing or collecting goods to satisfy orders, requisitions or Schedules; checking goods before despatch for quantity, type or size; handing over goods to the person authorised to receive such goods. In addition they may be required to keep appropriate records. A packer and/or despatcher will not include an employee who merely takes off goods and/or materials from a machine, table or conveyor and/or wraps those goods and/or places them in containers and/or cartons and/or other receptacles but does not despatch them.

1.4.14(l) Printing attachment means a simple printing device incapable of printing on its own but which when attached to another machine can perform a limited printing function.

1.4.14(m) Printing machinist means a tradesperson who performs the general trade skills of printing machining.

1.4.14(n) Printer-slotter means a machine used for printing, slotting, scoring and/or slitting and includes printing machines (not being printing attachments). A printer-slotter may have attachments for limited die cutting operations, for example, hand holes and ventilation holes.

1.4.14(o) Storeperson is an employee in a store whose duties include receiving and/or storing away and/or issuing goods and materials used in or in connection with the industry (not being the labouring aspects only of such functions). In addition they may be required to keep appropriate records.


This award will operate from 1 February 2000 and remain in force for a period of twelve months.


This award is made in the printing industry, which includes:

1.6.1 Any business, trade manufacture, undertaking, calling, service employment, handicraft or industrial occupation or avocation on land or water in the printing industry or a kindred industry including (without limiting the generality or ordinary meaning of the foregoing description) composing, reading, electrotyping, stereotyping, letterpress machining, lithographic machining, lithographing, machining, printing of all classes, slug-casting or type-casting machine attending and adjusting and/or repairing, type-founding, engraving, process engraving and/or photo engraving, commercial and/or lithographic designing, writing and/or drawing, publishing, despatching, book-binding, binding, paper ruling, paper cutting, paper making, paper working, calico and/or paper bag making, envelope making, stationery making, paper products working, embossing, cardboard box making, carton making (including the making of any kind of boxes and/or containers of paper and/or cardboard used alone or in combination with any other material or materials), plastics manufacturing or any of the processes of or incidental to the manufacturing of plastics or of goods manufactured therefrom or substitutes therefore, mailing houses, including(without limiting the generality or ordinary meaning of the phrase) folding, paging, numbering, perforating, gathering, collating, inter-leaving, wrapping, sealing, addressing, mailing, despatching, stamping, inserting, security paper working, wire stapling, envelope working, direct mail systems working, addressograph work, paper products work and machine work in or in connection with enveloping, sealing, automatic/computer addressing and/or wrapping; and

1.6.2 Any employer wherein employees of the employer are employed in or in connection with the following industrial pursuits:

1.6.2(a) The composing or imposition or assembly of matter which is to be printed and the transference of images by use of cameras or scanners or transparency duplications to obtain a relief of planographic or intaglio formation for printing, composing, reading, electrotyping, stereotyping, letterpress machining, lithographic machining, lithographing, machining, printing of all classes, slugcasting or type-casting machine attending and adjusting and/or repairing, type-founding, engraving, process engraving and/or photo-engraving, commercial and/or lithographic designing, writing and/or drawing, publishing, despatching, bookbinding, binding, paper-ruling, paper cutting, paper making, paper working, calico and/or paper-bag making, envelope making, stationery making, paper products working, embossing, cardboard box making, carton making (including the making of any kind of boxes and/or containers of paper and/or cardboard used alone or in combination with any other material or materials), plastics manufacturing or any of the processes of or incidental to the manufacturing of plastics or of goods manufactured therefrom or substitutes therefore.


This award will apply in the following areas:

1.7.1 Within the Shops and Factories District of Brisbane as constituted under the Factories and Shops Act 1900-1958 of the State of Queensland.

1.7.2 Within the County of Cumberland, and also in the Parish of Maitland, the City of Newcastle, and A Shire, B Shire and D Shire of the Lake Macquarie Shire within the County of Northumberland.

1.7.3 Within a forty kilometre radius of the Melbourne General Post Office and within a radius of three kilometres of the main post office in the cities of Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong and Geelong West.

1.7.4 The metropolitan area of Adelaide as defined in the Industrial Code 1920-1963 of the State of South Australia.

1.7.5 Within the State of Western Australia.

1.7.6 Within a radius of 24 kilometres of the General Post Office, Hobart.

1.7.7 Within the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.


This award binds:

1.8.1 The Printing Industries Association of Australia and its members;

1.8.2 The Graphic Arts Services Association of Australia and its members;

1.8.3 The Australian Industry Group and its members; and

1.8.4 The employers named in Schedule A of this award; and

1.8.5 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members, and

1.8.6 Persons employed by the members referred to in 1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3 and the employers referred in 1.8.4 who perform any employment of the industry and industrial pursuits mentioned in 1.6.1 and 1.6.2.

1.8.7 Despite anything to the contrary contained in this clause employees, whether members of a union or not, are bound by this award only if their work is covered by this award.


This award supersedes the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 but no right obligation or liability accrued or incurred under that award or variations to it will be affected by such supersession.


(See ss.113A and 113B of the Act)

Where an employer or employees wish to pursue an agreement at the enterprise or workplace about how the award should be varied so as to make the enterprise or workplace operate more efficiently according to its particular needs the following process must apply:

2.1.1 A consultative mechanism and procedures appropriate to the size, structure and needs of the enterprise or workplace must be established.

2.1.2 For the purpose of the consultative process the employees may nominate the Union or another representative to represent them.

2.1.3 Where agreement is reached an application will be made to the Commission.


2.2.1 An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties as are within the limits of the employee's skill, competence and training provided that such duties are not designed to promote deskilling.

2.2.1(a) Any direction issued by an employer pursuant to 2.2.1 must be consistent with the employer's responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy working environment.

2.2.1(b) Mixed functions

Where duties performed under 2.2.1 attract different award wage rates, the employee must be paid for the day, at the least, the highest award rate for the work performed. When employed intermittently in this fashion there will be no reduction in wage rates where the employee performs work attracting a lesser award rate. Work performed under this subclause would generally be incidental to an employee's employment classification.

2.2.2 Change of shifts

Where appropriate, procedures enabling the continuous running of machines during shift changeovers will be implemented.

2.2.3 Starting times

Starting and finishing times of individual employees within a plant or section may be staggered to ensure maximum plant capacity utilisation.


2.3.1 This award contains facilitative provisions which allow agreement between an employer and employees on how specific award provisions are to apply at the workplace or section or sections of it.

2.3.2 The facilitative provisions are identified below. They establish both the standard award conditions and the framework within which agreement can be reached as to how the particular provisions should be applied in practice. Facilitative provisions are not to be used as a device to avoid award obligations nor should they result in unfairness to an employee or employees covered by this award.

2.3.3 Such agreements may be between:

2.3.3(a) the employer and the employee; or

2.3.3(b) the employer and a majority of employees at the workplace.

2.3.4 Where an award provision only permits agreement to be reached with the majority of employees in the workplace, section or sections of it, and agreement has been reached with the majority of employees to implement the provision, that agreement will be binding on all employees in such workplace, section or section of it.

2.3.5 Levels of facilitative provisions

Each award clause which can be altered at the workplace has a level of facilitation (1 - 3) attached to it. Set out below are the three levels of facilitation:

2.3.5(a) Level 1

An employee or employees and the employer agree on the application of an award clause. The agreement is recorded in the Time and Wages Records kept by the employer under Division 1 of Part 9A of the Workplace Relations Regulations.

2.3.5(b) Level 2

2.3.5(b)(i) An employee or employees and the employer agree on the application of an award clause. The employee(s) may request the union or other representative. Such representative must be given a reasonable opportunity to participate in the discussions leading up to any agreement. Union involvement in this process does not mean that the consent of the union is required prior to the introduction of agreed facilitative arrangements at the enterprise.

2.3.5(b)(ii) Where agreement is reached, the agreement is recorded in the Time and Wages Records kept by the employer under Division 1 of Part 9A of the Workplace Relations Regulations.

2.3.5(c) Level 3

2.3.5(c)(i) Where the union has members employed at an enterprise covered by the award the union must be informed by the employer of the intention to use the facilitative provision and must be given a reasonable opportunity to participate in the negotiations. Union involvement in this process does not mean that the consent of the union is required prior to the introduction of agreed facilitative arrangements at the enterprise.

2.3.5(c)(ii) An employee may request to be represented by any other representative who must be given a reasonable opportunity to participate in the negotiations.

2.3.5(c)(iii) After agreement is reached a cooling off period of seven days commences. During the cooling off period, either party may withdraw their consent to the agreement. At the end of the cooling off period, the agreement is deemed to have been made and takes effect. The agreement is then recorded in the Time and wages records kept by the employer under Division 1 of Part 9A of the Workplace Relations Regulations.

2.3.6 Dispute over facilitation

In the event that a dispute or difficulty arises over the implementation or continued operation of a facilitative provision, the matter will be handled in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure in 3.2 - Dispute settlement procedure.

2.3.7 Clauses which may be altered using the levels of facilitation

2.3.7(a) Individual agreement

[2.3.7(a) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

Part-time hours of work
Level 1
Full-time and part-time casual employment
Level 1
Makeup time
Level 1
Time off in lieu of payment for overtime
Level 1
Taking annual leave within two years of accrual
Level 1
How annual leave can be taken
Level 1

2.3.7(b) Individual or majority agreement

Altering the spread of hours - day work (process set out in clause)
Level 2
Alteration of span of hours - shiftworker (process set out in clause)
Level 2

2.3.7(c) Majority agreement

[2.3.7(c) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

Hours in excess of 8.75 up to ten hours - day work -Level 1
Hours in excess of 10 and less than 12 - Level 3
Twelve ordinary hours - day work - Level 3 and 6.1.4(f)
Length of work cycle - day work - Level 2
Ordinary hours worked on Saturday and/or Sunday- day work - Level 3
Hours in excess of 8.75 up to ten hours –other than continuous shift work - Level 1
Hours in excess of 10 and less than 12 – Level 3
Twelve ordinary hours - other than continuous shift work - Level 3 and 6.1.4(f)
Length of work cycle - other than continuous shift work -Level 2
Ordinary hours worked on Saturday and/or Sunday- other than continuous shift work - Level 3
Hours in excess of 8 up to ten hours – continuous shift work - Level 1
Hours in excess of 10 and less than 12 – Level 3
Twelve ordinary hours - continuous shift work - Level 3 and 6.1.4(f)
Length of work cycle - continuous shift workers -Level 2
Ordinary hours worked on Saturday and/or Sunday – continuous shift work - Level 3
Substitution of a public holiday - Level 1


3.1.1 At each enterprise covered by this award the employer and employees, and, if appropriate an appropriate representative including the union, may establish a mechanism and procedures which enables them to communicate and consult about matters arising out of this award, in particular 2.1 - Enterprise flexibility and 2.3 - Facilitative provisions, which they agree would assist in achieving and maintaining cooperative workplace relations and mutually beneficial work practices.

3.1.2 Employee notices

The employer must permit a notice board to be erected in the plant, or each part of the plant, to facilitate communication between employees and/or their union representative(s) regarding employment related matters.

3.1.3 Award to be posted

A copy of this award, together with any variation to it will be kept posted by the employer in a prominent place(s) where it may be read by employees.


In the event of a dispute arising in the workplace the procedure to be followed to resolve the matter will be as follows:

3.2.1 The employee and their supervisor will meet and confer on the matter. The employee may appoint another person to assist them, including the union delegate.

[3.2.2 corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

3.2.2 Subject to 3.2.8, where the delegate is involved the delegate must be allowed the necessary time during working hours to interview employee(s) and the supervisor.

3.2.3 If the matter is not resolved at such a meeting, the parties will hold further discussions between the employee and their nominated representative, if any, (including a State union official or their nominee) and more senior levels of management. The employer may also invite into discussions an officer of the employer organisation to which they belong.

3.2.4 If the matter is still not resolved, the parties will hold further discussions between more senior levels of management of the employer and a Federal union official (or nominee) or other employee representative. The employer may also invite into discussions an officer of the employer organisation to which they belong.

3.2.5 The delegate and where appropriate, the affected employee(s) must be allowed at a place designated by the employer a reasonable period of time during working hours to interview the duly accredited Union Officials of the Union to which they belong.

3.2.6 The parties will at all times confer without delay.

3.2.7 If the matter cannot be resolved, it may be referred to the Commission.

[3.2.8 corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

3.2.8 While the parties attempt to resolve the matter, work will continue as normal unless an employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to their health and safety.

3.2.9 Redundancy disputes

[3.2.9 inserted by PR947661 08un04]

3.2.9(a) Paragraphs 3.2.9(b) and 3.2.9(c) impose additional obligations on an employer where an employer contemplates termination of employment due to redundancy and a dispute arises (a redundancy dispute). These additional obligations do not apply to employers who employ fewer than 15 employees.

3.2.9(b) Where a redundancy dispute arises, and if it has not already done so, an employer must provide affected employees and the relevant union or unions (if requested by any affected employee) in good time, with relevant information including:

  • the reasons for any proposed redundancy;
  • the number and categories of workers likely to be affected; and
the period over which any proposed redundancies are intended to be carried out.

3.2.9(c) Where a redundancy dispute arises and discussions occur in accordance with this clause the employer will, as early as possible, consult on measures taken to avert or to minimise any proposed redundancies and measures to mitigate the adverse affects of any proposed redundancies on the employees concerned.


3.3.1 Subject to the provisions of this clause a union delegate or duly elected employee representative will be entitled to up to five days training leave with pay each calendar year, non cumulative, to receive training directed at the enhancement of the operation of dispute settling machinery.

3.3.2 The amount of training leave an employer may be requested to approve per twelve month period will depend on the number of weekly employees employed and will be in accordance with the following table:

Number of employees employed
Number of delegates or duly elected employee representatives to be granted up to five days training leave each

1 (3 days)
1 (5 days)
2 (5 days)
3 (5 days)
4 (5 days)
more than 90
5 (5 days)

3.3.3 Training leave will be granted upon an application in writing to the employer requesting such leave. The application to the employer must include the nature content and duration of the course to be attended.

3.3.4 The granting of leave pursuant to this clause will be subject to this employer being able to make adequate staffing arrangements amongst current employees during the period of the leave. However an employer must not use this sub-clause to avoid an obligation under this clause.

3.3.5 Four weeks notice of intention to attend a course is required or a lesser period of notice may be agreed by the employer.

3.3.6 Training leave must be to attend courses conducted or approved by an accredited training organisation.

3.3.7 While on training leave, the employee will be paid all ordinary time earnings. For the purposes of this subclause ordinary time earnings means the classification rate, overaward payment and shift loading which otherwise would be payable.

3.3.8 Training leave granted under this clause will count as service for all purposes of this award.

3.3.9 All expenses (such as travel, accommodation, and meals) associated with or incurred by the employee attending a training course as provided in this clause will be the responsibility of the employee or the union.

3.3.10 Only employees who have completed six months continuous service with their current employer will be eligible for such leave.


4.1.1 Employees must be engaged on a full-time or regular part-time basis, or on a casual basis. No person will be employed except as a weekly employee or a casual employee.

4.1.2 Full-time

A full-time employee is a weekly employee whose ordinary hours of work must not exceed an average of 38 hours per week. An employee not specifically engaged as a part-time or casual employee is for all purposes of this award a full-time employee, unless otherwise specified in the award.

4.1.3 Part-time

4.1.3(a) Definition

A part-time employee is a weekly employee who:

4.1.3(a)(i) works less than full-time hours; and

4.1.3(a)(ii) works not less than four consecutive hours per day or shift; and

4.1.3(a)(iii) has reasonably predictable hours of work; and

4.1.3(a)(iv) receives pro rata pay and conditions of a full-time employee who does the same kind of work.

4.1.3(b) Agreement

4.1.3(b)(i) At the time of the engagement, the employee and the employer must agree:

4.1.3(b)(i)(A) on the hours to be worked by the employee, the days on which they will be worked and the commencing and finishing times for the work;

4.1.3(b)(i)(B) on the classification applying to the work to be performed in accordance with 5.1.1.

4.1.3(b)(i)(C) this clause is subject to Level 1 facilitation and individual agreement.

4.1.3(b)(ii) The terms of this agreement may be varied by consent. The terms of this agreement or any variation must be in writing and retained by the employer. The employer must provide a copy of it and any variation to it to the employee. This clause is subject to Level 1 facilitation and individual agreement.

4.1.3(c) Overtime

A part-time employee who is required by the employer to work in excess of the hours agreed upon in accordance with 4.1.3(b)(i)(A) must be paid overtime in accordance with 6.4 - Overtime.

4.1.3(d) Public holidays

Where the part-time employee’s normal paid hours fall on a public holiday and the employer does not require work to be performed by the employee, such employee must not lose pay for the day. Where the employee works on the holiday, the employee will be paid in accordance with 7.5 - Public holiday entitlement.

4.1.4 Casual employment

4.1.4(a) An employer when engaging a person for casual employment must inform them then and there that they are to be employed as a casual.

4.1.4(b) Irregular casual employment

4.1.4(b)(i) An irregular casual employee is a casual employee who is engaged to perform work on an intermittent or irregular basis or to work uncertain hours or to replace a weekly employee who is rostered off or absent due to sickness.

4.1.4(b)(ii) Irregular casual employment is a different form of employment to full-time and part-time casual employment.

4.1.4(c) Full-time and part-time casual employment

4.1.4(c)(i) A full-time casual employee is a casual employee, other than an irregular casual employee under 4.1.4(b), who is engaged to work on a continuous basis from week to week the same number of ordinary hours as the full-time employees in the relevant establishment.

4.1.4(c)(ii) A part-time casual employee is an employee, other than an irregular casual employee under 4.1.4(b), engaged to work on a continuous basis from week to week a fixed number of ordinary hours which are less than the hours worked by the full-time employees in the relevant establishment.

4.1.4(c)(iii) No employee will be engaged as a full-time casual employee or part-time casual employee on a continuous basis from week to week for more than twelve weeks, unless a further maximum period of up to twelve weeks is agreed to between the employer and employee concerned.

4.1.4(c)(iv) An employee must not be engaged and re-engaged as a casual under 4.1.4(c) to avoid any obligations under this award.

[4.1.4(c)(v) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

4.1.4(c)(v) The agreement to extend the period of casual employment is to be recorded in the time and wages record. This agreement is subject to level 1 faciliation. Where the maximum agreed period is exceeded or where no record of agreement occurs, a casual employee employed for more than twelve weeks is a full-time or part-time employee depending upon the number of hours worked each week.

4.1.4(d) If a casual employee commences duty or is required to attend for duty and actually attends for duty for the period required by the employer, such employee must be paid the appropriate rate provided in this subclause for four hours at the least.

[4.1.4(e) substituted by PR913089 ppc 20Feb02]

4.1.4(e) A casual employee must be paid at the hourly rate prescribed for a full-time employee for such work with the addition of 25%. When working shifts casual employees will be entitled to the same shift allowance as weekly employees. When a casual employee becomes a full-time or part-time employee pursuant to 4.1.4(c)(v), the 25% casual loading will no longer be payable.

[4.1.4(f) substituted by PR913089 ppc 20Feb02]

4.1.4(f) A casual employee when working on a holiday or any time for which a weekly employee is paid above the weekly employee’s ordinary rate of pay, must be paid the appropriate rate paid to the weekly employee of the same class working at such time with the addition of 25%.

4.1.4(g) Caring responsibilities

[4.1.4(g) inserted by PR964986 ppc 11Nov05]

4.1.4(g)(i) Subject to the evidentiary and notice requirements in 7.2.6 and 7.2.7 employees are entitled to not be available to attend work, or to leave work:

  • if they need to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support, or who require care due to an unexpected emergency, or the birth of a child; or
  • upon the death in Australia of an immediate family or household member.
4.1.4(g)(ii) The employer and the employee shall agree on the period for which the employee will be entitled to not be available to attend work. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to not be available to attend work for up to 48 hours (i.e. two days) per occasion. The casual employee is not entitled to any payment for the period of non-attendance.

4.1.4(g)(iii) An employer must not fail to re-engage a casual employee because the employee accessed the entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of an employer to engage or not to engage a casual employee are otherwise not affected.


4.2.1 Termination of employment

4.2.1(a) In order to terminate the employment of a full-time or part-time employee the employer must give to the employee the notice specified in the table below:

Period of continuous service
Period of notice

Up to 1 year
1 week
Over 1 year and up to the completion of 3 years
2 weeks
Over 3 years and up to the completion of 5 years
3 weeks
Over 5 years
4 weeks

4.2.1(a)(i) For the purposes of this sub-clause, continuity of service must be calculated in the manner prescribed in 7.1 - Annual leave.

4.2.1(b) In addition to this notice, employees over 45 years of age at the time of giving notice with not less than two years continuous service, are entitled to an additional week’s notice.

4.2.1(c) Payment in lieu of notice will be made if the employer does not require the appropriate notice period to be worked. Employment may be terminated by the employee working part of the required period of notice and the employer making payment for the remainder of the period of notice.

[4.2.1(d) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.1(d) The required amount of payment in lieu of notice must equal or exceed the total of all amounts that, if the employee’s employment had continued until the end of the required period of notice, the employer would have become liable to pay to the employee because of the employment continuing during that period. That total must be calculated on the basis of:

4.2.1(d)(i) the employee’s ordinary hours of work (even if not standard hours); and

4.2.1(d)(ii) the amounts ordinarily payable to the employee in respect of those hours, including (for example) allowances, loading and penalties; and

4.2.1(d)(iii) any other amounts payable under the employee’s contract of employment.

[4.2.1(e) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.1(e) The period of notice in this clause does not apply:

4.1.2(e)(i) in the case of dismissal for serious misconduct;

4.1.2(e)(ii) to apprentices;

4.1.2(e)(iii) to employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specific task or tasks;

4.1.2(e)(iv) to trainees whose employment under a traineeship agreement or an approved traineeship is for a specified period or is, for any other reason, limited to the duration of the agreement; or

4.1.2(e)(v) to casual employees.

[4.2.1(f) inserted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.1(f) Transmission of business

Where a business is transmitted from one employer to another, as set out in 4.2.5, the period of continuous service that the employee had with the transmittor or any prior transmittor is deemed to be service with the transmittee and taken into account when calculating notice of termination. However, an employee shall not be entitled to notice of termination or payment in lieu of notice for any period of continuous service in respect of which notice has already been given or paid for.

4.2.2 Notice of termination by an employee

4.2.2(a) The notice of termination required to be given by an employee must be the same as that required of an employer, except that there is no requirement on the employee to give the additional notice based on the age of the employee concerned.

[4.2.2(b) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.2(b) If an employee fails to give the notice set out in 4.2.1(a) then the employer has the right to withhold monies due to the employee to a maximum amount equal to the amount the employee would have received under 4.2.1(d)

4.2.3 Notice to commence

Notice may be given on any day of the week and such notice or payment in lieu of notice will be additional to any annual leave loading payable to the employee under 7.1 of this award. Notice given at or before the commencement of any day work or shift work will commence to run from the beginning of such day or shift and notice given after the commencement of day work or shift work will not begin to run until the commencement of the next succeeding day or shift.

[4.2.4 title changed from Time off during notice period by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.4 Job search entitlement

Where an employer has given notice of termination to an employee, an employee must be allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay for the purpose of seeking other employment. The time off must be taken at times that are convenient to the employee after consultation with the employer.

4.2.5 Redundancy

[4.2.5(a) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(a) Definitions

4.2.5(a)(i) Business includes trade, process, business or occupation and includes part of any such business.

4.2.5(a)(ii) Redundancy occurs where an employer has made a definite decision that the employer no longer wishes the job the employee has been doing done by anyone and that decision leads to the termination of employment of the employee, except where this is due to the ordinary and customary turnover of labour.

4.2.5(a)(iii) Small employer means an employer which employs fewer than 15 employees.

4.2.5(a)(iv) Transmission includes transfer, conveyance, assignment or succession whether by agreement or by operation of law and transmitted has a corresponding meaning.

4.2.5(a)(v) Week’s pay means the ordinary time rate of pay for the employee concerned. Provided that such rate shall exclude:

  • overtime
  • penalty rates;
  • disability allowances;
  • shift allowances;
  • special rates;
  • fares and travelling time allowances;
  • bonuses; and
  • any other ancillary payments of a like nature.
4.2.5(b) Transmission of business

[4.2.5(b) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(b)(i) The provisions of this clause are not applicable where a business is before or after the date of this award, transmitted from an

employer (in this subclause called the transmittor) to another employer (in this subclause called the transmittee), in any of the following circumstances:

4.2.5(b)(i)(A) Where the employee accepts employment with the transmittee which recognises the period of continuous service which the employee had with the transmittor and any prior transmittor to be continuous service of the employee with the transmittee; or

4.2.5(b)(i)(B) Where the employee rejects an offer of employment with the transmittee:

  • in which the terms and conditions are substantially similar and no less favourable, considered on an overall basis, than the terms and conditions applicable to the employee at the time of ceasing employment with the transmittor; and
  • which recognises the period of continuous service which the employee had with the transmittor and any prior transmittor to be continuous service of the employee with the transmittee.
4.2.5(b)(ii) The Commission may vary 4.2.5(b)(i) if it is satisfied that this provision would operate unfairly in a particular case.

4.2.5(c) Transfer to lower paid duties

Where an employee is transferred to lower paid duties by reason of redundancy, the same period of notice must be given as the employee would have been entitled to if the employee’s employment had been terminated, and the employer may at the employer’s option, make payment in lieu of an amount equal to the difference between the former ordinary time rate of pay and the new lower ordinary time rate for the number of weeks of notice still owing.

4.2.5(d) Severance pay

[4.2.5(d)(i) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(d)(i) Severance pay - other than employees of a small employer

An employee, other than an employee of a small employer as defined in 4.2.5(a),, whose employment is terminated by reason of redundancy is entitled to the following amount of severance pay in respect of a period of continuous service:

Period of continuous service
Severance pay

Less than 1 year
1 year and less than 2 years
4 weeks’ pay*
2 years and less than 3 years
6 weeks’ pay
3 years and less than 4 years
7 weeks’ pay
4 years and less than 5 yeas
8 weeks’ pay
5 years and less than 6 years
10 weeks’ pay
6 years and less than 7 years
11 weeks’ pay
7 years and less than 8 years
13 weeks’ pay
8 years and less than 9 years
14 weeks’ pay
9 years and less than 10 years
16 weeks’ pay
10 years and over
12 weeks’ pay

* Week’s pay is defined in 4.2.5(a).

4.2.5(d)(ii) Severance pay - employees of a small employer

An employee of a small employer as defined in 4.2.5(a) whose employment is terminated by reason of redundancy is entitled to the following amount of severance pay in respect of a period of continuous service:

Period of continuous service
Severance pay

Less than 1 year
1 year and less than 2 years
4 weeks’ pay*
2 years and less than 3 years
6 weeks’ pay
3 years and less than 4 years
7 weeks’ pay
4 years and over
8 weeks’ pay

* Week’s pay is defined in 4.2.5(a).

4.2.5(d)(iii) Provided that the severance payments shall not exceed the amount which the employee would have earned if employment with the employer had proceeded to the employee’s normal retirement date.

4.2.5(d)(iv) Continuity of service shall be calculated in the manner prescribed by clause 7.1 - Annual leave. Provided that service prior to 8 June 2004 shall not be taken into account in calculating an entitlement to severance pay for an employee of a small employer pursuant to 4.2.5(d)(ii).

4.2.5(d)(v) Application may be made for variation of the severance pay provided for in this clause in a particular redundancy situation in accordance with the Redundancy Case Decision [PR032004, 26 March 2004] and the Redundancy Case Supplementary Decision [PR062004, 8 June 2004].

4.2.5(e) Employee leaving during notice period

[4.2.5(e) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

An employee given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy may terminate his/her employment during the period of notice set out in 4.2.1. In this circumstance the employer will be entitled to receive the benefits and payments they would have received under this clause had they remained with the employer until the expiry of the notice, but will not be entitled to payment in lieu of notice.

[4.2.5(f) Time off during notice period title changed by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(f) Job search entitlement

[4.2.5(f)(i) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(f)(i) During the period of notice of termination given by the employer in accordance with 4.2.1(a) an employee will be allowed up to one day’s time off without loss of pay during each week of notice for the purpose of seeking other employment.

4.2.5(f)(ii) If an employee has been allowed paid leave for more than one day during the notice period for the purpose of seeking other employment, the employee will, at the request of the employer, be required to produce proof of attendance at an interview or the employee will not receive payment for the time absent. For this purpose a statutory declaration will be sufficient.

[4.2.5(f)(iii) inserted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(f)(iii) The job search entitlements under this subclause apply in lieu of the provisions of 4.2.4.

4.2.5(g) Alternative employment

[4.2.5(g) renumbered as 4.2.5(g)(i) by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(g)(i) An employer, in a particular redundancy case may make application to the Commission to have the general severance pay prescription varied if the employer obtains acceptable suitable alternative employment for an employee.

[4.2.5(g)(ii) inserted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

4.2.5(g)(ii) This provision does not apply in circumstances involving transmission of business as set out in 4.2.5(b).

4.2.5(h) Employees exempted

[4.2.5(h) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

This clause does not apply to:

  • employees terminated as a consequence of serious misconduct that justifies dismissal without notice;
  • probationary employees;
  • apprentices;
  • trainees;
  • employees engaged for a specific period of time or for a specified task or tasks; or
  • casual employees.
4.2.5(i) Incapacity to pay

[4.2.5(i) substituted by PR947661 from 08Jun04]

The Commission may vary the severance pay prescription on the basis of an employer’s incapacity to pay. An application for variation may be made by an employer or a group of employers.

4.2.6 Abandonment of employment

4.2.6(a) The absence of an employee from work for a continuous period exceeding three working days without the consent of the employer and without notification to the employer is prima facie evidence of abandonment of employment by the employee.

4.2.6(b) Provided that if within a period of fourteen days from the last attendance at work or date of the last absence in respect of which notification has been given or consent has been granted, an employee has not established to the satisfaction of the employer that the employee was absent for a reasonable cause, the employee’s employment will be deemed to have been abandoned.

4.2.6(c) Termination of employment by abandonment in accordance with this subclause will operate as from the date of the last attendance at work, or the date of the last day’s absence for which consent was granted, or the date of the last absence in respect of which notification was given to the employer, whichever is later.

4.2.7 Stand down of employees

4.2.7(a) An employer may deduct payment for any time an employee of that employer cannot usefully be employed because of any strike of a union, party to this award, or any other union, or through any breakdown of machinery or any stoppage of work for any cause for which the employer cannot be held responsible.

4.2.7(b) In the event of work being temporarily stopped by a breakdown of machinery, or by any cause for which the employer cannot be held responsible, and the employee having lost at least two days pay, the employee may inform the employer of their intention to terminate their employment, whereupon the employment will be terminated without the employee being required to give the appropriate notice set out in 4.2.2 and such monies as are due under this award will be paid by the employer.


[5.1.1 corrected by S2976; varied by S8770 PR905398 PR919042 PR932719 PR947302 (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585) PR959585; substituted by PR965498 ppc 26Oct05; corrected by PR966443 ppc 26Oct05; varied by PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]


(i) Adult employees must be paid the following minimum weekly wage set out in Table 'A'.

The classifications set out in Table 'A' shall be read in conjunction with Part 5 and Appendix 'F'.

(ii) TABLE 'A'

Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
Employee classification level
Minimum weekly wage rate
Alignment to qualification from the Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package
Equivalent points range for the level



Entry level
Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
Certificate II
Level 5
Trade Certificate/ Certificate III
41 (including at least 5 units of 3 points or more)
Level 6

51 (including at least 5 units of 3 or more points and 2 units of 4 or more points)
Level 7

61 (including at least 5 units of 3 or more points and 4 units of 4 or more points)
Level 8
Certificate IV (except as set out in 5.1.1(a)(iii))
71 (including at least 6 units of 4 or more points)

(iii) The following qualifications are excluded from 5.1.1(a)(ii), Table “A”, Column “C” and 5.1.1(b)(iv):

  • ICP40704 – Certificate IV in Printing and Graphic Arts (Management Sales); and
  • ICP40804 – Certificate IV in Printing and Graphic Arts (Process Leadership)
(iv) The rates of pay in this award include the arbitrated safety net adjustment payable under the Safety Net Review - Wages June 2005 decision [PR002005]. This arbitrated safety net adjustment may be offset against any equivalent amount in rates of pay received by employees whose wages and conditions of employment are regulated by this award which are above the wages rates prescribed in the award. Such above-award payments include wages payable pursuant to certified agreements, currently operating enterprise flexibility agreements, Australian workplace agreements, award variations to give effect to enterprise agreements and overaward arrangements. Absorption which is contrary to the terms of an agreement is not required.

(v) Increases made under previous National Wage Case principles or under the current Statement of Principles, excepting those resulting from enterprise agreements, are not to be used to offset arbitrated safety net adjustments.



The reassignment and future assignment of an employee's classification and the assignment of a new employee’s classification will be in accordance with the principles set out in 5.1.1(b).

5.1.1(b)(ii) ABSORPTION

Wage increases arising from the implementation of the classification structure are subject to absorption into existing overaward payments;

5.1.1(b)(iii) NO LOSS OF PAY

No employee's ordinary rate of pay shall be reduced as a result of the introduction of the new industry classification structure.


No employee’s existing classification shall be reduced as a result of the implementation of the new classification structure. This is subject to the employee undertaking training, where required by the employer, to enable the employee to carry out the full range of tasks to be performed at that classification level.

5.1.1(b)(v) CONSULTATION

The parties at each plant or enterprise shall undertake appropriate consultation in accordance with Clause 3.1 - Consultative Mechanisms and Procedures regarding the implementation of the new classification structure.


As from 26 April 2006 (date of end of transition period), where employees have completed a qualification recognised in the Printing and Graphic Arts Industry Training Package and in Table A, and are using the skills and knowledge gained from that qualification in accordance with the needs of the enterprise, then they must, as a minimum be classified at the level specified in table “A”.

This also applies to a qualification which has been recognised by an Industry Skills Council or a Federal or State Training Authority which is equivalent to a qualification recognised in the Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package and in Table ‘A’.

Employees can receive a qualification through recognition of prior learning and/or overseas qualifications where that prior learning and/or overseas qualification is recognised by an Industry Skills Council or a Federal or State Training Authority as being equivalent to a qualification in the Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package and in Table ‘A’.

Employees will transfer into the classification structure on the basis of the alignment of classifications to qualifications, as set out in Table ‘A’.

For example, a printing apprentice passes their final year and qualifies as a Printing Tradesperson with a Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts. This places the newly qualified printer at a minimum of Level 5 in the classification structure. If the printer is required to perform additional tasks or more complex tasks they may be performing a job which falls into a higher level of the classification structure .

Provided that should there be any dispute or disagreement in relation to classification or reclassification beyond the alignment of classifications to qualifications as set out in Table A, the points system at 5.1.1(b)(ix) shall be used.


Subject to 5.1.1(b), employees will translate into the classification structure on the following basis as determined by the employer:

(1) That they meet the requirements of the classification definitions in sub-clauses 5.1.1(c); or

(2) That they meet the points requirements set out in 5.1.1(a)(ii), Table “A” and Appendix “F”;

Provided that should there be any dispute or disagreement in relation to classification or reclassification, method (2) above shall be used in accordance with 5.1.1(b)(ix).

Only skills and knowledge which are being used in accordance with the needs of the enterprise will be taken into account for classification purposes.


In circumstances where an employee(s) dispute or disagree with:

(1) the employer using the classification definitions at 5.1.1(c) to determine his/her classification; or

(2) the classification level assigned to him/her by the employer using the classification definitions at 5.1.1(c)

The employee and the employer must immediately consult with each other. The employee may appoint another person to assist them consult with the employer, including the union delegate. If the dispute or disagreement is unable to be resolved in a reasonable time it will be dealt with in accordance with Clause 5.1.1(b)(xi).


(1) The points assessment for an employee’s job is based on selecting competencies that reflect job requirements from the list appearing in Appendix "F". The competencies set out in Appendix "F" have been assigned a points rating from "1" - "5", with 1 being a basic unit and 5 being assigned to units requiring a high level of skill.

The competencies and the "1" - "5" ratings are based on the following general guidelines:

  • "1" graded competencies are skills needed to function in the workplace;
  • "2" graded competencies are basic production skills;
  • "3" graded competencies are basic trade level or equivalent skills;
  • "4" graded competencies are advanced trade level skills; and
    • "5" graded competencies are post trade, technical and/or supervisory skills.
(2) An employee’s classification level is determined by adding together the points allocated to each competency selected for the employees job. The total number of points determines into which classification level at 5.1.1(a) Table A, the employee’s job is classified. For example, an employee whose job consisted of competencies whose points when added together totalled 42, would be classified at Level 5 (if at least 5 of the competencies are worth at least 3 points each).

(3) In addition to (1) above, where an employer requires additional competencies to reflect job requirements, up to two additional competency units may be selected, by agreement, from another nationally endorsed Training Package, subject to the following:

  • The unit(s) selected must be equivalent to a “3” graded competency or higher;
  • The recognition of additional points under 5.1.1(b)(viii)(2) shall not be an award requirement. It shall only occur where the employer and the employee agrees to such recognition.

Translation into the new structure will occur within a period of six months from 26 October 2005.


  1. The competencies set out in Appendix “F” are aligned to the units of competency in the Printing and Graphic Arts Industry Training Package (ICP05). In the event of a dispute over the meaning of the competencies, the relevant competency standard from ICP05 will be used for interpretation.
Reference to disputes being resolved using points system.

  1. Any disputes in relation to classification or reclassification shall be handled in accordance with the dispute-settling procedure in clause 3.2 of the award. If any of the parties involved in the dispute wish to have the dispute resolved by a Board of Reference, a Board of Reference will be established by the Commission in accordance with s.131 of the Workplace Relations Act. The Board will contain a representative of the union, a representative of the employer and an independent Chairperson who must be a member of the Commission.
C. In dealing with disputes over such issues, the Board may:

 request State and National Officials of the relevant industry parties to meet immediately to resolve the concerns;
 make arrangements for an assessment and report by experts representing the relevant industry parties. The Board would then consider the report and determine a course of action.

5.1.1(b)(xii) INCAPACITY TO PAY

An employer may apply to the Commission to phase in wage increases arising from the implementation of the new classification structure, on the basis of the employer's incapacity to pay.


The parties will review the classification structure and its implementation 18 months after its insertion into the award. This is not intended to detract from a parties right to pursue changes to the classification structure at an earlier time.


The definitions for the classification levels are as follows:

Employee Level 1

An employee at this level is undertaking up to 38 hours of induction training. This does not restrict or limit the employment of new employees at a higher level should they be accepted as possessing experience or skills appropriate to a higher level.

An employee at this level:

• Performs elementary routine duties of a repetitive nature;
• Works under direct supervision;
• Is aware of the tasks required at Level 2;
• Observes safe work practices;
• Undertakes literacy and numeracy training (if required) to perform tasks functionally;
• Is undertaking training so as to enable them to work at level 2.

On the completion of the required training, the employee shall be reclassified to Level 2.

Employee Level 2

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 1 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training.

An employee at this Level will be capable of:

having an orientation to machinery and equipment;
assisting with make ready of basic machines;
operating materials handling equipment;
undertaking housekeeping and routine maintenance cleaning;
having a basic knowledge of computer - controlled systems as it relates to their work;
understanding and applying occupational health and safety practices and existing procedures applying in their work at their level of training;
understanding and applying existing work procedures applying in work area to their level of training;
following instructions;
understanding quality standards of enterprise applying in their work area;
working under direct supervision to the level of training or skills held;
being a member of and understanding operating guidelines of workgroup/team;
possible assisting in on-the-job training of others in their area by way of explanation and demonstration.

Indicative tasks at this level may include:

assisting with make ready of basic machines;
repetition work on automatic, semi-automatic or single purpose machines or equipment;
repetitive work of a basic nature such as maintaining simple records and single purpose functions as in manual folding, perforating, stacking, inserting, paging;
housekeeping and routine maintenance cleaning.

Employee Level 3

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 2 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training.

An employee at this level will be capable of:

following written or verbal instructions;
having knowledge of computer-controlled system as it relates to their work area;
understanding and applying existing work procedures applying in their area;
performing housekeeping functions within immediate area. This may include lubricating equipment under direction;
assisting in forward planning materials and equipment for next job;
identifying quality variations;
recognising when problems arise and referring appropriately in own work area;
being a member of and understanding the operating guidelines of work group/team;
undertaking work prescribed on a task basis through written and verbal instructions and continuous presence of a skilled operative;
working under direct supervision;
assisting in the on-the-job training of others up to this level by way of explanation and demonstration in conjunction with skilled operators and supervisor.

Indicative tasks at this level may include

routine setting, adjustment and operation of basic similar pieces of equipment such as plastic laminating machine;
assisting with basic duties on a printing machine under direct supervision by cleaning, washing up of ink ducts, blankets and impression cylinders, stacking and removing delivery, stack on sheet fed press;
applying of OH&S practices and environmental protection procedures;
operating computer controlled systems using basic keyboard skills as it relates to their work area;
operating of non-licensed materials handling equipment;
matching of product against quality standards within own work area;
operating an envelope cutter and/or dye cutter, marking and laying out;
storing and packing of goods and materials in accordance with appropriate procedures and/or regulations, preparation and receipt of appropriate documentation, allocating and retrieving goods from specific warehouse areas, basic VDU operation, periodic housekeeping and stock checks;
assisting in the on-the-job training of others up to this level in conjunction with skilled operators and supervisor.

Employee Level 4

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 3 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training. An employee at this level may have completed an AQF Certificate Level II or equivalent training qualification.

An employee at this Level will be capable of:

working to written instructions and issuing verbal instructions;
forward planning materials and equipment required for next job;
identifying quality variation by matching product against quality standard within own work area;
understanding of routine and preventive maintenance procedures and applies them in their work;
participating in and contributing to work group/team decision making, problem solving and team operating;
understanding the enterprise’s production processes and products and the administrative and organisational procedures as they relate to the immediate work area.

Indicative tasks at this level may include

  • machine setting, adjustment and operation on a variety of equipment;
  • applying OH&S practices, environmental protection procedures;
  • assisting in on-the-job training of others up to this level in conjunction with skilled adults and supervisors;
  • lubricating of production machinery equipment;
  • inventory and store/warehouse control including licensed operation of all appropriate materials handling equipment; use of tools and equipment within the warehouse, basic non-trades maintenance; VDU operation;
  • operating computer controlled system using intermediate keyboard skills as it relates to their work area;
  • maintaining established paper based filing/records system in accordance with set procedures including creating and indexing new files, distributing files within the organisation as requested, monitoring file locations.
Employee Level 5

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 4 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training. An employee at this level may have completed a trade certificate, AQF Certificate Level III or equivalent training qualification.

An employee at this Level will be capable of:

  • understanding the enerprise’s production process & products & administrataive & organisational procedures as they relate to the work area;
  • providing informal on-the-job training to the level of their training and skill;
  • identifying quality variations of products and/or materials in the production process for conformity with established production standards; making adjustments to maintain quality standards;
  • having a working knowledge of the routine and preventative maintenance procedures;
  • solving straight forward problems based on set procedures or factual information;
  • operating a computer-controlled system as an integral aspect of work to their level of training and accredited skill;
  • working under minimal supervision;
  • exercising discretion. Work is guided by general work processess and procedures;
  • being responsible for the work of others under their supervision;
  • being a member of and understanding operating guidelines of a work group/team;
  • working to written instructions and working to and issuing of verbal instructions;
  • understanding, and applying occupational health and safety and safe working practices and environmental protection in their own work area.
Indicative tasks at this level may include

  • setting, adjusting and operating a range of equipment in one of either pre-press, press or post-press areas;
  • having a sound knowledge of the employer’s operations as they relate to the production process;
  • understanding and applying computer techniques as they relate to production process operations;
  • making adjustments to maintain quality standards;
  • forwarding plans material and equipment for next job;
  • undertaking maintenance to the level of their training and accredited skill including lubrication, elementary diagnosis of faults, routine adjustments and reporting on worn or damaged parts;
  • high level stores and inventory responsibility beyond the requirements of an employee at level 4;
  • formatting complex documents including technical data, technical language, tables, graphics, design variable type face, produce documents requiring specific form or to comply with regulations or standards;
  • undertaking basic art and design to their level of training and accredited skill.
Employee Level 6

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 5 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training. An employee at this level may have completed a trade certificate, AQF Certificate Level III or equivalent training

An employee at this level will be capable of:

  • having a general knowledge of enterprise processes/procedures then impacting on their own area;
  • providing on-the-job training to the level of their training and accredited skill;
  • having knowledge of problem-solving techniques and procedures in their own area;
  • identifying quality variations of products and/or materials in the production process for conformity with established production standards;
  • making adjustments to maintain quality standards;
  • exercising limited discretion, work is guided by general work processes and procedures;
  • having a working knowledge of routine and preventive maintenance procedures;
  • undertaking maintenance procedures;
  • participating in, developing and implementing appropriate occupational health, safety and environmental protection practices in their area of work;
  • participating in and contributing to work/group team decision making, problem solving and team operation;
  • being responsible for the work of others under their supervision;
  • working under minimal supervision.
Indicative tasks at this level may include

  • set up and operation of machines of a complex nature in one of either the pre-press, press or post-press area;
  • forward planning materials and equipment for next job;
  • making adjustments to maintain quality standards;
  • providing trade guidance and assistance as part of a work team;
  • operating a computer controlled system as an integral aspect of work to their level of training and accredited skill;
  • undertaking maintenance procedures to the level of their training and skill including lubrication, elementary diagnosis of faults, routine adjustments and assists with the replacement of parts and equipment;
  • applying knowledge of desk-top publishing to integrate complex documents;
  • maintaining control registers including inventory control and being responsible for the preparation and reconciliation of regular reports and stock movement;
  • undertaking immediate art and design to their level of training and accredited skill.
Employee Level 7

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 6 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training. An employee at this level may have completed a trade certificate, AQF Certificate Level III or equivalent training

An employee at this level will be capable of:

  • having the skills and knowledge to set up and operate machines of a complex nature in one of either pre-press, press or post press areas. May have general knowledge of other functional areas impacting on their own;
  • having a thorough knowledge of enterprise’s processes and procedures impacting on own area;
  • working under minimal supervision either individually or in a team;
  • operating a computer controlled system as an integral aspect of work to their level of training and accredited skill;
  • undertaking routine and preventive maintenance to the level of their training and accredited skill;
  • participating in, developing and implementing appropriate occupational health and safety and environmental protection practices in their area of work;
  • co-ordinating work in a team environment;
  • identifying quality variations of products and/or materials in the production process for conformity with established production standards. Contributing to diagnosis of quality variations and making adjustments to maintain quality standards.
Indicative tasks at this level may include

  • set up, adjustment and operating of machines of a complex nature in one of either pre-press, press or post-press areas;
  • providing trade guidance and assisting as part of a work team;
  • assisting in the provision of training in conjunction with supervisors and trainers;
  • removing and replacing specific assemblies in immediate work area;
  • allocating tasks to team members in order to meet planned production requirement and being responsible for the work of others under their supervision;
  • evaluating usefulness or applicability of software programs (using existing software programs) and recommending solutions to meet new or different application requirements;
  • undertaking complex art and design to their level of training and accredited skill.
Employee Level 8

An employee at this level performs work above the skills of an employee at Level 7 to the level of his/her competence, skill and training. An employee at this level may have completed a trade certificate, AQF Certificate Level IV or equivalent training

An employee at this level will be capable of:

  • having a thorough knowledge of production processes and procedures in own area and general knowledge of downline processes;
  • working under minimal supervision and demonstrating a high level of proficiency;
  • undertaking routine production scheduling and materials handling within the scope of their area of work to maintain planned productin requirements;
  • monitoring, evaluating and reporting quality variations within a broad work area;
  • having a knowledge of process problem solving techniques and procedures and exercising initiative and judgement in solving day to day operational problems;
  • exercising considerable discretion. Work is guided by a company precedents and policies. Work procedures may be adopted to meet production requirements;
  • operating a computer controlled system as an integral aspect of routine work to their level of training and accredited skill;
  • undertaking routine and preventative maintenance to the level of their training and accredited skill.
  • removing and replacing assemblies/sub assemblies to carry out cleaning and inspection of parts;
  • participating in, developing and implementing appropriate occupational health and safety practices in the area of work. Encouraging staff under their supervision to accept and enforce safety requirements;
  • providing technical guidance and assistance to work teams;
  • providing on-the-job training in conjunction with supervisors and/or trainers;
  • being responsible for the work of others under their supervision and has undertaken supervisory training.
Indicative tasks at this level may include

  • exercising high precision trade skills;
  • exercising intermediate CAD/CAM skills in the performance of routine modifications to programs;
  • creating or producing original design roughs or finished artwork from employer or clients’ instructions, either manually or by computer;
  • liaising and advising internal customers and employees outside the work team;
  • operating/co-ordinating a group of computers such as a small multi-user system or a large group of personal computers which may include operating a help desk;
  • participating in problem solving techniques and procedures and exercising initiative and judgement in solving day to day operational problems.
5.1.1(d) DEFINITIONS :

The following definitions apply for the purposes of Part 5 of the Award.

5.1.1(d)(i) “Or equivalent” means a qualification which has been recognised by an Industry Skills Council or a Federal or State Training Authority which is genuinely equivalent to a qualification within the Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package (ICP05).

5.1.1(d)(ii) “AQF” means the Australian Qualifications Framework.

5.1.1(d)(iii) “Training Package” means the Printing and Graphic Arts Industry Training Package (ICP05).

5.1.1(d)(iv) “Another nationally endorsed training package” means Training Packages other than the Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package (ICP05) that are endorsed by an Industry Skills Council or a Federal or State Training Authority.

5.1.1(e) TRAINING

5.1.1(e)(i) The parties to this award recognise that in order to increase the efficiency, productivity and international competitiveness of industry, a greater commitment to training and skill development is required. Accordingly, the parties commit themselves to :

(A) developing a more highly skilled and flexible workforce;

(B) providing employees with career opportunities through appropriate training to acquire additional skills; and

(C) removing barriers to the utilisation of skill acquired.

5.1.1(e)(ii) Following proper consultation in accordance with clause 3.1 which may include the establishment of a training committee, an employer shall develop a training programme consistent with :

(A) the current and future skills needs of the enterprise;

(B) the size, structure and nature of the operations of the enterprise;

(C) the need to develop vocational skills relevant to the enterprise and the printing industry which include courses conducted by accredited educational institutions and providers.

5.1.1(e)(iii) Where it is agreed a training committee be established, that training committee should be constituted by equal numbers of employer and employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities, for example:

(A) formulation of a training programme and availability of training courses and career opportunities to employees;

(B) dissemination of information on the training programme and availability of training courses and career opportunities to employees;

(C) the recommending of individual employees for training and reclassification;

(D) monitoring and advising management and employees on the ongoing effectiveness of the training.

5.1.1(e)(iv)(A) Where, as a result of consultation in accordance with Clause 3.1 and with the employee concerned, it is agreed that additional training in accordance with the programme developed pursuant to sub-clause (e)(ii) herein should be undertaken by an employee, that training may be undertaken either on or off the job. If the training is undertaken during ordinary working hours the employee concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay. This shall not prevent the employer and employee(s) agreeing to paid leave for other relevant training.

(B) Where an employee does not meet the requirements for their current classification level they must undertake training, where required by the employer, to enable him or her to carry out the full range of required tasks at their classification. The training may be undertaken either on or off the job. If the training is undertaken during ordinary working hours the employee concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay.

(C) Any costs associated with standard fees for prescribed courses and prescribed textbooks (excluding those textbooks which are available in the employer's technical library) incurred in connection with the undertaking of training shall be reimbursed by the employer upon production of evidence of such expenditure. Provided that reimbursement shall also be on an annual basis subject to the presentation of reports of satisfactory progress.

(D) Travel costs incurred by an employee undertaking training in accordance with this clause which exceed those normally incurred in travelling to and from work shall be reimbursed by the employer.

5.1.1(e)(v) Any disputes arising in relation to these subclauses are subject to the provisions of Clause 3.2 - Dispute Settlement, of Part 3 of this award.

5.1.2 Junior wages

5.1.2(a) Junior (other than a Junior Artist and/or Designer or a Junior Keyboard Operator/Assembler) not being an Apprentice

Where the work is performed by a junior (other than a junior artist and/or designer or a junior keyboard operator/assembler) not being an apprentice, the minimum award rate of wage will be the undermentioned percentages of the wage of an employee working at the wage prescribed for group level 2 for the area in which they are employed:


under 16 years of age
between 16 and 17 years of age
between 17 and 18 years of age
between 18 and 19 years of age
between 19 and 20 years of age
between 20 and 21 years of age

5.1.2(b) Junior keyboard operator/assembler

The minimum rate of wage payable to a junior employed as a keyboard operator/assembler will be the award rate of wage prescribed for group level 4 for the area in which they are employed.

5.1.2(c) Junior artist and/or designer (Including junior commercial artist)

5.1.2(c)(i) Wages

Where the work is performed by a junior artist and/or designer (including a junior commercial artist) the minimum rates of wages will be the percentage set out below of the wage of an employee working at the rate prescribed for group level 4 of this award for the area in which they are employed:


under 17 years of age
between 17 and 18 years of age
between 18 and 19 years of age
between 19 and 20 years of age
between 20 and 21 years of age

5.1.2(c)(ii) Attendance at accredited training provider

On the production by the junior artist of a certificate from the accredited training provider showing that the junior artist has given satisfactory attention to the course then there will be no deduction from the junior artist's pay for the time of absence.

5.1.2(c)(iii) Fees

The fees of the training provider must be paid by the employer (unless paid by the State or Territory government).

5.1.2(d) Duties of juniors under specified conditions

5.1.2(d)(i) No junior under the age of eighteen years, unless an apprentice, will be employed on a casting machine.

5.1.2(d)(ii) An employer must not permit or require an employee under the age of eighteen years to be employed on a power driven guillotine (unless an apprentice under contract as provided in 5.1.3 of this award) or a platen or cylinder machine used for carton cutting.

5.1.2(d)(iii) Juniors undergoing training in their work must be provided with qualified adult supervision.

5.1.2(e) Juniors employed in screen printing

Subject to 5.1.2(d)(iii), where the dimensions of a piece of printed matter:

5.1.2(e)(i) Exceed 300 millimetres by 600 millimetres (twelve inches by 24 inches), an adult employee or an apprentice to screen printing stencil preparation must be employed on the same printing frame as any non-apprenticed junior on the printing (including racking) of such printed matter.

5.1.2(e)(ii) Do not exceed 300 millimetres (twelve inches) by 600 millimetres (24 inches), a non apprenticed junior may be employed alone in the printing (including racking) of such printed matter.

5.1.2(e)(iii) A non-apprenticed junior must not be employed in or in connection with the work of transfers other than racking.

5.1.2(f) Juniors employed on small-offset lithographic printing machines

Juniors employed on small offset printing machines will be supervised by a qualified adult.

5.1.3 Apprenticeships

[5.1.3 Other than the state of South Australia clause 5.1.3 will take effect from 01Feb00 and operate for a period of twelve months. The clause will apply to apprentices indentured pursuant to the Graphic Arts General Interim Award 1995 from 31Mar00. Clause 5.1.3 will take effect in South Australia from 31Mar00 and operate for a period of six months]

5.1.3(a) The terms of this award will apply to apprentices, including adult apprentices, except where it is otherwise stated or where special provisions are stated to apply. Apprentices may be engaged in trades or occupations provided for in this clause where declared or recognised by an apprenticeship authority.

Subject to appropriate state or territory legislation an employer must not employ an unapprenticed junior in a trade or occupation provided for in this clause.

5.1.3(b) Operation of State or Territory laws

In any state or territory in which any statute or regulation relating to apprentices is in force, that statute and regulation will operate in that state or territory provided that the provisions of the statute or regulation are not inconsistent with this award in which case the provisions of this award will apply.

5.1.3(c) Training Packages and Trades

5.1.3(c)(i) Where it is consistent with state or territory legislation, an apprentice may be engaged under a Training Agreement approved by an Apprenticeship Authority, provided the qualification outcome specified in the Training Agreement is consistent with that established for apprenticeship in the trade training package determined from time to time by the National Printing Industry Training Council and endorsed by the National Training Framework Committee.

5.1.3(c)(ii) Subject to subclause 5.1.3(a) an apprenticeship may be undertaken in any of the following trades:

  • Graphic Pre Press
  • Printing Machining
  • Binding and Finishing
  • Screen Printing Stencil Preparation
5.1.3(d) Apprenticeship authority means:

5.1.3(d)(i) In New South Wales the Commissioner of Vocational Training appointed under the Industrial and Commercial Training Act 1989, the Vocational Training Board constituted under the Act or the Industrial Relations Commission established by the Industrial Relations Act 1996.

5.1.3(d)(ii) In Victoria the State Training Board of Victoria.

5.1.3(d)(iii) In Queensland the State Training Council of the State of Queensland Vocational Education, Training and Employment Commission.

5.1.3(d)(iv) In South Australia the Accreditation and Registration Council.

5.1.3(d)(v) In Tasmania the Training Authority of Tasmania.

5.1.3(d)(vi) In Western Australia the State Training Board.

[5.1.3(d)(v) renumbered as 5.1.3(d)(vii) by S5318 from 01Feb00]

5.1.3(d)(vii) In the Australian Capital Territory the Vocational Education and Training Authority.

[5.1.3(d)(vi) renumbered as 5.1.3(d)(viii) by S5318 from 01Feb00]

5.1.3(d)(viii) In the Northern Territory the Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority.

5.1.3(e) In order to undertake trade training in accordance with 5.1.3(c) a person must be a party to a contract of apprenticeship or a training agreement in accordance with the requirements of the Apprenticeship Authority or State or Territory legislation. The employer will provide and/or provide access to, training consistent with the contract or training agreement without loss of pay.

5.1.3(f) An apprenticeship may be cancelled or suspended only in accordance with the requirements of the contract of apprenticeship or training agreement and the requirements of State or Territory legislation and the Apprenticeship Authority.

5.1.3(g) The probationary period of an apprentice will be as set out in the training agreement or contract of apprenticeship consistent with the requirement of the apprenticeship authority and with State or Territory legislation but will not exceed six months.

5.1.3(h) Apprentices attending technical colleges or schools or registered training organisations or TAFE and presenting reports of satisfactory conduct will be reimbursed all fees paid by them.

5.1.3(i) Except as provided in this clause or where otherwise stated all conditions of employment specified in the award will apply to apprentices. Notice of termination and redundancy provisions will not apply to apprentices.

5.1.3(j) Period of Apprenticeship

5.1.3(j)(i) The period of apprenticeship will be four years.

5.1.3(j)(ii) The period may be varied to such other period as is approved by an apprenticeship authority provided that any credits granted will be counted as part of the apprenticeship for the purpose of wage progression under clause 5.1.

5.1.3(j)(iii) Further the period may be varied to such other period as is approved by an apprenticeship authority on the basis of:

5.1.3(j)(iii)(A) an approved competency based training program;

5.1.3(j)(iii)(B) an approved Graphic Arts Pre Vocational Course.

5.1.3(k) No apprentice under the age of 17 years will be required to work overtime before 7.00am or later than 9.00pm on any working day.

5.1.3(l) Release for Training

5.1.3(l)(i) An apprentice who is engaged in day release training may only be employed on day work.

[5.1.3(l)(ii) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

5.1.3(l)(ii) An apprentice who is engaged on block release training may only be employed on day work except where an apprentice is engaged on block release training and who has completed 3 years block release training and 3 years of the apprenticeship when the apprentice may be employed on day work or shift work.

5.1.3(l)(iii) Despite (i) & (ii) an apprentice who is engaged on block release training and who is aged 18 years or more may agree to be employed on morning or afternoon shift except during periods of attendance on block release training. This agreement is not subject to 2.3.

5.1.3(m) Apprentice Rates of Pay

5.1.3(m)(i) An apprentice will not be entitled to a higher rate of pay until the apprentice has worked for a period of twelve months.

5.1.3(m)(ii) Absences due to annual leave and paid sick leave will be counted as part of the twelve month period.

5.1.3(m)(iii) At the request of the apprentice:-

5.1.3(m)(iii)(A) Any time that has been worked by the apprentice in excess of their ordinary hours will be credited to the apprentice in reduction of the time that needs to be worked in the relevant year; or

[5.1.3(m)(iv)(B) renumbered as 5.1.3(m)(iii)(B) by S2976 from 01Feb00]

5.1.3(m)(iii)(B) Any time that has been worked by the apprentice in excess of their ordinary hours will be credited to the apprentice when calculating the amount of additional time that needs to be worked in the relevant year.

5.1.3(m)(iv) The period of the apprenticeship cannot be reduced by the operation of 5.1.3(m)(iii).

5.1.3(n)(i) Wages of Apprentices (other than Adult Apprentices)

[5.1.3(n)(i) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

Where the work is performed by an apprentice (other than an adult apprentice), the minimum rate of wages will be the percentage set out below of the wage of a tradesperson working at the rate prescribed for group level 5 of this award in the area in which the apprentice is employed:

First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year

5.1.3(n)(ii) Proficiency Payments

If the apprentice attains a standard approved by State or Territory accredited training provider, the apprentice must receive, in addition to the prescribed weekly wage, a weekly amount calculated on the following percentages of the appropriate rate prescribed for skill level 5 at 5.1.1(a).

5.1.3(n)(ii)(A) For the first annual examination passed at that standard 86%.

5.1.3(n)(ii)(B) For the second annual examination passed at that standard, instead of the percentage prescribed in 5.1.3(n)(ii)(A), 1.72%.

5.1.3(n)(ii)(C) For the third annual examination passed at that standard, instead of the percentage prescribed in 5.1.3(n)(ii)(B), 2.58%.

The apprentice will receive such additional amount on and from the beginning of the first pay period commencing in January following the examination. Where an apprentice is unable to sit for an annual examination because of personal illness or injury and then satisfactorily passes a deferred examination, the relevant additional amount will be payable to the apprentice on and from the first pay day after the date on which the results of that deferred examination are published.

5.1.3(n)(iii) Where State or Territory vocational training legislation provides for proficiency payments to be paid to an apprentice then those provisions will apply in substitution for the amounts in 5.1.3(n)(ii).

5.1.3(n)(iv) Proficiency payments are not payable to adult apprentices.

5.1.3(o) Adult Apprentices

5.1.3(o)(i) Where a person was employed by an employer in the printing industry immediately before becoming an adult apprentice with that employer, such person must not suffer a reduction in actual rate of pay by virtue of becoming indentured.

5.1.3(o)(ii) Subject to 5.1.3(o)(i), the minimum wages of on adult apprentice, including the wages of probationers for apprenticeship, will be the percentage set out below of the wage of an employee working at the rate prescribed for group level 5 for the area in which they are employed:

first year
second year
third year
fourth year

Where an adult apprentice has been adjudged by the Apprenticeship Authority in accordance with the requirements of the State or Territory legislation to have gained sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge the apprentice will be deemed, for the purposes of calculating the appropriate wage rate, to have completed the period advanced.

5.1.3(o)(iii)(A) An adult apprentice who is engaged on day release training may only be employed on day work during their periods of attendance at day release.

5.1.3(o)(iii)(B) An adult apprentice who is engaged on block release training may be employed on day work or shift work.

5.1.4 Transition provisions for apprentices

[5.1.4 Other than the state of South Australia clause 5.1.4 will take effect from 01Feb00 and operate for a period of twelve months. The clause will apply to apprentices indentured pursuant to the Graphic Arts General Interim Award 1995 from 31Mar00. Clause 5.1.4 will take effect in South Australia from 31Mar00 and operate for a period of six months]

Any person engaged as an apprentice under the Graphic Arts – General (Interim) Award 1995 at the date this award commenced operation will be regarded as an apprentice for all purposes of this award until the completion or cancellation of the apprenticeship contract.


[5.1.4A inserted by PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]

5.1.4A.1 This clause shall apply to school-based apprentices. A school-based apprentice is a person who is undertaking an apprenticeship in accordance with this clause while also undertaking a course of secondary education.

5.1.4A.2 The hourly rates for full-time junior and adult apprentices as set out in this award shall apply to school-based apprentices for total hours worked including time deemed to be spent in off-the-job training.

5.1.4A.3 For the purposes of 5.1.4A.2 above, where an apprentice is a full-time school student, the time spent in off-the-job training for which the apprentice is paid is deemed to be 25% of the actual hours each week worked on-the-job. The wages paid for training time may be averaged over a semester or year.

5.1.4A.4 The school-based apprentice shall be allowed, over the duration of the apprenticeship, the same amount of time to attend off-the-job training as an equivalent full-time apprentice.

5.1.4A.5 For the purposes of this clause, off-the-job training is structured training delivered by a Registered Training Organisation separate from normal work duties or general supervised practice undertaken on the job.

5.1.4A.6 The duration of the apprenticeship shall be as specified in the training agreement or contract for each apprentice. The period so specified to which the apprentice wage rates apply shall not exceed six years.

5.1.4A.7 School-based apprentices shall progress through the wage scale at the rate of 12 months progression for each two years of employment as an apprentice.

5.1.4A.8 These rates are based on a standard full-time apprenticeship of four years. The rate of progression reflects the average rate of skill acquisition expected from the typical combination of work and training for a school-based apprentice undertaking the applicable apprenticeship.

5.1.4A.9 Where an apprentice converts from school-based to full-time, all time spent as a full-time apprentice shall count for the purposes of progression through the wage scale. This progression shall apply in addition to the progression achieved as a school-based apprentice.

5.1.4A.10 School-based apprentices shall be entitled pro rata to all of the conditions of employees under this award.

5.1.5 Trainees

The terms of the National Training Wage Award 1994, as varied, will apply to traineeships under this subclause subject to the following provisions:

[5.1.5(a) substituted by PR919371 ppc 24Jun02]

5.1.5(a) This clause applies to Traineeship Agreements for the following:

Small Offset Printing Traineeship
Certificate 2
Printing Production Support Traineeship
Certificate 2
Print Design Traineeship
Certificate 2
Graphic Arts and Services Traineeship
Certificate 2
Mailhouse Operations Traineeship
Certificate 2
Packaging, Fibreboard and Carton Manufacture Traineeship
Certificate 2
Screen Printing Traineeship
Certificate 2
Desktop Publishing Traineeship
Certificate 2
Packaging, Fibreboard and Carton Manufacture Traineeship
Certificate 3
Mailhouse Operations Traineeship
Certificate 3
Multi Media Traineeship
Certificate 3

5.1.5(b) Traineeship agreement means an agreement made subject to the terms of the National Training Wage Award 1994 between an Employer and the Trainee for a Traineeship and which is registered with the relevant State or Territory Training Authority, or the provisions of the appropriate State or Territory legislation. A Traineeship Agreement will be made in accordance with the relevant approved Traineeship scheme and will not operate unless this condition is met.

5.1.5(c) Traineeship wages

The weekly wages payable to Trainees will be the same as provided in the National Training Wage Award 1994 for work defined at industry/skill level B.

5.1.6 Employees eligible for a supported wage

5.1.6(a) This subclause defines the conditions which will apply to employees who because of the effects of a disability are eligible for a supported wage under the terms of this award. In the context of this subclause, the following definitions will apply:

5.1.6(a)(i) Supported wage system means the Commonwealth Government system to promote employment for people who cannot work at full award wages because of a disability, as documented in Supported Wage System: Guidelines and Assessment Process.

5.1.6(a)(ii) Accredited assessor means a person accredited by the managing unit established by the Commonwealth under the supported wage system to perform assessments of an individual's productive capacity within the supported wage system.

5.1.6(a)(iii) Disability support pension means the Commonwealth pension scheme to provide income security for persons with a disability as provided for under the Social Security Act 1991, as amended from time to time, or any successor to that scheme.

5.1.6(a)(iv) Assessment instrument means the form provided for under the supported wage system that records the assessment of the productive capacity of the person to be employed under the supported wage system.

5.1.6(b) Eligibility criteria

5.1.6(b)(i) Employees covered by this subclause will be those who are unable to perform the range of duties to the competence level required within the class of work for which the employee is engaged under this award, because of the effects of a disability on their productive capacity and who meet the impairment criteria test for a disability support pension.

5.1.6(b)(ii) The subclause does not apply to any existing employee who has a claim against the employer which is subject to the provisions of workers' compensation legislation or any provision of this award relating to the rehabilitation of employees who are injured in the course of their employment.

5.1.6(b)(iii) The subclause also does not apply to employers in respect of their facility, programme, undertaking, service or the like which receives funding under the Disability Services Act 1986 and fulfils the dual role of service provider and sheltered employer to people with disabilities who are in receipt of or are eligible for a disability support pension, except with respect to an organisation which has received recognition under s.10 or s.12A of the Disability Services Act 1986, or if a part only has received recognition, that part.

5.1.6(c) Supported wage rates

5.1.6(c)(i) Employees to whom this subclause applies will be paid the applicable percentage of the minimum rate of pay prescribed by this award for the class of work which the person is performing according to the following schedule:

Assessed capacity (5.1.6(d))
% of prescribed award rate

10% *

[5.1.6(c)(ii) varied by S8770 PR906932 PR919042 PR936338; (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05); varied by PR959585; PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]

5.1.6(c)(ii) Provided that the minimum amount payable will be not less than $64.00 per week.

5.1.6(c)(iii) * Where a person's assessed capacity is 10%, they must receive a high degree of assistance and support.

5.1.6(d) Assessment of capacity

For the purpose of establishing the percentage of the award rate to be paid to an employee under this award, the productive capacity of the employee will be assessed in accordance with the supported wage system and documented in an assessment instrument by either:

5.1.6(d)(i) the employer and the union in consultation with the employee or, if desired by any of these; or

5.1.6(d)(ii) the employer and an accredited assessor from a panel agreed by the parties to the award and the employee.

5.1.6(e) Lodgement of assessment.

[5.1.6(e) substituted by PR919371 ppc 24Jun02]

All assessment instruments shall be agreed and signed by the parties to the assessment, provided that where the union is not a party to the assessment, it shall be referred by the Registrar to the union by certified mail and shall take effect unless an objection is notified to the Registrar within 10 working days.

5.1.6(f) Review of assessment

The assessment of the applicable percentage should be subject to annual review or earlier on the basis of a reasonable request for such a review. The process of review will be in accordance with the procedures for assessing capacity under the supported wage system.

5.1.6(g) Other terms and conditions of employment

Where an assessment has been made, the applicable percentage will apply to the wage rate only. Employees covered by the provisions of the clause will be entitled to the same terms and conditions of employment as all other workers covered by this award paid on a pro rata basis.

5.1.6(h) Workplace adjustment

An employer wishing to employ a person under the provisions of this clause will take reasonable steps to make changes in the workplace to enhance the employee's capacity to do the job. Changes may involve re-design of job duties, working time arrangements and work organisation in consultation with other workers in the area.

5.1.6(i) Trial period

5.1.6(i)(i) In order for an adequate assessment of the employee's capacity to be made, an employer may employ a person under the provisions of this clause for a trial period not exceeding twelve weeks, except that in some cases additional work adjustment time (not exceeding four weeks) may be needed.

5.1.6(i)(ii) During that trial period the assessment of capacity will be undertaken and the proposed wage rate for a continuing employment relationship will be determined.

[5.1.6(i)(iii) varied by S8770 PR906932 PR919042 PR936338; (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05); varied by PR959585; PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]

5.1.6(i)(iii) The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period will be no less than $64.00 per week.

5.1.6(i)(iv) Work trials should include induction or training as appropriate to the job being trialed.

5.1.6(i)(v) Where the employer and employee wish to establish a continuing employment relationship following the completion of the trial period, a further contract of employment will be entered into based on the outcome of assessment under 5.1.6(d).

5.1.7 Calculation of rates

The rate prescribed for all employees paid in accordance with the provisions of 5.1.1 to 5.1.6 will be calculated in multiples of ten cents, amounts less than five cents being taken to the lower multiple and amounts of five cents or more being taken to the higher multiple.


[5.1A inserted by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05 (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05)]

5.1A.1 Clause 5.1A of this award contains the following transitional rates of pay and allowances for employers in the state of Victoria who were previously not bound by this award, but are now subject to the award by virtue of the award having been declared a common rule under s.141 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996.

5.1A.2 These rates of pay and allowances apply only until 31 July 2005.

5.1A.3 Rate of Wage - Adult Employees (clause 5.1.1(a))

Adult employees must be paid the following minimum weekly wages:

Group level
Weekly minimum award rate



5.1A.4 Supported Wage (clause 5.1.6)

5.1A.4(a) Provided that the minimum amount payable will be not less than $60.00 per week.

5.1A.4(b) The minimum amount payable to the employee during the trial period will be no less than $60.00 per week.

5.1A.5 Allowances (clause 5.2)

In addition to the wages payable in accordance with 5.1A.3 – Rate of Wage - Adult Employees, the following allowances are payable:

5.1A.5(a) Bronzing and dusting off (clause 5.2.1)

Each employee employed on bronzing or dusting-off by hand will be paid 26.3 cents an hour in addition to any other money payable to that employee under this award.

5.1A.5(b) First aid allowance (clause 5.2.2)

A person appointed as a first aid attendant will be paid an allowance of $11.40 per week to render first aid when needed. An employee will be qualified to be appointed as a first aid attendant if the employee holds a current First Aid Certificate from the St. John Ambulance or similar body. The provisions of this sub-clause will not apply where the employer employs a nurse or other medically trained person.

5.1A.5(c) Meal allowance (clause 5.2.3)

A meal allowance of $9.70 is payable where:

5.1A.5(c)(i) An employee or an adult apprentice (other than a junior or an apprentice) is required to work overtime for more than one and a half hours without being notified on the previous day or earlier that the employee will be required to work; or

5.1A.5(c)(ii) An employee or an adult apprentice (other than a junior or an apprentice) who has been so notified of such overtime and then is not required to work such overtime; or

5.1A.5(c)(iii) A junior or an apprentice (other than adult apprentice) is required to work overtime for more than one and a half hours; or

5.1A.5(c)(iv) An employee works overtime for three hours after the employee’s ordinary finishing time and does not take a meal break in accordance with 6.4.6(b); or

5.1A.5(c)(v) For each subsequent meal break in accordance with 6.4.6 when working overtime.


In addition to the wages payable in accordance with 5.1 - Wage rates and classification structure, the following allowances are payable:

5.2.1 Bronzing and dusting off

[5.2.1 varied by S8770 PR905398; corrected by PR905596; varied by PR919042; corrected by PR919385; varied by PR932719; PR947302; (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05); varied by PR959585; PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]

Each employee employed on bronzing or dusting-off by hand will be paid 28.4 cents an hour in addition to any other money payable to that employee under this award.

5.2.2 First aid allowance

[5.2.2 varied by S8770 PR905398 PR919042 PR932719 PR947302; (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05); varied by PR959585; PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]

A person appointed as a first aid attendant will be paid an allowance of $12.31 per week to render first aid when needed. An employee will be qualified to be appointed as a first aid attendant if the employee holds a current First Aid Certificate from the St. John Ambulance or similar body. The provisions of this sub-clause will not apply where the employer employs a nurse or other medically trained person.

5.2.3 Meal allowance

[5.2.3 varied by S8770 PR905398 PR919042 PR932719 PR947302; (PR959129 cancelled and replaced by PR959585 ppc 07Jun05); varied by PR959585; PR975184 ppc 01Dec06]

A meal allowance of $10.44 is payable where:

[5.2.3(a) varied by S4010 from 01Feb00]

5.2.3(a) An employee or an adult apprentice (other than a junior or an apprentice) is required to work overtime for more than one and a half hours without being notified on the previous day or earlier that the employee will be so required to work; or

[5.2.3(b) varied by S4010 from 01Feb00]

5.2.3(b) An employee or an adult apprentice (other than a junior or an apprentice) who has been so notified of such overtime and then is not required to work such overtime; or

5.2.3(c) A junior or an apprentice (other than an adult apprentice)is required to work overtime for more than one and a half hours; or

5.2.3(d) An employee works overtime for three hours after the employee’s ordinary finishing time and does not take a meal break in accordance with 6.4.6(b); or

5.2.3(e) For each subsequent meal break in accordance with 6.4.6 when working overtime.

5.2.4 Protective clothing

The employer will reimburse employees for the purchase of appropriate protective clothing in accordance with this subclause and Appendix D - Protective clothing. This subclause will not apply where the employer provides the appropriate protective clothing.

5.2.5 Uniforms and overalls

Should an employer require an employee to wear any uniform or overall (other than that specified in 5.2.4) the employer will reimburse the employee for the cost of purchasing or maintaining the uniform or overall. Should the employer fail to reimburse the employee, the employer will provide, maintain and clean such uniform in good repair without cost to the employee.

5.2.6 Employee missing usual transport

5.2.6(a) Whenever the finishing time of any employee working overtime or working on any temporary shift work is such as to cause the employee to miss the usual means of transport home and there is no reasonable alternative transport available the employee will be conveyed home in a suitable manner, without delay, at the expense of the employer.

5.2.6(b) In the event of transport as required by this subclause not being provided by the employer, the appropriate overtime rates will be paid for the time necessarily occupied by the employee in reaching home.


5.3.1 Wages will be paid on any weekday in each week and such wages, including payment for any absences authorised by this award, will be paid not later than two clear days after the end of the pay week in respect of which they have become due provided that overtime worked within one day of the end of a pay period may be paid to the employee in the next pay period.

5.3.2 In the case of an employee whose ordinary hours of work are arranged so that the employee works a constant number of hours each week, wages will be paid according to the actual ordinary hours worked each week. In the case of an employee whose ordinary hours of work are arranged so that the employee works an average number of ordinary hours each week during a particular work cycle, wages will be paid according to a weekly average of ordinary hours worked even though more or less than 38 ordinary hours may be worked in a particular week of the work cycle.

5.3.3 Wages will be paid in cash, cheque or electronic transfer (as determined by the employer) provided that wages made by electronic funds transfer will be credited to an employee's bank or financial institution account without cost to the employee at the time of transfer.

5.3.4 If an employee is paid wages by cash and wages are not paid within ordinary working hours, time and one half will be paid for all non working time during which an employee is kept waiting for payment of wages except where the delay is beyond the employer's control.

5.3.5 Payment on termination

If an employee's employment is terminated during the course of a week, the employee will at termination of their employment be paid all monies due to them. Where an employee is dismissed without notice all monies due are to be forwarded to the employee by post within 24 hours of the termination. Where monies are not posted within 24 hours of the termination, the employer will pay for each working day the employer fails to forward the monies to the employee a full days pay.

5.3.6 Employees whose rostered day off falls on payday will be paid their wages no later than the employee's ordinary working day immediately following pay day. Provided that, where the employee is able to make suitable arrangements, wages may be paid on the working day preceding payday. This provision does not apply to employees paid by electronic funds transfer.


6.1.1 Ordinary hours of work - day work employees

6.1.1(a) Spread of hours

6.1.1(a)(i) The ordinary hours of work are to be worked continuously, except for meal breaks, at the discretion of the employer, in the spread of hours between 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. However, the ordinary hours of work for employees engaged to clean the premises or attend to heating apparatus for the machines or buildings may be between the hours of 6.30 a.m. and 6 p.m.

6.1.1(a)(ii) The daily spread of hours may be altered by up to one hour at one end of the spread (but not both) by agreement between an employer and the majority of employees affected. This is subject to Level 2 Facilitation. Provided that where agreement has been reached with the majority of employees in the workplace or section or sections of it, the employer may not implement the agreement unless agreement has been reached with each individual employee to be covered by the facilitative provision.

6.1.1(a)(iii) The daily spread of hours may be altered by up to one hour at one end of the spread (but not both), by agreement between the employer and an individual employee. This agreement is subject to Level 2 Facilitation and may:

6.1.1(a)(iii)(A) only be accessed where no majority agreement has been reached,

6.1.1(a)(iii)(B) only be implemented in respect of individual employees who have reached agreement; and

6.1.1(a)(iii)(C) the agreement is only with an individual employee or a number of individuals less than the majority in the workplace or section or sections of it.

6.1.1(b) Ordinary hours

6.1.1(b)(i) The ordinary hours of work for day work will not exceed an average of 38 per week.

6.1.1(b)(ii) The ordinary hours of work for day work will not exceed 8.75 hours per day.

6.1.1(b)(iii) Despite 6.1.1(b)(ii), the ordinary hours of work for day work may exceed 8.75 hours and up to ten hours per day by agreement between the employer and the majority of employees. This is subject to Level 1 facilitation.

6.1.1(b)(iv) By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees, an employee may work ordinary hours in excess of ten hours and up to twelve hours. An agreement to work more than 10 hours and less than 12 hours will be subject to Level 3 facilitation. Where twelve ordinary hours are introduced on any day, the agreement is subject to Level 3 Facilitation and 6.1.4(f).

6.1.1(c) Work cycles

[6.1.1(c) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

The ordinary hours of work are to be worked over a cycle which does not exceed 152 hours in 28 days. By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees affected, a roster system may operate on the basis of a weekly average of 38 ordinary hours over a period which does not exceed five months. This is subject to Level 2 Facilitation.

6.1.1(d) Days on which ordinary hours are worked

6.1.1(d)(i) The ordinary hours of work may be worked on any day Monday to Friday inclusive. The days on which ordinary hours are worked may include Saturday and Sunday by agreement between the employer and the majority of employees affected. This is subject to Level 3 Facilitation.

6.1.1(d)(ii) Where agreement has been reached under 6.1.1(d)(i) to work ordinary hours on a Saturday or Sunday, double time will be paid for all work done on Saturday or Sunday (as defined).

[6.1.1(d)(ii)(A) deleted by S4010 from 01Feb00]

[6.1.1(d)(ii)(B) deleted by S4010 from 01Feb00]

6.1.1(e) An employee under seventeen years of age must be employed only on day work.

6.1.2 Ordinary hours of work - other than continuous shiftwork employees

6.1.2(a) Ordinary hours and work cycles

6.1.2(a)(i) The ordinary hours for non-continuous shift work must not exceed an average of 38 per week.

6.1.2(a)(ii) The ordinary hours of shift work employees not on continuous shift work will not exceed 8.75 hours per shift.

6.1.2(a)(iii) Despite 6.1.2(a)(ii), the ordinary hours of shift work employees not on continuous shift work may exceed 8.75 hours per shift and up to ten hours per shift by agreement between the employer and the majority of employees. This is subject to Level 1 Facilitation.

6.1.2(a)(iv) By agreement between the employer and a majority of employees, an employee may work ordinary hours of non continuous shift work in excess of ten hours and up to twelve hours. An agreement to work more than 10 hours and less than 12 hours will be subject to Level 3 faciliation. Where twelve ordinary hours are introduced on any shift, the agreement is subject to Level 3 Facilitation and 6.1.4(f).

6.1.2(b) By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees affected, a roster system may operate on the basis that the weekly average of up to 38 ordinary hours is allowed over a period which exceeds 28 consecutive days but which does not exceed twelve months. This is subject to Level 2 Facilitation.

6.1.2(c) Days on which ordinary hours are worked

The ordinary hours of work are to be worked continuously, except for meal breaks. The ordinary hours of work may be worked on any day Monday to Friday inclusive, provided that ordinary hours commencing on a Friday may continue into the Saturday for the remaining ordinary hours of work without the payment of double time.

6.1.2(d) Ordinary hours on Saturday or Sunday

6.1.2(d)(i) By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees affected, the days on which ordinary hours are worked may include Saturday and Sunday. This is subject to Level 3 Facilitation.

6.1.2(d)(ii) Where agreement has been reached under 6.1.2(d)(i) to work ordinary hours on a Saturday or Sunday, the following rates will be paid for all ordinary work done on a Saturday or Sunday (as defined):

Afternoon or morning shift
Night shift (except as defined in 6.2.3(b))
Fixed night shift (as defined in 6.2.3(b))

[6.1.2(d)(iii)(A) inserted by S4010 from 01Feb00]

6.1.2(d)(iii)(A) Except as provided for in 6.4.3(c), where ordinary time is worked on a Saturday or Sunday and overtime is continuous with such work, the above rates will apply to the overtime work.

[6.1.2(d)(iii)(B) inserted by S4010 from 01Feb00]

6.1.2(d)(iii)(B) The above rates are in substitution for an not cumulative on the shift allowances prescribed in 6.2.3 and the overtime penalties in 6.4.

6.1.3 Ordinary hours of work - continuous shift work employees

6.1.3(a) Continuous shiftwork means work carried on with consecutive shifts of employees throughout the 24 hours of each day without interruption except during breakdowns or meal breaks or due to unavoidable causes beyond the control of the employer.

6.1.3(b) Ordinary hours and work cycles

6.1.3(b)(i) The ordinary hours of continuous shiftwork employees are to average 38 hours per week and must not exceed 152 hours in 28 consecutive days.

6.1.3(b)(ii) The ordinary hours of continuous shift work employees will not exceed eight hours per shift.

6.1.3(b)(iii) Despite 6.1.3(b)(ii), the ordinary hours of continuous shift work may exceed 8 hours and up to ten hours per day by agreement between the employer and the majority of employees. This is subject to Level 1 facilitation.

6.1.3(b)(iv) By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees, an employee may work ordinary hours in excess of ten hours and up to twelve hours. An agreement to work more than 10 hours and less than 12 hours will be subject to Level 3 faciliation. Where twelve ordinary hours are introduced on any shift, the agreement is subject to Level 3 Facilitation and 6.1.4(f).

6.1.3(c) By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees affected, a roster system may operate on the basis that the weekly average of 38 ordinary hours is achieved over a period which exceeds 28 consecutive days but does not exceed twelve months. This agreement is subject to Level 2 Facilitation.

6.1.3(d) Days on which ordinary hours are worked

The ordinary hours of work are to be worked continuously, except for meal breaks, at the discretion of the employer. The ordinary hours of work may be worked on any day Monday to Friday inclusive, provided that ordinary hours commencing on a Friday, may continue into the Saturday for the remaining ordinary hours of work without the payment of weekend penalty rates.

6.1.3(e) Limitation on double shifts

Shift work employees, whilst recognising their obligations to continue at work until relieved will not be required to work more than two consecutive shifts. The employer will avoid double shifts as far as possible by using every endeavour to arrange reliefs, and will limit the number of double shifts worked by an employee to one in any week except in unavoidable circumstances.

6.1.3(f) Ordinary hours on Saturday or Sunday

6.1.3(f)(i) The days on which ordinary hours are worked may include Saturday and Sunday subject to agreement between the employer and the majority of employees affected. This is subject to Level 3 Facilitation.

6.1.3(f)(ii) Where agreement has been reached under 6.1.3(f)(i) to work ordinary hours on a Saturday or Sunday, the following rates will be paid for all ordinary work done on Saturday or Sunday (as defined):

Afternoon or morning shift
Night shift (except as defined in 6.2.3(b))
Fixed night shift (as defined in 6.2.3(b))

6.1.3(f)(ii)(A) Except as provided for in 6.4.3(c), where ordinary time is worked on a Saturday or Sunday and overtime is continuous with such work, the above rates will apply to the overtime work.

6.1.3(f)(ii)(B) The above rates are in substitution for and not cumulative on the shift allowances prescribed in 6.2.3 and the overtime penalties in 6.4.

6.1.4 Methods of arranging ordinary hours

6.1.4(a) The method of arranging ordinary hours may be:

6.1.4(a)(i) By employees working a constant number of ordinary hours each day; or

6.1.4(a)(ii) By fixing one day a week on which employees work a lesser number of ordinary hours.

6.1.4(a)(iii) By fixing one or more days on which all employees will be off during a particular work cycle; or

6.1.4(a)(iv) By rostering employees off on various days of the week during a particular work cycle so that each employee has one or more days off during that cycle.

6.1.4(b) Subject to the employer's right to fix and change the daily hours of employees as prescribed in 6.1.6 and 6.1.4(a), the arrangement of ordinary working hours is to be by agreement between the employer and the majority of employees in the enterprise or part of the enterprise affected. This agreement is not subject to 2.3.

6.1.4(c) Days off

Where pursuant to 6.1.4(a)(iii) and 6.1.4(a)(iv) an employer adopts a system of work which entitles an employee to a day off during the work cycle, the following provisions apply:

6.1.4(c)(i) An employer and an employee or the majority of employees at the plant or work section or sections concerned may by agreement substitute the day the employee or employees concerned are to take off during a work cycle for another day. This agreement is not subject to 2.3.

6.1.4(c)(ii) An apprentice who is required to attend trade school on a rostered day off must be entitled to a substitute day as soon as practicable following the attendance at trade school.

6.1.4(c)(iii) Except as provided in 6.1.4(c)(i), work performed on a rostered day off or shift off must be paid for at overtime rates as set out in 6.4.3.

6.1.4(d) Notice of days/shifts off

Unless otherwise agreed by the employer and a majority of employees in the plant or work section(s) concerned, the employer is required to give four weeks notice of a rostered day off accrued pursuant to 6.1.4(a)(iii) and 6.1.4(a)(iv). This agreement is not subject to 2.3.

6.1.4(e) Banking of rostered days/shifts

By agreement between the employer and employee or majority of employees at the plant or work section or sections concerned, rostered days/shifts off may be accumulated (banked) up to a maximum of five days/shifts and must be entitled to be taken in a manner agreed upon between the employer and the employee or the majority of employees prior to the first of such days/shifts accumulating. This agreement is not subject to 2.3.

6.1.4(f) Twelve hour shifts

Twelve hour days or shifts may be introduced in accordance with subclauses 6.1.1(b)(iv), 6.1.2(a)(iv), or 6.1.3(b)(iv), subject to:

  • Proper health monitoring procedures being introduced;
  • Suitable roster arrangements being made;
  • Proper supervision being provided;
  • Adequate breaks being provided;
  • An adequate trial or review process being implemented.
6.1.5 Makeup time

6.1.5(a) An employee may elect, with the consent of the employer, to work make up time under which the employee takes time off during ordinary hours, and works those hours at a later time, during the spread of ordinary hours provided in the award. This clause is subject to Level 1 Facilitation.

[6.1.5(b) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

6.1.5(b) An employee on shift work may elect with the consent of their employer, to work make up time under which the employee takes time off during ordinary hours and works those hours at a later time, at the shift work rate which would have been applicable to the hours taken off. This clause is subject to Level 1 Facilitation.

6.1.6 Fixation and change of hours

6.1.6(a) The daily hours of each employee, including the meal period, will be as determined by the employer, provided that the employer will not alter the usual daily working hours of any employee unless and until the employee has had one week's notice of the alteration which is to be made.

6.1.6(b) Once an employee's working hours have been fixed in accordance with 6.1.6(a), such hours will not be changed until at least one week after such hours have been in actual operation.

6.1.6(c) Except as set out in 6.1.6(d), if any alteration to an employee's hours is made other than in accordance with 6.1.6(a), the employee will be paid double time for all time worked outside of the hours fixed in accordance with 6.1.6(a).

6.1.6(d) In the case of an emergency beyond the control of the employer, such employer may require an employee to change their working hours on giving 48 hours notice, including the meal break of such periods, without payment of the penalty prescribed in 6.1.6(c). The ordinary hours of such employee will not be changed more than once in a working week.

6.1.6(e) If an employee is required to change the employee’s working hours in the case of an emergency beyond the control of the employer without receiving 48 hours notice, the employee will be paid double time for all time worked until the expiration of the 48 hours after the employee commenced the new hours.

6.1.7 Change of working periods

6.1.7(a) An employee who during the course of a week's work is transferred from day work to shift work or vice versa or from one shift to another shift, will without loss of pay be allowed at least a ten hour break between finishing their shift/day's work and commencing their next shift/day's work.

6.1.7(b) If such ten hour break is not allowed, the employee will be paid double time for all hours worked until the employee has such ten hour break.

6.1.7(c) An employee must not be transferred from day work to shift work or vice versa or from one shift to another shift, more than once in a working week.

6.1.8 Posting of working hours

The roster of each work area, including the meal period, and the name and working hours of each employee employed in that workroom whose hours differ from the roster will be displayed in the work room.


6.2.1 Definitions

6.2.1(a) Afternoon shift means any shift finishing after 6.00 p.m. and at or before 12.45 a.m.

6.2.1(b) Night shift means any shift finishing subsequent to 12.45 a.m. and at or before 10.00 a.m.

6.2.1(c) Morning shift means any shift commencing at or after 5.00 a.m. and prior to 7.00 a.m. but nothing in this definition will cause an employee working in accordance with the provisions of 6.1.1 to be deemed to be working on morning shift.

6.2.2 Altering spread of hours

6.2.2(a) The daily spread of hours may be altered by up to one hour at one end of the spread (but not both) by agreement between an employer and the majority of employees affected. This is subject to Level 2 Facilitation. Provided that where agreement has been reached with the majority of employees in the workplace or section or section of it, the employer may not implement the agreement unless agreement has been reached with each individual employee to be covered by the facilitative provision.

6.2.2(b) The daily spread of hours may be altered by up to one hour at one end of the spread (but not both), by agreement between the employer and an individual employee. This agreement is subject to Level 2 Facilitation and may:

6.2.2(b)(i) only be accessed where no majority agreement has been reached;

6.2.2(b)(ii) only be implemented in respect of individual employees who have reached agreement; and

6.2.2(b)(iii) the agreement is only with an individual employee or a number of individuals less than the majority in the workplace or section or sections of it.

6.2.3 Shift allowances

6.2.3(a) An employee when on morning shift or when on afternoon shift or when on a night shift which rotates with or alternates with day work and/or afternoon shift will, in addition to the day work wage by this award prescribed for the work that they perform, be paid 20% of that day work wage.

6.2.3(b) An employee who:

6.2.3(b)(i) During a period of engagement on shift, works night shift only; or

6.2.3(b)(ii) Remains on night shift for a longer period than four consecutive weeks; or

6.2.3(b)(iii) Works on a night shift which does not rotate or alternate with another shift or with day work so as to give them at least 1/3 of their working time off night shift in each cycle;

will during such engagement period or cycle be paid for all time worked during ordinary working hours on such night shift 30% in addition to the day work wage prescribed by this award for the work they perform.

6.2.3(c) The shift allowance is part of the employee's weekly wage for the purpose of calculating the overtime rate payable in accordance with this award.

[6.2.4 deleted by S2976 from 01Feb00]

[6.2.5 deleted by S2976 from 01Feb00]

6.2.4 Meal break - continuous shift workers

[6.2.6 renumbered as 6.2.4 by S2976 from 01Feb00]

An employee employed on continuous shift work, on the shift on which the employee is employed, will be permitted and take a meal break of 30 consecutive minutes and such meal break will be counted as time worked and paid as such.


6.3.1 The minimum time allowance for meals will be half an hour and the maximum time allowance one hour.

6.3.2 No period of work will exceed five hours without a break for meals, provided that:

6.3.2(a) Where pursuant to 6.1 - Hours of work, an employer has adopted a system of ordinary working hours which does not require employees to work for more than six hours on a day or shift and they are not required to work in excess of their ordinary hours on that day or shift, then by agreement between the employer and the majority of those employees affected a meal break need not be taken on that day or shift. This agreement is not subject to 2.3 - Facilitative provisions.

6.3.2(b) By agreement between the employer and the majority of employees in the plant, work section or sections affected or by agreement between the employer and an employee, employees may be required to work in excess of five hours but not more than six hours at ordinary rates of pay without a meal break. This agreement is not subject to 2.3 - Facilitative provisions.

6.3.3 Where an employee is required to work during their usual meal period they will be paid one-half extra on the hourly rate of their weekly wage for the time so worked and they will be allowed their usual meal period as soon as it can be arranged, but not later than five hours after commencing work each day.

6.3.4 The meal period of any employee on day work will be between the hours of 11.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.

6.3.5 The usual time of an employee's meal period may be altered:

6.3.5(a) By the employer after the employee has had one week’s notice of the alteration which is to be made; or

6.3.5(b) By an employer acceding to a request by an employee that the employee desires a change in order to attend to some business arrangement, domestic or other personal necessity, in which case notice of alteration will not be required; or

6.3.5(c) By an employer where a change is necessary in order to meet a requirement for continuous running of a machine in which case notice of alteration will not be required. Provided that such a change will not be effected in circumstances where the employee has an existing commitment that prevents the meal period being altered.

6.3.5(d) By agreement between an employer and an employee in which case notice of alteration will not be required provided that such agreement is not for the sole purpose of avoiding the penalty prescribed by 6.3.3. This agreement is not subject to 2.3.


6.4.1 Requirement to work reasonable overtime

[6.4.1 substituted by PR923296 pp 29Oct02]

6.4.1(a) Subject to clause 6.4.1(b) an employer may require an employee to work reasonable overtime at overtime rates.

6.4.1(b) An employee may refuse to work overtime in circumstances where the working of such overtime would result in the employee working hours which are unreasonable having regard to:

6.4.1(b)(i) any risk to employee health and safety;

6.4.1(b)(ii) the employee's personal circumstances including any family responsibilities;

6.4.1(b)(iii) the needs of the workplace or enterprise;

6.4.1(b)(iv) the notice (if any) given by the employer of the overtime and by the employee of his or her intention to refuse it; and

6.4.1(b)(v) any other relevant matter.

6.4.2 Payment for overtime

All overtime earnings of an employee will be paid in full at the rate of time and one half for the first three hours and double time thereafter.

6.4.3 Overtime work on a Saturday or a Sunday

6.4.3(a) Except as otherwise provided, double time will be paid for all overtime work done on a Saturday or on a Sunday.

6.4.3(b) A weekly employee who has been notified that the employee will be required to work overtime on a Saturday (not being work which is continuous with work which commenced on a Friday) or on a Sunday and so report for work and is ready willing and able to perform such work will be provided on a Saturday with at least two hours work or at least two hours pay at double time or on a Sunday with at least four hours work or at least four hours pay at double time.

6.4.3(c) Except as otherwise provided in 6.1 - Hours of work or 6.2 - Special provisions for shiftwork employees, the provisions of this subclause will apply to a shift work employee provided that a shift work employee required to work overtime on a Saturday immediately after the finishing time of their ordinary working hours which commenced on a Friday will be paid in accordance with 6.4.2.

6.4.4 Work on a rostered day off

Work on a rostered day is overtime and is paid at time and one half for the first three hours and double time thereafter.

6.4.5 Work on a public holiday

An employee required to work on a public holiday will be paid pursuant to 7.5.8.

6.4.6 Meal period during overtime

6.4.6(a) An employee will not work overtime for longer than five hours without a meal period of half an hour.

6.4.6(b) Despite 6.4.6(a) where an employee working overtime can complete their work within three hours after their ordinary finishing time they may continue to work for that period without a break for a meal provided that they do not work for more than six and a half hours from their previous meal break.

6.4.6(c) Where overtime is worked before the ordinary hour of commencing work and such overtime is of one and a half hours or more the employee will, within five hours of the commencement of such overtime, be required to take a meal period of half an hour without deduction of pay. Nothing in this subclause will in any way affect the taking by the employee of their ordinary meal period prescribed by this award.

6.4.7 Ten-hour break

An employee who has worked overtime will be informed that they are entitled to and be granted a break of at least ten hours between the time of finishing work and the time when they next commence work, and no deductions will be made from their pay because of any time lost by reason of such break. Where the employee is required to work before they have completed the break of ten hours they will be paid double time for all time worked until they have had a break of at least ten hours.

6.4.8 Thirty six hour break

[6.4.8(a) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

6.4.8(a) An employee who is required to work more than six consecutive days if a day work employee, or six consecutive shifts if a shift work employee, without a clear interval from work of 36 hours after the sixth day or shift, must be paid double for all work performed after the sixth day or shift until the employee has had such clear interval of 36 hours. If an employee is stood off for any period during the ordinary working week in order to allow a 36 hour break there will be no reduction in their weekly wage.

[6.4.8(b)(i) corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

6.4.8(b)(i) Despite 6.4.8(a), an employer and the majority of employees in the workplace or a section or sections of the workplace, may agree to a break of ten hours. Where this agreement is made an employee may not work more than thirteen consecutive days without a minimum break of 36 hours before the employee’s next days work or shift. Such an agreement must be recorded in the Time and wages book. This is not subject to 2.3 Faciliation.

[6.4.8(b)(ii) varied by S4010 from 01Feb00]

6.4.8(b)(ii) An employer will not insist on the employee working where the employee discloses that the employee is not free to work and discloses a good reason for the inability to work.

[6.4.8(c) varied by S4010 from 01Feb00]

6.4.8(c) The provisions of 6.4.8 will not apply where an agreement has been reached pursuant to 6.1.1(d)(i), 6.1.2(d)(i) or 6.1.3(f)(i) to introduce a seven day shift operation.

6.4.9 Time off in lieu of payment for overtime

6.4.9(a) Despite 6.4.2 an employee may choose, with the consent of the employer, to take time off instead of payment for overtime at a time or times agreed by the employer. This agreement must be in writing. The employee must take the time off within four weeks of working the overtime. This agreement is subject to Level 1 Facilitation.

6.4.9(b) If an employee takes time off instead of payment for overtime then the amount of time off during ordinary hours will be taken at ordinary time rate, that is an hour for each hour worked.

6.4.9(c) If requested by an employee, an employer must within one week of receiving a request pay the employee for any overtime worked. The employee must be paid at overtime rates.

6.4.10 Limitation of overtime

No employee under sixteen years of age will be employed on overtime. No employee under seventeen years of age will be employed on overtime in any event before 7.00 a.m. or later than 9.00 p.m. on any working day.


6.5.1 Call back applies when an employee is called back to perform work at a time when they would not ordinarily be at work and the employee has not been notified prior to last finishing work that they would be so called back.

6.5.2 Except as otherwise provided in 6.5.4 and 6.5.5, an employee called back will be paid one hour's ordinary pay for such call back and, in addition, will be paid as provided in 6.5.3.

6.5.3 All time worked on a call back will be paid for at double ordinary hourly rates of pay with a minimum of three hours' work or payment at such rate in lieu.

6.5.4 In the event of an employee receiving a call back and then, prior to commencing work, being informed by the employer that their services on such call are not required, the employee will, if they have:

6.5.4(a) left their place of residence, be paid as if they had in fact started work;

6.5.4(b) not left their place of residence, be paid one-hour's ordinary pay.

6.5.5 The provisions of the subclause will not apply where notification is given after the employees’ last occurring working day immediately preceding a weekend or rostered period off greater than 48 hours that they are required to report for overtime work prior to their normal commencing time on the first working day after that weekend or rostered period off and such overtime work:

6.5.5(a) does not exceed 30 minutes; and

6.5.5(b) is continuous with the commencement of their ordinary working time.


6.6.1 A stand-by for work is that period of time when an employee is required by their employer to hold themselves in readiness to perform work outside of their ordinary working hours but is not required to be at their place of employment during that period of stand-by. Provided an employee and their employer make arrangements as to where the employee may be contacted by the employer and meet the employer's request to report for work if necessary or be released from standing by for work, the employee's movements during such period of stand-by will be unrestricted.

6.6.2 For all time an employee is required to stand-by for work they will be paid as follows:

6.6.2(a) Weekly employees at the rate of the full-time employee's hourly day work rate as prescribed by this award; or

6.6.2(b) Casual employee, at the rate prescribed in 4.1.4(e) for day work.

6.6.3 An employee required to stand by for work at their place of employment will be paid as though they were working, i.e., if such stand by is during:

6.6.3(a) The ordinary hours of work, payment will be made at and be part of their ordinary wage; or

6.6.3(b) Overtime hours, the time will be reckoned as part of their period of overtime and payment will be made at the appropriate rate of pay as prescribed in 6.4 - Overtime of this award.


6.7.1 A reasonable opportunity is to be provided by the employer for each employee to pause to acquire a refreshment during the first half of the day or shift, at a time specified by the employer, subject to:

6.7.1(a) continuous running of plant, equipment and processes;

6.7.1(b) productivity not being reduced;

6.7.1(c) wages and other costs not increasing;

6.7.1(d) maintenance of high standards of Occupational Health and Safety;

6.7.1(e) maintenance of high standards of quality;

whilst such refreshment is being acquired.

[6.7.2 corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

6.7.2 The abovementioned provision of a reasonable opportunity to pause to acquire a refreshment will not be applicable to employees who are provided with a rest break. Furthermore, 6.7.1 will not be used to reduce rest break entitlements in workplaces.


[6.8 inserted by S8310 from 01Sep00]

It is recognised that the Sydney Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in September and October 2000, could have a major impact on the operation of businesses throughout New South Wales. This variation shall operate within the area of operation set out in clause 1.7.2 and shall be in force during the period 1 September 2000 to 28 October 2000 inclusive.

6.8.1 To lessen the impact during the period of 1 September 2000 to 28 October 2000 inclusive, the employee and the employer may agree:

6.8.1(a) to vary the fixed starting and finishing times of ordinary hours of a day work employee without attracting the appropriate shift penalty set out in clause 6.2.3, if the resulting ordinary hours to be worked following the change of ordinary day work hours would have normally attracted a shift penalty.

6.8.1(b) to vary the fixed starting times and finishing times of ordinary hours of shift work without loss of payment of the employee’s current shift work rate.

6.8.2 As a consequence of the operation of 6.8.1 the starting and finishing times of ordinary day work and shift work hours may be varied without the requirement for a week’s notice to be given of the change of ordinary hours, provided that a minimum of forty eight hours’ notice must be given.

6.8.3 All time worked in excess of the employee’s fixed starting and finishing time of ordinary hours will attract the appropriate overtime penalty rates.

6.8.4 The agreement is to be recorded in the Time and Wages records kept by the employer.

6.8.5 In the event that a dispute or difficulty arises over the implementation or continued operation of this clause, the matter will be handled in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure in 3.2 Dispute Settlement Procedure.

6.8.6 The above provisions will not be construed so as to limit the operation of 6.1.6 and 6.1.7 when such provisions are utilised for reasons unconnected with the Olympics.


7.1.1 When and how much annual leave is an employee entitled to?

Employees other than casuals are entitled to four weeks paid annual leave at the end of each year of continuous service. Year will include the period of leave.

7.1.2 What are the pay rates for annual leave?

7.1.2(a) Employees before going on leave will be paid their wages for the period of leave. The pay will be at the rate prescribed by 5.1.1 for the occupation in which the employee was ordinarily employed immediately prior to the commencement of their leave, unless the employee was being paid a higher wage, when it will be that higher wage. A wage will not be so computed as to include overtime. In addition, employees other than shift workers will receive a loading of 17.5%.

7.1.2(b) Where an employee is a shift worker and would have received a shift allowance as prescribed by 6.2.3 had the employee not been on annual leave during the relevant period, then that shift allowance will be added to the rate of wage prescribed by 7.1.2(a) instead of the 17.5% loading.

7.1.3 When to take annual leave

7.1.3(a) Annual leave will be given at a time fixed by the employer within a period not exceeding six months from the date when the right to leave accrued.

7.1.3(b) By agreement between an employer and an employee, annual leave may be taken at any time provided it is done within two years from the date when the right to leave accrued. This is subject to Level 1 Facilitation.

7.1.3(c) The employer can require an employee to take annual leave by giving not less than four week’s notice of the time when such leave is to be taken.

7.1.3(d) Where an employee reaches agreement with the employer in accordance with 7.1.3(b) to delay the taking of leave and the terms of such agreement include agreement on a specific date when such leave will be taken, the employer will not breach the agreement through the application of 7.1.3(c).

7.1.4 How can the leave be taken?

7.1.4(a) Annual leave is to be given by the employer and taken by the employee in up to three separate periods.

[7.1.4(b) varied by PR964986 ppc 11Nov05]

7.1.4(b) If the employer and an employee so agree the annual leave entitlement may be given and taken in more than three separate periods including up to a maximum of ten single days. However one period of annual leave must be at least fourteen consecutive days including non working days. This is subject to Level 1 facilitation.

7.1.5 Can annual leave be taken in advance of when it is due?

The employer may, if they think fit, give at any time in advance the period of continuous leave on full pay, prospectively due. Where the leave has been taken before the right to the annual leave has accrued, the right to further annual leave will not commence to accrue until after the expiration of the year of employment in respect of which the leave has been so taken.

7.1.6 Can annual leave be cashed out?

Except in cases of termination of employment an employer must not make payment to an employee instead of the leave to which the employee is entitled under this subclause.

7.1.7 What happens when public holidays fall within annual leave?

7.1.7(a) Where any holiday for which the employee is entitled to payment under this award occurs during any period of leave taken by an employee under this subclause, the period of the leave will be increased by one day in respect of that holiday provided that the payment for such holiday will not be included in the calculation of the annual leave loading.

7.1.7(b) Where the period of an employee's annual leave is extended by a holiday or holidays occurring therein and the employee is absent from their employment without reasonable excuse or without the consent of the employer:

7.1.7(b)(i) On the working day immediately before the first day of that period of annual leave, the employee will not be entitled to payment for such holiday, or the first of such holidays, as the case may be;

7.1.7(b)(ii) On the working day immediately after the last day of that period of annual leave the employee will not be entitled to payment for such holiday or the last of such holidays as the case may be.

7.1.8 Payment for leave on termination of employment

7.1.8(a) If an employee’s employment is terminated, the employer must pay the employee all annual leave entitlements owed. Where periods of leave which have accrued do not equate to one year’s entitlement, payment will be made of an amount equal to one-twelfth of the employee’s pay for that period of employment. No annual leave loading is due for periods of leave paid out for less than a year. Where employment has been for less than 28 consecutive days and is terminated, the employer will not be liable to make any payment to the employee.

7.1.8(b) Where leave has been taken in advance by an employee and the employee leaves or is discharged before completing the required twelve months continuous service, the employer will use the amount already paid to offset any sums which would otherwise be paid under 7.1.8(a). If the moneys already paid to the employee exceed whatever moneys would be payable under 7.1.8(a), the excess will be deducted from any remuneration payable to the employee on termination.

7.1.9 Annual leave close down

7.1.9(a) In the event of the employer closing their plant or a section or sections of the plant for the purposes of allowing annual leave to all or the majority of the employees in the plant or any section or sections of the plant, the following special provisions will apply.

7.1.9(b) Employees will be paid the wages due to them in respect of accrued annual leave entitlements.

7.1.9(c) Should an employee have less than twelve months' employment with the employer, the employer may pay that employee pro-rata wages calculated on the basis of one-twelfth of their pay for the period of employment which includes the period of the close down. When this occurs, and an employee has been paid pro rata wages they will be deemed to have commenced the ensuing period of employment for the purposes of their next subsequent period of annual leave at the date they commenced their annual leave for which they were paid pro rata wages.

7.1.9(d) How can the close down periods be taken?

7.1.9(d)(i) The employer may closedown the plant or a section or sections of the plant for one or two separate periods.

7.1.9(d)(ii) If the employer closes down the plant or a section or sections of the plant in two separate periods, one of those periods must be for a period of at least fourteen consecutive days including non-working days.

7.1.10 Employer’s obligation

Employment under this award will be deemed to have continued and to continue unbroken and constant, despite any interruption or determination of the employment by the employer if such interruption or determination has been or be made merely with the intention of avoiding obligation imposed by the provisions of this subclause.

7.1.11 How to calculate the leave entitlement

7.1.11(a) Except for the following absences, any absences from work are not to be taken into account and will not count as time worked in calculating the leave entitlement:

  • in a twelve months period the employee is entitled to have off up to 152 ordinary working hours because of sickness or accident and this will be counted as time worked (i.e. workers compensation leave, paid sick leave, paid carer's leave).
  • long service leave, annual leave, public holidays, paid bereavement leave, paid training leave and jury service taken by an employee will count as time worked.
  • any interruption or termination of the employment by the employer which has been made with the intention of avoiding obligations under this subclause.
7.1.11(b) Absences from work which do not count as time worked in calculating the leave entitlement but do not break continuity of service for the purpose of this award include:

  • Any absence with reasonable cause, proof of which will be upon the employee.
  • Any leave without pay taken with the agreement of the employer.
  • Parental leave.
7.1.11(c) Where a business is transmitted from one employer to another, as set out in 4.2.5(b), the period of continuous service that the employer had with the transmittor or any prior transmittor will be deemed to be service with the transmittee and taken into account when calculating annual leave. However an employee will not be entitled to leave or payment in lieu for any period in respect of which leave has been taken or paid for.


[7.2 corrected by S2976; substituted by PR964986 ppc 11Nov05]

The provisions of this clause apply to full-time and regular part-time employees (on a pro rata basis) but do not apply to casual employees. The entitlements of casual employees are set out in 4.1.4(g).

7.2.1 Definitions

7.2.1(a) The term immediate family includes:

7.2.1(a)(i) spouse (including a former spouse, a de facto spouse and a former de facto spouse) of the employee. A de facto spouse means a person of the opposite sex to the employee who lives with the employee as his or her husband or wife on a bona fide domestic basis; and

7.2.1(a)(ii) child or an adult child (including an adopted child, a step child or an ex-nuptial child), parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of the employee or spouse of the employee.

7.2.1(b) Accumulated personal leave is personal leave accumulated under 7.2.3(a) and 7.2.3(b).

7.2.2 Amount of paid personal leave

7.2.2(a) Paid personal leave is available to a weekly employee when the employee is absent:

  • due to personal illness or injury; or
  • for the purposes of caring for an immediate family or household member who is sick and requires the employee's care and support who requires care due to an unexpected emergency.
7.2.2(b) The amount of personal leave to which a weekly employee is entitled depends on how long the employee has worked for the employer and accrues as follows:

Length of time worked for the employer
Personal leave

Less than 1 month
1 month
2 months
3 months
4 months
5 months
6 months to less than 12 months
Each year thereafter

7.2.3 Accumulation of personal leave

7.2.3(a) First year of employment

At the end of the first year of employment, unused personal leave accrues by the lesser of:

7.2.3(a)(i) 40 hours less the number of hours of personal leave taken during the year; or

7.2.3(a)(ii) the balance of the year's unused personal leave.

7.2.3(b) Second and subsequent years of employment

At the end of the second and subsequent years of employment, unused personal leave accrues by the lesser of:

7.2.3(b)(i) 64 hours less the number of hours of personal leave taken during the year; or

7.2.3(b)(ii) the balance of the year's unused personal leave.

7.2.3(c) Maximum amount of accumulated personal leave

Personal leave may accumulate to a maximum of 640 hours.

7.2.4 Personal leave for personal injury and illness

7.2.4(a) An employee is entitled to use the full amount of their personal leave entitlement including accrued leave for the purposes of personal illness or injury, subject to the conditions set out in this clause.

7.2.4(b) After the first six months of service, an employee may apply to be paid for any personal leave for personal injury and illness to which the employee was not entitled, due to insufficient service, up to a maximum of 40 hours.

7.2.5 Personal leave to care for an immediate family or household member

7.2.5(a) A full-time weekly employee is entitled to use up to 80 hours personal leave, including accrued leave, each year to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support or who require care due to an unexpected emergency, subject to the conditions set out in this clause.

7.2.5(b) This entitlement is subject to the employee being responsible for the care and support of the person concerned. In normal circumstances an employee is not entitled to take personal leave to care for an immediate family or household member where another person has taken leave to care for the same person.

7.2.5(c) By agreement between an employer and an individual employee, the employee may access an additional amount of their accrued personal leave for the purposes set out in this clause, beyond the limit set out in this clause. In such circumstances, the employer and the employee shall agree on the additional amount that may be accessed.

7.2.6 Employee must give notice

An employee must give, as soon as reasonably practicable and before the employee's ordinary hours of the first day or shift of such absence, inform the employer of the employee's inability to attend for duty and state:

7.2.6(a) in the case of personal leave for personal injury and illness the nature of the injury or illness and the estimated duration of the absence; or

7.2.6(b) in the case of personal leave to care for an immediate family or household member:

  • the name of the person requiring care and support and their relationship to the employee; and;
  • the reasons for taking such leave; and
  • the estimated length of absence.
7.2.6(c) If it is not practicable for the employee to give prior notice of absence during the ordinary hours of the first day or shift of such absence, the employee must inform the employer within 24 hours of such absence.

7.2.7 Evidence supporting claim

The employee must, if required by the employer, establish to the satisfaction of the employer, by production of a medical certificate or statutory declaration:

7.2.7(a) in the case of personal leave for personal injury and illness, that the employee was unable to work because of injury or illness; or

7.2.7(b) in the case of personal leave to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support, that the illness is such as to require care by another; or

7.2.7(c) in the case of personal leave to care for members of their immediate family or household due to an unexpected emergency, the nature of the emergency and that such an emergency resulted in the person concerned requiring care by the employee.

7.2.8 The effect of workers' compensation

If an employee is receiving workers' compensation payments, the employee is not entitled to personal leave for personal injury and illness leave.

7.2.9 Limitation on single day absences

7.2.9(a) An employee who has already had two paid single days personal leave for personal injury and illness in the year, is not entitled to further paid single day personal leave for personal injury and illness in that year, without production to the employer of a medical certificate which states that the employee was unable to attend for duty on account of personal injury or illness.

7.2.9(b) An employer may agree to accept a statutory declaration instead of a medical certificate

7.2.9(c) Nothing in this clause limits the employer's rights under 7.2.7.

7.2.10 Unpaid leave

Where an employee has exhausted all paid personal leave entitlements, they are entitled to take unpaid personal leave to care for members of their immediate family or household who are sick and require care and support or who require care due to an unexpected emergency. The employer and the employee shall agree on the period. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to take up to two days (up to a maximum of 16 hours) per occasion, provided the requirements of 7.2.6 and 7.2.7 are met.


[7.2A inserted by PR964986 ppc 11Nov05]

7.2A.1 Paid leave entitlement

The provisions of this clause apply to full-time and regular part-time employees (on a pro rata basis) but do not apply to casual employees. The entitlements of casual employees are set out in 4.1.4(g).

7.2A.1(a) Death in Australia

A full-time weekly employee is entitled to use up to 16 hours bereavement leave on each occasion and on production of satisfactory evidence (if required by the employer) of the death in Australia of a member of the employee's immediate family or household.

7.2A.1(b) Death outside Australia

A full-time weekly employee is entitled to use up to 16 hours bereavement leave on each occasion, and on production of satisfactory evidence (if required by the employer) of the death in Australia of a member of the employee's immediate family or household where the employee travels outside Australia to attend the funeral.

7.2A.1(c) Part-time employees

A part-time weekly employee is entitled to take two days without loss of pay, up to a maximum of 16 hours bereavement leave on the same basis prescribed for full-time employees in 7.2A.1(a) and 7.2A.1(b) except that leave is only available where the part-time employee would normally work on either or both of the two working days following the death.

7.2A.2 Unpaid leave entitlement

Where a full-time weekly employee has exhausted all bereavement leave entitlements, including accumulated entitlements, the employee is entitled to unpaid bereavement leave. The employer and employee should agree on the length of the unpaid leave. In the absence of agreement, a full-time employee is entitled to take up to two days unpaid leave, provided the requirements of 7.2A.1(a) and 7.2A.1(b) are met, and a part-time weekly employee is entitled to take up to two days unpaid leave, to a maximum of 16 hours, provided the requirements of 7.2A.1(c) are met.


[7.3 corrected by S2976; substituted by PR964986 ppc 11Nov05]

The provisions of this clause apply to full-time or regular part-time employees, but do not apply to casual employees. Subject to the terms of this clause employees are entitled to maternity, paternity and adoption leave and to work part-time in connection with the birth or adoption of a child.

7.3.1 Definitions

7.3.1(a) For the purpose of this clause child means a child of the employee under school age or a child under school age who is placed with the employee for the purposes of adoption, other than a child or step-child of the employee or of the spouse of the employee or a child who has previously lived continuously with the employee for a period of six months or more.

7.3.1(b) Subject to 7.3.1(c), spouse includes a de facto or former spouse.

7.3.1(c) In relation to 7.3.7, spouse includes a de facto spouse but does not include a former spouse.

7.3.2 Basic entitlement

7.3.2(a) After twelve months continuous service, parents are entitled to a combined total of 52 weeks unpaid parental leave on a shared basis in relation to the birth or adoption of their child. For females, maternity leave may be taken and for males, paternity leave may be taken. Adoption leave may be taken in the case of adoption.

7.3.2(b) Subject to 7.3.5(f), parental leave is to be available to only one parent at a time, except that both parents may simultaneously take:

7.3.2(b)(i) for maternity and paternity leave, an unbroken period of up to one week at the time of the birth of the child;

7.3.2(b)(ii) for adoption leave, an unbroken period of up to three weeks at the time of placement of the child.

7.3.3 Variation of period of parental leave

Where an employee takes leave under 7.3.2(a) or 7.3.4(a)(ii), unless otherwise agreed between the employer and employee, an employee may apply to their employer to change the period of parental leave on one occasion. Any such change to be notified as soon as possible but no less than four weeks prior to the commencement of the changed arrangements. Nothing in this clause detracts from the basic entitlement in 7.3.2(a) or 7.3.4(a)(ii).

7.3.4 Right to request

7.3.4(a) An employee entitled to parental leave pursuant to the provisions of 7.3.2 may request the employer to allow the employee:

7.3.4(a)(i) to extend the period of simultaneous unpaid parental leave provided for in 7.3.2(b) up to a maximum of eight weeks;

7.3.4(a)(ii) to extend the period of unpaid parental leave provided for in 7.3.2(a) by a further continuous period of leave not exceeding 12 months;

7.3.4(a)(iii) to return from a period of parental leave on a part-time basis until the child reaches school age;

to assist the employee in reconciling work and parental responsibilities.

7.3.4(b) The employer shall consider the request having regard to the employee’s circumstances and, provided the request is genuinely based on the employee’s parental responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to the effect on the workplace or the employer’s business. Such grounds might include cost, lack of adequate replacement staff, loss of efficiency and the impact on customer service.

7.3.4(c) Employee’s request and the employer’s decision to be in writing

The employee’s request and the employer’s decision made under 7.3.4(a)(ii) and 7.3.4(a)(iii) must be recorded in writing.

7.3.4(d) Request to return to work part-time

Where an employee wishes to make a request under 7.3.4(a)(iii), such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the employee is due to return to work from parental leave.

7.3.5 Maternity leave

7.3.5(a) An employee must provide notice to the employer in advance of the expected date of commencement of parental leave. The notice requirements are:

7.3.5(a)(i) of the expected date of confinement (included in a certificate from a registered medical practitioner stating that the employee is pregnant) - at least ten weeks;

7.3.5(a)(ii) of the date on which she proposes to commence maternity leave, and the period of leave to be taken - at least four weeks;

7.3.5(b) When the employee gives notice under 7.3.5(a)(i) the employee must also provide a statutory declaration stating particulars of any period of paternity leave sought or taken by the employee’s spouse and that for the period of maternity leave the employee will not engage in any conduct inconsistent with her contract of employment.

7.3.5(c) An employee will not be in breach of this clause if failure to give the stipulated notice is occasioned by confinement occurring earlier than the presumed date.

7.3.5(d) Subject to 7.3.2(a) and unless agreed otherwise between the employer and employee, an employee may commence parental leave at any time within six weeks immediately prior to the expected date of the birth.

7.3.5(e) Where an employee continues to work within the six week period immediately prior to the expected date of birth, or where the employee elects to return to work within six weeks after the birth of the child, an employer may require the employee to provide a medical certificate stating that she is fit to work on her normal duties.

7.3.5(f) Special maternity leave

7.3.5(f)(i) Where the pregnancy of an employee not then on maternity leave, terminates after 28 weeks other than by the birth of a living child, then the employee may take unpaid special maternity leave of such periods as a registered medical practitioner certifies as necessary.

7.3.5(f)(ii) Where an employee is suffering from an illness not related to the direct consequences of the confinement, an employee may take any paid sick leave to which the employee is entitled in lieu of, or in addition to, special maternity leave.

7.3.5(f)(iii) Where an employee not then on maternity leave suffers illness related to her pregnancy, the employee may take any paid sick leave to which the employee is then entitled and such further unpaid special maternity leave as a registered medical practitioner certifies as necessary before the employee’s return to work. The aggregate of paid sick leave, special maternity leave and parental leave, including parental leave taken by a spouse, may not exceed 52 weeks.

7.3.5(g) Where leave is granted under 7.3.5(d), during the period of leave an employee may return to work at any time, as agreed between the employer and the employee provided that time does not exceed four weeks from the recommencement date desired by the employee.

7.3.6 Paternity leave

7.3.6(a) An employee will provide to the employer at least ten weeks prior to each proposed period of paternity leave:

7.3.6(a)(i) a certificate from a registered medical practitioner which names the employee’s spouse, states that the employee’s spouse is pregnant and the expected dated of confinement, or states the date on which the birth took place; and

7.3.6(a)(ii) written notification of the dates on which the employee proposes to start and finish the period of paternity leave; and

7.3.6(a)(iii) except in relation to leave taken simultaneously with the child’s mother under 7.3.2(b) and 7.3.4(a)(i), a statutory declaration stating:

7.3.6(a)(iii)(A) the employee will take that period of paternity leave to become the primary care-giver of a child;

7.3.6(a)(iii)(B) particulars of any period of maternity leave sought or taken by the employee’s spouse; and

7.3.6(a)(iii)(C) that for the period of paternity leave the employee will not engage in any conduct inconsistent with the employee’s contract of employment.

7.3.6(b) The employee will not be in breach of 7.3.6(a) if the failure to give the required period of notice is because of the birth occurring earlier than expected, the death of the mother of the child, or other compelling circumstances.

7.3.7 Adoption leave

7.3.7(a) The employee will notify the employer at least ten weeks in advance of the date of commencement of adoption leave and the period of leave to be taken. An employee may commence adoption leave prior to providing such notice, where through circumstances beyond the control of the employee, the adoption of a child takes place earlier.

7.3.7(b) Before commencing adoption leave, an employee will provide the employer with a statutory declaration stating:

7.3.7(b)(i) the employee is seeking adoption leave to become the primary care-giver of the child;

7.3.7(b)(ii) particulars of any period of adoption leave sought or taken by the employee's spouse; and

7.3.7(b)(iii) that for the period of adoption leave the employee will not engage in any conduct inconsistent with their contract of employment.

7.3.7(c) An employer may require an employee to provide confirmation from the appropriate government authority of the placement.

7.3.7(d) Where the placement of a child for adoption with an employee does not proceed or continue, the employee will notify the employer immediately and the employer will nominate a time not exceeding four weeks from receipt of notification for the employee's return to work.

7.3.7(e) An employee will not be in breach of this clause as a consequence of failure to give the stipulated periods of notice if such failure results from a requirement of the adoption agency to accept earlier or later placement of a child, the death of a spouse, or other compelling circumstances.

7.3.7(f) An employee seeking to adopt a child is entitled to unpaid leave for the purpose of attending any compulsory interviews or examinations as are necessary as part of the adoption procedure. The employee and the employer should agree on the length of the unpaid leave. Where paid leave is available to the employee, the employer may require the employee to take such leave instead.

7.3.8 Parental leave and other entitlements

An employee may in lieu of or in conjunction with parental leave, access other paid leave entitlements which they have accrued, such as annual leave or long service leave, subject to the total amount of leave not exceeding 52 weeks or a longer period as agreed under 7.3.4.

7.3.9 Transfer to a safe job

7.3.9(a) Where an employee is pregnant and, in the opinion of a registered medical practitioner, illness or risks arising out of the pregnancy or hazards connected with the work assigned to the employee make it inadvisable for the employee to continue at her present work, the employee will, if the employer deems it practicable, be transferred to a safe job at the rate and on the conditions attaching to that job until the commencement of maternity leave.

7.3.9(b) If the transfer to a safe job is not practicable, the employee may elect, or the employer may require the employee, to commence parental leave for such period as is certified necessary by a registered medical practitioner.

7.3.10 Returning to work after a period of parental leave

7.3.10(a) An employee will notify of their intention to return to work after a period of parental leave at least four weeks prior to the expiration of the leave.

7.3.10(b) An employee will be entitled to the position which they held immediately before proceeding on parental leave. In the case of an employee transferred to a safe job pursuant to 7.3.9, the employee will be entitled to return to the position they held immediately before such transfer.

7.3.10(c) Where such position no longer exists but there are other positions available which the employee is qualified for and is capable of performing, the employee will be entitled to a position as nearly comparable in status and pay to that of their former position.

7.3.11 Replacement employees

7.3.11(a) A replacement employee is an employee specifically engaged or temporarily promoted or transferred, as a result of an employee proceeding on parental leave.

7.3.11(b) Before an employer engages a replacement employee the employer must inform that person of the temporary nature of the employment and of the rights of the employee who is being replaced.

7.3.12 Communication during parental leave

7.3.12(a) Where an employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made to introduce significant change at the workplace, the employer shall take reasonable steps to:

7.3.12(a)(i) make information available in relation to any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave; and

7.3.12(a)(ii) provide an opportunity for the employee to discuss any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave.

7.3.12(b) The employee shall take reasonable steps to inform the employer about any significant matter that will affect the employee’s decision regarding the duration of parental leave to be taken, whether the employee intends to return to work and whether the employee intends to request to return to work on a part-time basis.

7.3.12(c) The employee shall also notify the employer of changes of address or other contact details which might affect the employer’s capacity to comply with 7.3.12(a).


7.4.1 Entitlement

Weekly employees required to attend for jury service during their ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid in respect of their attendance for such jury service and the amount of wages they would have received in respect of the ordinary time they would have worked had they not been on jury service.

7.4.2 Requirements for payment

An employee must notify their employer as soon as possible of the date upon which they are required to attend for jury service. Further the employee must give their employer proof of attendance, the duration of such attendance and the amount received in respect of such jury service.


7.5.1 Holiday entitlement

Weekly employees will be entitled to holidays on the following days:

7.5.1(a) New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day; and

7.5.1(b) The following days, as prescribed in the relevant States, Territories and localities:

  • Australia Day;
  • Anzac Day;
  • Queen's Birthday;and
  • Eight Hours' Day or Labour Day;and
7.5.1(c) An additional day on the following basis:

7.5.1(c)(i) In New South Wales, Union Picnic Day on the Tuesday immediately following Easter Monday (Easter Tuesday);

7.5.1(c)(ii) In Tasmania, the day on which Regatta Day is observed;

7.5.1(c)(iii) In Queensland the day on which Royal National Show (or Exhibition Day) is observed;

7.5.1(c)(iv) In South Australia the day on which Adelaide Cup Day is observed;

7.5.1(c)(v) In Victoria the day on which Melbourne Cup Day is observed;

7.5.1(c)(vi) In Western Australia the day on which Foundation Day is observed; and

7.5.2 Substitute days

Substitute days may also be taken in lieu of public holidays listed in this clause, where the Commonwealth, State or Territory or locality provides for this day and it is proclaimed or gazetted. Where substitute days are provided, the day on which the holiday would have fallen will not be deemed to be a public holiday.

7.5.2(a) When Christmas Day is a Saturday or Sunday, a holiday in lieu will be observed on 27 December.

7.5.2(b) When Boxing Day is a Saturday or Sunday, a holiday in lieu will be observed on 28 December.

7.5.2(c) When New Year's Day or Australia Day is a Saturday or Sunday, a holiday in lieu will be observed on the next Monday.

7.5.2(d) In the State of South Australia the day observed as Proclamation Day will be substituted for Boxing Day.

7.5.2(e) In Hobart, if the Birthday of the Sovereign is not observed as a holiday then Hobart Cup Day is substituted.

7.5.3 Substitution of public holidays at the workplace

[7.5.3(a) renumbered as 7.5.3 by S2976 from 01Feb00]

An employer, with the agreement of their employees may substitute another day for any prescribed in this clause. For this purpose, the consent of the majority of affected employees will constitute agreement. This is subject to Level 1 Facilitation.

[7.5.3(b) deleted by S2976 from 01Feb00]

7.5.4 Additional holidays

Where in a State, Territory or locality, public holidays are declared or prescribed on days other than those set out above, those days will constitute additional holidays for the purposes of this award.

7.5.5 Public holiday and termination of employment

7.5.5(a) An employer will not terminate the employment of an employee for the purpose of evading payment for the holidays prescribed by this award.

7.5.5(b) Where an employee is dismissed within one week before any holiday (or within one week before the first day of several holidays), their re-engagement by the same employer within one week after such holiday (or, as the case may be, within one week after the last day of such several holidays), will be prima facie evidence that their employment was terminated in breach of 7.5.5(a).

7.5.5(c) Where the employer terminated the employment within one week of a day on which a holiday occurs, the employee will be paid for such holiday or holidays prescribed by this award, provided that such employee had been employed by the employer for a period of at least one week prior to the termination of the employment.

7.5.6 Absence from employment

7.5.6(a) Where an employee is absent from the employee’s employment on the working day before or the working day after a public holiday without reasonable excuse or without the consent of the employer, the employee will not be entitled to payment for such holiday.

7.5.6(b) When an employee is absent from their employment for a period exceeding 21 consecutive days with the consent of the employer or through an injury in respect of which they are paid Workers' Compensation under the appropriate State or Territory Act, the employee will not be entitled to payment for any public holidays occurring during any period of absence which exceeds 21 consecutive days. This provision will not apply where the absence is due to personal ill-health, or to personal injury in respect of which the employee is not paid Workers' Compensation under the appropriate State or Territory Act.

7.5.7 Payment for holidays

The wage payable under this clause to a weekly employee when that employee is absent from work on a public holiday which occurs on an ordinary working day will be the ordinary wage the employee would have received on that day had that day not been a public holiday.

7.5.8 Work on a public holiday

7.5.8(a) An employee who has been notified that the employee will be required to work on a public holiday or a substitute public holiday in accordance with 7.5.3, and reports for work and is ready willing and able to perform the work of which the employee has been notified will be provided with at least four hours work or at least four hours pay at the rate prescribed by this subclause.

[7.5.8(b) corrected by S2976; substituted by PR913089 ppc 20Feb02]

7.5.8(b) A full-time employee will be paid at the rate of double time and a half for all work done on a public holiday. Where a regular part-time employee works on the holiday, such employee will be paid in accordance with this clause. A casual employee will be paid at the same rate as a weekly employee, with the addition of 25%. This extra rate is in substitution for and not cumulative on the shift allowances prescribed in 6.2.3 and the penalty rates in 6.1.1(d), 6.1.2(d), 6.1.3(f), 6.1.6 and 6.4.

7.5.9 When a holiday is to be taken

Night shift employees will take the holidays specified in this clause on the night of the day on which the holiday is observed, except where the employer and the majority of employees working night shift agree that the holiday will be taken on the eve of the day on which the holiday is observed. This agreement is not subject to 2.3 - Facilitative provisions.

7.5.10 Rostered day off falling on a public holiday

7.5.10(a) Except as provided for in 7.5.10(b), where a full-time employee's ordinary hours of work are structured to include a day off and such day off falls on a public holiday, the employee is entitled to, either:

  • Seven hours and 36 minutes pay at ordinary rates; or
  • Seven hours and 36 minutes to be taken off with a period of annual leave; or
  • a substitute day off on an alternative week day within three months of the public holiday.
This will not apply where the rostered day off falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

7.5.10(b) Where an employee has credited time accumulated, then such credited time should not be taken as a day off on a public holiday.

7.5.10(b)(i) If an employee is rostered to take credited time as a day off on a week day and such week day is prescribed as a public holiday after the employee was given notice of the day off, then the employer will allow the employee to take time off on an alternative day.

7.5.10(b)(ii) 7.5.10(b) and 7.5.10(b)(i) above will not apply in relation to days off which are specified in an employee's regular roster or pattern of hours. 7.5.10(a) will apply in such circumstances.

7.5.10(c) Credited time in this sub clause is the time in each day which an employee works ordinary hours in excess of the daily average.


[Sched A corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

Printing Industries Association of Australia

Graphic Arts Services Association

Leigh Mardon Pty. Ltd., Level 21, Bondi Junction Plaza II, 500 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, NSW, 2022

Pacific Secure Systems Pty. Ltd., 105 Carnarvon Street, Auburn, NSW, 2144

St. Regis Bates Pty. Ltd., 152 Carrington Street, Revesby, NSW 2212

Valpak Pty. Ltd., 9-13 Winbourne Road, Brookvale, NSW, 2100

National Paper Vuepak Pty. Ltd., 101 Port Road, Thebarton, South Australia, 5031.

Containers Packaging/Containers Limited (a division of Amcor Limited), 679 Victoria Street, Abbotsford, VIC, 3067

John Sands Pty. Ltd., 50 Clayton Road, Clayton, VIC. 3168

Pak Pacific Corporation Pty. Ltd., 186-206 Dougharty Road, Heidelberg West, VIC. 3081.

Renown and Pearlite Pty. Ltd., 83-99 Keys Road, Moorabbin, VIC. 3189.

Gromark Packaging Pty. Ltd., 15 Valentine Street, Kewdale, WA, 6105

MK Promotions, 28 Titan Drive, Currum Downs, Victoria 3201

Medina Publishing Pty Ltd, Level 5 - 806 Anzac Pde, Maroubra NSW 2035

Metropolitan Calander Co Pty Ltd t/a Metrone Products, Unit C167 Christina Rd, Villawood NSW 2163

Woodcot Pty Ltd t/a Reeprints, 116 Boyce Rd, Maroubra Junction NSW 2035

Imagecolour (SA) Pty Ltd, 234 Sturt St, Adelaide SA 5000

The Foil Print Place, 142 Harrington St, Hobart Tas 7000

Whatsinaname Tasmania, 142 Harrington St, Hobart Tas 7000

Briner Signs, 323 Warrigal Rd, Cheltenham Vic 3192

Business Marketing Australia Pty Ltd t/a Melbourne Big, 45-47 Warrigal Rd, South Oakleigh Vic 3167

Pre-Press Concepts, 11 Aberdeen Rd, Prahran Vic 3181

Scanform Press Pty Ltd, 211 Grange Rd, Thornbury Vic 3071

Service Paper Industries Pty Ltd, Factory 2/227 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave Vic 3170

The Phone Book Pty Ltd, Level 2 - 69 Wellington St, Windsor Vic 3181

Alba Holding Pty Ltd t/a Commercial Print 85 Guthrie St, Osborne Park WA 6017

Northside Distributors & Finishers, Unit 2/18-20 Mooney St, Bayswater WA 6053

Barnes Bros Pty Ltd, 2 Production Ave, Kogarah NSW 2217

Direct Envelopes Pty Ltd t/a Direct Impressions, 1 Clyde St, Rydalmere NSW 2116

Masterprinting Pty Ltd, 69 Reserve Rd, Artarmon NSW 2064

Salmat Pty Ltd, 671 Gardeners Rd, Mascot NSW 2020

Ultra Offset Pty Ltd, 28 Ethel Ave, Brookvale NSW 2100

Newprint, 8A Patriarch Dr, Huntingfield Tas 7050

Lakeside Packaging Pty Ltd, 23 Dennis St, Campbellfield Vic 3061

Network Colour Pty Ltd, 180 Bay St, Port Melbourne Vic 3207

Outer Eastern Group Training Ltd, 1st Floor - 29 Kingwood St, Ringwood Vic 3134

Pacific Inks (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2 Stott St, Preston Vic 3072

Womens Group Training, 36 - 44 Cambridge St, Collingwood Vic 3066

Bajimba Pty Ltd, 150 Abernethy Rd, Belmont WA 6104

Global Printing, Shop 2 - 54 Walter St, Bedford WA 6052

Mellem Typesetting & Printing, Unit 1 - Lot 406 Cessnock St, Rockingham WA 6168

Definitive Graphics Pty Ltd
51-53 May Street St Peters NSW 2204

DPS Printers
25-27 McCauley Street Alexandria NSW 2015

Essay Composition Typesetting
15 McCauley Street Alexandria NSW 2015

Images and Impressions Australia Pty Ltd
Shop 6/The Denison - 65 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060

Paper Merchant Holdings Pty Ltd t/a
Southern Cross Converting (SCC)
lot 2 Worth Street Chullora NSW 2190

Australian Plastic Card Company Pty Ltd
3 Nicole Close Bayswater North VIC 3153

Endeavour Papers Pty Ltd
181 Forster Road Mount Waverly VIC 3149

Gasworks Pty Ltd
21-31 Goodwood Street Richmond VIC 3132

Media Productions Pty Ltd
32 Bedford Street Collingwood VIC 3066

Montesano Pty Ltd
272 Rosslyn Street West Melbourne VIC 3003

Paper Merchant Holdings Pty Ltd t/a
Southern Cross Converting (SCC)
685 Burke Road Camberwell VIC 3124

Supergraphics - (Division of Chandos Publishing Pty Ltd)
68 Oxford Street Collingwood VIC 3066

Hanken Pty Ltd
19 Goulding Street West Perth WA 6005

Simdale Pty Ltd t/as Breakout, 391 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Unik Graphics Pty Ltd, 357 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Borden Australia Pty Ltd - Poly Austro Division, 4 Urban Street, Braeside VIC 3195

Bruize PR and Advertising - A Division of Melton Lane Pty Ltd, 45 Gnarwyn Road, Carnegie VIC 3163

Datascan (Aust) Pty Ltd, 304 Mt Alexander Road, Ascot Vale VIC 3032

Emergency Printers Pty Ltd, 10 Victoria Crescent, Abbotsford VIC 3067

Laser Computer Services, 12-14 Levesch Street, North Melbourne VIC 3057

Super Boxes Pty Ltd, 45 Phoenix Street, Brunswick VIC 3056

Main Attraction Screen Printers, 7B Forrest Street, Geraldton WA 6530

Wila Gutharra, PO Box 3220, Bluffpoint WA 6530

ADOS Pty Ltd, 10 Orchard Road, Brookvale NSW 2100

Art Tech Graphics Pty Ltd, Unit 4/185 McCredie Road, Smithfield NSW 2164

Bradlee Luxton & Dunn (A Division of K & B Holdings ty Ltd) Unit 3/17-37 Wollongong Road, Arncliffe NSW 2205

K & B Holdings Pty Ltd, Unit 3/17-37 Wollongong Road, Arncliffe NSW 2205

Raised Image Pty Ltd, 295 Parramatta Road, Glebe NSW 2037

Sansuce Services Pty Ltd t/a DCD Graphics. 103 Hunter Lane, Hornsby NSW 2077

The Plastic Bag Co Pty Limited, 126 Long Street, Smithfield NSW 2164

Wadepack Pty Ltd, 4 Seville Street, Villawood NSW 2163

ABB Graphix Pty Ltd, 68 Oxford Street, Collingwood VIC 3066

Colour Solutions, 171 Bank Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205

Eclipse Graphics, 244 Inkerman Street, St Kilda VIC 3182

Fineline Printing, Factory 2/585 Blackburn Road, Notting Hill VIC 3168

MBE Print Corporation, 59 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn VIC 3103

New Wave Graphics Pty Ltd, 6 Queen Street, Nunawading VIC 3131

Selective Scanning Pty Ltd, Factory 4/2 Joseph Street, Blackburn North VIC 3031

Snap Printing, 116 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000

Snap Printing, 4/234 Frankston-Dandenong Road, Dandenong South VIC 3175

TBS Heating, 11A Chiffley Drive, Preston VIC 3072

The Type Gallery (Aust) Pty Ltd, 42 Palmerston Cres, South Melbourne VIC 3205

Triforme Australia Pty Ltd, 47 Vinter Ave, Croydon VIC 3136

Vital Print Pty Ltd, 1 Cobden Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205

Alpha Printing Company Pty Ltd, 5 Expo Court, Mt. Waverley Vic 3149

Art Print Graphics Pty Ltd, 120 Cochranes Road, Moorabin Vic 3189

Carton Finishing, 242 Rex Road, Campbellfield Vic 3061

Don Print & Design, Suite 4/703 South Road, Moorabin Vic 3189

Fahang Nominees Pty Ltd, 24 Commercial Driv, Dandenong Vic 3175

Miller Lithographics 1/257-259 Governor Road, Braeside Vic 3195

NDR Printing Pty Ltd, 9/381 Bayswater Rd, Bayswater Vic 3153

Nuplex Industries (Australia) Pty Ltd, 87-89 Hallam Road, Hallam Vic 3803

Rapid Labels Pty Ltd, 11 Havelock Road, Bayswater Vic 3153

Ropomod Productions Pty Ltd, 67 Graden Drive, Tullamarine Vic 3043

Super Copy, 3 Glen Eira Avenue, Ripponlea Vic 3185

Surrey Printing, 585 Caterbury Road, Surry Hills Vic 3127

Techne Signs Pty Ltd, 120 Cochranes Road, Moorabin Vic 3189

The Australian Visitor News, 11 Aberdeen Road, Prahran Vic 3181

Abbey Productions, 62 Kent Street, Busselton WA 6280

ACS Swan Express Print, 80 Albert Street, Osborne Park WA 6017

Artproof Printing, 3/136 Stirling Highway, North Fremantle WA 6159

ASAP Instant Print Pty Ltd, 328 Albany Highway, Victoria Park WA 6100

Dataroll Pty Ltd, 191 Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155

Esprint, 1496 Lambert Road, Karratha WA 6714

Misprint, PO Box 1030 Karratha WA 6714

Nary Holdings, 10 Parian Place, Rossmoyne WA 6155

Optima Press, 33 Kensington Street, East Perth WA 6000

Panther Stationary Manufacturers, Unit 3/41 King Edward Road, Osborne Park WA 6017

Plas Print, 46 Frobisher Street, Osborne Park WA 6017

Allbrook Bindery, 91 Ryedale Road, West Ryde NSW 2114

Harold Park Raceway Pty Ltd, Ross Street, Glebe NSW 2037

Hinchcliffe Printing Services Pty Ltd, Unit 1/23 Ayrshire Crescent, Sandgate NSW 2304

Newsagents Direct Distribution Pty Ltd, 150 Bourke Road, Alexandria NSW 2015

Printing Creations Pty Ltd, 18/3 Hamley Road, Mt Ku-ring-gai NSW 2080

SMC Media Services Pty Ltd, 3 Little Collins Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010

The Graphic Colour Company Pty Ltd, 68 Addison Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204

Incentive Dynamics Pty Ltd, 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown Vic 3016

Mail Management Australia Pty Ltd, Factory 2/88 Herald Street, Cheltenham Vic 3192

Printable Pty Ltd, 2/50 Main Street, Croydon Vic 3136

The Print Point, 8a Northgate Drive, Thomastown Vic 3074

Williamstown Graphics, 127 Douglas Parade, Williamstown Vic 3016

Flag Ads (WA), 14 Cleaver Street, West Perth WA 6005

Railway Print, Unit 4/166 Railway Parade, Leederville WA 6007

The Weekend Examiner, 1st Floor - 58 Fourth Road, Aramadale WA 6112

Ausnet Services Pty Ltd, Level 22 - Norwich House, 6-10 O’Connell Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Business Wise Discount Printing, 52 Hampstead Road, Auburn NSW 2144

Geilston Pty Ltd, GPO Box 2818, Sydney NSW 2001

Paper Wholesalers (Aust) Pty Ltd, 45 Day Street, North Silverwater NSW 2141

The Brisbane Publishing Company Pty Ltd, 10th Floor/300 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000

Customs Cartons Pty Ltd, 12 Park Terrace, Bowden SA 5007

Griffin Press Pty Ltd, 262 Marion Road, Netley SA 5037

Moore Business Systems Aust Ltd, 9-11 Lum Street, Export Park SA 5950

Southweb - A Division of Griffin Press Pty Ltd, 26 Watson Avenue, Netley SA 5037

BD Graphics, 92 High Street, Prahan VIC 3181

Bellmark Printing, 55 Westminster Street, Oakleigh VIC 3166

Colorific Lithographics Pty Ltd, 6/17 Malvern Street, Bayswater VIC 3153

Colortron Pty Ltd, 30 Crown Ave, Mordialloc VIC 3195

Custom Industries t/a Custom Screen Print Services, 11 Temple Drive, Thomastown VIC 3074

Digital Colour, 62 Islington Street, Collingwod VIC 3066

Doran Printing Pty Ltd, 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3195

Exposure Lithographics Pty Ltd, 7 Enterprise Court, Mulgrave VIC 3170

Glenvale Pty Ltd, 27 Glenvale Crescent, Mulgrave VIC 3170

Henderson McPherson Pty Ltd, 135 Bamfield Road, West Heidelberg VIC 3081

Hygrade Laser Dies Pty Ltd, 10 Northgate Drive, Thomastown VIC 3074

Inklink Printing Solutions, 24 Catalin Drive, Tullamarine VIC 3043

MacBird Floraprint Pty Ltd, 19 Koorang Road, Scoresby VIC 3179

MAP Publishing Company, 11 Aberdeen Road, Prahan VIC 3181

McPherson’s Limited - Printing Division, 5-7 Dunlop Street, Mulgrave VIC 3170

Miss Printing Services, 9/59 Keys Road, Moorabin VIC 3189

Moule Print Pty Ltd, 4 Stawell Road, Richmond VIC 3121

Multi-Metal Graphics Pty Ltd, 6 Hewitt Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192

Multi-Print Business Cards, 30 Leonard Street, Bayswater VIC 3153

New Dimension Printing Company, 16 Viking Court, Cheltenham North VIC 3192

Pacific Publications Pty Ltd, 32 Walsh Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Pageset Pty Ltd, 4A Palmer Court, Mout Waverly VIC 3149

Print & Pack Australia Pty Ltd, 18-22 Cochranes Road, Moorabbin VIC 3189

Ram Displays Ltd, 99 Argus Street, Cheltenham VIC 3192

Retail Excellence Pty Ltd, 649 Burwood, Hawthorn VIC 3122

Southdown Press Pty Ltd, 32 Walsh Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

The Carlton House - A Division of Carmel Box (Aust) Pty Ltd 92 Albert Street, East Brunswick VIC 3057

The Graphic Garage, 715 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122

Victorian Paper Recyclers, 77-83 Sutton Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051

Creative Studio, Unit 18/64 Bannister Road, Canningvale WA 6155


[Roping-in Award No. 1 of 2000 inserted by S4652 ppc 03Apr2000]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts General (Roping in No. 1) Award 2000.


This Award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Printing and Kindred Industries Union; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A hereto in respect of their employees engaged on the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts – General – Award 2000, whether members of the Automotive, Food, Metals, Printing and Kindred Industries Union or not.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts – General – Award 2000 [AT782505CR] as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 3 April 2000 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


• M & M Printworks Pty Ltd, 2/10 Candlebark Crescent, Research Victoria 3095
  • Avante-Garde Typesetters, Carlton Clocktower Corporate Centre, 17/247 Drummond Street, Carlton Victoria 3053
• Pro Colour Copying, 90 Smith Street, Collingwood Victoria 3066
• Pageset Pty Ltd, 4 Palmer Crescent, Mount Waverley Victoria 3149
• Handel & Sons Pty Ltd, 50 Renver Road, Clayton Victoria 3168
• Colourbank Digital Pty Ltd, 299 Wattletree Road, East Malvern Victoria 3145
• Apex Printing Pty Ltd, 2 Irene Street, Preston Victoria 3072


[Roping-in Award No. 2 of 2000 inserted by S5914 ppc 21Feb00]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts – General – (Roping-in No. 2) Award 2000.


This award shall be binding on:

(a) The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

(b) The employers named in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the union or not, engage in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 shall mutatis mutandis apply to and be binding on the parties to this award.


This award shall come into force on and from the beginning of the first pay period from 21 February 2000 and remain in force for a period of six months.

Adler and Stoyels Pty Ltd 3/49 TownsviIle St. Fyshwick ACT 2609
ADMS Marketing Services 191 Anketell St Greenway ACT 2900
Adriatic Bookbinders Pty Ltd 101 Wollongong St. Fyshwick ACT 2609
AR McLean Printing 41 WhyaIla St. Fyshwick ACT 2609
Aussie Print The Print Shops of the Future Cnr Allara St & City Walk Canberra City ACT 2601
Brown & Company Typesetters Pty Ltd Unit 2 - Neville Jeffress Centre - 131 Canberra Ave Griffith ACT 2603
Canberra Mailing Co Pty Ltd 4 Lyell St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Canberra Rubber Stamps Pty Ltd 49 Townsville St. Fyshwick ACT 2609
Canweb Printing Pty Ltd 4/90 Vicars St, Mitchell ACT 2911
Capital Bookbinders 5/68 Wollongong St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Ciril’s Printers 7/76 Wollongong St Fyswhick ACT 2609
Copy-Qik Print Centres 44 Allarah St Canberra City ACT 2601
CPN Publications Pty Ltd 107 Wollongong St. Fyshwick ACT 2609
Derek Kelly & Sons Shop 2/3 Scullin Place Scullin ACT 2614
Elect Printing 28 Pine St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Goanna Print Pty Ltd 151 Gladstone St, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Impress Printers & Publications 2/55 Townsville St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Instant Colour Press 8/10 Luxton St Belconnen ACT 2617
Jesner & Kelly Pty Limited Unit 3/61-63 Kembla St Fyshwick ACT 2609
King’s Printing Shop, Shop 33 - Paragon Mall Fyshwick ACT 2609
Koomarri Printers Cnr Lathlain and Wales St Belconnen ACT 2617
Kwik Kopy Printing (Civic Square) Lwr Ground Floor -28 -36 Ainslie Avenue Canberra City ACT 2601
Lowes Printer Pty Ltd Garran Shopping Centre Garran ACT 2605
Masterscreen Print Pty Ltd First FIr Cnr Sanford & Kemble Court Mitchell ACT 2911
Monaro Printing and Publishing Pty Ltd 14/60 Sheppard St Hume ACT 2620
National Capital Printing 22 Pirie St, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Panther Publishing and Printing 66 Barrier St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Paragon Printers 15 Wiluna St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Patria Printers 131 Lysaght St Mitchell ACT 2911
Pirie Printers Sales Pty Ltd 140 Gladstone St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Printers of Dickson 3 Badham St Dickson ACT 2602
Robeys Canberra 6A/55 Kembla St, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Snap Printing Unit 8/68 Wollongong St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Summit Press Pt3 Ltd 25 Kembla St, Fyshwick ACT 2609
The Communication Station Pty Ltd 18 Elouera St Braddon ACT 2601
Trendsetting Pty Ltd Unit 6/116 - 118 Wollongong St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Tuggeranong Print 52 Bullock Circuit Kambah ACT 2902
Union Offset Company Pty Ltd 20 Pirie St Fyshwick ACT 2609
Uriarra Printers 64 Gladstone St,. Fyshwick ACT 2609
3M Australia Pty Ltd 950 Pacific Hwy Pymble NSW 2073
A One Printing 13/2 Garling Rd Kings Park NSW 2148
Aaron Pauls Typesetting 288 Unwins Bridge Rd Sydenham NSW 2044
Aarque Systems Py Ltd Cnr Epsom Rd, & Joynton Ave. Zetland NSW 2017
Abaldyn Pty Ltd 14 Fox St Granville NSW 2142
Abbot Packaging (Borden Australia) 160 Gannet Rd Kirrawee NSW 2232
AC Labels Pty Ltd 71 Victoria St Smithfield NSW 2164
Acceptor Printing Pty Ltd 6 Durkin Place Peakhurst NSW 2210
Accuprint Pty Ltd Unit 6/45 - 47 Leighton Place Hornsby NSW 2077
Accurate Printing Pty Ltd 165 Taren Point Rd,. Taren Point NSW 2229
Ace Print & Display Pty Ltd 38 Queen St Revesby NSW 2212
ACE Printing Services Unit 1/108 Warrane Rd Willoughby NSW 2068
ACI Plastics Packaging 11- 13 Percy St, Auburn NSW 2144
Acme Office Service Pty Ltd 7/2 Campbell St Artarmon NSW 2064
Acme Preston Pty Ltd 9 Everley Rd. Auburn NSW 2144
ACP Colour Graphics Pty Limited 195 Elizabeth St. Sydney NSW 2000
Ad-Mag Pty Ltd 47/93-97 Newton Rd. Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Adcraft Typesetters 126 Cope St Waterloo NSW 2017
Adept Printing Pty Ltd 13 Clements Ave Bankstown NSW 2200
Adept Type Pty Ltd Level 1- 129 Woids Ave South Hurstville NSW 2221
Adica Holdings Pty Ltd 10 William St, Brookvale NSW 2100
Admiral Transfers (NSW) Pty Ltd 35 Sydenham Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Adrite Pty Ltd 48 Mitchell St North Sydney NSW 2060
Adstik Labels Pty Ltd 1/40 Garema Circuit Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Adtype Pty Limited 42 Victoria St North Sydney NSW 2059
Advance Graphics Pty Ltd 55 Hotham Pde,. Artarmon NSW 2064
Advance Packaging Pty Ltd 41 Governor Macquarie Drive Chipping Norton NSW 2170
Age Goldstamping & Silk Screen Printing Rear 25 - 27 Rickland St, Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Agency Printing Pty Ltd 15 Prince William Drive. Seven Hills NSW 2147
Alert Printing Pty Ltd 259 Clarence St,. Sydney NSW 2000
Alexander Hamill Pty Ltd 58 May St Peters NSW 2044
Alexander Moir & Co Pty Ltd 4 Fountain St Alexandria NSW 2015
Alken Press Pty Ltd 128 Long St Smithfield NSW 2164
All Purpose Boxes Pty Ltd 220 Woodpark Rd. Smithfield NSW 2164
All-Kotes (NSW) Pty Ltd 11-15 Henderson St, Turrella NSW 2205
Alliance Printing Pty Ltd 53 Nelson St, Annandale NSW 2038
Allied Packaging Co Pty Ltd 7 Erith St. Botany NSW 2019
Allpress Principal Press Pty Ltd 19 Grey St Carlton NSW 2218
Allpress Printers Pty Ltd 80 Roberts Ave. Mortdale NSW 2223
Allprint Graphics Pty Ltd 14 Pike St Rydalmere NSW 2116
Alpha Offset Pty Ltd 117-119 Bowden St Meadowbank NSW 2114
Alpha Printing Specialists Pty Ltd 3/9 Telford Place St Marys NSW 2760
Alto Racordah Printing Service Pty Ltd 124 Eldridge Rd. Bankstown NSW 2200
Ambassador Press Pty Ltd 51 Good St Granville NSW 2142
Anderson Noffz Print Pty Ltd 1b Quirk Rd Balgowlah NSW 2093
Andrews Printing Services Pty Ltd 3/13 Powdrill Rd Lurnea NSW 2170
Annandale Printing Pty Ltd 6A Nelson St Annandale NSW 2038
Annandale Publishing Pty Ltd 36 Annandale St Annandale NSW 2038
Anthony Bushelle Graphics Pty Ltd 15/2 Campbell St. Artarmon NSW 2064
Anthony Villani & Associates Pty Ltd 29 Bellevue St Surry Hills NSW 2010
Anzpac Services (Aust) Pty Ltd 32 Britton St, . Smithfield NSW 2164
AOS Group Pty Ltd Level 3-414 Gardeners Rd, Rosebery NSW 2018
Apex Printers & Publishers Argyle Place Arncliffe NSW 2205
AR Rennie Pty Ltd 5/55 Willarong Rd Caringbah NSW 2229
Arana Offset Pty Ltd 11/66 Norman St Peakhurst NSW 2210
Aristocrat Leisure Industries Pty Ltd 85-113 Dunning Avenue Rosebery NSW 2018
Armstrong Sydney Pty Ltd Level 3 - 140 Sussex St Sydney NSW 2000
ARP Printing Pty Ltd 10/98 Old Pittwater Rd. Brookvale NSW 2100
Art Direction Advertising Pty Ltd 14 Hayberry St Crows Nest NSW 2065
Art-Vue Printing Pty Ltd 31 Hotham Pde, Artarmon NSW 2064
Artimprint 80 Penshurst St Willoughby NSW 2068
Artol Manufacturing Pty Ltd 45 Day St North Silverwater NSW 2141
Arts & Letters 69 Wigram Rd Glebe NSW 2037
Artworks Pty Ltd 62 Dickson Ave Artarmon NSW 2064
ASAP Press Solution 104 Bathurst St Sydney NSW 2000
Assta Australia Pty Ltd 24 - 32 Raymond Ave Matraville NSW 2036
Astrapak Limited t/a Southcorp Packaging Films Laminations Australia 4 Birmingham Ave Villawood NSW 2163
ATC Printing Pty Ltd Lower Ground - 210 George St Sydney NSW 2000
Atkins E & L Printers 479 Burwood Rd Belmore NSW 2192
Atlas Print & Pack Pty Ltd 8 Fitzroy St Marrickville NSW 2204
Auburn Advertising 655 Parramatta Rd Leichhardt NSW 2040
Ausprint Graphics Unit 5/113 - 115 Punchbowl Rd Belfield NSW 2191
Austracote Pty Ltd 3/15 Atkinson Rd Taren Point NSW 2229
Austral Printing Co 76 Hermitage Rd West Ryde NSW 2114
Australian Business Forms Printers Pty Ltd 3 Argyle St Arncliffe NSW 2205
Australian Corrugated Box Pty Ltd 159 Newton St Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Australian Jewish Press Pty Ltd 1st Floor - 146 Darlinghurst Rd Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Australian Specialty Inks Pty Ltd 6 Broughton St, Canterbury NSW 2193
Austrocote Pty Ltd 15 Atkinson Rd Taren Point NSW 2229
Automail Pty Ltd 152 Miller Rd Chester Hill NSW 2162
Avery Dennison Australia Limited 95 Bonds Rd Punchbowl NSW 2196
Aviweb Pty Ltd 181 Glebe Point Rd Glebe NSW 2037
Avondale Press 56 Shepherd St Chippendale NSW 2008
AW Pausey 86 Rowe St Eastwood NSW 2122
B & B Screen Process 2A/21 Putland Close Kirrawee NSW 2232
BA Printing & Publishing Services 1 Ethel Ave Brookvale NSW 2100
BaIlment Manufacturing Co Pty Ltd 57A Rhodes St Hillsdale NSW 2036
Bankstown City Litho Pty Ltd 4/2H Arab Rd, Padstow NSW 2211
Bartlett Boxes 6/33 Maddox St Alexandria NSW 2015
Baulkham Hills Printing & Stationery 5 Conie Ave. Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
BC Displays Pty Ltd 1307 Botany Rd, Mascot NSW 2020
Bell Graphics Pty Ltd 7-11 McCauley St Alexandria NSW 2015
Bell Press 4 Garnet St Rockdale NSW 2216
Bellmac Cartons Pty Ltd 184 Military Rd Guildford NSW 2161
Belmore Printing Company. 397 Burwood Rd. Belmore NSW 2192
Benchmark Press Pty Ltd Unit 17 - Slough Business Park Holker St Silverwater NSW 2141
Berk Printing (Sales) Pty Ltd Unit 5/26-34 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Bertram Printing Pty Ltd 29 Bertram St. Chatswood NSW 2067
Bestway Printing Unit 2 Block D/1-3 Endeavour Rd Taren Point NSW 2229
Bexley Press Pty Ltd 275 - 279 Victoria Rd Rydalmere NSW 2116
BHB Printing Pty Ltd 128 Dunheved Circuit St Marys NSW 2760
Bill Long & Co Pty Ltd 23 Dickson Avenue Artarmon NSW 2064
Black & White Graphics Pty Ltd Level 3 - 170 Pacific Hwy Greenwich NSW 2065
Blacktown Image Print Pty Ltd 4/7 Belmore Avenue Mount Druitt NSW 2770
Blake & Batcheler Pty Ltd 1 Link Rd Kensington NSW 2033
Bloxham & Chambers Pty Ltd 1 Leeds St Concord NSW 2137
Blue Gum Printing Co Py Ltd 10/33 College St Gladesville NSW 2111
Bookcraft Printing Co Pty Ltd 11 Mathieson St Camperdown NSW 2050
Booth Printing 114 Victoria Rd Marrickville NSW 2204
Bosler Graphics Pty Ltd 10/25 Gareema Circuit Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Braddon Printing (Sales) Pty Ltd 2 Bachell Ave. Lidcombe NSW 2141
Bratt Presentations 43 Harrow Ave Lansvale NSW 2166
Bray Keith Pty Ltd 40 George St, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Bray’s Colour Printing 34 Elsinore St Merrylands NSW 2160
Braycol Pty Ltd 10 Chapman St Summer Hill NSW 2130
Braypack Pty Ltd 48 Clapham Rd Regents Park NSW 2143
Bridge Printery Pty Ltd 29 - 35 Dunning Ave Rosebery NSW 2018
Bright W R & Sons (Fairfield) Pty Ltd 29 Kenyon St Fairfield NSW 2165
Briginshaw Bros Pty Ltd 5 - 9 Anne St, St Marys NSW 2760
Britescreen International Pty Ltd 180 Carrington St Revesby NSW 2212
Brown Printers NSW Pty Ltd 69 Elizabeth Drive Liverpool NSW 2170
Budget Instant Printing 38A RestweIl St Bankstown NSW 2200
Burwood Press Sales Pty Ltd 93 Rookwood Rd Bankstown North NSW 2200
Business and Commercial Mailing Service Pty Ltd 263 Liverpool St East Sydney NSW 2010
Busy Bee Printing 371a Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000
Butterick Pattern Service 1 Queen St Auburn NSW 2144
Butterworths Pty Ltd 271 - 273 Lane Cove Rd North Ryde . NSW 2113
Cabra Printing Service Unit 3/10 Essex St Minto NSW 2566
Calmor & Associates Pty Ltd Suite 3/20 Cliff St Milsons Point NSW 2061
Cambridge Press Pty Ltd 289 King St Newcastle NSW 2302
Cameron’s Envelopes - Business Forms 1 Holmes Rd Minto NSW 2566
Camvac Australia. A Division of Bowater Print and Packaging Australasia Pty Ltd 6 Garling Rd Kings Park NSW 2148
Candle Lithographics Pty Ltd 42 Sydenham Rd Marrickville NSW 2204
Capral Aluminium Limited Unwin St Granville NSW 2142
Capre Art Studio Screen Printing Unit C/195 - 197 Port Hacking Rd Miranda NSW 2228
Cardboard & Paper Supply Co 9 Verrell St Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Cardboard Containers (Aust) Pty Ltd 6/33 Maddox St Alexandria NSW 2015
Carrington Printing 179 Carrington Rd Coogee NSW 2034
Cartoncraft Printing Pty Ltd 23 West St Petersham NSW 2049
Castle Graphics Pty Ltd 8 St James Place Seven Hills NSW 2147
Castle Printing Company Units 74-75, 4 Hoyle Avenue Castle Hill NSW 2154
Cecilia Printing Pty Ltd 6 Buckley St Marrickville NSW 2204
Cello Paper Pty Ltd 64-72 Seville St Fairfield NSW 2165
Celpac Products Pty Ltd Unit E1/42 - 62 Maddox St Alexandria NSW 2015
Centatime (NSW) Pty Ltd 18 Primrose St Rosebery NSW 2018
Central Press Pty Ltd Unit 51/566 Gardeners Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Centrum International Pty Ltd 94 McEvoy St Alexandria NSW 2015
Champion Communications Pty Ltd 160 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Chevron Publishing Group Pty Ltd 15 Bridge Rd Hornsby NSW 2077
Chippendale Printing Co Pty Ltd 204 - 210 George St Concord West NSW 2138
Chisholm Printing Unit 3/3 Bessemer St Blacktown NSW 2148
Chrylight Pty Ltd 3/86 Mary St Surry Hills NSW 2010
City Printer Pty Ltd Level 4/428 George St Sydney NSW 2000
CJ Art 167 Botany Rd Waterloo NSW 2017
CL Johnston Packaging Co Pty Ltd 21 Harley Crescent Condell Park NSW 2200
Clarendon Printing Pty Ltd 12 McGill St Lewisham NSW 2049
Classic Gold Stamping Pty Ltd 45-47 Ralph St Alexandria NSW 2015
Clear Type Printing Pty Ltd 2B Holroyd Rd. Merrylands NSW 2160
Click Printing & Copy Centre Shop 2/34 Campbell St Blacktown NSW 2148
Cliff Lewis Printing Pty Ltd 93 Parraweena Rd Caringbah NSW 2229
Cloister Press Pty Ltd Unit 18 Slough Business Park - Holker St Silverwater NSW 2141
Coates Brothers Australia Pty Ltd 323 Chisholm Rd, Auburn NSW 2144
Cohen Printing Pty Ltd 780 - 786 Hunter St Newcastle West NSW 2302
Col's Cutting Formes Pty Ltd 78 - 84 Queen Victoria St Bexley NSW 2207
Colanco Printing Services Pty Ltd Cnr Woodpark Rd & Cooper St Smithfield NSW 2164
Coldy Holder Products Pty Ltd 69 Cawara Rd Caringbah NSW 2229
Colflo Printing & Stationery 1st Floor, 26 Botany Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Colorcraft Printing Pty Ltd 12 Kiora Cres Yennora NSW 2141
Colosco Instaprint Shops 2A & B/99 Mount St North Sydney NSW 2060
Colour Imaging Company 9 Bibby St Chiswick NSW 2046
Colourtrue Labels Pty Ltd 247 Lower West St Carlton NSW 2218
Colquhoun Alexander & Son Pty Ltd 13 Jumal Place, Smithfield NSW 2164
Columbia Pelikan Pty Ltd 91 Ashford Avenue Milperra NSW 2214
Combined Creative Services Pty Ltd 11 - 13 Richmond Rd Flemington NSW 2140
Commercial Graphics Studios Pty Ltd 44A Foveaux St Surry Hills NSW 2010
Commonwealth Paper Co Pty Ltd 237 Marion St Leichhardt NSW 2040
Complete Design Pty Ltd 2 Chalder Ave Marrickville NSW 2204
Complete Printing 274 Mitchell Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Comprint Group Holdings Pty Ltd 19 Euston Rd Rydalmere NSW 2116
Computer Designed Publishing 64 Victoria Rd Rozelle NSW 2039
Computerprint 10 Apollo St Warriewood NSW 2102
Concord Printing Co Pty Ltd 476 Gardeners St Alexandria NSW 2015
Consolidated Paper Industries Pty Ltd 115 Woodpark Rd Smithfield NSW 2164
Contact Labels Pty Ltd 37 Sydenham Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Contact Printing Pty Ltd 4/175 Gibbes St Chatswood NSW 2067
Control Systems Pty Ltd 39 Charles St Marys NSW 2760
Copy Cat Printing Rose Bay 829 New South Head Rd Rose Bay NSW 2029
Copycut 616 Parramatta Rd Croydon NSW 2132
Corish Tyrer & Phillips Pty Ltd 79 Beresford Ave Greenacre NSW 2190
Corrugated Paper 152 Carrington St Revesby NSW 2212
Cox The Printer Pty Ltd 2 Rofe St Leichhardt NSW 2040
Coyne & Co Design Pty Ltd 115 St Georges Cres Drummoyne NSW 2047
Craft Printing Industries Pty Ltd 7-9 Underwood St Homebush NSW 2140
Craftsman Colour Printers Pty Limited Unit 4/33 Newton St BRd,meadow NSW 2292
Cronulla Printing Co Pty Ltd 16 Cronulla St Cronulla NSW 2230
Crown & Anchor Printery Pty Ltd 2/31 - 37 Dixon St Sydney NSW 2000
Croxley Collins Olympic 1 - 3 Burrows Rd St Peters NSW 2044
CSR Unit 7/82 Rerserve Rd Artarmon NSW 2064
Cumberland Stationery Co Pty Ltd 18 Norwich Rd Ingleburn NSW 2565
Cutting & Creasing Services Pty Ltd 20 Egerton St Silverwater NSW 2141
Dalton Packaging Pty Limited 350 Edgar St Bankstown NSW 2200
Daram Printing Pty Ltd 67 Powers Rd Seven Hills NSW 2147
Dashing Holdings Pty Ltd 18 Queen St Chippendale NSW 2008
Dashing Printing & Stationery 80 William St East Sydney NSW 2010
Dashing Printing & Stationery 55 Elizabeth St Sydney NSW 2000
Dashing Printing & Stationery 2 Grosvenor St Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Dashing Printing & Stationery 65 Berry St North Sydney NSW 2060
Dashing Printing Pty Ltd 6 Bridge St Sydney NSW 2000
Dashing Printing Pty Ltd Shop 2 - The Interchange Chatswood NSW 2067
David Brown Graphics 1st Floor, 384 Church St Parramatta NSW 2150
David Graphics Pty Ltd 165 Phillip St Waterloo NSW 2017
David Sayers & Associates 17 Lindus St Wickham NSW 2293
DC Webb & Co Pty Ltd 74 Ivy St, Chippendale NSW 2008
DCD Graphics 4/103 Hunter Lane Hornsby NSW 2077
Decor Promotional Products Pty Ltd 42 Pavesi St Guildford NSW 2161
Decorative Tile Co Pty Ltd 247 Devonshire St Surry Hills NSW 2010
Dee Why Printing Works Pty Ltd 16-20 Wattle Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Defax Sporting Publications Pty Ltd 22 -24 Bridge St Lidcombe NSW 2141
Delaware Corporation Pty Ltd, t/a Pre Press Planet 24 National St, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Design Smiths 4A/1073 Pittwater Rd Collaroy NSW 2097
Designer Type 318 Great North Rd Five Dock NSW 2046
Dexin Printing & Graphic Pty Ltd B7/23 - 25 Windsor Rd Northmead NSW 2152
Diamond Paper Pty Ltd 118 - 124 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Digital Pre-Press Technologies Pty Ltd 170 Pacific Hwy St Leonards NSW 2065
Direct Image Centre Pty Ltd Unit 16/191 Parramatta Rd Auburn NSW 2144
DLT Printing Pty Ltd 338 -356 Mitchell Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Dobbin & Company Pty Ltd Unit 19/1, 7 Short St Chatswood NSW 2067
Dobson Alec & McEwan Pty Ltd 81 Fletcher St Adamstown NSW 2289
Dominion Printing Co 74 Woodville Rd Granville NSW 2142
Donald F Pettigrew Pty Ltd 19 Byer St, Enfield NSW 2136
DOP Colourprint Pty Ltd 4/5 Vuko Place Warriewood NSW 2103
Double G Graphics 953 Canterbury Rd Lakemba NSW 2195
Double Six Printing Pty Ltd 213 Clarence St Sydney NSW 2000
DPR Printing Service Pty Ltd 2/12 Pendlebury Rd, Cardiff NSW 2285
DRG Flexible Packaging Crewe Place Rosebery NSW 2018
DRP Cartons (NSW) 9D Harp St Campsie NSW 2194
DS Labels Pty Ltd 28 Shirlow St Marrickville NSW 2204
Duplas Pty Ltd 13 - 15 Daphne St Botany NSW 2019
Dy-Mark (Aust) Pty Ltd 7/171 Orchard Rd Chester Hill NSW 2162
Dynamic Mailing Service Pty Ltd 23-27 Stanley St Peakhurst NSW 2210
Dynamic Press Pty Ltd 1 Dumic Place Dee Why NSW 2099
Eastern Suburbs Bookbinding Unit 28/17-21 Bowden St Alexandria NSW 2015
Eastern Suburbs Newspapers 170 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Eastern Suburbs Printers 170 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Echo Design Australia Pty Ltd Suite 9/1st Floor- 10 East Pde Eastwood NSW 2122
Ecopaper Pty Limited Unit 6/IA Coulson St Alexandria NSW 2015
Ecusta Roth Pty Ltd 2/10 Amax Avenue Girraween NSW 2145
Edgar Bragg & Sons Pty Ltd 130 Cope St Waterloo NSW 2017
El-Telegraph Publications (Australia) Pty Ltd 15 - 19 Garners Ave Marrickville NSW 2204
Electric Press Pty Ltd 19 Shirlow St Marrickville NSW 2204
Elgood & Son Pty Ltd 12 Rose Cresccnt Regents Park NSW 2143
Elonell Pty Ltd 7 Amax Ave Girraween NSW 2145
Embassy Litho Plates Pty Ltd 878 Canterbury Rd Lakemba NSW 2195
Emel Printing 200 Girraween Rd Girraween NSW 2145
Emerald Press Pty Ltd 41/7 Salisbury Rd Castle Hill NSW 2154
Empress Printing Pty Ltd 715a Forest Rd Bexley NSW 2207
Enhanced Graphics 757 Elizabeth St Waterloo NSW 2017
Entertainment Graphics Pty Ltd 78 - 84 Foveaux St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Envelope Manufacturers (A Division of Paper Merchant Holdings Pty Ltd) E1-46/62 Maddox St Alexandria NSW 2015
Envelope Specialists Pty Ltd 9 Turbo Rd Marayong NSW 2148
Eric Francis & Co Pty Ltd, t/a Beaver Press 7 Hudson St Chippendale NSW 2008
ES Perry & Sons Pty Ltd 44 Stanley St, Peakhurst NSW 2210
Ethelink Pty Ltd Suite 1/21 Belmore Rd Randwick NSW 2031
Executive Press Pty Ltd 19 Crinan St Hurlestone Park NSW 2193
Ezyform Pty Ltd 116 Carnarvon St Silverwater NSW 2141
Faast Print Pty Ltd 8 Gardeners Rd Kingsford NSW 2032
Fairfax Community Newspapers Pty Ltd 47 Allingham St Bankstown NSW 2200
Fairfield Print House Pty Ltd 29 Dale St Fairfield NSW 2165
Fairmount Press 60 Joseph St Lidcombe NSW 2141
Farrell Printers 26 Cadogan St Marrickville NSW 2204
Federal Publishing Co 140 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Federal Rubber Stamps Pty Ltd 2 Sydenham Rd Marrickville NSW 2204
Fielding Print Pty Ltd Unit 8, 7 Kent Rd Mascot NSW 2020
Film Combiners Pty Ltd 11 Porter St Ryde NSW 2112
Finecraft Engraving Co Pty Ltd 33 Grosvenor St Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Finetone Lithographics Pty Ltd 39 Whitaker St Yennora NSW 2161
Flexible Packaging Aust Pty Ltd 80 Oak Rd Kirrawee NSW 2232
Flexpak Pty Ltd 41 College St Gladesville NSW 2111
Focus Press Printing Pty Ltd 14 Dunlop St South Strathfield NSW 2136
Folding Carton Finishers 17 Lawrence St Alexandria NSW 2015
Foreign Language Publications Pty Ltd 1-9 Glebe Point Rd Glebe NSW 2037
Forest Press Pty Ltd 161 Bellevue Pde Carlton NSW 2218
Forestville Printing Service Pty Ltd 42B Forest Way Shopping Centre Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Forstaff Pty Ltd 15 Frank St Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Four Colour Graphics Pty Ltd Level 1, Rear Unit 3, 23 - 29 South St Rydalmere NSW 2116
Fourmada Printing Pty Ltd Unit 8, 122 - 124 Hassall St Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Fred Hosking Pty Ltd Station Avenue Concord West NSW 2138
Frontline Graphics Pty Ltd Unit 2A - Building 1 - 35 Doody St Alexandria NSW 2015
Future Printing Pty Ltd 168 Campbell St Surry Hills NSW 2010
G & J Printing 102 Oliver St Harbord NSW 2096
Gadsden J Pty Ltd 75 Queens Rd Five Dock NSW 2046
Galloping Press 203 Homer St,. Earlwood NSW 2206
GBC Australia Pty Ltd 19 Victoria Rd Castle Hill NSW 2154
Gee Graphics Pty Ltd 27 Church St Camperdown NSW 2050
GID Printing Pty Ltd 5/9 Hudson Ave Castle Hill NSW 2154
Girraween Graphics Pty Ltd 8/88 Magowar Rd Girraween NSW 2145
Glade Graphics Pty Ltd 88 Carlingford St Sefton NSW 2162
Glama-Pak (NSW) Pty Ltd 24 Belmore Rd Punchbowl NSW 2196
Glenn Warner Printing Pty Ltd 8 Chicago Ave Blacktown NSW 2148
Goldcraft Embossing Pty Ltd 2/4 Sloane St Marrickville NSW 22(14.
Good Impressions Pty Ltd 40 Milton St. Ashfield NSW 2131
Gordon Symons Pty Ltd 31 Orchard Rd Brookvalec NSW 2 1 00
Gorton H Pty Ltd 7 Amax St Girraween NSW 2145
Gothic Film Productions Pty Ltd Unit 4/10 Ferngrove Place South Granville NSW 2142
Government Printing Service Units 5 & 10 Block V, 391 Park Rd Regents Park NSW 2143
Gowans & Son Pty Ltd Unit 1/52 Alfred Rd Chipping Norton NSW 21 70
Graceland Graphics Pty Ltd 4/3 York Rd, Ingleburn NSW 2365
Grafik Styles Pty Ltd 551 Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Grafika Press Pty Ltd 114 Victoria St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Granville Printing Company 79-81 John St, Granville NSW 2142
Graphic Arteffect 38 Tallwood Dr North Rocks NSW 2151
Graphic Arts Engraving Pty Ltd 34C Fitzroy St Marrickville NSW 2204
Graphic Bookbinding Pty Ltd 44 Garema Circuit Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Graphic Centre Pty Ltd 29 Carlingford St, Regents Park NSW 2143
Graphic Overprint Pty Ltd 2nd Floor, 104 Bathurst St Sydney NSW 2000
Graphic Preprint 21 Carina Rd Oyster Bay NSW 2225
Graphic Trade Services Unit 3/2 George Pl Artarmon NSW 2064
Graphic World Pty Ltd 14 McGill St Lewisham .NSW 2049
Graphics (NSW) Pty Ltd Level 1, 32 Atchison St Leonards NSW 2065
Graphics Plus Printing Pty Ltd Unit 1/70 Rose Hill St Redfern
Graphitype Printing Services Pty Ltd Units 17& 18/10 Foundary Rd Seven Hill NSW 2147
Graphix Images Australia Pty Ltd Unit 1/22 Oramzi Rd Girraween NSW 2145
Graphus Pty Ltd 107 Alexander St,. Crows Nest NSW 2065
Green & Gold Printing 105 - 107 Reserve Rd Artarmon NSW 2064
Green-Loch Reprographics Unit 2/6 Greenfield St Botany NSW 2020
Greenwood Press 62 Arundel St. Glebe NSW .2037
Greg Tapp Printing Pty Ltd 14 Power St Islington NSW 2296
GW Graham & Co Pty Ltd 4/32 Lillian Fowler P1 Marrickville NSW 2204
Gymea Press Pty Ltd 4 Cawarra Rd, Caringbah NSW 2229
HA Printing 4 Shirlow St Marrickville NSW 2204
Hale Foldpack Pty Ltd 75 MacDonald St,. Erskineville NSW 2043
Hannan Group 170 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015
Harbord Printing Pty Ltd 2 Wattle Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Harna Printing Pty Ltd 242 Canterbury Rd Canterbury NSW 2193
Harold Murray Printing Pty Ltd 14 Chalder Ave Marrickville NSW 2204
HC Martyn & Sons (Aust) Pty Ltd 78 Regent St Redfern NSW 2016
Headland Press 6 Short St Brookvale NSW 2100
Heidelberg Australia Pty Ltd 44-54 O’Dea St Waterloo NSW 2017
Heiser Bros Pty Ltd 1473- 1475 Canterbury Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196
Hermes Precisa Pty Limited t/a Hermes Precisa Australia 1A Coulson St,. Erskineville NSW 2043
Hi Tech Offset Pty Ltd 25 Leeds St, Rhodes NSW 2138
Hi-Gloss Laminating Co Pty Ltd 1349 Botany Rd, Botany NSW 2019
Hi-Line Press Pty Ltd 3/11 Stanley St Peakhurst NSW 2210
Hi-Tech Stencil Crete Pty Ltd Unit 2, 84-86 Batt St Penrith NSW 2750
High Q Resolutions Pty Ltd Level 2, 360 Pacific Hwy Crows Nest NSW 2065
Highlight Printing 114 Victoria Rd Marrickville NSW 2204
Horizon Wire Binding Service 6 Lilac St Punchbowl NSW 2196
Hornsby Printing & Binding 21, 31-37 Salisbury Rd, Asquith NSW 2077
Hudson Printers Pty Ltd 15 Fox St Granville NSW 2142
Huxdale Printing Co Level 3/33 Bligh St Sydney NSW 2000
Hygrade Printing Trade Services 7 Homedale Rd Bankstown NSW 2200
Hytec Cutformes & Cutting 132- 138 McEvoy St Alexandria NSW 2015
I & K Press Pty Ltd 44 Winbourne Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Ian Liddell Pty Ltd 467 Balmain Rd Lilyfield NSW 2040
Image Desktop Publishing & Printing Level 1/40 Gloucester St Sydney NSW 2000
Image Pre-Press 465 Darling St Balmain NSW 2041
Imatec Pty Ltd Cnr Bibby St & Blackwall Pt Rd Chiswick NSW 2046
lmpresstik Pty Ltd 34-38 Walker St Rhodes NSW 2138
Imprimatur Press 11 Ralph St Alexandria NSW 2015
Imprint Screen Printing 3B Lousie Ave Ingleburn NSW 2565
Independence Daily Pty Ltd 141 Broadway Ultimo NSW 2007
Independent Litho Plates Pty Ltd 18 Smith St,. Chatswood NSW 2067
Independent Printing Services Pty Ltd 2 Boundary St Redfern NSW 2016
Ink Express Printing Unit 2/111 Wicks Rd North Ryde NSW 2113
Inkern Pty Ltd Level 2/15-17 Young St Sydney NSW 2000
Intercolour International Pty Ltd Suite 1/38-48 Waterloo St Surry Hills NSW 2010
Irwin & Sheehan Pty Ltd Cnr Joynton Ave & O’Dea Ave Waterloo NSW 2017
J & C Printing Co 75 Albion St Surry Hills NSW 2010
J Bell & Co Pty Ltd 13 McCauley St Alexandria NSW 2015
J Lyons 84 Harris St, Pyrmont NSW 2009
J Saunders and Sons Pty Ltd 15 Salisbury Rd Castle Hill NSW 2154
JA Wales Pty Ltd 2 Johnson St Alexandria NSW 2015
Jackson Press 6 Bridge St Sydney NSW 2000
James & James Printing Pty Ltd 188 Liverpool Rd Ashfield NSW 2131
James Maloney Instant Printing 780 Parramatta Rd Lewisham NSW 2049
Jason’s Print Solutions 22A Ricketty St Masoot NSW 2020
JB Waldegrave Pty Ltd 7 Porter St, Ryde NSW 2112
JC United Printers 4/76 Hume Highway Lansvale NSW 2166
Jeffrey Litho Plates Pty Ltd 11 Shepherd Marrickville NSW 2204
Jeifries Printing Services (NSW) Pty Ltd Unit 19/94 Bryant St. Padstow NSW 2211
Jem-K Printing Pty Ltd 8 Romford Rd, Blacktown NSW 2148
Jet Sing Printing 459 Pitt St Haymarket NSW 2000
JM Executive Printing Service 846 Pacific Highway. Gordon NSW 2072
JMS Printing 30/93 -97 Newton Rd Wetherill Park NSW 2164
JN Lilamand Pty Ltd 3 Powderworks Rd, Narrabeen NSW 2101
John Fisher Pty Ltd 12-14 Garden St Marrickville NSW 2204
Johns Alfred Pty Ltd 25 Fitzroy St Marrickville NSW 2204
Jones and Ables Pty Ltd 91 Chapel St Lakemba NSW 2195
Jupiter Pty Ltd 122-130 Edinburgh Rd Marrickville NSW 2204
Just Graphics Pty Ltd 168 Willoughby Rd, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Justinprint Pty Ltd 18 Smith St Chatswood NSW 2067
K & H Lithographic Plates Pty Ltd 2 Powells Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
K & L Gilkes Pty Ltd 17 Hilly St Mortlake NSW 2137
Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Ltd 12 Mars Rd, Lane Cove NSW 2066
KCAP Productions Pty Ltd 45 -47 Ralph St, Alexandria NSW 2015
Keen Permofilm Pty Ltd Unit 1/25 Market St Sydney NSW 2000
Kelmah Press Manufacturing Pty Ltd 92 Meeks Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Kemwell Offset Pty Ltd 23 Pelican St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Ken & Jean Screen Printing 3/21 -23 Abel St Penrith NSW 2750
Kentley Printing Pty Ltd 20 - 22 Stanley St, Peakhurst NSW 2210
Keppell Printing Pty Ltd 31 - 35 Heathcote Rd Moorebank NSW 2170
Keydoc Pty Ltd Suite 11 - 104 Bathurst St Sydney NSW 2000
Keyset Phototype Pty Ltd 378 Abercrombie St, Chippendale NSW 2008
KFK Advance Graphics Pty Ltd 12/14 Featherstone St, Bankstown NSW 2200
King & Tweeddale Pty Ltd 38 Hercules St, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203
Kingsgrove Press Pty Ltd 43 - 45 Kingsway Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Kingsway Printers Pty Ltd 5/73 Willarong Rd, Caringbah NSW 2229
Kiwi Print Pty Ltd 24a Church St, Ryde NSW 2112
KJR Printing Pty Ltd 27 Harley Cres, Condell Park NSW 2200
Knight Bros Printery Pty Ltd Cnr Bryant & Union St, Tighes Hill NSW 2297
Koala Instant Printing Pty Ltd, (Ultimo) 561 Harris St, Ultimo NSW 2007
Kolorart Graphics Pty Ltd Level 3B/15 Oryan St Lane Cove NSW 2066
Kookaburra Industries Pty Ltd 1737 Botany Rd, Botany NSW 2019
Kopystop Pty Ltd 36 Mountain St Broadway NSW 2007
KSL Lithoplates Pty Ltd 25 Unwins Bridge Rd. St Peters NSW 2044
KTR Printing Pty Ltd 8/7 Carrington Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Kwik - Copy Printing 1057 Bourke Rd Waterloo NSW 2017
Kwik - Kopy Printing 31 Macquarie Place Sydney’ NSW 2000
Kwik - Kopy Printing Unit 1/155 Taren Point Rd Taren Point NSW 2229
Kwik - Kopy Printing Ground Floor 32 Bolton St Newcastle NSW 2300
Kwik - Kopy Printing 21/18 Walton Cres Abbotsford NSW 2046
Kwik - Kopy Printing 55 Clarence St Sydney NSW 2000
Kwik - Kopy Printing 134 Bonds Rd Riverwood NSW 2210
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 1/1059-1063 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Shop 3P/1-5 Railway St Chatswood NSW 2067
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 108 Ebley St Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 142 Parramatta Rd Auburn NSW 2144
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 42 Whiting St Artarmon NSW 2064
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Unit 32/9 Powells Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 19 Grosvenor St Neutral Bay NSW 2089
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 7 Allan St Fairfield NSW 2165
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 56 Shepherd St Marrickville NSW 2204
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 1/14 French Ave Bankstown NSW 2200
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 645 Harris St Ultimo NSW 2007
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Lower Ground Floor - 28 Market St Sydney NSW 2000
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Unit 3/138 - 140 George St Hornsby NSW 2077
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 17 Chandos St Leonards NSW 2065
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 9 Tindale St Penrith NSW 2750
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Macquarie House - 37 Smith St Parramatta NSW 2150
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Shop 132 Macquarie Centre - Henning Rd North Ryde NSW 2113
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 218 Northumberland St Liverpool NSW 2170
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Shop 17a Cnr King & George Sts Sydney NSW 2000
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 320 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Building 1 - 1801 Botany Rd Banksmeadow NSW 2019
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Unit 5/18 Forge St Blacktown NSW 2148
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Unit 27/7 Carrington Rd Castle Hill NSW 2154
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 1st Floor - 94 Victoria Rd Parramatta NSW 2150
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Unit 8/177 - 199 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Shop 2/52 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000
Kwik Copy Printing 65 Great North Rd Five Dock NSW 2046
LA Fiamma Publishing (NSW) Pty Ltd 499 Parramatta Rd, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Labelcraft Pty Ltd 40 George St, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Lafiya Binding Company Rear 64 Dickson Ave Artarmon NSW 2064
Lamrock & Ryan Pty Ltd 9 Rose Crescent Regents Park NSW 2143
Lamson Paragon Pty Ltd 5 Yamma St Sefton NSW 2162
Laser Composition Pty Ltd Rear 181 Illawarra Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Laser Dot Pty Ltd 5/244 Harbord Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Laser Graphics (NSW) Pty Ltd 54-56 Whiting St Artarmon NSW 2064
Lawson & Bray Pty Ltd 207 Storey St Maroubra NSW 2035
LBJ International Litho 80 Hotham Pde, Artarmon NSW 2064
Lee EW & Co Pty Ltd 76 Flood St Leichhardt NSW 2040
Les Baddock & Sons Pty Ltd 98 - 106 Riley St. East Sydney NSW 2010
Lester Printing Pty Ltd 39/5 Anella Ave Castle Hill NSW 2154
Lewis Print 26 Holbeche Rd Arndell Park NSW 2148
Lewisham High School 68 The Boulevarde Lewisham NSW 2049
Leydon Reprographics Pty Ltd 18 Albany St Leonards NSW 2065
Ligare Pty Ltd 138 Bonds Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196
Lightning Print Pty Ltd 59-61 Gymea Bay Rd Gymea NSW 2227
Lilyfield Printing Pty Ltd 53 Bellona St Regents Park NSW 2143
Lindfield Printing & Stationary 372 Pacific Hwy Lindfield NSW 2070
Lindsay Yates & Partners Pty Ltd 49 Whiting St Artarmon NSW 2064
Lindwall & Ward Pty Ltd 8 Sloane St Marrickville NSW 2204
Link Printing Pty Ltd 115 Beaconsfield St Silverwater NSW 2141
Lion Holdings Pty Ltd, t/a Lion Graphics 151 Liverpool Rd. Burwood NSW 2134
Lisa Moore Graphic Design 35 Northwood St Camperdown NSW 2050
Litho Craft Printers Unit 22/276 - 278 Victoria St Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Litho Film Pty Ltd Unit 4, 26-30 Anne St Marys NSW 2760
Littlewood Printing Co U6/11 Packard Ave Castle Hill NSW 2154
Liverpool Printing Service Pty Ltd 2/323 Newbridge Rd, Moorebank NSW 2170
LJ Cullen Pty Ltd 19 Arab Rd Padstow NSW 2211
Locographics Pty Ltd 165/171 Milton St Ashfield NSW 2131
London Labels (NSW) Pty Ltd 3/15 Lorraine Peakhurst NSW 2210
Longworth & Goodwin Pty Ltd 63 Regent St New Lambton NSW 2305
Luxford Print Services Unit 1/62 Lee Holm Rd St Marys NSW 2760
Lyno’s Desk Top Publishing 1/45 Whiting St Artarmon NSW 2064
M Le Breton Graphics (Aust) Pty Ltd 4/40 Leighton Place Asquith NSW 2078
M Press Pty Ltd 10 - 14 Mitchell St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Macarthur Inprint Pty Ltd 3/167 Prospect Hwy Seven Hills NSW 2147
Macdonald & Masterton Printing Pty Ltd 1357 Botany Rd Botany NSW 2019
Macprint Pty Ltd 6 Park Lane Caringbah NSW 2229
Maddison Productions Pty Ltd 12 Cottam Ave Bankstown NSW 2200
Magazine Printers Pty Ltd 160 Bourke Rd. Alexandria NSW 2015
Major Graphics Printers Pty Ltd 16/2 Apollo Crt Warriewood NSW 2102
Mallard Printing Pty Ltd, t/a Top Print 35 Lawson St Penrith NSW 2750
Manders Coating & Inks (Australia) Pty Ltd 18A Robert St Rozelle NSW 2039
MAPS Litho Pty Ltd Unit 3/8 Aquatic Drive Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Marrickville Newspapers 18-22 Murray St Marrickville NSW 2204
Mascot Kwik Print 1003A Botany Rd Mascot NSW 2020
Mason Duflex Pty Ltd 60 Marigold St Revesby NSW 2212
Master Plates Pty Ltd 79 Long St Smithfield NSW 2164
Maxwell Optical Industries Pty Ltd Unit 7/100 Harris St Pyrmont NSW 2009
Maxwell Printing Co Pty Ltd 862 Elizabeth St, Waterloo NSW 2017
McCaIls Pattern Service Pty Ltd 18 Newton St, Alexandria NSW 2015
McClintock Bros Pty Ltd 115 Bowden St, Meadowbank NSW 2114
McCorquodale & Co Pty Ltd 19-21 Daisy St, Revesby NSW 2212
McGrigor Norman Printing Pty Ltd 9 Pioneer Ave Thomleigh NSW 2120
McMillan JS Pty Ltd 24 Carter St, Lidcombe NSW 2141
McPherson Binding Pty Ltd 36 Ralph St, Alexandria NSW 2Q15
Media Press Pty Ltd 7 Garners Ave, Marrickville NSW 2204
Meerkats United Publishing Pty Ltd 36 Craiglands Ave, Gordon NSW 2072
Mercier Typesetters Pty Ltd 6 East St, Granville NSW 2142
Meri Publishing Pty Ltd 17/276-278 Victoria St, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Merport Pty Ltd 27 Buckley St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Merrit Madden Printing Pty Ltd 36 O’Dea Avenue Waterloo NSW 2017
Metrone Products 67C Christina Rd Villawood NSW 2163
Michael Bird Design Pty Ltd 18 Beattie St Balmain NSW 2041
Mipa Printing Pty Ltd 33 Clapham Rd, Sefton NSW 2162
Mitchell Printing Co 13 Argyle St. Arncliffe NSW 2205
Mockridge Bulmer Pty Ltd 2/12 Frederick St Leonards NSW 2065
Moderne Art Printing Co Pty Ltd 10- 12 Carolyn St Silverwater NSW 2141
Monarch Marking Systems Aust Pty Ltd 61 Vore St, Silverwater NSW 2141
Montage Graphix Unit 14/8 Campbell St Artarmon NSW 2064
More Than Just Copies 14 William St, Brookvale NSW 2100
Morgan Printing Pty Ltd Rear 214 Lyons Rd, Five Dock NSW 2046
Morris McMahon & Co Pty Ltd 34 Arncliffe St, Arncliffe NSW 2205
Morris Norman Pty Ltd 16 Newcomen St, Newcastle NSW 2300
Morrison and Bailey Pty Ltd 3 Cook Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Mr Instant Print 477 New South Head Rd, Double Bay NSW 2028
MS Simpson & Sons Pty Ltd 123 Queen St, Alexandria NSW 2015
Multicell Unit F2/46 - 62 Maddox St, Alexandria NSW 2015
Mutual Printing Cnr Abercrombie & Cleveland Sts, Chippendale NSW 2008
My Tabs Pty Ltd 11 - 15 Victoria Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Nadley Press Pty Ltd 68 Oak Rd, Kirrawee NSW 2232
Narrabeen Printers Unit 9/9 Apollo St, Warriewood NSW 2102
National Can (NSW) Pty Ltd 50A Duffy Ave, Thornleigh NSW 2120
National Direct Imaging Pty Ltd 106 Parramatta Rd, Homebush NSW 2140
National House Group Printing 49 Blackbutts Rd, Belrose NSW 2085
NCR Australia Pty Ltd 127 Turrella St, Turrella NSW 2205
Neaders Print Services 19 Hudson St, Hamilton NSW 2303
Network Graphics 38 Sydenham Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
New Era Printing Pty Ltd 38 Anderson Rd. Mortdale NSW 2223
Newcastle Camera Print Manufacturing Pty Ltd 17 Arnott St Newcastle West NSW 2302
Newey & Beath Printers Pty Ltd 45 Lambton Rd Broameadow NSW 2292
No 19 Graphic Productions 38 -41) James St, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Nordic Printing Pty Ltd 4/20’Pcndlebury’ Rd, Cardiff NSW 2285
Norman McGrigor Printing Pty Ltd 6 Lymoore Ave Thornleigh NSW 2120
Norrisprint Pty Ltd 6/707 Forest Rd, Peakhurst NSW 2210
North Broken Hill Ltd t/a Envelope Manufacturers 10 Bowden St Alexandria NSW 2015
Novagraphics Engraving Pty Ltd 1031 Bourke St. Waterloo NSW 2017
NRMA Limited (National Roads & Motorists Association) 151 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000
NSW Teachers Federation 300 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
O'Donovan H R & Co Pty Ltd 1/111 Moore St, Leichhardt NSW 2040
O'Loughlan Bros Pty Ltd 28 Enterprise Ave, Padstow NSW 2211
Offset Alpine Printing Pty Ltd 42 Boorca St, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Offset Images Pty Ltd 3/39 Hotham Pde, Artarmon NSW 2064
Omicron Reproductions 478 New Canterbury Rd, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203
Omniforms Systems Pty Ltd 7 - 9 Underwood Rd, Homebush NSW 2140
On Q Printing Shop 23/MLC Building - Denison St, North Sydney NSW 2060
One Pacific Pty Ltd 1/14 Salisbury St, Asquith NSW 2077
Online Computer Stationary Pty Ltd 15 East St, Granville NSW 2142
Open Flat Bookbindings Co Pty Ltd 16 Hutchinson St, St Peters NSW 2044
Orange Mist Pty Limited t/a Elite Colour 79 - 83 Myrtle St, Chippendale NSW 2008
Orangutan Printing Company 22 Kareena Rd, Miranda NSW 2228
Orbit Offset Pty Ltd 29 Antoine St, Rydalmere NSW 2116
Ostrow Holdings Pty Ltd 16/620-632 Botany Rd, Botany NSW 2019
P & I Printing Pty Ltd 8 Works Place, Milperra NSW 2214
P & R Screenprints Pty Ltd 5/3 -5 Carnergie Place, Blacktown NSW 2148
Pac-Rim Printing Pty Ltd Church Rd, Moorebank NSW 2170
Pacific Secure Systems Pty Ltd 99 Carnarvon St, Auburn NSW 2144
Pacific Web Technologies 9 Lyn Pde, Lurnea NSW 2170
Packaging Graphics Pty Ltd 14 Plasser Crescent, St. Mary’s NSW 2760
Packaging Inks (Australia) Pty Ltd 12 Abbott Rd, Seven Hills P4SW 2147
Packaging Processors (NSW) Pty Ltd 109 Beaconsfield St, Silverwater NSW 2141
Pacweb Pty Ltd 10 Wenban Pl, Wethenill Park NSW 2164
Pakka Graphics 357 Old Canterbury Rd, Hurlstone Park NSW 2193
Pantina Pty Ltd 2/398 Victoria Rd, Gladesville NSW 2111
Paper Rolls 121 Station Rd, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Para-Vogue Printing Pty Ltd 157 Gibbes St, Chatswood NSW 2067
Paragraph The Type Studio Level 7/122 Arthur St, North Sydney NSW 2060
Patricks Badges Pty Ltd 92 Victoria Rd, Parramatta NSW 2150
PCC Plastics - A Division of Paper Converting Company Pty Ltd 45 Munibung Rd, Cardiff NSW 2285
PD Screenpninting 218 King St, Newcastle NSW 2300
Peachy Print Pty Ltd 18/272-274 Victoria St, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Pearl Printing Pty Ltd 1/34 Garema Circuit, Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Pemara Graphics (NSW) Pty Ltd 7 Gunya St, Regents Park NSW 2143
Penfold Printing Ltd 8 Century Estate - Ellis Ave, Alexandria NSW 2015
Pennant Hills Printing & Stationary Pty Ltd 3 Hillcrest Rd, Pennant Hills NSW 2120
Penrith Art Printing Works Pty Ltd 2/56 Preston St, Penrith NSW 2750
Perfectly Bound Pty Ltd Unit 8/33 - 37 College St, Gladesville NSW 2111
Permanent Press Printers Pty Ltd 2/55 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007
Peter Hudson Printers Pty Ltd 17 Fox St, Granville NSW 2142
Peter Jones Printing Services Pty Ltd 7/16a Heanne St, Mortdale NSW 2223
Pettara Press Pty Ltd 17 Ralph St, Alexandria P4SW 2015
Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) 60 Elizabeth St Sydney NSW 2000
Photo Plates Pty Ltd Rear 329 Crown St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Photomat Scanagraphics Pty Ltd 21 Emma St, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Pickford Press Pty Ltd 2 Omnibus Rd, Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Pink Panther Instant Printing 140 Bank St, Pyrmont NSW 2009
Pitney Bowes 69 - 71 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113
Planet Press Pty Ltd 4 - 8 lIma St, Bankstown NSW 2200
Plasticel Packaging Co 5/8 Taronga Pl, Mona Vale NSW 2103
Point Print 30 Chang Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Polarcup Australia Ltd 120 Mileham St, Windsor NSW 2756
Pole Publications NSW Pty Ltd 5 Coombes Dr, Penrith NSW 2750
Polk Mailing (NSW) Pty Ltd 671 Gardeners Rd, Mascot NSW 2020
Pont & Co Pty Ltd 19 Gerald St. Marrickville NSW 2204
Posh Printing 3a Burwood Rd, Burwood NSW 2134
Poundsworth Press Pty Ltd 574 Parramatta Rd, Petersham NSW 2049
Pre Press Graphics 182 Victoria Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Premier Labels Pty Limited 40 King St, Sydney NSW 2000
Premier Print Pty Ltd 26 Clarke St, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Press Eleven Pty Ltd D1/15 - 17 Garema Circuit, Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Press Print Pty Ltd Unit 4/5 Salisbury Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Prestige Binding Co Pty Ltd 2/83 George St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Prestige Colour Pty Ltd 7 West St, North Sydney NSW 2060
Prestige Plates Pty Ltd 78 Old Canterbury Rd, Lewisham NSW 2049
Price Graphics Pty Limited 8 Rookwood Rd, Yagoona NSW 2199
Priden Printing Pty Ltd 527 Botany Rd, Waterloo NSW 2017
Prince & Martin (MFG) Pty Ltd 361 -365 Clyde St, South Granville NSW 2142
Print & Printess 50 Gould St, Enfield NSW 2136
Print 2000 Pty Ltd 146 Centaur St, Revesby Heights NSW 2212
Print Concepts Pty Limited 12 Bridge Rd, Stanmore NSW 2048
Print Mail Pty Ltd 72 - 78 Addison Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Print Plus Shop 7/504 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards NSW 2065
Print Point Printing 30 Chard Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Printatone Pty Ltd 35-38 Bridge St, Rydalmere NSW 2116
Printavision 634 Botany Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
Printcare Systems Pty Ltd 13 Fiona St, Mount Pritchard NSW 2170
Printing Enterprises Pty Ltd 16/2 Campbell St, Artarmon NSW 2064
Printing Headquarters Pty Ltd 42 Kensington St, Chippendale NSW 2008
Printmail 1/5 Waltham Street, Artarmon NSW 2064
Printprocol Pty Ltd Unit 1/9A Foundry Rd, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Prior Press Pty Ltd 2 Mitchell Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Prototype Pty Ltd Level 1/88 Foveaux St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
PS Print Pty Limited Unit 10/3 Flora St, Kirrawee NSW 2232
Publimedia (Aust) Pty Limited 100 Kippax St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
QES Systems (Australia) Pty Ltd It) - 12 Richmond Rd Homebush NSW 2140
Quality Images Australia Pty Ltd Unit B/23 Leeds St, Rhodes NSW 2138
Quality Lithographics Pty Ltd 61 Svdenham Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Quantel Pty Ltd 8/81 Frenchs Forest Rd, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Quick Smart Printing Pty Ltd Unit 9/5 Salisbury St, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Quickcut Pre-Press Network Pty Ltd Unit 2/1 Skyline Place, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Quill Stationary Manufacturers Pty Ltd 150 Hurstville Rd, Oatley NSW 2223
Quillprint Pty Ltd Unit 18/19 Seton Rd, Moorebank NSW 2170
Quote-A-Print Pty Ltd 30 Anne St, St Marys NSW 2760
R & R Printing Unit 12B/9 Lyn Pde, Prestons NSW 2170
R & T Central Press 51/566 Gardeners Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
Ragi Packaging Services Pty Ltd 53 Christian Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196
Rainbow Printing Pty Ltd 38 Mary Pde, Rydalmere NSW 2116
Ralya Press 3/23 South St, Granville NSW 2142
Ramon Products Pty Ltd 34A Box Rd, Taren Point NSW 2229
Randa Products Pty Ltd 11 Anvil Rd, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Rawson Graphics Pty Ltd 55 Hotham Pde, Artarmon NSW 2064
Reed Business Publishing Pty Ltd 1 - 5 Railway St, Chatswood NSW 2067
Reid Lalor Pty Ltd 459 The Boulevarde, Kirrawee NSW 2232
Reliance Bookbinding Co Pty Ltd 13 Sloane St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Repro Offset Printers Pty Ltd 22 Garema Circuit, Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Reprographics Pty Ltd 35 Hudson St, Hamilton NSW 2292
Response Colour Graphics Pty Ltd 6 Daphne St, Botany NSW 2019
Revesby Press Pty Ltd Unit 6/81) Milperra Rd, Revesby NSW 2212
Rexam Metallising 6 Garling Rd, Kings Park NSW 2148
RF Jones & Sons Pty Ltd 27 Carrington Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Ribboprint Pty Ltd 41 Booth St, Annandale NSW 2038
Richard Wagner Prestige Labels Pty Ltd 2/35 Hallstrom Pl, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Rite Pak (Aust) Pty Ltd 34 Victoria St, Smithfield NSW 2164
Rite-A-Type Pty Ltd Unit 1/3 Lanceley Pl, Artarmon NSW 2064
Riverstone Printing Sales Pty Ltd Cnr Hamilton & Wellington Sts, Riverstone NSW 2765
RJ Nisbet Pty Ltd 5b Gibbes St Chatswood NSW 2067
RMB Phototypesetting Pty Ltd 34 Neilson Ave, Carlton NSW 2218
Robert Burton Printers Pty Ltd 63 Carlingford St, Sefton NSW 2162
Robert Hickman Printing Pty Ltd 38 Anderson Rd, Mortdale NSW 2223
Robert Vale & Co Rear 52 Shepherd St, Chippendale NSW 2008
Robison Printing Pty Ltd 5 - 7 Gundah Rd, Mt Kuring-gai NSW 2080
Rodenprint Pty Ltd 9 Vore St, Silverwater NSW 2141
Rose Graphics Pty Ltd 91 Railway Pde, Marrickville NSW 2204
Rose Print 27/2 Richard Close, North Rocks NSW 2151
Rossprint Pty Ltd 1 Drummond St, Belmore NSW 2192
Rostone Print Pty Ltd Level 2/140 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
Rotary Colorprint Co Pty Ltd 17 Bellevue St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Rotary Offset Press Pty Ltd 191 Arthur St, Homebush NSW 2140
Rotoflex Packaging Pty Ltd Unit 6/33 College St, Gladesville NSW 2111
RT Design Pty Ltd 1 Leeds St, Rhodes NSW 2138
RT Kelly Pty Ltd 23 Allen St, Waterloo NSW 2017
Ryans Express 2/49 Whiting St, Artarmon NSW 2064
S Halkeas Printing Pty Ltd 46 - 32 Meagher St, Chippendale NSW 2008
Safetyman Signs Pty Ltd 17 Commercial Rd, Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Salmat Direct Marketing Pty Ltd 152 Miller Rd, Chester Hill NSW 2162
SB Jarvis Printing Service Pty Ltd Unit F/6 I Waratah St, Kirrawee NSW 2232
Scanagraphics Pty Ltd 91 Railway Pde, Marrickville NSW 2204
Scandia Litho Service 21 Wilson St, Botany NSW 2019
Scandisk Pty Ltd 53 - 55 Herbert St, Artarmon NSW 2064
School of Graphic Arts Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007
SDM Engineering Pty Ltd 20/22 Harp St, Campsie NSW 2194
Select Printing Pty Ltd 90 Alexander St, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Serge Martich-Osterman Printing & Publishing Pty Ltd 23 Taylor St, Annandale NSW 2038
Service Forms Australia (Newcastle) Pty Ltd 4 Callistemon Cl, Warabrook NSW 2293
Service Pre-Print Pty Ltd 363 - 365 Clyde St, South Granville NSW 2142
Set N’ Type 4/116 Cabramatta Rd, Cremorne NSW 2090
Sheather Bros 136 Harrow Rd, Auburn NSW 2144
Shepson Printing (Lettepress & Offset) Pty Ltd 98 Riley St. Darlinghurst NSW 2011
Shire Labels Pty Ltd 5/152 Garnet Rd, Kirrawee NSW 2232
Show-Ads Colour Centre 13 Sirius Rd, Lane Cove NSW 2066
Shute South & Justice Pty Ltd 1 Ralph St, Alexandria NSW 2015
Signum Transheet 47 Carrington Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Simplicity Patterns Pty Ltd 25 Violet St, Revesby NSW 2212
Sinnot Brothers Pty Ltd 11 Cockthorpe Rd, Lideombe N SW 2141
Skilled Engineering Locked Bag 20, Alexandria NSW 2015
Smith and Miles Pty Ltd 165 Phillip St, Waterloo NSW 2017
Snap Ads Pty Ltd 1 Goodsell St, St Peters NSW 2044
Snap Printing 12a Fisher Rd, Dee Why NSW 2099
Snap Printing 2/440 West Botany St, Rockdale NSW 2216
Snap Printing 29 Anderson St, Chatswood NSW 2067
Snap Printing 3 Station Rd, Auburn NSW 2144
Snap Printing 383 Darling St, Balmain NSW 2041
Snap Printing 20 Loftus St, Sydney NSW 2000
Snap Printing 158 Queen St, St Marys NSW 2760
Snap Printing 170 Main St, Blacktown NSW 2148
Snap Printing 99 Devonshire St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Snap Printing 268 Old Northern Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Snap Printing 23 Railway Pde, Eastwood NSW 2122
Snap Printing Unit 1A/303 Horsley Dr, Fairfield NSW 2165
Snap Printing 870 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2073
Snap Printing 11 Coronation St, Hornsby NSW 2077
Snap Printing 241 Northumberland St, Liverpool NSW 2170
Snap Printing 308 Victoria Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Snap Printing 10 Cliff St, Milsons Point NSW 2061
Snap Printing 1 Bungan Lane, Mona Vale NSW 2103
Snap Printing 3/20 Charles St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Snap Printing 70 Mulgoa Rd, Penrith NSW 2750
Snap Printing 522 Parramatta Rd, Petersham NSW 2049
Snap Printing 2 Waverley St, Bondi Junction NSW 2022
Snap Printing 1064 Victoria Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114
Snap Printing 349 Pacific Highway, Artarmon NSW 2064
Snap Printing 21A Marion St, Bankstown NSW 2200
Snap Printing 17b Belmore St, Burwood NSW 2134
Snap Printing 55 - 65 Phillip St, Parramatta NSW 2150
Snap Printing 681 Botany Rd, Rosebery NSW 2018
Snap Printing 89 York St, Sydney NSW 2000
Snap Printing Shop A/152 Best Rd, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Snap Printing 31/89 - 97 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007
Snap Printing 498 Hunter St, Newcastle NSW 2300
Snap Printing 1/25 Captain Cook Drive, Taren Point NSW 2229
Snap Printing 8 Help St, Chatswood NSW 2067
Snap Printing 1098 Botany Rd, Botany NSW 2019
Snap Printing 498 Forrest Rd, Penshurst NSW 2220
Snap Printing Shop 2/822 Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232
Snap Printing Unit 9/6 D’Villiers St, North Parramatta NSW 2151
Social Printing Pty Ltd 6 Blackstone Rd, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Solarprint Reproductions Pty Ltd 18 McFarlane St, Merrylands NSW 2160
SOS Printing Group (Aust) Pty Ltd, t/a SOS Printing 63 - 65 Burrows Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
South Pacific Business Forms 601 - 607 Gardeners Rd, Mascot NSW 2020
Southern Cross Lithographics Services Pty Ltd 1/48 Lancaster St, Ingleburn NSW 2565
Southern Cross Press 104 - 106 New Canterbury Rd, Petersham NSW 2049
Southside Offset Printing 21/65 - 75 Captain Cook Dr, Caringbah NSW 2229
Southwood Press Pty Ltd 80 - 92 Chapel St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Sozuti Pty Ltd 9/7 Packard Ave, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Specialty Print Pty Ltd 3/18 Loyalty Rd, North Rocks NSW 2151
Spectro Graphics Pty Ltd 9 Bibby St, Chiswick NSW 2046
Speedforms Pty Ltd 1 B Nathan St, Willoughby NSW 2068
Spot On Printing (NSW) Pty Ltd Unit 16/9 Powells Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Spotpress Pty Ltd 105 Victoria Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
St George Call Pty Ltd 12 Regent St, Kogarah NSW 2217
St George Graphics & Printers 16/365 West Botany St, Rockdale NSW 2216
St George Instant Print 55 Carlton Pde, Carlton NSW 2218
Staas Printing Pty Ltd 50 Briggs St, Camperdown NSW 2050
Staff Assist Pty Ltd Suite 5/303 Pacific Hwy, Lindfield NSW 2070
Standard Engraving Co Pty Ltd 182 Victoria Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Standard Publishing House Pty Ltd 69 Nelson St, Rozelle NSW 2039
Standards Association of Aust 1 The Crescent, Homebush NSW 2135
Stanley Printing Co Pty Ltd Unit 16/12 Norman St, Peakhurst NSW 2210
Star Printery Pty Ltd 21 Coulson St, Erskineville NSW 2043
Stars & Dwyer 50 Briggs St, Camperdown NSW 2050
Stead Bros Pty Ltd 145 Beattie St, Balmain NSW 2041
Stella Printing Services Pty Ltd 2/59 Moxon Rd, Punchbowl NSW 2196
Stephenson Printing Pty Ltd 39 Liverpool St, Sydney NSW 2000
Sterling Graphics Pty Ltd 3 Allen St, Waterloo NSW 2017
Sterling Media Pty Ltd 16/17 Stanton St, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Sterling Press Pty Ltd Unit A/40 - 46 McEvoy St, Alexandria NSW 2015
Stewart Printing 2 Ashley Lane, Hornsby NSW 2077
Stickfast Labels Pty Ltd 43 Pemberton St, Botany NSW 2019
Stokeld Printing Company 1A/2 Resolution Dr, Caringbah NSW 2229
Styfox Pty Ltd Unit 1/21 Dale St, Brookvale NSW 2100
Stylecraft Printing Services Pty Ltd 8/108 Warrane Rd, Willoughby NSW 2068
Superfine Printing Co Pty Ltd 7 Wollongong Rd, Arncliffe NSW 2205
Superior Screen Print Pty Ltd 174 Military Rd, Guilford NSW 2161
Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Ltd 43 Rickard Rd, Chipping Norton NSW 2170
Sydney Allen Manufacturing Pty Ltd Unit C/10 South St, Rydalmere NSW 2116
Sydney Press Pty Ltd 10 Deakin St, Concord NSW 2137
Taren Point Graphics Pty Ltd 13/65 - 75 Captain Cook Dr, Caringbah NSW 2229
Technocolour 82 Dickson Ave, Artarmon NSW 2064
Terron Press Pty Ltd 2 Mitchell Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
The Albion Place Group Level 7/222 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000
The Australian Baptist Publishing House 62 Arundel St, Glebe NSW 2037
The Connection Pty Ltd 15 Antoine St, Rydalmere NSW 2116
The Dot Shop 3/27 Myrang St, Lidcombe NSW 2141
The Friar Press Pty Ltd 135 Boundary Rd, Peakhurst NSW 2210
The George Lewis Group 68-80 Adderley St, Auburn NSW 2144
The Great North Print & Copy Company 247 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney NSW 2060
The Impressionists Pty Ltd 2-6 Bunn St, Pyrmont NSW 2009
The Law Book Company Ltd 44-50 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113
The Newcastle Times Ltd - A Division of Regional Publishers 53 Ridley St, Charlestown NSW 2290
The Pharmacy Press Pty Ltd 35 Richmond Rd, Homebush West NSW 2140
The Pot Still Press Pty Ltd 41 Dickson Ave, Artarmon NSW 2 064
The Precision Printers Pty Ltd 43 Carlingford St, Regents Park NSW 2143
The Printing Company 222 Headland Rd, Dee Why NSW 2099
The Pyrmont Bridge Printing Plant Pty Ltd 210 Hams St, Pyrmont NSW 2009
The Trade Ruling & Binding Co Pty Ltd 10 McGill St, Lewisham NSW 2049
The Typographers 261 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney NSW 2060
The Van Dyke Press Pty Ltd 50 Balgowlah Rd, Balgowlah NSW 2093
The Village Scribe Pty Ltd 56 Thompson St, Drummoyne NSW 2046
The Westend Press 7c Louise Ave, Ingleburn NSW 2565
Thompson Publications 47 Chippen St, Chippendale NSW 2008
Thomsons Pty Ltd 44 - 50 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde NSW 2113
Ticket Men Pty Ltd 79 Ocean View Ave, Bellevue Hill NSW 2030
Tigerpress Pty Ltd 253 Rawson St, Auburn NSW 2144
Times Graphic Scanning (Aust) Pty Ltd 6 Doig Ave, Deniston East NSW 2112
TJS For Graphic Arts Pty Ltd 25 Dandarbong Ave, Bangor NSW 2234
Tony Wolf Printers Pty Ltd 17 Graham Hill Rd Narellan NSW 2567
Torch Publishing Co Pty Ltd 398 Marion St, Condell Park NSW 2200
Torron Printing Services Pty Ltd 42 - 44 Albany St, St Lconards NSW 2065
Total Print Control 10/6 Anella Ave, Castle Hill NSW 2154
TR Consulting Service 86 Anzac Ave, Collaroy NSW 2097
TrackMedia Pty Ltd Unit 2/7 - 9 Bridge St, Stanmore NSW 2048
Trade Converters 112 Wetherill St, Silverwater NSW 2141
Trade Forms Australia Pty Ltd 7-21 Smith St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Trans Asia Papers Pty Ltd 591 Gardners Rd, Mascot NSW 2020
Trans Press 60 Blackshaw Ave, Mortdale NSW 2223
Transheet Packaging 47 Carrington Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Trend Lithographics Pty Ltd 63 Middleton Rd, Dee Why West NSW 2099
Trenear Printing Service Pty Ltd 870 Princes Hwy, Tempe NSW 2044
Tru Slug Linotype Service Pty Ltd 8 Buller St, Parramatta NSW 2150
True Blue Print (Aust) Pty Ltd 413 Pacific Hwy, Crows Nest NSW 2065
Ultra Colour Pty Ltd 63 Chandos St, St Leonards NSW 2065
Ultra Press 9 Verrell St, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Unique Screen Printing 14/2 Stanton Rd, Seven Hills NSW 2147
Unistat Pty Ltd 11 Carringlon Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154
United Lithographics Pty Ltd 6/7 Carlton Cres, Summer Hill NSW 2130
URI Printing Industries Pty Ltd 82 Parrarnatta Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050
UV Lithgraphics 7 Waltham St, Artarmon NSW 2064
Valpak Pty Ltd 9- 13 Winbourne Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Van Leer Australia Pty Ltd Suite 1 - 2nd Floor - 3 Carlingford Rd, Epping NSW 2121
Varnishing & Laminating Services 12 Upward St, Leichhardt NSW 2040
Vijaya Graphics Pty Ltd Unit 5/183-185 McCredie Rd, Smithfield NSW 2164
Vision Printing Services Pty Ltd 2202 Old Princes Hwy, Engadine NSW 2233
VMD Packaging Pty Ltd 3/11 Horning St, Kurnell NSW 2231
Vogue Display (NSW) Pty Ltd 43/51 Addison Rd, Marrickville NSW 2204
Waghorn & Hopwood Pty Ltd 20/80 Box Rd, Taren Point NSW 2229
Warringah Printing Pty Ltd 17 Orchard Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Waverley Press 263 Bronte Rd, Waverley NSW 2024
WB Austin Pty Ltd 4/226 Headland Rd, Dee Why NSW 2099
Websdale Printing Group Pty Ltd 61 -65 Euston Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015
Welcome Printing Pty Ltd Unit 25/93-97 Newton Rd, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Wentworth Press 7-9 Underwood St, Homebush NSW 2140
Western Graphics 10/80 Seville St, Fairfield NSW 2165
Western Labels Pty Ltd 37 Forge St Blacktown NSW 2148
Westman Printing 3/3 York Rd Ingleburn NSW 2565
Who Presentation Services Pty Ltd 177 Maitland Rd, Tighes Hill NSW 2297
Wilcon Printing Pty Ltd E37 - 78 Gibson Ave, Padstow NSW 2565
Wild & Woolly Pty Ltd 16 Darghan St, Glebe NSW 2037
William Brooks & Co 41 Roberts Rd, Chullora NSW 2190
Wilprint Pty Ltd 32 Mitchell Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100
Wilshire Printing Co Pty Ltd 46 Sydney St, Marrickville NSW 2204
Wilson Signs Pty Ltd 175 Princes Hwy, Kogarah NSW 2217
Windsor A & Son Pty Ltd 4 James St, Waterloo NSW 2017
Winpex Printing Services Ltd 4 Bay St, Botany NSW 2019
Woori Printing 235 Georges River Rd, Croydon Park NSW 2133
WR Waite Investments Pty Ltd Lower Ground Floor - 105 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000
Wragg Industries Pty Ltd 5A/2 Resolution Drv, Caringbah NSW 2229
Zac’s Packs Pty Ltd P0 Box 12 - 5 Williamson Rd, Ingleburn NSW 2565
Colemans Printing Pty Ltd 19 Elder St, Alice Springs NT 870
Colemans Printing Pty Ltd 86 - 88 Cavenagh St, Darwin NT 800
Green Ant Research Arts and Publishing Pty Ltd 2 Gardenia St, Nightcliff NT 810
Image Offset Pty Ltd 80 McMinn St, Darwin NT 800
Inday Printing 28 Giles St, Alice Springs NT 870
Quick Print 15 Knuckey St, Darwin NT 800
Roka Graphics 13 Cavenagh St, Darwin NT 800
Shepherdson College Literature Production PMB 74 - Galiwinku Via Winnellie NT 821
Star Printers 31 Bishop St, Winnellie NT 820
Tennant Creek Printing Service 135 Paterson St, Tennant Creek NT 860
A Webb & Sons 60 Baxter St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Accurate Art Shop 4 Beckman St, Zillmere QLD 4034
Accurate Cutting Forme 3/77 Araluen St, Kedron QLD 4031
Acme Press Commercial Printers 972 Wynnum Rd, Cannon Hill QLD 4170
Acro Vinyl Arts 177 Magnesium Drive, Marsden QLD 4132
Active Offset (Brisbane) Pty Ltd 41 Cordelia St, South Brisbanc QLD 4101
Addendum Press 19A Campbell St, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
AJL Printing 6 Allen St, Sandgate QLD 4017
Alan Lamb Pty Ltd Cnr Toombul Rd & Edgar St, Northgate QLD 4013
Allstate Printing & Graphics 2/288 Newmarket Rd, Newmarket QLD 4059
An X-Press Printing 64 Moncrief Rd, Cannon Hill Qld 4170
Anchor Printing Pty Ltd 5/47 Rossiter Pde, Hamilton QLD 4007
Art Press Pty Ltd Birch St, Greenslopes QLD 4120
Ascot Print & Design Pty Ltd 344 Melton Rd, Northgate QLD 4012
Auscote 1/10 Virginia St, Virginia QLD 4014
Avant Embellishing 1/254 Evans Rd, Salisbury QLD 4107
Awon Print 535 Zillmere Rd, Zillmere QLD 4034
Bayfield Printing Pty Ltd 30 Ross St, Newstead QLD 4006
Besley & Pike (A Division of Spicers Paper Limited) 1937 lpswich Rd, Rocklea QLD 4106
Best Screenprinting Cnr Merry & Bulimba Sts, Bulimba QLD 4171
Beta Press Pty Ltd Unit 2/47 Colinsvale St, Rock lea Qld 4106
Brisbane Colour Copy Centre Ground Floor - 255 Adelaide St, Brisbane QLD 4000
Brisbane Printing Place P0 Box 359, Moorooka QLD 4105
Buckner Printing Co Pty Ltd 71 Basalt St, Geebung Qld 4034
Budget Instant Printing. 197 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill QLD 4000
Bulldog Press 3/8 Harvton St, Stafford QLD 4053
Cardboard Box Company 134 Delta St, Virginia QLD 4014
Clark & Mackay 1 Railway Pde, Rocklea QLD 4106
Colin Franks Printer Pty Ltd 10 Johnstone St, Wynnum QLD 4178
Colony Printing Cnr Smallwood & Darnick Sts, Underwood QLD 4119
Colorcorp International Pty Ltd 12 Windorah St, Stafford QLD 4053
Colour Reproductions 44 Harries Rd, Cooparoo QLD 4151
Colourscan Mina Pde, Newmarket QLD 4051
Compact Business Systems Pty Ltd 2 Jijaws St, Sumner Park QLD 4074
Continental Cup Company 33 Eurora St, Kingstone QLD 4114
Copi-Art P0 Box 2221, Mansfield QLD 4122
Cross and Hamilton Printers Pty Ltd 21 Kyabra St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Dabron Packaging Pty Ltd 22 Hasp St, Seventeen Mile Rocks QLD 4074
Daroji Lamination Service 2/16 Duncan St, West End QLD 4101
Delta Technology Pty Ltd 4th Floor 196 Wharf St, Spring Hill QLD 4000
Digital Press Co 12 Parkview St, Milton QLD 4064
EGA Print Pty Ltd 27 Logan Rd, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
EK Williams Pty Ltd 187 Robinson Rd, Geebung QLD 4034
Flash Instant Printing 274 Beatty Rd, Archerfield QLD 4108
Flexpack Pty Ltd 588 - 590 Tarragindi Rd, Salisbury QLD 4107
Form Print Pty Ltd PO Box 417, Virginia QLD 4014
Franklin industries Pty Ltd, t/a FP Bookbinders 4 - 36 Devlan St, Mansfield QLD 4122
G & E Printing Pty Ltd 14 Scott St, West End QLD 4101
Graphic Binding Pty Ltd 12535 Zillmere Rd, Zillmere QLD 4034
Graphic Plates 32 Balaclava St, Woolloongabba QLD 4005
Graphic Skills 12 - 16 Masters St, Newstead QLD 4006
Graphics Plus 8/45 Black St, Milton QLD 4064
Handy Printing Service 10 Buchanan St, West End QLD 4101
Hans Quality Print Pty Ltd 20 Lyons Terrace, Windsor QLD 4030
Harding Colour 7 Proprietary St, Tingalpa QLD 4173
HBM Print Pty Ltd PO Box 323, Albion QLD 4010
Hooper Education Centre PO Box 150, Chermside QLD 4032
IAME 4/22 Sussex St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4101
Image Studio Pty Ltd Cnr Montague & Norfolk Rds, West End QLD 4101
Inprint Limited Cnr Bilsen & Zillmere Rds, Boondall QLD 4034
Instant Print & Copy Centre 70 Robertson St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers 4/22 Success St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
Intech Australia Pty Ltd P0 Box 5, Virginia QLD 4014
Interforms 14 Virginia St, Virginia QLD 4014
Intermedia Artyprint 97 Castlemaine St, Milton QLD 4064
International Quality Enterprises Pty Ltd 11 Connery St, McDowall Qld 4053
Jones and Hambly (Printers) 130 Wickham St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
JR Durrington & Sons Pty Ltd 54 Ernest St, Sth Brisbane QLD 4101
Kingswood Press 84 Parramatta Rd, Underwood QLD 4119
Kwik Copy Printing 6 Greet St, West End QLD 4101
Kwik Copy Printing 1/34 Selhurst St, Coopers Plains QLD 4108
Kwik Copy Printing 12 Musgrave St, Fig Tree Pocket QLD 4069
Kwik Copy Printing 48 Caesar Rd, Ferny Hills QLD 4055
Kwik Copy Printing 4/31 Sherwood Rd, Toowong QLD 4066
Kwik Copy Printing 21 Baxter St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Kwik Copy Printing Silverton Place - 101 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane QLD 4000
Kwik Kopy Printing 2/224 Wishart Rd, Wishart QLD 4122
Kwik Kopy Printing 229 Elizabeth St, Brisbane QLD 4000
Lablecraft Pty Ltd 13 Josephine St, Loganholme QLD 4129
Lithographic Film Services Pty Ltd 39 Bunya St Eagle Farm QLD 4009
Macs Publishing Smallwood St, Underwood QLD 4119
Mason Lodge 35 Hamilton Rd, Moorooka QLD 4105
Merino Lithographics 18 Baldock St, Moorooka QLD 4105
Micris Pty Ltd, t/a Micris Packaging 5th Floor 102 Adelaide St, Brisbane QLD 4000
Milton Printing Pty Ltd 102 Granite St, Geebung QLD 4034
Mr Labels Pty Ltd 125 Bulimba St, Buliniba QLD 4171
MTA-Q Media 11-15 Buchanan St, West End QLD 4101
MTD Instant Print 241-243 Milton Rd, Milton QLD 4064
Myla Graphics 23 Archimedes St, Darra QLD 4076
National Safety Council 83 Robertson St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Norcross Press P0 Box 62, Hamilton Central QLD 4007
Northweb 24 Industrial Ave, Wacol QLD 4076
Nowell Pty Ltd t/a Printcraft 35 -41 Robertson St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Panther Print Pty Ltd 333 Kelvin Grove Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059
Paper Coils 2/44 Boron St, Sumner Park QLD 4074
Paper Converting Company Pty Ltd 26 - 48 Platinum St, Crestmead QLD 4132
PCC Plastics 210 Evans Rd, North Salisbury QLD 4107
PEP Colour Pty Ltd 346 Bilsen Rd, Geebung QLD 4034
Peter McNiven & Co 40 Boothby St, Kedron QLD 4031
Petersen Lithographics 166 Knapp St, Fortitude Valley Qld 4006
Platypus Graphics 18 Webster Rd, Stafford QLD 4053
Podlich Enterprises Pty Ltd 450 Staford Rd, Stafford QLD 4053
Polymark 28 Bronze St, Sumner Park QLD 4074
Post Typesetters 34 Cleveland St, Stones Corner QLD 4120
Precision Cutting Dies & Formes 118 Connaught St, Sandgate QLD 4017
Pressroom Graphics Pty Ltd 28 Brookes St, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Prestige Litho Pty Ltd 485 Zillmere Rd, Zillmere QLD 4034
Print Liaison 33 Murray St, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Printcraft Pty Ltd 3-7 Helen St, Newstead QLD 4006
Printech 34 Veronica St, Capalaba QLD 4157
Printers Investments Ltd 6/931 Kingsford Smith Drv, Eagle Farm QLD 4009
QM Industries Pty Ltd 375 Montague Rd, West End QLD 4101
Queensland University Union Sir Fred Schonell Dr, St Lucia QLD 4067
Rallings & RaIlings 128 Merivale St, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Ringara Pty Ltd, t/a P & M Printing 1 Davidend St, Mansfield QLD 4122
S Smith & Sons 16 Yarraman Pl, Virginia QLD 4014
Savage Colour Pty Ltd 25 Campbell St, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Savage Graphics - Cass and Co 20 Costin St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Screen Offset Printing Pty Ltd 202 Robinson Rd, Geebung QLD 4034
Shamrock Printing Supplies Pty Ltd Unit 2/11 Lensworth St, Coopers Plains QLD 4108
Shaw OB Graphics 50 Hynes St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Shotz Corporation Pty Ltd 28 Campbell St, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Show Ads 48-50 Commercial Drv, Shalier Park Qld 4128
Sicpa Graphics 538 Bilsen Rd, Zillmere QLD 4034
Snap Printing 1/27 Magura St, Enoggera QLD 405 I
Snap Printing 7 Merritt St, Capalaba Qld 4157
Snap Printing 450 Logan Rd, Stones Corner QLD 4120
Snap Printing 122 Alderley Ave, Alderley QLD 4051
Snap Printing 4/31 Black St, Milton QLD 4064
Snap The On Time Printer 1/16 Boyland Ave, Coopers Plains QLD 4108
Snap The On Time Printer 51 Edward St, Brisbane QLD 4000
Snap The On Time Printer 14/209 Robinson Rd, East Geebung QLD 4034
Snap The On Time Printer 11 Cordelia St, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Snap The On Time Printer 76 Abbortsford Rd, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
Special Equipment (Australia) Pty Ltd 32 Aquarium Ave, Hemmant QLD 4174
Speyer Pty Ltd t/a The Printing Office 8 Cordelia St, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Sphere Color Graphics 22 Robertson St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Talbot Press Pty Ltd 121 Abbotsford Rd, Mayne QLD 4006
Tennyson Group Graphic Communications 177 Magnesium Drive, Marsden QLD 4132
The Gem Printing Service 94 Stamford Rd, Alderley QLD 4051
The Shabrokh Press 142 Bay Terrace, Wynnum QLD 4178
The Tartan Press 444 Newman Rd, Geebung QLD 4034
Unionkraft Pty Ltd 20 Blivest St, Oxley QLD 4075
VRC Printing Pty Ltd Cnr Clarence & Morley Sts, Coorparoo QLD 4151
Walmac Printing Pty Ltd 67 Araluen St, Kedron QLD 4031
Westminister Classic Printing 31 Stevenson St, Paddington QLD 4064
Willprint Pty Ltd 28 Burke St, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
A For Art 3rd Floor - 234A Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5000
Adelaide Bag & Paper Supplies 26 Deloraine Rd, Edwardstown SA 5039
Adelaide Print Centre 101 Gilbert St, Adelaide SA 5000
Advance Bookbinders Pty Ltd 23 Deloraine Rd, Edwardstown SA 5039
Allen Press Pty Ltd 2 Everard Ave, Keswick SA 5035
Alrae Press 461A Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082
Aneil Press 13 Lagunta Ave, Edwardstown SA 5039
Artav Australia 75 Meyer St, Torrensville SA 5031
Arte Grafica Printing 73 Magill Rd, Stepney SA 5069
Australian Printing Specialists 75 Meyer St, Torrensville SA 5031
Baring Printers Pty Ltd 27 Og Rd, Klemzig SA 5087
Barry Lane Printing 26D Daws Rd, Ascot Park SA 5043
Baseline Graphics 25 Marlborough St, Adelaide SA 5000
Baulderstone Printing 19 Regent St, Melrose Park SA 5039
Bowden Printing Pty Ltd 26 Hindmarsh Ave, Welland SA 5007
Butterfly Press 225 Main Rd, Blackwood SA 5041
Cadillac Printing 64 Kinkaid Ave, North Plympton SA 5037
Centreprint 60 Pulteney St, Adelaide SA 5000
Collotype Labels Pty Ltd 387 South Rd, Mile End South SA 5031
Colour Tech Copying 134 Gawler Place, Adelaide SA 5000
Coltone Pty Ltd, t/a Pixie Press 98 Fullerton Rd, Norwood SA 5067
Concord Printing Pty Ltd 379 South Rd, Mile End South SA 5031
Condor Press 35A Bremen Drv, Salisbury South SA 5108
Contact Printers Pty Ltd 114 Gilbert St, Adelaide SA 5000
Coverbind Pty Ltd 315 Wakefield St, Adelaide SA 5000
Crescent Printery Pty Ltd 114 Muller Rd, Greenacres SA 5086
Cruickshank Pty Ltd 151-155 Gouger St, Adelaide SA 5000
Cutler Brands Pty Ltd 33 Humphries Terrace, Kilkenny SA 5009
Danlenare Pty Ltd, t/a Star Printing 100 Sturt St, Adelaide SA 5000
Daves Printing Service 47 South Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000
Davids (SA) Limited 414-450 Findon Rd, Kidman Park SA 5025
Deegan Printing 8 Dunorlan Rd, Ewardstown SA 5039
Detmold Packaging 45 Chief St, Brompton SA 5007
Die Cutting & Creasing Services 2 Jervois St, Torrensville SA 5031
DK West Pty Limited 21 Croydon Rd, Keswick SA 5035
Doig & Buchanan Printers Pty Ltd 301 Wright St, Adelaide SA 5000
Douglas Press Pty Ltd 17 Burwood Ave, Woodville North SA 5012
Eagle Press 36 Coglin St, Brompton SA 5007
Economy Press Pty Ltd 26 Wakeham St, Adelaide SA 5000
Empire Screen Printing 30B Jennifer Ave, Ridgehaven SA 5097
ES Wigg & Son Pty Ltd 79 Port Rd, Thebarton SA 5031
Eureka Press Pty Ltd 306 Grange Rd, Kidman Park SA 5025
Falcon Print Pty Ltd 24 Gaelic Ave, Holden Hill SA 5088
Federal Printing House 20 O’Brien St, Adelaide SA 5000
Finsbury Press Pty Ltd 1a South Rd, Thebarton SA 5009
Five Star Press 15A Richard St, Hindmarsh SA 5007
Flair Printing and Stationery 14 Tooronga Ave, Edwardstown SA 5039
Four Hour Printing Service Pty Ltd 100 Fullarton Rd, Norwood SA 5067
Gillingham Printers Pty Ltd 153 Holbrooks Rd, Underdale SA 5032
Glen Taylor Screen Printers 6 Derrilin Rd, Ingle Farm SA 5098
Graphic Print Group 10-14 Kingston Ave, Richmond SA 5033
Graphic Screen Prints Pty Ltd Unit 2/12 Coongie Ave, Edwardstown SA 5039
Howden Printing Pty Ltd 6 Paul St, Saint Marys SA 5042
Hunter Brothers 47 Bacon St, Hindmarsh SA 5007
Hyde Park Press Pty Ltd 4 Deacon Ave, Richmond SA 5033
Indigo Flow 106 Third Ave, Joslin SA 5070
Johns Screen Centre Pty Ltd 48-50 Henry St, Stepney SA 5069
JP Marcus Pty Ltd 5A River St, Hindmarsh SA 5007
KB Printing Service Pty Ltd 7 Gumbowie Ave, Edwardstown SA 5039
Keystone Printing Co 21 Amherst Ave, Trinity Gardens SA 5068
Korff Print Finishing 19-23 Cypress St, Adelaide SA 5000
Lane Bros Printers Pty Ltd 101-105 Mooringe Ave, Camden Park SA 5038
Largs Bay Printers Pty Ltd 82-84 Dale St, Port Adelaide SA 5015
Manning Printers Pty Ltd Unit 7/4 Iris St, Melrose Park SA 5039
Maxtrend Pty Ltd 51 West Thebarton Rd, Thebarton SA 5031
Modbury Press 91 Research Rd, Pooraka SA 5095
Modern Printing Pty Ltd 51 Hampton Rd, Keswick SA 5035
Morrison & Bailey Pty Ltd 377 Cross Rd, Edwardstown SA 5039
Newland Printing Co Pty Ltd 66 Humphries Terrace, Kilkenny SA 5009
Newstyle Printing Co Pty Ltd 41 Manchester St, Mile End SA 5031
OE & DR Pope Pty Ltd 26 Morgan St, Wingfield SA 5013
Open Book Publishers 205 Halifax St, Adelaide SA 5000
Optima Prepress Pty Ltd 54 Lambert Rd, Royston Park SA 5070
Pan Print 150 Springbank Rd, Torrens Park SA 5062
Peacock Publications 38 Svdenham Rd, Kent Town SA 5067
Perfect Printing Pty Ltd 4/23 Acrylon Rd, Salisbury South SA 5108
Petra Press 96 Henley Beach Rd, Mile End SA 5031
Photo Mechanical Products Pty Ltd 14 Gaelic Ave, Holden Hill SA 50)88
Posh Printing 262 Pulteney St, Adelaide SA 5000
PR Printing Pty Ltd 208 East Terrace, Henley Beach SA 5022
Precision Cutting Formes Pty Ltd 71 Maria St, Thebarton SA 5031
Precision Labels Pty Ltd 45 Grove Ave, Marleston SA 50)33
Prestige Copyshop Pty Ltd 268-272 Angas St, Adelaide SA 5000)
Price Screen Process Pty Ltd 1b Quinlan Avenue, Saint Marys SA 5042
Print Mint Pty Ltd 45 Grenfell St, Adelaide SA 5000
Printak Pty Ltd 36 Sturt St, Adelaide SA 5000
Queens Court Press Pty Ltd 36 Sydenham Rd, Norwood SA 5067
Riceprint Printers 39-41 King St, Norwood SA 5067
Robot Printing Co Pty Ltd 84 Stanbell Rd, Sailsbury Plains SA 5109
Roling Press 113 Cremorne St, Malvern SA 5063
SA Paper Tube Products Pty Ltd 41-43 Birralee Rd, Regency Park SA 5010
SA Photo Engravers 6/41 Iris St, Melrose Park SA 5039
SA Printed Labels Pty Ltd 1/29 Glynburn Rd, Glynde SA 5070
SA Printing Co 171 Gilbert St, Adelaide SA 5000
Scrymgour & Sons Pty Ltd 104 King William St, Kent Town SA 5067
Skills Engineering Pty Ltd 18 Humphries Drv, Kilkenny SA 5009
Snap Instant Printing 28 O’Connell St, North Adelaide SA 5006
Snap Instant Printing-Clovelly Park 1122 South Rd, Clovelly Park SA 5042
Snap Printing 37 Unley Rd, Parkside SA 5063
Snap Printing 142-146 Burbridge Rd, Hilton SA 5033
Snap Printing 24 Park Terrace, Salisbury SA 5108
Snap Printing 56 Fullarton Rd, Norwood SA 5067
Snap Printing 175 Pulteney St, Adelaide SA. 5000
Stallard & Potter Pty Ltd 2 Jervois St, Torrensville SA 5031
Stalley Box Co 41 Fisher St, Norwood SA 5067
Steed Press Pty Ltd 17 Nelson St, Stepney SA 5069
Stow Instant Printers 33 Pine St, Adelaide SA 5000
Summit Printing 80 George St, Thebarton SA 5031
Sundowner Press 35 Tapleys Hill Rd, Hendon SA 5014
Sunrise Press Pty Ltd 47 King William St, Kent Town SA 5067
Supreme Printers (SA) Pty Ltd 25 Jacobson Cres, Holden Hill SA 5088
Swift Printing Service 22 Payneham Rd, Stepney SA 5069
Tabloid Pty Ltd 97 Sturt St, Adelaide SA 5000
Taylorpaks Pty Ltd 450 Belair Rd, Belair SA 5052
Terrace Printing 47 North Terrace, Hackney SA 5064
Terrell Print Finishers 60 Sherriff St, Underdale SA 5032
The Little Para Printer 11 Bayer Rd, Elizabeth South SA 5112
The Printing House 19 Eleventh St, Bowden SA 5007
Trinnes Bookbinders 56A Byre Ave, Somerton Park SA 5044
Triset Printing Services 16 Nelson St, Stepney SA 5067
Typescan Pty Ltd 1 Maple Avenue, Forrestville SA 5003
Universal Stationery 3 Birralee Rd, Regency Park SA 5010
Van Gastel Printing Pty Ltd 2 Lafitte Rd, Wingfield SA 5001
Vellum Binding & Printing Pty Ltd 23 Light Square, Adelaide SA 5001
Zap Instant Printing 59 Flinders St, Adelaide SA 5000
A & J Printers Co Pty Ltd 41 Wellington St, North Hobart TAS 7000
Abel Labels Pty Ltd 104 Bathurst St, Hobart TAS 7000
ATEA 105 New Town Rd, New Town TAS 7008
Badger Makes Badges 40 Bathurst St, Hobart TAS 7000
Bilton Graphics 97 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7001
Eijdenberg Graphics 47 MoIle St, Hobart TAS 7000
Ems & Ens Printing Service Pty Ltd 58a Charles St, Moonah TAS 7009
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 152 Collins St, Hobart TAS 7000
Label Home Tasmania Chesterman St, Moonah TAS 7009
Label Press Pty Ltd 11 Birdwood Ave, Moonah TAS 7009
Livingston Printers 19 Beach Rd, Bellerive TAS 7018
Loongana Instant Print 20 Watchorn St, Hobart TAS 7000
Mercury Walch Pty Ltd 5-7 Bowen Rd, Moonah TAS 7009
Monotone Art Printers Pty Ltd 63 Argyle St, Hobart TAS 7000
Photolith Pty Ltd 25 Watchorn St, Hobart TAS 7000
Saunders Screenprint Channel Hwy, Margate TAS 7053
Specialty Press Pty Ltd 227 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Tadpac Industries 112 Grove Rd, Glenorchy TAS 7010
Tasmanian Group Training Ltd P0 Box 447, Moonah TAS 7009
The Print Centre 140 Elizabeth St, Hobart TAS 7000
The Works Printing Group Pty Ltd 61 Lampton Ave, Moonah TAS 7009
A & J Advertising Pty Ltd 38 Beecher St, Preston Vic 3072
AA Hitech Printers Lot 19 Bunnett St, Sunshine VIC 3020
Abaris Printing & Publishing Company Pty Ltd 25 A’Beckett St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Abbe Corrugated Pty Ltd 89 Killara Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061
ABC Bookbinding Pty Ltd 90 Rokeby St, Collingwood VIC 3066.
Aberdeen Press Pty Ltd 559 Keilor Rd, Niddrie VIC 3042
ABM Plastics Aust Pty Ltd 60 Tarnard Drv, Braeside VIC 3195
Acacia Press Pty Ltd 14 Blackburn Rd, Blackburn VIC 3130
Access Graphics 41 Redwood Drv, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029
ACI Closures 61 Simcock Ave, Spotswood VIC 3015
Acton Press Pty Ltd 5 Errol St, Prahran VIC 3181
ACTU 393-397 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000
AD Cell Media Pty Ltd 245 Ryrie St, Geelong VIC 3220
Adams Printers Pty Ltd 203 Malop St, Geelong VIC 3220
ADD Print 750 Heidelberg Rd, Alphington VIC 3078
Adept Printing Pty Ltd 33 Nevin Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Adval Creative Printing (VIC) Pty Ltd 29-31 Clarinda Rd, Clarinda VIC 3169
Affinity Printing Pty Ltd 3/26-28 Shearson Cres, Mentone VIC 3194
Agricultural Publishers Pty Ltd 200 Rouse St, Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Alan Willoughby & Co Pty Ltd Factory 2/8 Ailsa St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Alforus Pty Ltd 38-40 Korong Rd, West Heidelberg VIC 3081
All-Kotes Australia Pty Ltd 50 Lexton Rd, Box Hill North VIC 3129
Allardice Graphic Arts Pty Ltd 10 Apollo Court, Blackburn VIC 3130
Alliance Printing Company Pty Ltd Factory 5/34 McIntyre Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020
Allied Printing Machinery Pty Ltd Factory 5/13 Turbo Drv, Bayswater Nth VIC 3153
Alltab Stationery & Printery Pty Ltd Unit 4 - Sunshine Gardens Estate, Tottenham VIC 3012
Altshul Printers Pty Ltd 239 Separation St, Northcote VIC 3070
Andora Press 53 Glen Park Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
AP Morling Pty Ltd 305 Dandenong Valley Hwy, Dandenong VIC 3175
Apollo Moon Book Binders Div of Dun & Wilson (Aust) Pty Ltd 607 Canterbury Rd, Surrey Hills VIC 3127
Aquarius Press 1/30 Hayward Rd, Ferntree Gully VIC 3158
Arena Printing & Publishing Pty Ltd 35 Argyle St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
Art Preparation 225 Barnard St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Artco Australia Pty Ltd 20 Barkly St, Brunswick East VIC 3057
Artcraft Pty Ltd 26 Metropolitan Ave, Nunawading VIC 3131
Arthur Anderson (Victoria) Pty Ltd 4 Nellbern Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Ash & Henry Pty Ltd 9 Park Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Ashford Press 176 Buckley St, Essendon VIC 3040
Associated Printers Pty Ltd 7 Lennox St, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Aster Colour Printing Pty Ltd 5/19 Gatwick Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Astoria Paper Products Pty Ltd 8 William St, Balaclava VIC 3183
Austab Labels Pty Ltd 178 Rose St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
Australia Mailing - A Division of Erica Ridge Pty Ltd 384-392 George St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
Australian Industrial Publication Services 131 Church St, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Australian Multiwall Bag Co Roundtower Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175
Australian Paper Coaters Pty Ltd 35 Plateau Rd, Reservoir VIC 3073
Australian Printers Supplies Pty Ltd 57 Radford Rd, Reservoir VIC 3073
Australian Stamping Foils Pty Ltd 17 Edgcombe Court, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Avant-Garde Graphics 99 Cardigan St, Carlton VIC 3053
B & M Graphic Print Pty Ltd 23 McIntyre St, Burwood VIC 3125
Bambra Press Pty Ltd 7-9 Market St, St Kilda VIC 3182
Band Aid Productions Pty Ltd 83 Smith St, Fitzroy VIC 3066
Barrie's Printing Pty Ltd 617 Spencer St, West Melbourne VIC 3003
Bart ‘n Print 18 Deborah St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Bartlett Industries Pty Ltd 67-69 Dover St, Richmond VIC 3121
Begga Press 25 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern VIC 3144
Bel Air Graphics (Community News) 345 Ascot Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039
Belcass Printing Pty Ltd 22 Beatrice Ave, West Heidleberg VIC 3081
Bendigo Modern Press 236 View St Bendigo VIC 3550
Berry Anderson & Co Pty Ltd 206 Dana St, Ballarat VIC 3350
BGS Printing 81-83 Canterbury Rd Kilsyth VIC 3137
Biscay Greeting Pty Ltd 1582 Centre Rd Springvale VIC 3171
Black Dot Pty Ltd 8 Ellingsworth Pde, Box Hill VIC 3128
Blueprint Instant Printing Pty Ltd 377 Lonsdale St Melbourne VIC 3000
BN Litho 130 Brougham St, Eltharn VIC 3095
Bode Packaging Pty Ltd 37 Malcolm Rd Braeside VIC 3195
Bolton Bros Pty Ltd 43 Mitchell St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Bookaburra Pty Ltd 45 - 47 Waverley Rd Malvern VIC 3145
Boomerang Paper (Aust) Pty Ltd 201 Rooks Rd Mitcham VIC 3132
Boomerang Tapes Pty Ltd Corner Whiteside & Main Sts, Clayton VIC 3168
Botond Industries 3 Avlona St Mordialloc VIC 3195
Bounty Print Factory 6/65 Heatherdale Rd Ringwood VIC 3134
BP & Associates Pty Ltd Factory 7/7 Heatherdale Rd Ringwood VIC 3134
BPA Print Pty Ltd 126A Blythe St East Brunswick VIC 3057
BR Printing Pty Ltd 30 Albermarle St Kensington VIC 303 I
Bradley Printers Pty Ltd 9/29 Business Park Drive Nottinghill VIC 3168
Brit Print 567 Plenty Rd Preston VIC 3021
Brougham Press 33 Scoresby Rd. Bayswater VIC 3153
Brown Prior Anderson Pty Ltd 5 Evans St, Burwood VIC 3125
Buscombe Printers Factory 1, 585 Blackburn Rd Nottinghill VIC 3149
C & R Printing Company 18-22 Hosken St, Springvale Sth VIC 3172
Cain Colour Printing Factory 6 - 45 Sinclair Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175
Calwright Packaging Pty Ltd 25 Laser Drv, Rowville VIC 3178
Camten Graphics Pty Ltd 15 Neutron Pl, Scoresby VIC 3179
Canberra Press Pty Ltd 62-64 Bond St, Mordialloc VIC 3195
Caprice Party & Paper Products 9/51 Lusher Rd, Croydon VIC 3136
Capricorn Printing Pty Ltd 15 Hope St, Brunswick VIC 3056
Cariss Printing 8 Talbot Rd, Strathmore VIC 3041
Carlton Press Printers 148 Johnston St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Carter Holt Harvey Tissue Australia Limited 5 Dunstans Court, Keon Park VIC 3073
Caxton Press Pty Ltd 79 Stephenson St, Richmond VIC 3121
Centacom Staff Pty Ltd 3 Dromana Ave, Airport West VIC 3042
Centre Printing 479 Centre Rd, Bentleigh VIC 3204
Chadwick Merchandising Services Pty Ltd 15 Keysborough Ave, Keysborough VIC 3173
Challenge Press Pty Ltd 71-73 Little Oxford St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Champion Forms Aust Pty Ltd 10-12 Beatrice Ave, Heidelberg West VIC 3081
Chanel Press Pty Ltd 51 Wright St, Sunshine VIC 3020
Cherry Graphics Australia Pty Ltd 7/585 Blackburn Rd, Notting Hill VIC 3168
Church Press Limited 112 Booran Rd, Glenhuntly VIC 3163
Citadel Press 1-9 Drill St, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Clancy Printing Co Pty Ltd 50 Lennox St, Richmond VIC 3121
Classic Press 18 Havelock Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Cleveland Printing Boileau St, Keysborough VIC 3173
College Printing & Graphic Design Building 7/465 Elgar Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
Colna Print & Pak Pty Ltd 17-21 Freeman St, Campbellfield VIC 3061
Colorbank Pty Ltd Factory 4 /4 Clare St, Bayswater VIC 3153
Colour Creations Kiosk 4-Westfield Shopping Centre, Airport West VIC 3195
Colour Graphic Studios Pty Ltd 7 Cromwell St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Colourprint Australia Pty Ltd 203 Arden St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Colwell/Paciflc Pty Ltd 140 Northern Rd, West Heidelberg VIC 3081
Combined Repro-Graphics 4 Eastgate Crt, Wantirna Sth VIC 3152
Complete Business Essentials Pty Ltd 332 Montague St, Albert Park VIC 3206
Complete Print Shop 386 Johnston St Abbotsford VIC 3153
Comprint Engravers 4 Birdum St, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Contemporary Press Pty Ltd Factory 5/10 Melrich Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Corporate Printers (South Melbourne) Pty Ltd 49 Tope St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Corporate Telephone Directories Pty Ltd 1st Floor, 269 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell VIC 3124
Courtney Colour Graphics Pty Ltd Unit 8 Industrial Park - Beresford Rd, Lilydale VIC 3140
CR Hose (Glassware) Pty Ltd 5 Donald Ave, Frankston VIC 3199
Crane Packaging 212-218 Barry Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061
Croxton Printing 631 High St Thornbury . Vic 3071
Croydon Printers Pty Ltd 7 Rose Avenue Croydon VIC 3136
CS Graphic Reproductions Pty Ltd 1 Buckland St Clayton Vic 3168
Currency Productions Pty Ltd 79 Leveson St North Melbourne VIC 3051
Cyan Press Pty Ltd Unit 1 B - Slough Business Estate - Janine St Scoresby VIC 3174
Cymacs Pty Ltd 151 Park St South Melbourne VIC 3205
D & A Phototype Setting Services 7 Jeffrey Close St Aibans Vic 3021
D & D Printing Pty Ltd 107 Palmer St. Richmond VIC 3121
Daily Press 137 Bell St Heidelberg Vic 3084
Daniel Glenn Computer Forms Pty Ltd 5 Conifer Crescent Dingley VIC 3172
Datateck Publishing Pty Ltd 602 South Rd Moorabbin VIC 3189
Deejay Graphics Reproductions Pty Ltd 31 Fonceca St Mordialloc Vic 3195
Deltascan Graphics 143 Hawke St. West Melbourne Vic 3003
DeNeefe Signs Pty Ltd 25 Brisbane St Eltham VIC 3095
Dimond Press Pty Ltd 8 Wilson St, South Yarra VIC 3 141
Donald D Milligan (VIC) Pty Ltd 2a Montgomery St Richmond VIC 3 121
DR Davies & Company 857a Nepean Hwy, Moorabbin VIC 3189
DRG Flexible Packaging 286 Ferntree Gully Rd, Notting Hill VIC 3168
Duncan Packaging 7 Pilgrim Crt, Ringwood VIC 3134
Dynamic Direct Mail Pty Ltd 312 Reserve Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Dynamic Instant Printing 7 Central Ave, Moorabbin VIC 3189
E & E Cartons Pty Ltd Lot 6 Boundary Rd, Laverton VIC 3028
E Whitehead Pty Ltd 3 Heidelberg Rd, Clifton Hill VIC 3068
Eastern Studios Graphic Pty Ltd 14 Jarrah Drv, Braeside VIC 3195
Eastprint 384 George St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
Eastside Printing Pty Ltd Unit 1/27-33 Thornton Cres, Nunawading VIC 3131
Ecco Personnel Pty Ltd 2nd Floor - 3 Bowen Cres, Melbourne VIC 3004
Edwards Burnco Pty Ltd 39A Raglan St, Preston VIC 3072
Edwards Dunlop & Co Limited c/- Spicers Paper Limited - 44 Raglan St, Preston VIC 3072
Ellikon Printers 324 Napier St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
Elna Press Printers 274 Wickham Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Endeavour Press Pty Ltd 439-441 Swan St, Burnley VIC 3121
Erica Press Pty Ltd 162 Haughton Rd, Huntingdale VIC 3166
ESP Personnel Pty Ltd 47 Robinson St, Dandenong VIC 3175
Esselte Meto Pty Ltd 80 Lewis Rd, Wantirna South VIC 3152
Ethnic Publications Pty Ltd 600 Nicholson St, North Fitzroy VIC 3065
Everfast Labels Pty Ltd 13-15 Reserve St, Preston VIC 3072
Excelsior Printing Works Pty Ltd 6 Clarice Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
Fairbairn Printing Pty Ltd 593-599 Somerville Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020
Fantastic Label Co 3/11 Macquarie Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Fildes Pty Ltd 28-32 George St, Sandringharn VIC 3191
Fine Art Press Pty Ltd Factory D/93 Highbury Rd, Burwood VIC 3125
Finer Finish Printing 22/24 Fitzgerald Rd, Laverton VIC 3026
FJ Humphrey Pty Ltd 118 Mitchell St, Maidstone VIC 3012
Flash Print 32 Rokeby St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Fletcher R & Sons 53 Peel St, Ballarat VIC 3350
Foilcote Pty Ltd 58 Jersey Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Foilmakers Australia Pty Ltd 24 Temple Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Foremost Business Forms Pty Ltd 40 Rushdale St, Scoresby VIC 3179
Formewell 1/28 Jarrah Drv, Braeside VIC 3195
Forstaff - Personell 67 Atherton Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Four Trade Only Business Forms Pty Ltd 6/56 Smith Rd, Springvale VIC 3170
Frank Daniels Pty Ltd 299 Williamstown Rd, Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Franklin Colour Printing Pty Ltd 15-17 Central Ave, Sunshine VIC 3020
Franklin Printing & Lithograph Company Pty Ltd 15 Western Ave, Sunshine VIC 3020
Fraser & Jenkinson Pty Ltd 38-40 Sheehan Rd, West Heidelberg VIC 3081
FRP Printing Pty Ltd 9 Traminer Court, Wendouree VIC 3355
Gabb Charles R & Company Pty Ltd 187 Williamstown Rd, Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Gaiety Industries Pty Ltd Hume Hwy, Craigieburn VIC 3064
Galleon Press 2/11 Urban St, Braeside VIC 3195
Gelpack Enterprises 428-430 Princes Hwy, Noble Park VIC 3174
Generation Printing Company Pty Ltd 4 Railway Pl, Richmond VIC 3121
GI Printing and Manufacturing Co 113 Moray St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
GK Labels Pty Ltd 10/5 Samantha Court, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Glasdec Australia Pty Ltd 47 Moore St, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039
Glenhuntly Printing Works Pty Ltd 1114 Glenhuntly Rd, Glenhuntly VIC 3163
Golden Graphics Pty Ltd 1st Floor- 15 Cotter St, Richmond VIC 3121
Grace WR Australia Ltd 1126 Sydney Rd, Fawkner VIC 3060
Graduate Press Factory 4/22 Newlands Rd, Reservoir VIC 3073
Graphic Zone 2 Roberts Ave, Mulgrave VIC 3170
Graphics Alive Screen Printers 2/54 Malvern St, Bayswater VIC 3153
Graphix Labels Pty Ltd U7 Highbury & Huntingdale Rd, Burwood VIC 3125
Graphtech Australia Pty Ltd 85 Fairbank Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
GRV Printers Pty Ltd 1 Rose Ave, Croydon VIC 3136
GT Graphics Pty Ltd 34 Stanley St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Gunn & Taylor (Aust) Pty Ltd 4A Aristoc Rd, Glen Waverley VIC 3150
Guntar Graphics Pty Ltd 79 Curzon St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
H & K Davis (Vic) Pty Ltd 361 North Rd, Caulfield VIC 3162
Hallmark Cards Australia Limited 611-633 Blackburn Rd, Clayton VIC 3169
Hamer Box Co Pty Ltd 5 Grant St, North Fitzroy VIC 3068
Hampton Press Pty Ltd 24 Hardner Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Harper St, Print & Design Pty Ltd 12 Harper St, Abbortsford VIC 3067
Harrison Print 99 Holmes Rd, Bendigo VIC 3550
Harvest Cove Pty Ltd 84 Williams St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Heppell Printing Pty Ltd 6 Braeside Drv, Braeside VIC 3195
Hi-Mark Press Pty Ltd 8 Parker St, Williamstown VIC 3016
Hi-Tech Graphics 50 Cremorne St, Richmond VIC 3121
Highway Press 73 Parkhurst Drv, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Hollow Brothers and Bourke Pty Ltd 71-79 Tulip St, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Holmes JG Pty Ltd 1 St Edmonds Rd, Prahan VIC 3181
Hornet Press 73 Rushdale St, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Hume Graphics 2/15 Parkhurst Ave, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Hygrade Cutting Formes Co Pty Ltd 10 Northgate Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Ideograph Design Pty Ltd 81 Asling St, Gardenvale VIC 3185
Il Globo Newspapers Pty Ltd 582 Nicholson St, North Fitzroy VIC 3065
Impact Printing (VIC) Pty Ltd 69-79 FalIon St, Brunswick VIC 3056
Imprenta Pty Ltd 10 Victoria Cres, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Impressive Label Printers Pty Ltd 21 Temple Drv, Thomastown Vic 3074
Industrial Printing & Publishing Pty Ltd 122 Dover St, Richmond VIC 3121
Inkspot Press Pty Ltd 1/151 Herald St, Cheltenham VIC 3192
J & J (Australia) Printing Pty Ltd 28 Dingley Ave, Dandenong VIC 3175
JA Hoskin and Son 21 Peel St, North Ballarat VIC 3350
Jac Australia Pty Ltd 95 Sunshine Rd, Tottenham VIC 3012
James Kenneth Pty Ltd 4 Goldie Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000
Jay Gee Seals 21 Second Ave, Sunshine VIC 3020
Jenkin Buxton Printers Pty Ltd 263 Middleborough Rd, Box Hill VIC 3126
Jet Print 1 Brear St, Springvale VIC 3171
JJ Davis Printing Pty Ltd 9 Edward St, Brunswick VIC 3056
John D Harris & Co 1 Gold St, Collingwood VIC 3066
John Herrod & Associates Pty Ltd 46 Lexton Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
JP Bookbinders Pty Ltd 13 Metropolitan Ave, Nunawading VIC 3131
JP McLaren Press Pty Ltd 11-19 Lithgow St, Abbotsford VIC 3067
JPR Printworks Pty Ltd 2 Expo Court, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
K & J Jeffrey 673 Whitehorse Rd, Mont Albert VIC 3127
Kasia Graphics Pty Ltd 114 Richmond Terrace, Richmond VIC 3121
KB Litho Supplies Pty Ltd 6 Hewitt St, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Keating AE (Printing) Pty Ltd 299 Williamstown Rd, Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Kebet Packaging Service Pty Ltd 63-65 Kylta Rd, Heidelberg West VIC 3081
Keima Press Pty Ltd 108 Pier St, Altona VIC 3018
Kenneth James Pty Ltd 4-6 Goldie Pl, Melbourne VIC 3000
Kevhan Litho Pty Ltd 11 Rosemary Grove, Mulgrave VIC 3205
King’s The Printer Pty Ltd 112 Doveton St, Ballarat VIC 3350
Kingpin Products 2 Wanrua St, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Knox Printers 3/1829 Ferntree Gully Rd, Ferntree Gully VIC 3156
Kosdown Printing Co Pty Ltd 63-69 Rouse St, Port Melbourne VIC 3207
KSH Cartons Pty Ltd 34 Hawker St, Airport West VIC 3042
KW Doggett & Co Pty Ltd 328 Darebin Rd, Fairlield VIC 3078
Kwik Copy Printing Centre 259 Latrobe Terrace, Geelong VIC 3220
Kwik - Kopy Printing 156 Thomas St, Dandenong VIC 3175
Kwik - Kopy Printing 11a Hall St, Moonee Ponds VIC 3039
Kwik - Kopy Printing 257-259 Governor Rd, Braeside VIC 3195
Kwik - Kopy Printing 480 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Kwik - Kopy Printing Unit 4/381 Bayswater Rd Bayswater VIC 3153
Kwik - Kopy Printing 4 Watts St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Kwik - Kopy Printing 242 Kingsway, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Kwik - Kopy Printing 1/2 Brand Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Kwik - Kopy Printing 11 Rosto Court, Tullamarine VIC 3043
Kwik - Kopy Printing 426 Burke Rd, Camberwell VIC 3124
Kwik - Kopy Printing Shop 6745 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Kwik - Kopy Printing 299 Clayton Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
Kwik - Kopy Printing 110 Balmain St, Richmond VIC 3121
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 189 Chesterville Rd, Moorabin VIC 3189
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 54 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda VIC 3182
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 8 Martindale Place, Templestowe VIC 3106
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 65 Charles St, Footscray VIC 3011
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 471 Riversdale Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 98 Millers Rd, Altona North VIC 3025
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre 21 Hartnett Drv, Seaford VIC 3198
Kwik - Kopy Printing Centre Unit 2/47 Rushdale St, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Kwik Kopy Printing Cnr Dawson & Dana Sts, Ballarat VIC 3350
Label House Pty Ltd 14 Malua St, Reservoir VIC 3073
Labelmakers (Aust) Pty Ltd 21-23 Somerton Drv, Campbellfield VIC 3061
Lambert Concepts Pty Ltd 13B/173 Elizabeth St, Coburg VIC 3058
Laminating Company of Australia Pty Ltd 35 Halsey Rd, Airport West VIC 3042
Lane Printing Australia Pty Ltd 467 Nepean Hwy, Brighton VIC 3186
Layton Press Pty Ltd 19 Roberna St, Moorabban VIC 3189
Leader Composition Pty Ltd 45-47 Warrigual Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Lithocraft Graphics Pty Ltd 123-133 Thistlethwaite St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Llenlees Press 193 Bay Rd, Sandringham VIC 3191
Lombard The Paper People Pty Ltd 42/70 Mount Alexander Rd, Flemington VIC 3031
Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd 192 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Longbeach Printing Pty Ltd 8 Wise Ave, Seaford VIC 3198
Lynchprint Pty Ltd Factory 18/Rear 358 Reserve Rd, Cheltenham VIC 3192
M & M Binders 371 Ferntree Gully Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
MacCand Graphics Pty Ltd Factory 2/42 Industrial Drv, Braeside VIC 3195
Mailcare Systems Pty Ltd 25 Hinkler Rd, Mordialloc VIC 3195
Majestic Products 50 Regent St, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Manark Printing Pty Ltd 23 Tower Crt, Noble Park VIC 3174
Maroondah Printing Pty Ltd 2/42 New St, Ringwood VIC 3134
Marvel Bookbinding (Aust) Pty Ltd 9 Abbott St, Fairfield VIC 3078
McKellar Renown Press Pty Ltd 16 Woorayl St, Carnegie VIC 3163
McPherson & Morrison Pty Ltd 5 - 7 McIntosh St, Airport West VIC 3042
McPhersons Printing Division 5 Dunlop Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170
Mentor Press Pty Ltd 2/32 Taunton Drive. Cheltenham VIC 3 192
Mercedeces Benz (ECCO) 4 Cramer St Preston VIC 3072
Mercedes Printing Company Pty Ltd 8 Elliot Place Ringwood VIC 3134
Mercury Printeam Pty Ltd 325 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000
Metro Printing Pty Ltd 188 Johnston St Collingwood VIC 3066
Micro Print (VIC) 308-310 Lower Dandenong Rd Mordialloc VIC 3195
Mill Press 91) Autumn St,. Geelong West VIC 3221)
Miller Business Forms 19 Grant St. Clifton Hill VIC 3068
Minet Scan (Vic) Pty Ltd, 17 Wadhurst Drive Boronia VIC 3155
Mitay Services Pty Ltd 16/810 Princes Hwy Springvale VIC 3171
Modcoprint 8 Manton Rd,. Oakleigh South VIC 3167
Modern Reproduction Pty Ltd 456 Spencer St. Melbourne VIC 3000
Montage Graphics Pty Ltd 1/17 Shearson Crescent Mentone VIC 3194
Moore Business Systems Australia Pty Ltd The Boulevard Richmond VIC 3121
Moore Consulting Group 1/19 Ramage St Bayswater VIC 3153
Morning Star Press Pty Ltd 289 Plenty Rd, Preston VIC 3072
Morris Publicity Pty Ltd 6/18 Ramage St. Bayswater VIC 3153
Morrison Graphics 11 Ashwood Drive Nunawading VIC 3131
Morton Bay Printing Pty Ltd 85 Queensbridge St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Mount Press Pty Ltd Factory 8-170 Forster Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Mylund Press Pty Ltd 287-289 Bank St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Naismith Graphics Pty Ltd 11/42 Stud Rd, Bayswater Vie 3153
National Australia Bank Limited 500 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000
National Mutual Life Association of A/Asia Ltd National Mutual Centre 447 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
NCI Diversified Products Pty Ltd 219-225 Seperation St, Northcote VIC 3070
New Creation Print 4/42 Burgess Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
New Litho Pty Ltd 63 Sunbury Cres, Surrey Hills VIC 3127
Northern Paper Bags Pty Ltd 19 Temple Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Norwich Union Life Australia Limited 509 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3000
Norwil Ticket Printers Pty Ltd 16 Temple Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Norwood Industries Pty Ltd 41 Rushdale St, Scoresby VIC 3179
Nutype Screen Prints Pty Ltd 44 Islington St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Oberon Printing Pty Ltd 8D Adina Court, Tullamarine VIC 3043
OCE Australia Ltd 89 Tulip St, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Omicron Pty Ltd Keilor Park Drv, Tullamarine VIC 3043
Origination 9 Birkenhead St, North Fitzroy VIC 3068
Owen King Printers 5-7 Dunlop St, Mulgrave VIC 3170
Oxford St, Printworks 56 Oxford St, Collingwood VIC 3166
P & V Nelson Printing 62 Princes St, Williamstown VIC 3016
Pac-Rim Direct 33 Browns Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
Pacific Access Pty Ltd 301 Burwood Hwy, Burwood VIC 3125
Paper Bow Tie Pty Ltd 16 Industrial Drv, Braeside VIC 3195
Paper Merchant Holdings Pty Ltd, t/a Dalton Fine Paper 70 Dalmore Drv, Scoresby VIC 3179
Paper Technology International Ltd 29-31 Kylie Place, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Paragon Rossprint Printing Company Unit 12/513 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood VIC 3134
Paterson Press Tripart Marketing Pty Ltd 1 Doonside St, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Pax Printers Pty Ltd 3/11 England St, Dandenong VIC 3175
Peacock Bros Pty Ltd 11 Stamford Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Pemara Corporation Pty Ltd 278 Ferntree Gully Rd, Notting Hill VIC 3168
Pemara Decals & Display Pty Ltd 4 Kitchen Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175
Pemara Press Pty Ltd 35 Henderson Rd, North Clayton VIC 3168
Penryn Printing Service Pty Ltd 25 Paul St, Mooroolbark VIC 3138
Perfect Print Pty Ltd 8 Percy St, Heidelberg VIC 3081
Performing Arts Screen Printing 37 Thomas St, Prahran VIC 3181
Peter Boyd Typesetters Pty Ltd 55 Stanley Ave, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Peter Isaacson Publications Pty Ltd 46 Porter St, Prahran VIC 3181
Pickwick Press Pty Ltd 18 Spring St, Thornastown VIC 3074
Pierre Russo Associates Pty Ltd, t/a Q Print 42 Greenaway St, Bulleen VIC 3105
Pinnacle Printing Co 228 Dundas St, Thornbury VIC 3071
Placard 40 London Drv, Bayswater VIC 3121
Port Phillip Press Pty Ltd 554 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsterwick VIC 3185
Posh Printing (South Melbourne) 36 Park St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Powerpoint Graphics Pty Ltd 24 Moss Place, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Prahran Printing & Typing Service 125 Greville St, Prahran VIC 3181
Pre Press Pty Ltd 5 Thornton Cres, Nunawading VIC 3132
Presto Printing 4/16 Melverton Drv, Hallam VIC 3803
Print Bound Pty Ltd 151 Islington St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Print Mint Instant Printing 77 City Rd, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Print Systems 228 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern VIC 3144
Printgraphics Pty Ltd 5 Mary St, Blackburn VIC 3131
Printing Activities Pty Ltd 65 Rushdale St, Scoresby VIC 3179
Printing Plates Sales Co 290 Albert St, Brunswick VIC 3056
Printpac Pty Ltd 1 Murdoch St, Clayton VIC 3168
Printqwik Pty Ltd 975 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
Prism Graphic Services Pty Ltd 355 Lvgon St, East Brunswick VIC 3057
Prism Printing Pty Ltd 3a Macquarie Place, Bornia VIC 3155
Progress Press Pty Ltd 2 Keys Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Progress Printers & Distributors Pty Ltd 2 Keys Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Prompt Printing Pty Ltd 5 Holloway Drv, Bayswater VIC 3153
Prospect Press Pty Ltd 17-19 Northgate Drv, Thomastown V IC 3074
Proto Type Typesetting 1st Floor/613 Glenhuntly St (cnr Koovong), South Caulfield VIC 3162
Publicity Works 198 Queensberry St, Carlton VIC 3053
Purbricks Pty Ltd 294-296 Hoddle St, Abbortsford VIC 3067
R & B Offset Pty Ltd Factory 2/1A Levanswell Rd, Moorabbin VIC 3189
RA Printing Service 27/16 Macquarie Place, Boronia VIC 3155
Reade Offset Press Pty Ltd 170 Wellington St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Reding Paper Products 282-294 Ferntree Gully Rd, Notting Hill VIC 3149
Regent Press Pty Ltd 457 Plenty Rd, Preston VIC 3072
Renoma Printery Pty Ltd 40-42 Isabella St, Moorabbin VIC 3189
RG Printed Labels Pty Ltd 15 Merchant Ave, Thomastown VIC 3074
Richard Cambridge Printers Pty Ltd 28 Abel St, Bendigo VIC 3550
Riegel Paper Pty Ltd 32 Healey Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175
Ringwood Litho Art & Design 26/515 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood VIC 3134
Riverwood Cartons Pty Ltd First Floor - 1 Healy Rd, Dandenong VIC 3175
Riverwood Packaging Systems Pty Ltd 48a Radford Rd, Reservoir VIC 3073
RN Crook Pty Ltd Factory 7/6 Holloway Drv, Bayswater VIC 3153
Robyn Becker Design Pty Ltd 3a Nicholson St, Bentleigh VIC 3204
Rockwell Press 414 Neerim Rd, Murrumbeena VIC 3163
Roda Graphics 13 Brougham St, Eltham VIC 3095
Rolex Printing Pty Ltd 327 Darebin Rd, Fairfield VIC 3078
Rolls Printing Pty Ltd 44 Bardia St, Seaford VIC 3198
Ron Hannan Printworks 19 Meyers Place, Melbourne VIC 3000
Rooftops Pty Ltd 21 Slevin St, North Geelong VIC 3215
RossCo Print Factory 4/188 Plenty Rd, Preston VIC 3065
Rotra Engravers Pty Ltd 32 Cromwell St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Rowprint Services Pty Ltd 90-96 Leveson St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Roy Fearn Displays Unit 2/10 Brand Drv, Thomastown VIC 3074
Rural Press (Vic) Printing 110 Creswick Rd, Ballarat VIC 3350
Salmat Group 300 Lower Dandenong Rd, Mordialloc VIC 3195
Sands & McDougall Printing Pty Ltd 91 Boundary Rd, North Melbourne VIC 3051
SAS General Printing Pty Ltd 37 Shelley St, North Richmond VIC 3121
Scanagraphix Pty Ltd 7 David St, Brunswick VIC 3086
Scanagraphix South Eastern Pty Ltd 203 Nepean Hwy, Mentone VIC 3194
Schinner Business Forms Pty Ltd 26 Lascelles St, Springvale VIC 3171
Screen Graffiti Pty Ltd 2/18 Melrich Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Security Mailing Services Pty Ltd 145 Gladstone St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Seldex Pty Ltd 117 Langridge St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Self Adhesive Markings (Aust) Pty Ltd 3 McClellan St, Bayswater VIC 3153
Seritex Pty Ltd 4/131 Fyans St, Geelong Sth VIC 3220
Service Forms Australia 7 Melrich Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Seville Printing & Design Factory 6/11 Clancy Rd, Mount Evelyn VIC 3139
Shannon Press Pty Ltd, t/a Shortrun Books 4B Melrich Rd, Bayswater VIC 3153
Show Ads Art Photo Engravers Pty Ltd 359 Plummer St, Port Melbourne VIC 3207
Signum Specialities Pty Ltd 30 Queens Pde, North Fitzroy VIC 3068
Snap Instant Printing Pty Ltd 94 Bell St, Heidelberg West VIC 3081
Snap Instant Printing Pty Ltd 943 Burke Rd, Camberwell VIC 3124
Snap Instant Printing Pty Ltd 16a Beach St, Frankston VIC 3199
Snap Printing 219-221 Park St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
Snap Printing 2a Cambridge St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Snap Printing 627 Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South VIC 3162
Snap Printing 4 Droop St, Footscray VIC 3011
Snap Printing 16 Beach St, Frankston VIC 3199
Snap Printing 344 Burwood St, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Snap Printing 239 High St, Prahran VIC 3181
Snap Printing 537 Church St, Richmond East VIC 3121
Snap Printing Shop 4/454 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Snap Printing Shop 1/68- 72 Maroondah Hwy, Ringwood VIC 3134
Snap Printing Unit 14/20-30 Malcolm Rd, Braeside VIC 3195
Snap Printing 508 Swanston St, Canton VIC 3053
Snap Printing 180 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Snap Printing Suite 1/76 Keilor Rd, North Essendon VIC 3041
Snap Printing Factory 6/3 Nuetron Pl, Rowville VIC 3178
Snap Printing 4/830 Pascoe Vale Rd, Glenroy VIC 3046
Snap Printing 48 Malvorn St, Bayswater VIC 3153
Sonoco Australia Pty Ltd 17 Templestowe Rd, Bulleen VIC 3105
Southbank Pacific Pty Ltd 261 Salmon St, Fishermen’s Bend VIC 3207
Southern Lithographics Pty Ltd 29 Fiveways Blvd, Keysborough VIC 3175
Specialised Printing Engineering Pty Ltd 15 Allenby St, Coburg North VIC 3058
Spectron Security Print Pty Ltd 800 Stud Rd, Scoresby VIC 3179
Spicers Paper Limited 44 Raglan St, Preston VIC 3072
Squire Colour Printers Pty Ltd 76 Chestnut St, Richmond VIC.3121
Status Printing Pty Ltd 439 Swan St, Richmond VICE 3121
Stewart Gillman Internationale Pty Ltd 2A Berwick Rd, Campbellfield VIC 3061
Stock & Ritchie Pty Ltd 171 Fitzroy St, St Kilda VIC 3182
Streamline Press 155 Johnston St, Fitzroy VIC 3065
Sunshine Printing Services Pty Ltd 75 Wright St, Sunshine VIC 3020
Superior Press Pty Ltd 142 Dougherty Rd, West Heidelberg VIC 3081
Superprint 11 Florence St, Burwood VIC 3125
T & H Hunter Pty Ltd 58A Gipps St, Collingwood VIC 3066
Tailormade Ink Pty Ltd Factory 2/14-16 Kelvin Rd, Bayswater North VIC 3153
Talkprint Pty Ltd 28 Central Ave, Sunshine VIC 3020
Teeprint Australia 34 Radford Rd, Reservoir VIC 3073
Teritype Typesetting 437A Gaffney St, Pascoe Vale West VIC 3044
The Argus and Australasian Limited 230 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122
The Commodore Press Pty Ltd 58 John St, Lilydale VIC 3140
The Craftsmen Press Pty Ltd 125 Highbury Rd, Burwood VIC 3125
The Graphic Print Centre Pty Ltd 95 Cecil St, South Melbourne VIC 3205
The Packaging Company 8 Childs Rd, Epping VIC 3076
The Print Press 452 Neerim Rd, Murrumbeena VIC 3163
The Typesetter Pty Ltd 17 Brunsdon St, Bayswater VIC 3153
Thomas Crosby 22 Ellis St, South Yarra VIC 3141
Thomas Frame & Company Pty Ltd 25 Ricketts Rd, Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Thompson & Associates 13 Gray Court, Beaumauris VIC 3193
Tigerprint Pty Ltd 437 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Tomasetti Paper Pty Ltd 14 Dansu Court, Hallam VIC 3803
Tomich Pty Ltd, t/a Kwik Kopy 9 Eldale Court, Wantirna VIC 3152
Total Print 53 Williams Rd, Coburg North VIC 3058
Toth-Bienk & Associates Pty Ltd 314 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda VIC 3182
Toyo Ink Australia Pty Ltd 29 Garden St, Kilsyth VIC 3137
Trade Printers (Vic) Pty Ltd 579 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Trademark Specialty Printing 38 Peninsula Boulevard, Seaford VIC 3198
Trader Magazine Group 77A Atherton Rd, Oakleigh Vie 3166
Tricolor Graphics Pty Ltd 357 Lower Dandenong Rd, Dingley VIC 3172
Trio Bookbinders (Aust) 19 Cleeland Rd, Oakleigh VIC 3166
Trumble and Sons Printery 256 High St, Prahran VIC 3181
Turbo Printing Pty Ltd 2/6 Woodbine Court, Wantirna VIC 3152
Twin Press 13 Capella Cres, Moorabbin VIC 3189
Twinlock Acco Pty Ltd Lot 2/27 Clarinda Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
Typographical Services Pty Ltd 97-101 Tope St. South Melbourne VIC 3205
Uni Print Pty Ltd 7 Hume St Huntingdale VIC 3166
Unlimited Graphics 17 Bostock Court Thomastown VIC 3074
Valet Screen Printing Pty Ltd 69 Rushdale St, Knoxfield VIC 3179
Valonia Graphics Pty Ltd 645 Waterdale Rd Heidelberg West VIC 3081
Vanderstadt Printing 25 Barrington Dr Ashwood VIC 3147
Vaughan Printing Pty Ltd 10-16 Syme St Brunswick VIC 3056
Vega Press Pty Ltd 91 Railway Rd Blackburn VIC 3130
Verko Press 509 Napier St, North Fitzroy VIC 3068
Victorian Printing Pty Ltd 3 George St, Blackburn VIC 3130
Visor Graphics Pty Ltd, t/a Avon Graphics 302 Boundary Rd Dingley VIC 3172
Visy Board Pty Ltd 527-533 Little Lonsdale St Melbourne VIC 3000
Vol Heath & Associates Pty Ltd 40 Mollison St Abbortsford VIC 3067
WaIler and Chester 53 Scott Pde, Ballarat VIC 3350
Walter Alteri Printing Pty Ltd 359-367 Lower Dandenong Rd, Dingley VIC 3172
Waterford Mailing House 4 Duke St Abbotsford VIC 3067
Wade Marketing Pty Ltd 10 Thompson St Abbotstford VIC 3067
Weis Printing 2/108 Barkly St Kilda VIC 3182
Wellington Press Pty Ltd 6 Verey Court Dandenong VIC 3175
Wenlyn Printing Company 108-112 Chapel St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
West End Press (Aust) Pty Ltd 22 Henderson Rd Knoxfield VIC 3180
Western Independent Newspaper 47 McIntyre Rd. Sunshine VIC 3020
White and Gillespie Pty Ltd 17 Radford Rd, Reservoir VIC 3073
Wiffrie & Co Nominees Pty Ltd 2/11 Molan St, Ringwood VIC 3134
Wightons 168 Arthurton Rd, Northcote VIC 3070
Wilke Color A Division of Wilke & Co Ltd 37-49 Browns Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
Wilke Directories 209 Carinish Rd Clayton VIC 3168
Will Print Pty Ltd 517 Victoria St, West Brunswick VIC 3056
William Troedel and Company Pty Ltd 1 Montrose Place Hawthorn VIC 3122
Wonderpak Printing Pty Ltd 51 Hawker St Airport West VIC 3042
Work & Turner Pty Ltd 2-4 Stelle Court Tullamarine VIC 3043
Yarra Valley Press Pty Ltd 48 Korong Rd. Heidelberg West VIC 3081
York Press Pty Ltd 61-63 Burnley St, Richmond VIC 3121
Zed Press Pty Ltd 41-43 Chester St Oakleigh VIC 3166
Zoet Offset Pty Ltd 8 Martin St Kilda VIC 3182
Zoom Copying Service Pty Ltd 109 Drummond St Carlton VIC 3053
A & L Printers Pty Ltd Cnr George & Stuart Sts, Bunbury WA 6240
Abbot and Co Pty Ltd 9 Gladstone St, East Perth WA 6000
Accord Print 35 Stanford St, Albany WA 6330
Action Press 101 Catherine St, Morley WA 6062
Admiral Printing & Stationery 290 South St, Hilton WA 6163
Advance Press Pty Ltd 186 Railway Pde, Bassendean WA 6054
Albany Advertiser 165 York St, Albany WA 6330
Albany and Great Southern Weekender P0 Box 1934, Albany WA 6330
Albany Printers 103 Lockver Ave, Albany WA 6330
Alken Type Productions Unit 3-11 Douglas St, West Perth WA 6005
Alken Typesetters 11 Douglas St, West Perth WA 6005
All West Print 22 Station St, Wembley WA 6014
Allan Charleston Printers Pty Ltd 344 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
Alligator Press Pty Ltd 257 Hay St, East Perth WA 6000
Altona Industries 6A Baretta Rd, Wangara WA 6065
Amiga Instant Printing 4/6 Leeway Court, Osborne Park WA 6017
Art ‘N’ Type Unit 2/186 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
Art Copying Services Pty Ltd 80 Albert St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Artype 91 640 Newcastle St, Perth WA 6000
Aussie Themes 106 Robinson Ave, Belmont WA 6104
B & S Printing Co 127 Broadway, Bassendean WA 6054
Balpac Pty Ltd 3 McDonald St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Barrymore Printing Pty Ltd 82-86 Thompson St, North Fremantle WA 6160
Baskerville & Pratt Pty Ltd 584 Beaufort St, Mount Lawley WA 6050
Beemac Print 4/5-213 Place Rd, Geraldton WA 6530
Bellevue Print 19 Clayton St, Bellevue WA 6056
Bruces Enterprises 3/40 Port Pine Rd, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Budget Labels 103 Robinson Ave, Belmont WA 6104
Campbell’s Fast Printing 305A Railway Pde, Maylands WA 6051
Can Print Pty Ltd Shop 1-900 Albany Hwy, East Victoria WA 6101
Candor Plastic Stationery 211 Barrington St, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Canning Bridge Print 17/17 Ogilvie Rd, Mt Pleasant WA 6153
Carnival Print and Copy Centre Port Kemble Drv, Bibra Lakes WA 6163
CDC Graphics Pty Ltd 47 Wittenoon St, East Perth WA 6000
Chevron Print 17 Collingwood St, Osborne Park WA 6017
City’s Printing Services Pty Ltd 152 Planet St, Carlisle WA 6101
Classic Printing 74 Albert St, Osborne Park. WA 6017
Click Printing Pty Ltd Unit 4 11 Alloa St, Maddington WA 6109
Cockburn Express Unit 5/No 4 Dobra St, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Cockburn Print Unit 9/125 Barrington St, Spearwood WA 6163
Collie Mail Newspapers Ltd 25 Throssell St, Collie WA 6225
Colortype Press Pty Ltd 14 Hehir St, Belmont WA 6104
Colourstick Labels Pty Ltd Unit 2-18 Thurso Rd, Myaree WA 6154
Community News Distribution Co 1 McDermott St, Welshpool WA 6106
Compac Marketing 6 Packard St, Joondalup WA 6027
Complete Imaging Centre 33 Belmont Ave, Belmont WA 6104
Condor Printing Unit 1/35 Buckingham Drv, Wangara WA 6065
Consolidated Paper Industries (WA) Pty Ltd 76 Roberts St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Copy Ads 40 Wickham St, East Perth WA 6000
Copyspot 91 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
Crusader Press Ptv Ltd 1/11-13 Irvine St, Bayswater WA 6053
Crystal Type 150 Abernethy Rd, Belmont WA 6104
Dale Printing & Stationery 203 Railway Ave, Kelmscott WA 6111
Daytone Printing Pty Ltd 285 Gt Eastern Hwy, Rivervale WA 6103
Delcol Graphics 147 Kensington St, East Perth WA 6000
Della’s Print Pty Ltd 147 Kensington St, East Perth WA 6000
Delta Print 17 Pearson Way, Osborne Park WA 6017
Dial-A-Printer Unit 4/14-22 Farrall Rd, Midvale WA 6056
Disco Direct Mailing Service 70 Roberts St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Dolphin Print 6 Boag Rd, Morley WA 6062
Downs Instant Print 38 Howe St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Dynamic Print 23 Zoc St, Bunbury WA 6230
Dyson’s Paper Bags Pty Ltd 6 Abrams St, Balcatta WA 6021
Eagle Printing Co 7/183 Bank St, East Vie Park WA 6101
Eastern Press Pty Ltd 20 Beretta Rd, Wangara WA 6065.
EM Complete Printers 50 Francis St, Northbridge WA 6000
Encore Productions 1 Walters Drv, Osborne Park WA 6017
Endeavour Printing Co 625 Perry Rd, Wanneroo WA 6065
Esperance Holdings Pty Ltd Wallace Way Shopping Centre - Dempster St, Esperance WA 6450
Esquire Holdings Pty Ltd, t/a Prime Instant Print 3/106 Oxford St, Leederville WA 6007
Eureka Printing 6/24 Baile Rd, Canning Vale WA 6147
Euro Printing Co Pty Ltd Unit 6/29 O’Malley St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Executive Press 1/16 Boag Rd, Morley WA 6062
Exposure Graphics 116 Parry St, East Perth WA 6104
Express Print 108 Beach Rd, Bunbury WA 6230
Ezee Print Pty Ltd Unit 3/8 Pitt Way, Booragoon WA 6154
Fairplay Newspaper & Printing Works Pty Ltd 10 Walters Drv, Osborne Park WA 6017
Farmers Weekly Newspaper 157 Welshpool Rd, Welshpool WA 6106
Fast Finishing Services 96 Belmont Ave, Belmont WA 6104
Fineline Print & Copy Service Pty Ltd 11 Brammall St, East Perth WA 6006
First Impressions Business Printers 3 Rosslyn St, Leederville WA 6007
Foodland Associated Ltd 200 Bannister Rd, Canning Vale WA 6155
Format Print Productions 71 D Princess Rd, Nedlands WA 6009
Forms People Printing 160 Beechboro Rd, Bayswater WA 6053
Formsprint U1 160 Beechboro Rd Sth, Bayswater WA 6053
Fraser Park Pty Ltd, t/a Complete Imaging Centre 33 Belmont Ave, Belmont WA 6104
Freo City Instant Print 9A Bannister St Mall, Fremantle WA 6160
Canon Consultancy 32 Emander Drv, Dianella WA 6062
Gascoyne Printers 13 Francis St, Carnarvon WA 6701
Gateway Printing 14 James St, Fremantle WA 6 160
George Percival Printers Pty Ltd 145 Herdsman Pde, Osborne Park WA 6017
Geraldton Newspapers Ltd 1 Barker St, Geraldton WA 6530
Gnowangerup Star 35 Yougenup Rd, Gnowangerup WA 6335
Gordon & Gotch (A/Asia) Ltd 134 Parry St, Perth WA 6000
Great Southern Herald 49 Clive St, Katanning WA 6317
Harvey Fresh Third St, Harvey WA 6220
Hawthorn Press Pty Ltd 157 Federation St, Mt Hawthorn WA 6016
Hedland Printers 10 Moorambine St, Wedgefield WA 6724
Holman Press Unit 11/6 Ryclane St, Maddington WA 6109
Imprint Plastic Badge & Signs 44 McCoy St, Myaree WA 6154
Industrial Printing Co Unit 3/6 Port Kembla Drv, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Intafoil Pty Ltd 1/29 Munt St, Bayswater WA 6053
Jandakot Print 3/35 Cooper St, Jandakot WA 6164
Jay-pak Packaging Pty Ltd 10 Kenhelm St, Balcatta WA 6021
Jermal Products Pty Ltd Rear 5 Foyer St, Welshpool WA 6106
Jet Instant Print Unit 2B Rear 185 High Rd, Willetton WA 6155
Jiffy Instant Printing Pty Ltd 9/11 Hutton St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Jiffy Instant Printing Pty Ltd Suite 3, 890 Canning Hway, Applecross WA 6153
Jubilee Printing Co 96 Aberdeen St, Perth WA 6000
Kaleidoscope Print & Design Pty Ltd 186 Sutherland St, West Perth WA 6005
Keithell Nominees Pty Ltd, t/a Keith Ellis Advertising 278 Welshpool Rd, Welshpool WA 6106
Kestral Bay Holdings Pty Ltd Bellgroup Building - Swansea & Forwards Sts, East Victoria Park WA 6101
Kewdale Printing Co 156 Mills St, Kewdale WA 6105
Keystrokes Unit 3/25 I Stirling St, Perth WA 6000
Kimberley Computing Services 554 Papuana St, Kununurra WA 6743
Krazy Teez 62 Market St, Fremantle WA 6158
Label Express 3/26 Cohn St, Carlisle WA 6101
Label Image 3/42 Collingwood St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Label Printers 53 Gladstone St, Perth WA 6000
Labelpower 17 Roberts St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Labels Plus 14 Government Rd, Nedlands WA 6009
Labelworld Pty Ltd 82 Howe St, Osborne Park WA 6018
Lamb Printers Pty Ltd 9/27 Robertson St, Perth WA 6000
Lamitex 19 Golding St, West Perth WA 6005
Lasermail 51-53 Wittenoom St, East Perth WA 6002
Leader Press 347 Oxford St, Leederville WA 6007
Lithoforms 1/160 Beechboro Rd, Bayswater WA 6053
Longson Printing Co 261 Oxford St, Leederville WA 6007
M & M Print 30 Collingwood St, Osborne Park WA 6017
MAD Print & Delivery 117 Russell St, Morley WA 6062
Magic Instant Colour Print 40 Short St, Perth WA 6000
Mandurab Mail Sutton Square Sutton St, Mandurah WA 6210
Margaret River Print Lot 155 Burton Rd, Margaret River WA 6285
Mass Advertising Distributors 5/117 Russell St, Morley WA 6062
McPrint 22 Northwood St, Leederville WA 6007
Media Image 140 Burswood Rd, Victoria Park WA 6100
Mercantile Press Pty Ltd 30 Keegan St, O'Connor WA 6163
Mid West Times 161 Marine Terrace, Geraldton WA 6530
Midnight Printing 2/86 Beechboro Rd, Bayswater WA 6004
Monte Pty Ltd, t/a Swift Print & Copy Service 43 Kensington St, East Perth WA 6000
Mooreprint 356A Rokeby Rd, Subiaco WA 6008
Move Instant Print 154 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
Muhlings Pty Ltd 7 Cleaver St, West Perth WA 6005
Multicolour Australia 7-9 Southport St Leederville WA 6007
Narrogin Observer Pty Ltd 21 Fortune St, Narrogin WA 6312
Neil Page & Co 2 Whyalla St Willeton WA 6155
O’Keefe & Gee 18 Oxford Close Leederville WA 6007
Oz Print Screenprinting 15 Gympie Way Willetton WA 6155
Pacific Printing Co 48 Railway Pde, Welshpool WA 6106
Paper Converting Co WA 24 Ewing St, Bentley WA 6102
Paramount Print Pty Ltd 53 Gladstone St, East Perth WA 6000
Park Printing Co 107 Burswood Rd, Victoria Park WA 6100
Parkin Print S4/5 Hasler Rd, Herdsman Busine WA
Parkview Press 5 Collingwood St, Osborne Park WA 6017
Perfection Press 8 Baretta Rd, Wangara WA 6065
Perfection Print U20/8 Baretta Rd, Wangara WA 6065
Perth Printing Co Ltd 8 Somerville St, East Perth WA 6000
Photoplay Australia Pty Ltd 38 Fifth St, Bicton WA 6157
Picton Press 55 Cheriton St, East Perth WA 6000
Pilpel Printing Co 139 Stirling St, Perth WA 6000
PK Print Pty Ltd 3/125 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill WA 6163
Port Printing Pty Ltd 7 Keegan St, O’Connor WA 6163
Port Printing Pty Ltd, t/a Im-Press Rubber Stamp Co 7 Keegan St, O’Connor WA 6163
Post Data 46 Frobisher Rd, Osborne Park WA 6017
Post Newspapers Pty Ltd 2 Keightley Rd, Subiaco WA 6008
Pre-Tone Graphics 137 Fitzgerald St, Perth WA 6000
Prepress Services 8 Bermondsey St, Leederville WA 6007
Print Finishing Line 150 Beaufort St, Perth WA 6000
Print Hotline Pty Ltd 118 Cloisters Sq, Perth WA 6000
Print Image Pty Ltd 39 Angove St, North Perth WA 6006
Print Media Scan 3/61 Loftus St, Leederville WA 6007
Print Right Unit 7/1 Zeta Cres, O'Connor WA 6163
Print West Pty Ltd 14 Elmsfield Rd, Midvale WA 6056
Printability Unit 2/19 Gibberd Rd, Balcatta WA 6021
Printex Printing Alternatives Unit 8/1919 Beach Rd, Malaga WA 6062
Printforce Australia Pty Ltd 99 Trafalgar St, East Perth WA 6000
Printhouse Pty Ltd 10 Cowle St, West Perth WA 6005
Printing Specialists 46 Frobisher Rd, Osborne Park WA 6017
Pritchard Bookbinders 2 Wood St, Bayswater WA 6053
Professional Printers Pty Ltd 56 Ewing St, Welshpool WA 6106
Progress Press Distributors & Printers 34 Miguel Rd, Spearwood WA 6163
Proto-Type Graphics Unit 3/6 Barnett Court, Morley . WA 6062
Quadrascan Graphics Pty Ltd 108 Railway Pde, Leederville WA 6007
Quick Printing Services 513 Newcastle St, West Perth WA 6005
Quik Printing Services 515 Newcastle St, Perth WA 6000
RA Fagants & Associates t/a Gicat Southern Printers 344 Middleton Rd, Albany WA 6330
Rapid Finishing (Remac) 20 Brown St, East Perth WA 6004
Red Leopard Instant Printing 1204 Hay St, Perth WA 6000
Remac Business Systems Pty Ltd 29 Berriman Drv, Wangara WA 6065
Rocket Fast Finishing Pty Ltd 9 Sommerville St, Perth WA 6000
Rofa Paper Converting Co Unit 3/40 Prindiville Drv, Wangarra WA 6065
Sandalwood Press Grey St, York WA 6302
Scope Printing Services 32 Gympie Way, Willetton WA 6155
Scott Printers Pty Ltd 40 Short St, East Perth WA 6000
Screen Print West 469 Murray St, Perth WA 6000
Scribe Desktop Publishing 462 Fitzgerald St, North Perth WA 6006
Seragraph Prints 75 Belgravia St, Belmont WA 6104
Show Ads Omega 8 Golding St, West Perth WA 6005
Sightworks Pty Ltd 102 Colin St, West Perth WA 6005
Smallprint Cnr Slade and Hampton Sts, Mandurah WA 6210
Snap Instant Print 2B & 2C Prindiville Dr, Wangara WA 6065
Snap Instant Printing 396 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park WA 6017
Snap Instant Printing U8/80 Attfield St, Maddington WA 6109
Snap Instant Printing 243 Stirling Hway, Claremont WA 6010
Snap Instant Printing 379 Hay St East, Perth WA 6000
Snap Instant Printing 15 Howard St, Perth WA 6000
Snap Instant Printing 235 Knutsford Ave, Belmont WA 6104
Snap Instant Printing 1300 Hay St, West Perth WA 6005
Snap Instant Printing Co Pty Ltd 187 St Georges Trce, Perth WA 6000
Snap Instant Printing Pty Ltd 921 Albany Hwy, East Victoria Park WA 6101
Snap Printing Unit B/339 Hannan St, Kalgoorlie WA 6430
Snap Printing 84A Serpentine Rd, Albany WA 6330
Snap Printing 50 Helena St, Midland WA 6056
Snap Printing 53 High St, Fremantle WA 6160
Snap Printing 164-166 Beaufort St, Perth WA 6000
Snap Printing Group 105 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
Snap Signure Pty Ltd 220 Balcatta Rd, Balcatta WA 6021
Snap The On Time Printer 243 Stirling Hwy, Claremont WA 6010
Snap The On Time Printer 266 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
Snap The On Time Printer 273 WaIter Rd, Morley WA 6062
Snap The On Time Printer 53 High St, Fremantle WA 6160
SOS Printing Service 262 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park WA 6000
Sound Telegraph 52 Thorpe St, Rockingham WA 6168
South West Printing & Publishing Company Lot 71 Proffit St, Bunbury WA 6230
Southside Print Unit 7/11-17 Canvale Rd, Canning Vale WA 6155
Speedy Print 418 Murray St, Perth WA 6000
Spot-on Printing t/a Artprep 58 Jersey St, Jolimont WA 6014
Sprinters Unit 1/56 Collingwood St, Osborne Park WA 6017
St James Print 118 Mallard Way, Cannington WA 6107
Statewide Publishing 9 Ruth St, Perth WA 6000
Stockman Paper Merchants 12A Harold St, Dianella WA 6155
Stone’s Publishing 99 Roberts St, Bayswater WA 6053
Subway Print 214 Stubbs Trce, Shenton Park WA 6008
Success Print 7A Goongarrie St, Bayswater WA 6053
Sun City Print 6 Abrolhos St, Geraldton WA 6530
Sun Industries 33 Guthrie St, Osborne Park WA 6018
Sundance Print 1/9 Clavering Rd, Bayswater WA 6053
Supa Stick Labels Pty Ltd 22 Newburn Rd, Kewdale WA 6105
Superfine Print 88 Kitchener Rd, Alfred Cove WA 6154
Supermail Cnr Kensington & East Pde, East Perth WA 6000
Supersheen Company of WA 9 Somerville St, East Perth WA 6000
Swanweb 102 Bannister Rd, Canning Vale WA 6155
T-Shirt Australia Print 3 Kembla Way, Willetton WA 6155
Tara Graphics 241 Scarborough Beach Rd, Doubleview WA 6018
Terrace Print 77 St George’s Trce, Perth WA 6000
The Downs Printing 38 Howe St, Osborne Park WA 6017
The Fremantle Herald 47 King St, East Fremantle WA 6160
The Hills Gazette (WA) Pty Ltd Cnr Hodgson St & Great Eastern Hwy, Mundaring WA 6073
The Hills Gazette Central West Media Ltd Gazette House- Great Eastern Hwy, Mundaring WA 6073
The Label Factory 4 Isa St, Willetton WA 6155
The Marketing Place 145 Marine Trce, Geraldton WA 6530
The Printing Factory 15 Prindiville Drv, Wangara WA 6065
The Real Estate Institute of WA (Inc) 215 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
The Type Foundry 91 Hay St, Subiaco WA 6008
The Wagin Argus Cnr Travistock and Ranford St, Wagin WA 6315
Thumbprint Pty Ltd 9 Northwood St, Leederville WA 6007
Tinroof Graphics Pty Ltd 293 Railway Pde, Maylands WA 6052
Torkan Packaging 5 Vale St, Malaga WA 6104
Trend Reprographics Pty Ltd, (Beset Pty Ltd) Rear 166 Railway Pde, Leederville WA 6007
Trivett Print 2/124 Winton Rd, Joondalup WA 6027
Trotwest Newspaper 11 Kennedy St, Maylands WA 6052
Type Express 15 Money St, Perth WA 6000
Typestyle 9-27 Robertson St, East Perth WA 6004
Typographix Perth Pty Ltd 39A Kensington St, East Perth WA 6000
Typset Graphics 77 Bulwer St, Perth WA 6000
Vanguard Press 28 John St, Perth WA 6000
Vertex Offset 52 Sussex St, Maylands 6051
Vic Park Copy & Printing Centre 225 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park WA 6000
WA Auto Trader Unit 4-156 Beechboro Rd, Bayswater WA 6053
WA Printworld 428 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park WA 6017
Wedderburn & Son Pty Ltd 46 Westchester Rd, Malaga WA 6062
West Coast Printers Pty Ltd 158 Fitzgerald St, Perth WA 6000
West Graphic Supplies 158 Railway Pde, Leederville WA 6007
West Ocean Marketing & Manufacturing 45 Irvine Drv, Malaga WA 6062
Westcare Industries Carrington St, Nedlands WA 6009
Western Australian Primary Industry Press Pty Ltd, t/a Wesfarmers 157 Welshpool Rd, Welshpool WA 6106
Westside Football 120 Roe St Northbridge WA 6000
Whiteman Park Print Whiteman Park Whiteman WA 6068
Williams Boardley 25 Darcy Lane Kalgoorlie WA 6430
Wip Instant Printing Pty Ltd 18 Olive St, Subiaco WA 6008
Worth Printing Co Pty Ltd 2 Temple St Victoria Park WA 6100
Zipform Computer Stationary 191 Bannister Rd,. Canningvale WA 6155


[Roping-in Award No. 3 of 2000 inserted by T4387 ppc 08Dec2000]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts General (Roping-in No. 3) Award 2000.


This award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 8 December 2000 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


Agfa Gavaert Limited
372 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading, Vic. 3131
Amcor Packaging (Australia) Pty Ltd
971 Burke Rd, Camberwell, Vic. 3124
CCH Australia Ltd
Lvl 2, 101 Waterloo Rd, North Ryde, NSW 2113
Colorpak Packaging Pty Ltd
63-73 Woodlands Dr, Braeside, Vic. 3195
Colourcraft Printing Pty Ltd
7 Fiveways Boulevard, Kensington, Vic. 3031
Die Rule Supply Co. Pty Ltd
33- 35 Kolora Rd, West Heidelberg, Vic. 3081
Embassy Press Pty Ltd
45 Rushdale St, Knoxfield, Vic. 3180
Galaxy Design Pty Ltd
19 Cardigan Pl, Albert Park, Vic. 3206
J.D.P. Printing Consultants Pty Ltd
Unit 7, 15-23 Huntingdale Rd, Burwood, Vic. 3125
The Victorian Connection Pty Ltd
20 Aristoc Rd, Glen Waverley, Vic. 3150
Total Print Management
2-4 Moss Pl, North Melbourne, Vic. 3051
Visy Board Pty Ltd
Lvl 2, 533 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne, Vic. 3000
Visy Paper Pty Ltd
Lvl 2, 533 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne, Vic. 3000
White Quill Press
4 West St, Brunswick, Vic. 3056


[Roping-in Award N0. 1 of 2001 inserted by PR902830 ppc 20Mar01]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts General (Roping-in No. 1) Award 2001.


This award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 20 March 2001 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


1. Apex Printing Pty. Ltd., 1 Water Road, Preston, 3072
2. Nillumbik Mail, Suite 4, 974 Main Road, Eltham, 3095
3. Artprint Publicity Australia, 5-7 Sullivan Street, Moorabbin, Vic. 3189
4. Australian Printing Placements Pty. Ltd., 216 Glenferrie Rd, Malvern
5. SNP Ausprint (formerly Cambec-Printset),11 Redwood Court, Nottinghill, Vic. 3168
6. Color Point, 37 Ricketts Road, Mount Waverley, Vic. 3149
7. Datascan (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 304 Mt.Alexander Road, Ascot Vale, Vic. 3032
8. Gasworks Pty. Ltd., 21-31 Goodwood Street, Richmond, Vic. 3132
9. H. H. McGuire, 137 Buckhurst Street, South Melbourne, Vic. 3205
10. Merging Images, 75 Crockford Street, Port Melbourne, Vic. 3207
11. Norman Bros. Pty. Ltd., 347 Napier Street, Fitzroy, Vic. 3065
12. Note Printing Australia, Hume Highway, Craigieburn, Vic. 3064
13. Omega Colour Centre, 195 Chesterville Road, Moorabbin, Vic. 3189
14. Print By Design, 536 City Road, South Melbourne, Vic. 3205
15. Printed Images Pty. Ltd., Unit 25/20 Commercial Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3004
16. Printing Technologies Pty. Ltd., 6 Joseph Street, Blackburn, Vic. 3130
17. Snap Printing, 1st Floor/405 Wattletree Road, Malvern East, Vic. 3145
18. The Melbourne Trading Post, 8 Govan Street, Seaford, Vic. 3198
19. The Typesetting Company, 1st Floor/15 Bank Street, South Melbourne, Vic. 3205
20. Victorian Racing Centre, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne, Vic. 3004
21. Flexforce Solutions Pty. Ltd., 1st Floor, 21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne, Vic. 3051
22. P.M. Press, Unit 11/62A Albert Street, Preston, Vic. 3072
23. Kosmos Plastics Pty. Ltd., 9-11 Lakeside Avenue, Reservoir, Vic. 3073
24. Ink Color, 13-22 Anneley Street, Braybrook, Vic. 3019
25. Scanapak Pty. Ltd., 17 David Street, Brunswick, Vic. 3056
26. Rotra Engravers Pty. Ltd.38 Cromwell Street, Collingwood, Vic. 3066
27. Austab Labels, 70-74 Westgate Drive, Altona North, Vic. 3025
28. Dawson Consulting, Level 1, 21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne, Vic. 3051
29. City Council Stationery, 26-34 Dunning Avenue, Rosebery, NSW 2018
30. D.M.J. Fine Quality Printing, 409 New Canterbury Road, Dulwich Hill, NSW 2203
31. Edman Wilson & Co. Pty. Ltd., 18-20 Whiting Street, Artarmon, NSW 2064
32. Essay Composition Typesetting, 15 McCauley street, Alexandria, NSW 2015
33. Eveready Australia Pty. Ltd., 30-40 Harcourt Parade, Rosebery, NSW 2018
34. Face The Type Workshop108A Miller Street, Pyrmont, NSW 2009
35. Fine Art Graphics, Unit 9/10 Lyn Parade, Hoxton Park, NSW 2171
36. Foilpak Printing and Packaging, 18-22 Chisolm Road, Sefton, NSW 2162
37. Globus Casing Co. Pty. Ltd., 122-130 Edinburg Road, Marrickville, NSW 2204
38. Intertype Pty. Ltd., 29 Bellevue Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
39. Kwik-Kopy Australia Pty. Ltd., 249 Devonshire Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
40. Social Change Media, 6A Nelson Street, Annandale, NSW 2038
41. State Library of NSW, Binding Room, Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
42. The Kelvin Press Pty. Ltd., 2 Paton Place, Manly Vale, NSW 2093
43. The Quality Image, 143 Regent Street, Redfern, NSW 2016
44. Walcar Graphics Pty. Ltd., 31/28 Barry Road, Chipping Norton, NSW 2170
45. Paper Australia Pty Ltd, 685 Burke St, Camberwell, Vic 3124


[Roping-in Award No. 2 of 2001 inserted by PR906058 ppc 25Jun01]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General (Roping-in No. 2) - Award 2001.


This award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 25 June 2001 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


New South Wales

Fresh & Green (Australia) Pty Ltd, 330 Botany Road, Alexandria, 2015
Microview Pty Ltd, 1/75 Gibbes Street, Chatswood, 2067


Queensland Label Makers Pty Ltd, Unit 4, 81 Bishop Street, Kelvin Grove, 4059


Mail Works, 57 Bowen Road, Moonah, 7009
Snap Printing, 171 Collins Street, Hobart, 7000


ABC Cards, 17 Meriton Place, Clayton South, 3169
Ace Radio Station, 2 Stawell Road, Horsham, 3400
Ad Vanz, Level 1, 140 Greville Street, Prahran, 3181
Agfa Gavaert Limited, 372 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, 3131
Apex Printing Pty Ltd, 1 Walter Road, Preston, 3072
Charlesworth Intermedia, 5/131 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000
DIC Colortron, 24-30 Crown Avenue, Mordialloc, 3195
Envelope Specialists, 60-62 Woodland Drive, Braeside, 3195
Flint Ink, Lot 20, Berends Drive, Dandenong Sth, 3175
Greg Williams Printing, 60-64 Vella Drive, Sunshine, 3020
Landmark Printing, 70 Woodlands Drive, Braeside, 3195
Northern Tag Stringers Pty Ltd, 12 Vickers Street, Reservoir, 3073
Parodec, 1 Beatrice Avenue, West Heidelberg, 3081
Polymer Graphics Pty Ltd, Unit 8, 13 Huntingdale Road, Burwood, 3125
Print Linx Pty Ltd, 357 City Road, Southbank, 3006
Print Point Pty Ltd, 8a Northgate Drive, Thomastown, 3074
Southern Colour Pty Ltd, 2 Southpark Drive, Keysborough, 3173
Storers Print Shop, 64 Brown Street, Hamilton, 3300
Wimmera & Grampians Group Training Co Ltd (t/a WG), 138 Firebrace Street, Horsham, 3400

Western Australia

A & A Print, Unit 3, 244 Camboon Road, Malaga, 6090
A & M Printing and Office Emporium, 16 Capital Road, Malaga, 6090
A Touch of Class Wedding Stationery, 16/23 Gibberd Road, Balcatta, 6021
A to Z Signs, Unit 1, 38 Owen Road, Kelmscott, 6111
A-Team Printing, Rear 81 Acton Avenue, Riverdale, 6103
A.S.A.P., 328 Albany Highway, Victoria Park, 6100
AAA Print and Promotions, 118 Mallard Way, Cannington, 6107
AAA Sundra Graphics, Unit 5, 1 Charles Street, South Perth, 6151
ACS Swan Express Print, 11 Irvine Drive, Malaga, 6090
AD Dimension, Level 1, 307-313 Murray Street, Perth, 6000
AD House, 54 Ord Street, West Perth, 6005
AD Infinitum Advertising & Marketing, 83 Havelock Street, West Perth, 6005
AD Pro Pty Ltd, 20 Eric Street, Cottesloe, 6011
ADA Anthony De Gaetani Advertising, 107 Cambridge Street, West Leederville, 6007
API Interactive, 41 Simpler Crescent, Fremantle, 6160
Able Printing Co, 7/23 Gibbard Road, Balcatta, 6021
Academic Design & Print, 146 Rowley Road, Wungong, 6112
Acorn Design, 224 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, 6008
Action Graphics, Unit 2, 6 Kirk Street, Balcatta, 6021
Adcat Printing, 14 Calytrix Road, Roleystone, 6111
Adcorp Australia Pty Ltd, 28-42 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, 6005
Adcraft, 44 Irvine Street, Bayswater, 6053
Addax Publications, 111 Oxley Avenue, Padbury, 6025
Adedicom, 3 Ela Street, Leeming, 6149
Adlink Advertising, 1109 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Adman Advertising Services, 7 Ventnor Street, West Perth, 6005
Admark Pty Ltd, 350 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Adschool, 25 Nicholli Street, Duncraig, 6023
Advance Press, 186 Railway Parade, Bassendean, 6054
Advanced All Colour Printing, Unit 5, 1 Charles Street, South Perth, 6151
Advanced Reprographics, 1321 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Advent Graphics, Sorbonne Crescent, Canning Vale, 6155
Advertising & Design Services Pty Ltd, Suite 4/305 Selby Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Al Sign Shop, 6 Albert Road, Bunbury, 6230
Aladin Print & Sign, Unit 3, 40 Port Pirie Street, Bibra Lake, 6163
Align Graphics, Sorbornne Crs, Canning Vale, 6155
All-Ways Best Signs & Print, 428 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park, 6017
Allforms of Printing, 68 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Allwest Print, 12 Dyer Road, Bassendean, 6054
Alpha & Omega/Brainstorming Advertising, Unit 16, 186 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Altime Printers Pty Ltd, 14 Saturn Street, Beckenham, 6107
Always Printing Ideas, Unit 6, 1833 Ord Way, Broome, 6725
Amcor St Regis Bates WA, Glassford Road, Kewdale, 6105
Amril Pty Ltd, 1/33 Jillian Street, Riverton, 6148
Apex Rubber Stamp Co, 114 Parry Street, Perth, 6000
Apple Art & Design, Suite 1, 5 Hasler Road, Herdsman, 6017
Argosy Press, 234 Oxford Street, Leederville, 6007
Art Paper & Supplies, 243 Stirling Highway, Claremont, 6010
Artech Printing, Unit 17B, 190 Swansea Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
Arthur Treasure, 6 Paltarra Road, Nollamara, 6061
Artisan Garmets & Screen Print, Unit 1, 33 Hector Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Artline Screen Printing, Unit 7, 50 Dellamarta Road, Wangara, 6065
Artprep, 58 Jersey Street, Jolimont, 6014
Artset Pty Ltd, 75 Carrington Street, Nedlands, 6009
Artwork Screen Printers, 47 King William Street, Bayswater, 6053
Assassin Print Marketing & Promotions, Unit 6, 83 Kent Way, Malaga, 6090
Asset Marketing, Suite E, 554 Newcastle Street, West Perth, 6005
Associated Graphic Services Pty Ltd, 156 Mills Road, Welshpool, 6106
Astra Printing, 4 Aprigo Street, Wangara, 6065
Auon Valley Advocate, 245 Fitzgerald Street, Northam, 6401
Austed Publishing, Unit 4, 114 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco, 6008
Austracom Pty Ltd, 25 Brisbane Street, Perth, 6000
Australian Screen Printing Supplies, 8 Bryden Place, Gosnells, 6110
Automail-Salmat, 26 Hector Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Automotive Print & Design, 104 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 6104
Avenue Print & Graphics, 36 Fourth Avenue, Bassendean, 6054
Aztec Multimedia, Suite 1, 415 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, 6008
B Quik Print, 99 Sadlier Drive, Maida Vale, 6057
B&B Printers Engineer, 15 Barellan Court, Armadale, 6112
B&B Typesetters, 1131 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
B&S Graphic Studio, 46 Salmar Way, Westminster, 6061
BDM Marketing Pty Ltd, 11 Ozone Street, Marmion, 6020
BHT Art, 921 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park, 6101
BS Cooney & Associates Pty Ltd, 39 Hibiscus Road, Maddington, 6109
Balcatta Printing & Stationery, 16/23 Gibberd Road, Balcatta, 6021
Balcatta Signs, Units 2-3, 194 Road, Balcatta, 6021
Ball Phillip Advertising, 1221 Coventry Road, Roleystone, 6111
Barraclough & Beyond Campaign, 76 Teague Street, Victoria Park, 6100
Barraclough Warwick, 57A Melville Pde, South Perth, 6151
Barrett Media, 54 Tudor Avenue, Riverton, 6148
Barron Press, 30 Ledgar Road, Balcatta, 6021
Baskerville P Chicktay, 9 Harold Street, Dianella, 6059
Bassett-Scarfe Graphics, 1032 Wellington Street, West Perth, 6005
Baynham Pty Ltd, 54 Ord Street, West Perth, 6005
Bell Booth Advertising & Marketing, Suite 1, 979 Welling Street, West Perth, 6005
Berry Currie Advertising, 86 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Berry Graphics, 1032 Wellington Street, West Perth, 6005
Best Copy Service, Unit 5, 9 Oxleigh Drive, Malaga, 6090
Betts TSJ, 1109 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Binnie Design Group, 129 Bagot Road, Subiaco, 6008
Black Magic Screen Print Co, 420 Albany Highway, Armadale, 6112
Blue Chip Advertising & Design Pty Ltd, Suite 214, 396 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park, 6017
Blue Print Screen Art, Unit 1, 24 Irvine Drive, Malaga, 6090
Bluebird Printing Services, 39 Dellamarta Road, Wangara, 6065
Bon Appetite Promotions, Level 3 IBM Building, 1060 Hay St, West Perth, 6005
Bonus Print, Unit 7, 81 Guthrie Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Boomerang Paper (WA) Pty Ltd, 14 Guthrie Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Boomerang Press WA, Unit 17, 190 Swansea Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
Boss Computer Forms, 23 Frobisher Road, Osborne Park, 6017
Bowtell Clarke & Yole Advertising & Marketing, 402 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, 6008
Bowtell Russell Advertising & Design, Suite B, 1 Robinson Avenue, Perth, 6000
Breakthrough Corporation Pty Ltd, 39 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Brett Stevens Studio, Suite 3, 154 Hampden Road, Nedlands, 6009
Brian Ellison, 1 Gooseberry Hill Road, Gooseberry Hill, 6076
Brian Winters Graphic Engineering, 12 Malcolm Road, Maddington, 6109
Brilliant Brochure Company, Suite 12/186 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Brimstone Creative, 130 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Broome Advertiser, 6 Short Street, Broome, 6725
Broome Printing company Pty Ltd, Lot 2082, Clementson Street, Broome, 6725
Budget Print Copy & Sign Centre, 1139 Albany Highway, Bentley, 6102
Bullet Print, 19 Kensington Street, East Perth, 6004
Bunbury Graphics, 7 Teede Street, Bunbury, 6230
Bunbury Print, Unit 5, 9 Zacnic Place, Bunbury, 6230
Busselton Instant Print, Unit 1, 64 West Street, Busselton, 6280
By Design Group Pty Ltd, 4 Laikie Street, Myaree, 6154
C Battel, 4 King Close, Winthrop, 6150
CDM, 158A Vincent Street, North Perth, 6006
CJ King & Co Printers, 247 James Street, Northbridge, 6003
CJD Enterprise, PO Box 463, Northam, 6401
CKT Publishing, 7 Symms Court, High Wycombe, 6057
CLC PR, 73 Edinboro Street, Mt Hawthorn, 6016
CPI Graphics, 4 Gibberd Road, Balcatta, 6021
CY Signs, 3 Deverall Square, Hillarys, 6025
Cadillac Plastics Australia, 18 Tighe Street, Jolimont, 6014
Calder Design Pty Ltd, 173 Palmerston Street, Perth, 6000
Campaign Focus, Unit 1, Building A, 661 Newcastle St, Leederville, 6007
Campbell Ron Advertising, 36 Strickland Road, Ardross, 6153
Canning Vale Signs, 20 Mandora Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Cannon Graphics, 51 McDonald Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Carter Holt Harvey, 48 Kewdale Road, Welshpool, 6106
Central Prints, 59 King Street, Perth, 6000
Central Prints, 2nd floor, 59 King Street, Perth, 6000
Character Printing, Unit 3, 36-40 John Street, Bentley, 6102
Choice Advertising, 31 Methuen Way, Duncraig, 6023
Christype, 36 Richardson Street, West Perth, 6005
Clarity Print Image, 28 Sarich Court, Osborne Park, 6017
Classic Stationers & Bookbinders, 81 Acton Avenue, Belmont, 6104
Clear Image Printing, Unit 5, 285 Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, 6100
Coastal Print, 4 Cort Way, Rockingham, 6168
Coastal Print & Photography, 4 Cort Way, Rockingham, 6168
Coastal Promotional Clothing, 45 Wishborough Crescent, Balga, 6061
Coates Brothers Australia Pty Ltd, 62-64 Wittenberg Drive, Canning Vale, 6155
Cogent Advertising, 19 Troy Terrace, Daglish, 6008
Color Cards, 11 Cassidy Place, Murdoch, 6150
Colortype Press, 14 Hehir Street, Belmont, 6104
Colour Burst, Unit 3, 80 Walter Drive, Osborne Park, 6017
Colour Image, 15 Miller Street, Maddington, 6109
Colourbox Pty Ltd, 8 Bermondsey Street, Leederville, 6007
Colourpress Pty Ltd, Cnr Forward & Swansea Streets, East Victoria Park, 6101
Commercial Print, 9 Roberts Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Commonwealth Paper Co Pty Ltd, 2 Hubert Street, Belmont, 6104
Compact Print Pty Ltd, 56 Ewing Street, Bentley, 6102
Complete Imaging Centre (now owned by Sands Print Group), 134 Burswood Road, Victoria Park, 6100
Concept Type & Design Pty Ltd, 7 Stawell Lane, Willetton, 6155
Concord Copy & Printing Centre, 38 Howe Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Conquest Advertising, Suite 1, 294 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, 6008
Contal Press & Arts Services, Shop 2, 665 Beaufort Street, Mt Lawley, 6050
Copy Action, 1004 Hay Street, Perth, 6000
Copycat, 45 Kenmore Avenue, Bayswater, 6053
Copyright Plan Printing, 716 Murray Street, West Perth, 6005
Cosmos Printing, 278 William Street, Perth, 6000
Crafty Movements, 19 Harbour View Parade, Albany, 6330
Creative Communications Pty Ltd, 74 Whatley Crescent, Mt Lawley, 6050
Creative Communications Pty Ltd, 5 Ord Street, West Perth, 6005
Creative Designs, 20 Carrick Crescent, Mandurah, 6210
Creative Page, Unit 4, 91 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge, 6003
Creative Studio Advertising, 17 Southport Street, West Leederville, 6007
Crispa Print, Unit 8, 45 Ladner Street, O’Connor, 6163
Crissy Resort Sportswear, 5 Murchison Terrace, East Perth, 6004
Crotchet Quaver, 2 Clive Street, West Perth, 6005
Crystal Printing, 112-114 Mallard Way, Cannington, 6107
Cypress Print, 222 Collier Road, Bayswater, 6053
D & L Cutting Forms, 36 Bergeris Way, Forrestfield, 6058
DJ Printing Services, Unit 4, 11 Enterprise Crescent, Malaga, 6090
DM Print, Unit 6, 33 Macedonia Street, Naval Base, 6165
Dale Printing & Stationery Supplies, Unit 2, 2 Gillam Drive, Kelmscott, 6111
Dalton Fine Paper, 2 Fairford Street, Bassendean, 6054
Datawest, Unit 1, 72 Westchester Road, Malaga, 6090
Davon Print, Unit 6, 66 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, 6155
Davric Australia, 19 Holder Way, Malaga, 6090
Daynite Signs, Unit 1, 13 Forsyth Street, O’Connor, 6163
De Neefe Signs Pty Ltd, 10 Laurel Street, Forrestfield, 6058
DeLuxe Colour & Printing, 23 Ord Street, West Perth, 6005
Delirium Design, Unit 3, 2 Walcott Street, Mt Lawley, 6050
Della's Print Pty Ltd, 143 Kensington Street, East Perth, 6004
Denmark Printers & Services, 78 Strickland Street, Denmark, 6333
Denmax, Unit 5, 26 Cohn Street, Carlisle, 6101
Design Firm, Level 2, 3-5 Bennett Street, East Perth, 6004
Dial-A-Printer, Unit 4, Farrall Road, Midvale, 6056
Diamond Print, 21 Clark Street, Dunsborough, 6281
Digital Documents, 89 St George's Terrace, Perth, 6000
Digital Documents, 11-13 Irvine Street, Bayswater, 6053
Digital Ink, 5 Athel Road, Woodlands, 6018
Dillon Graphics, 271 Heytesbury Road, Subiaco, 6008
Disco Direct Mailing, Unit 4, 70 Roberts Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Discount Labels, 3/4 Arrigo Street, Wangara, 6065
Display Print, 345 Victoria Road, Malaga, 6090
Distinctive Printing Services, 261 Oxford Street, Leederville, 6007
Dockers Hill Print Works, Lot 146 Jutland Road, Kendenup, 6323
Double R Typesetting Services, 15 Magpie Court, High Wycombe, 6057
`Dove Graphics, 24 Lotan Street, Innaloo, 6018
Dove Printing, Unit 3, 776 Beaufort Street, Mt Lawley, 6050
Down Under Signs, 31 Owen Road, Kelmscott, 6111
Duprint, 2 Stenton Crescent, Leeming, 6149
Dynamic Graphics Pty Ltd, 69 Hector Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Easy Post, 84 Edward Street, Perth, 6000
Econostamps, Unit 6, 43 Norma Road, Myaree, 6154
Edwards Dunlop Paper, 172 Railway Parade, Leederville, 6007
Effective Advertising, 979 Wellington Street, West Perth, 6005
Elkott Printing, 12 Culworth Road, Bassendean, 6054
Endeavor Print, 6 O'Connor Way, Wangara, 6065
Endeavour Print, 6 Troy Street, Geraldton, 6330
Envelope Specialists, 9 Burgay Crt, Osborne Park, 6017
Essential Printing Services, 8 Carole Road, Maddington, 6109
Exact Images, 2690 Albany Highway, Kelmscott, 6111
Expo Document Centre, 140 Railway Parade, Leederville, 6007
Expo Signs, 19 Metroliner Drive, Currambine, 6028
Express Magazine, Suite 73, 102 Railway Parade, West Perth, 6005
Express Signs, 38A Sundercombe Street, Osborne Park, 6017
F&M Creative Services, Unit 3, 9 Clavering Road, Bayswater, 6053
F.I.T. The Agency, 5 Rockingham Road, South Fremantle, 6162
Fabric Printer, Unit 2, 56 McDonald Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Fair Deal, Unit 7, 23 Gibberd Road, Balcatta, 6021
Farmer Andrew Advertising, 68 The Crest, Woodvale, 6026
Fildes Pty Ltd, 201 Labouchere Road, Como, 6152
Fineline Print & Copy Service Pty Ltd, 11 Bramall Street, East Perth, 6004
Fingerprintz & Design, PO Box 1037, Mandurah, 6210
Fingerprintz Print & Copy Centre, 67 Dixon Road, Rockingham, 6168
Fludd Agency, Unit 8, 304 Cambridge Street, Wembley, 6014
Focus Screen Printing, 21 Rudloc Street, Morley, 6062
Foot Print, 156 Rouse Road, Mandurah, 6210
Foote Print, 34 Moorhen Drive, Yangerbup, 6164
Forest Printing Co, 266 Fitzgerald Street, West Perth, 6005
Format Finishing, 3 Rosslyn Street, Leederville, 6007
Forward Advertising & Marketing Pty Ltd, 9 Hammond Street, West Perth, 6005
Four in One, 81 Bluegum Road, Beechboro, 6063
Frank Daniells, 158 Wellington Street, Perth, 6000
Fulcrum Typesetting, 22 Oxford Cl, West Leederville, 6007
G & F Printing, 155 Francisco Street, Belmont, 6104
G Force Printing, Unit 2, 1 Brant Road, Kelmscott, 6111
GEC Graphix Systems Pty Ltd, 46 Hasler Road, Osborne Park, 6017
GI Print, 16 Parkhill Way, Wilson, 6107
GMC Quality Print, 16 Brown Street, East Perth, 6004
GTR Printing Service, 30 Halliday Street, Bayswater, 6053
Gallagher Graphics, 220 Whatley Crs, Maylands, 6051
Gem Star Marketing, 15 Holme Court, Myaree, 6154
Genesis Marketing & Promotions, 58v Tuart Street, Yokine, 6060
Geoffrey Michael Advertising, 483 Fitzgerald Street, North Perth, 6006
Gerson Advertising Pty Ltd, 23 Albion Street, Cottesloe, 6011
Giles Consulting, 473 Stirling Highway, Cottesloe, 6011
Gingin Printing Service, Unit 5, 40 Meliador Way, Midvale, 6056
Giorgi Design, 276 Newcastle Street, Northbridge, 6003
Goerke Print, 62 Robinson Avenue, Perth, 6000
Goldfields Printing Co, 46 Boulder Road, Kalgoorlie, 6430
Goldfields Screen Printing, 105 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, 6430
Goldsfield Magazine, 124 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, 6430
Goodlet Ross & Associates, Suite 3/54 Hampden Street, Nedlands, 6009
Grant & Thorne, 294A Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Graphic WA Pty Ltd, 3 Riverview Rise, Wilson, 6107
Green Spot Advertising & Print Services, 36 Cassia Drive, Karnup, 6176
Greenwood Press, 4 Eade Court, Greenwood, 6024
Group Editors Pty Ltd, 29 Melrose Street, Rossmoyne, 6148
H20 Surfwear Design, Unit 3, 94 Roberts Street, Osborne Park, 6017
HW Norwood Advertising, 54 Angove Street, North Perth, 6006
Hall & Myers, 5 Camden Street, Belmont, 6104
Hanken Pty Ltd, Unit 9, 19 Golding Street, West Perth, 6005
Hardcastle & Hayes, Regency Centre, 949 Wellington St, West Perth, 6005
Harlequin, 2 Calley Drive, Leeming, 6149
Harlequin Print &Design, 548 Newcastle Street, West Perth, 6005
Haymarket Digital Prepress & Print, Suite 70, City West Centre, Railway Parade, West Perth, 6005
Haze Complete Printing Works, 114 Parry Street, Perth, 6000
Heidelberg Australia, 11 King Edward Road, Osborne Park, 6017
Hepburn Printers, Unit 11, 43 Hutton Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Hidewood Quality Printers, Unit 1, 16 Hercules Crescent, Albany, 6330
Hillite Marketing, Unit 10, 6 Chalkley Place, Bayswater, 6053
Hot Property, Unit 6, 26 Collingwood Street, Osborne Park, 6017
IFM Printers, Unit 2, 1862 Albany Highway, Maddington, 6109
IS Design, 104 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 6104
Ian Rayson Advertising & Marketing Services, Suite 1/300 Albany Highway, Victoria Park, 6100
Icon Print, 346 Oxford Street, Leederville, 6007
Im-Press Rubber Stamp Co, 7 Keegan Street, O'Connor, 6163
Images-In-Print, 3 Tack Close, Broome, 6725
Impress Design, 959 Wellington Street, West Perth, 6005
Impress Printing & Design, Unit 8, 211 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, 6155
Impression Printing Services, 30 Tantini Close, Parkwood, 6147
Impressions Screen Printing, Unit 8, 117 Garling Street, O’Connor, 6163
Impressions West, PO Box 5, Northam, 6401
Impressions West, 248 Fitzgerald Street, Northam, 6401
In Press Printing, 128A Canning Highway, South Perth, 6151
Ink Pot Printing & Stationery, Unit 1, 24 Shields Crescent, Myaree, 6154
Inka Screen Printing, Unit 1, 2 Carole Road, Maddington, 6109
Inkspot Printing Co, 62 Pinjarra Road, Mandurah, 6210
Insta Print, 83 Brisbane Street, Perth, 6000
Instant Rubber Stamp Co, 314 Charles Street, North Perth, 6006
Integrated Print Management, 61 King Street, West Perth, 6005
Iona Print, Unit 6, 14 Boag Place, Morley, 6062
JDA, 16 Jersey Street, Jolimont, 6014
JMG Marketing, 160 Beaufort Street, Perth, 6000
Jac Australia Pty Ltd, 200 Campbell Street, Belmont, 6104
Jay Pak Cartons, 15 Rowe Street, Malaga, 6090
Jeffro Graphics, 155 Burton Road, Margaret River, 6285
Jenkin Advertising & Marketing, 160 Beaufort Street, Perth, 6000
Joepam Signs & Rubber Stamps, 53 Lushington Drive, Padbury, 6025
John Harvey Print Art, 37 Cockatoo Dve, Mundaring, 6073
Joondalup City Signs & Screen Printing, Joondalup Business Park, Joondalup, 6027
Joondalup Copying Centre, Unit 12, 7 Delage Street, Joondalup, 6027
Joyland, 76 Daly Street, Belmont, 6104
Jung Lautrec & Shaw, 681 Murray Street, West Perth, 6005
KS Screen Printing, Unit 1, 41 Parsons Avenue, Manning, 6152
Kalgoorlie Printers, 243 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie, 6430
Kapow Advertising, 22 Emerald Tce, West Perth, 6005
Keith Ellis, 6 Coolgardie Street, Bentley, 6102
Kestell Organisation Pty Ltd, 83 Havelock Street, West Perth, 6005
Key West Computor Graphics, Unit 3, 47 McCoy Street, Myaree, 6154
Kiwi Signs, 37 Sarich Court, Osborne Park, 6017
Kool Digital Graphics Pty Ltd, 302 Newcastle Street, Northbridge, 6003
Koru Advertising & Design, Suite 4/350 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Kulai Design & Promotion, Unit 13, 7 Dellamarta Road, Wangara, 6065
Kwik Kopy Printing, 25A Hutton Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Kwik Kopy Printing, Unit 8, 190 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, 6155
Kwik Kopy printing, 16 St George's Terrace, Perth, 6000
LA Advertising & Marketing, 123 Colin Street, West Perth, 6005
Labelmakers Pty Ltd, 304/396 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park, 6017
Lasermail, 129 Kensington Street, East Perth, 6004
Lasertype, 113 Roberts Road, Kelmscott, 6111
Leigh Mardon, 259 Beaufort Street, Perth, 6000
Leon Sainken Advertising, 34 Woodville Street, North Perth, 6006
Letter Perfect, Unit 5, 531 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Leverage Marketing, 36 Kings Park Road, West Perth, 6005
Link Letters, 4 Altona Street, West Perth, 6005
Literary Mouse Press, 16 Atbara Street, Boulder, 6432
Lithographics, 107A Westminster Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
Lithotech, 107A Westminster Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
M-J-N T-Shirts, 23 Stiles Avenue, Burswood, 6100
MCA Mark Chambers Advertising, 5 Boag Road, Morley, 6062
MCA Printing, 96 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge, 6003
MCD Mazak, 397 Bulwer Street, West Perth, 6005
MJB & B Advertising & Marketing, Suite 93 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth, 6005
Macwrite Publicity Service, 94 Clement Drive, Karrinyup, 6018
Magnum Advertising & Marketing Pty Ltd, 47 Clieveden Street, North Perth, 6006
Malibu Type & Design, 105 Malibu Road, Rockingham, 6168
Manjimup Printing, Shop 2 Garden View Court, Manjimup, 6528
Manna Print, PO Box 771, Toodyay, 6566
Mark Carlon Advertising, 88 Broadway, Nedlands, 6009
Markem Printing, 227 Preston Point Road, Bicton, 6157
Marketforce Advertising, 1314 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Martindale Quality Printing, 8 Stirling Road, Claremont, 6010
Mathew East Advertising, 2 Williams Road, Melville, 6156
McLean Print, 18 Burt Street, Boulder, 6432
Media Byte, 32 Egerton Street, Narrogin, 6312
Media Highway, 7 Northwood Street, Leederville, 6007
Media Images, 4 Wakefield Street, Carlisle, 6101
Media Support Services, 57 Frobisher Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Medical Printing & Design, 30 Townsend Road, Subiaco, 6008
Melville Print, 4 King Close, Winthrop, 6150
Merchant & Partners Australia Ltd, 394 Stirling Highway, Claremont, 6010
Metro Press Print & Copy, 12 St George’s Terrace, Perth, 6000
Micin’s Printing Service, 16 Grebe Street, Stirling, 6021
Midland Trophies, 14 Farrall Road, Midvale, 6056
Million Dollar Clothing Company, Unit 3, 1 Irwin Street, Wangara, 6065
Mitchell Barnes Creative Services, 681 Murray Street, West Perth, 6005
Monopak Sales, 34 Denninup Way, Malaga, 6090
Moore Business Systems Australia Ltd, 49 Esther Street, Belmont, 6104
Morley Printing Service, Unit 2, 8 Dewar Street, Morley, 6062
Mosman Glass Printers, 44 Lionel Street, Naval Base, 6165
Moss Geoffrey & Associates, 350 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Motif Screen Printing, 1 Brant Road, Kelmscott, 6111
Multi Direct, 94 Daly Street, Belmont, 6104
Multi Language Typesetters Pty Ltd, 8 Coralgum Court, Morley, 6053
Multicolour Australia, 7 Southport Street, Leederville, 6007
N-Design, 20 Carina Close, Rockingham, 6168
Nairy Holdings, 7 Forward Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
Nationwide Typesetting Services, 19 Main Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Neville Jeffries, 125 Cambridge Street, Leederville, 6007
New Formula Print, Unit 1, 9 Sorbonne Crescent, Canning Vale, 6155
Nexus Corporation Pty Ltd, Suite 76, City West Business Ctr, West Perth, 6005
No Monkey Business Printing, Shop 3 South, 26 Kalamunda Road, Guilding, 6055
North West Telegraph, 6 Short Street, Broome, 6725
Northern Exposure Mining & Resource Publication, 2642 Balmoral Road, Karratha, 6714
Northern Guardian, 6 Robinson Street, Carnarvon, 6701
Northside Distribution & Finishers, 18 Mooney Street, Bayswater, 6053
Odgers Advertising Pty Ltd, 54 Ord Street, West Perth, 6005
On Printing, 58 Jersey Street, Jolimont, 6014
Optima Press, 9 Carbon Crt, Osborne Park, 6017
Osborne Graphics Pty Ltd, Unit 9, 93 Hector Street, Osborne Park, 601
Otg Printing Pty Ltd, 50A Coolawanyah Road, Karratha, 6714
Ozt'z Timeglow Pty Ltd, 251 Balcatta Road, Balcatta, 6021
P G Graphics, 34 Bonito Way, Sorrento, 6020
P J Printers, 12 Gladstone Street, East Perth, 6004
Pacific Inks (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 492, South Fremantle, 6162
Page One Advertising, Suite 10, 643 Newcastle Street, Leederville, 6007
Page Plus, Unit 3, 1321 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Pandora Typesetting, 15 Teakdale Way, Safety Bay, 6169
Panther Stationery, Unit 3, 41 King Edward Road, Osborne Park, 6017
Paper Print & Design WA, 20 Egmont Road, Henderson, 6166
Paper-Pak, Unit 2, 26 Ilda Road, Canning Vale, 6155
Paramount Label Printers, 53 Gladstone Street, East Perth, 6004
Parmelia Print, Unit 16, 386 Scarborough Bch Rd, Osborne Park, 6017
Peer Print, Shop 5, 109 James Street, Northbridge, 6003
Personal Print, Unit 5, 226 Oxford Street, Leederville, 6007
Perth Business Forms, 182-184 Harborne Street, Wembley, 6014
Perth Printing Equipment, Unit 2, 38 Howe Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Peter Bevan Advertising, 12 Altona Street, West Perth, 6005
Photoplay Australia Pty Ltd, 32 Delhi Street, West Perth, 6005
Picasso Print & Design, 9 Douglas Street, West Perth, 6005
Pilpel Printing Company, 148 Beaufort Street, Perth, 6000
Pixies Screen Prints, 29 Moreton Terrace, Dongara, 6525
Planet Graphics, Shop 3/64 West Street, Busselton, 6280
Pope Packaging, 33 Furnace Road, Welshpool, 6106
Port Kennedy Print, Unit 1, 47 Crompton Road, Rockingham, 6168
Port Printing Pty Ltd, 7 Keegan Street, O’Connor, 6163
Post Data, 31 Howe Street, Osborne Park WA 6017,
Power Printing, Unit 12, 95-97 Kelvin Road, Maddington, 6109
Precise Screen Printing, 13 Moojebing Street, Bayswater, 6053
Precision Print, 37 Barlee Street, Busselton, 6280
Press West, 21 Cliff Street, Fremantle, 6160,
Presspower Australia, Furnace Road, Welshpool, 6106
Presto Instant Print, 83 Lanchester Way, Stirling, 6021
Price Advertising, Level 3, 267 St George's Terrace, Perth, 6000
Prime Instant Print, 106 Oxford Street, Leederville, 6007
Print & Pack Australia Pty Ltd, Unit 9, 16 Ledgar Road, Balcatta, 6021
Print By Design, Suite 6, 82 Reserve Street, Wembley, 6014
Print Fix, 9 Mulga Place, Thornlie, 6108
Print Impact, 39 Bishop Street, Jolimont, 6014
Print to Impress, 28 Claygate Way, Kingsley, 6026
Printaquick The Quiker Printer, 15 Queen Street, Perth, 6000
Printing Technologies Pty Ltd, 9 Irvine Street, Bayswater, 6053
Printsource Print and Design Service, 181A Flamborough Street, Doubleview, 6018
Pritchards Bookbinders, 2 Wood Street, Bayswater, 6053
Profile Typeseting, 204 Collier Road, Bayswater, 6053
Progress Printers and Distributors, 51 Miguel Road, Bibra Lake, 6163
Prolo Print Pty Ltd, Unit 5B, 369 William Street, Northbridge, 6003
Promo Print, 6 Freeth Road, Spearwood, 6163
Q Multimedium, 108 Railway Parade, West Perth, 6005
Quality Press, 9 Roberts Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Quickmail, Unit 3/30 Collingwood Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Quill Typesetting Service, 1 Merrifield Close, Leeming, 6149
R.B.S. Professional Printing, 52 Sussex Street, Maylands, 6051
R.E.I.W.A., 215 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
RT Advertising, 6 Constitution Street, East Perth, 6004
Railway Print, 101 Scarborough Beach Road, Mt Hawthorn, 6016
Railway Print, Unit 1, 31 Panton Road, Mandurah, 6210
Raza Screen Printers, 38 Hutton Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Reach Media Services, 17 Hartwell Parade, Jandakot, 6164
Recycling Collections, 32 Spencer Street, Jandakot, 6164
Red Arrow Printing, 75 Coogie Street, Mt Hawthorn, 6016
Red Leopard, 1204 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Regal Press, Lot 1 Karnup Road, Baldivas, 6171
Reynolds Cunningham, 5 Ord Street, West Perth, 6005
Ridge Print, Lot 15 Yalgorup Drive, Dawsville, 6210
Rockingham Print, 4 Cort Way, Rockingham, 6168
Ron Lucas Promotions, 21 Eastbourne Crescent, Nollamara, 6061
S & F Finishing Services, 30 Townshend Road, Subiaco, 6008
S & S Artwork & Printing Services, 175 Broun Avenue, Morley, 6062
S.O.S. Instant Printing, Shop 7, 207 Bank Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
Salmat, 26 Hector Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Sands Print Group, 12 Dyer Road, Bassendean, 6054
Scotts Printing and Prepress, 40 Short Street, Perth, 6000
Screentech, 75 Coogee Road, Wanneroo, 6065
Seaview Stationery Pty Ltd, 1 Peet Crescent, Trigg, 6029
Seragraph Prints, 75 Belgravia Street, Belmont, 6104
Shady Characters, 27 York Street, Subiaco, 6008
Shearwater Print & Design, Unit 2, 54 Crocker Drive, Malaga, 6090
Showads Omega Group, 619 Murray Street, West Perth, 6005
Sicpa Australia Pty Ltd, 4 Gibberd Road, Balcatta, 6021
Simnett Press, Unit 2, 6 McNeece Place, O'Connor, 6163
Snap Printing, Unit 1, 15 Blackburn Road, Maddington, 6109
Snap Printing, 396 Scarborough Beach Road, Perth, 6000
Snap Printing, 187 St George's Terrace, Perth, 6000
Snap Printing, 776 Canning Highway, Applecross, 6153
Snap Printing, 133 Kewdale Road, Kewdale, 6105
Snap Printing, 921 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park, 6101
Snap Printing, 208 Stirling Highway, Claremont, 6010
Snap Printing, 84A Serpentine Road, Albany, 6330
Snap Printing, 60 Helena Street, Midland, 6056
Snap Printing, 266 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Snap Printing, 1300 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Snap Printing, Unit 2, 257 Bannister Road, Canning Vale, 6155
Snap Printing, 275 Walter Road, Morley, 6062
Spartan Press, 96 President Street, Welshpool, 6106
Spicers Paper Ltd, 78 Mallard Way, Cannington, 6107
Splash Promotions, Unit 1, 455 Scarborough Beach Rd, Osborne Park, 6017
Splash Writing & Design, 23 Chamberlain Street, North Perth, 6006
Stan's Diecutting Service, 10 Gardenia Terrace, Dianella, 6059
Statewide Print & Copy Centre, Unit 5, 45 Winton Road, Joondalup, 6027
Stirling Print, 84A Serpentine Road, Albany, 6330
Stockman Paper Merchants, 12A Harold Street, Dianella, 6059
Storepower, 12 Carbon Court, Osborne Park, 6017
Studio Print, Cnr Carole & Alloa Streets, Maddington, 6109
Subi Print Room, 30 Townshend Road, Subiaco, 6008
Subiaco Post Newspapers, 2 Keightley Street, Subiaco, 6008
Subiaco Print, 74 Albert Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Supreme Printers, 114 Railway Parade, West Perth, 6005
Swan Hills Design & Print, 2 Barlow Street, Sawyers Valley, 6074
Swift Print & Copy Service, 43 Kensington Street, East Perth, 6004
T-Shirt Australia, 3 Kembla Way, Willetton, 6155
Talbot Walsh & Company, 86 Briggs Street, Carlisle, 6101
Tasman Signs, Graphics & Print Pty Ltd, 149 Berwick Street, East Victoria Park, 6101
Te Wai Manufacturing, Lot 1496 Lambert Road, Karratha, 6714
Techniprint Screen Printers, Unit 1, 11 President Street, Welshpool, 6106
Telford Design, 4 Altona Street, West Perth, 6005
The Creative Department, Basement 68 King Street, Perth, 6000
The Forbes Agency, 10 Saunders Street, East Perth, 6004
The Globe Ad Company, 30 The Promenade, Mt Pleasant, 6153
The Kimberley Echo, PO Box 1105, Kununurra, 6743
The Label Factory, Unit 2, 52 Vinnicombe Drive, Canning Vale, 6155
The Northern Star, 1858 Lemonwood Way, Kununurra, 6743
The Old Print Shop Augusta, Millar Way, Augusta, 6290
The Print Shop, 155 Hampton Street, Bridgetown, 6255
The Retail Constancy Australia, Level 3, 239 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, 6000
The Retail Consultancy, 111 Hensman Street, South Perth, 6151
The Sharpen Pencil Pty Ltd, 979 Wellington Street, West Perth, 6005
The Sign Post, 957 Beaufort Street, Inglewood, 6052
The Slogan House, 91 Northwood Street, West Leederville, 6007
The Twenty Eight Agency, Unit 3, 387 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
The Type Foundry, 19 McDonald Street, Osborne Park, 6017
The Wren Press, 101 York Street, Subiaco, 6008
Think Outside The Square, Lower Level 9 Bishop Street, Jolimont, 6014
Thomasetti Paper House, 339 Collier Road, Bayswater, 6053
Tilco Technologies Pty Ltd, Unit 3, 101 President Avenue, Carlisle, 6101
Toby Creative, 143 Hay Street, Subiaco, 6008
Tommy-T-Shirt, 21 Rudloc Road, Morley, 6062
Total Advertising, 151 Angelo Street, South Perth, 6151
Toucan Print, Unit 1, 12 Marchant Way, Morley, 6062
Touchstone Colour, 158 Fitzgerald Street, Perth, 6000
Trade Type, 3 Kempenfeldt Avenue, Sorrento, 6020
Trades & Services Hotline, Pier Street, Perth, 6000
Travprint, 100 Burswood Road, Victoria Park, 6100
Triset Business Systems, Unit 1, 2 Canning Highway, South Perth, 6151
Triset Computer Stationery, 23 Frobisher Street, Osborne Park, 6017
Tropic Link, 19 Collinson Way, Leeming, 6149
Twenty Twenty Advertising, 54 Cambridge Road, Leederville, 6007
Type Design, 1 Delcomyn Place, Craigie, 6025
Type House, 47 Holmwood Way, Embleton, 6062
Type Overload, 8 Hannan Court, Duncraig, 6023
Unicorn Print & Design, 109 Watling Avenue, Lynwood, 6147
United Paper, 85 McDowell Street, Welshpool, 6106
Upshot Designs, 320 Victor Road, Darlington, 6070
Uptempo Design, 13B King William Street, Bayswater, 6053
Valentine Signs & Screenprinting, 116 North West Coastal Highway, Geraldton, 6330
Ventouras Advertising Pty Ltd, 20 Eric Street, Cottesloe, 6011
Viacorp, 32 Richardson Street, West Perth, 6005
Victoria Park Printing & Copy Centre, 255 Albany Highway, Victoria Park, 6100
Vincent Signs, 147 Lewis Road, Forrestfield, 6058
Vinten Browning, 1st Floor, 45 Murray Street, Perth, 6000
Visual Techniques, Unit 7, 1 Zeta Crescent, O'Connor, 6163
Visy Board, 49 Peel Road, O'Connor, 6163
Visy Board Short Run Box, 636 Daddow Road, Kewdale, 6105
Vital Packaging, 63 Norma Road, Myaree, 6154
WA Auto Trader, Unit 4, 156 Beechboro Road, Bayswater, 6053
WA Primary Industry Press, 9 Kitchener Avenue, Victoria Park, 6100
WA Print World, 428 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park, 6017
WA Printing Service, 259 Queen Victoria Street, North Fremantle, 6159
WIP Print, 18 Southport Street, Leederville, 6007
Wangara Laminating, Unit 4, 28 Prindiville Drive, Wangara, 6065
Watteau’s Print, Unit 1, 47 Crompton Road, Rockingham, 6168
Wells Printing Services, 257 Balcatta Road, Balcatta, 6021
West Kimberley Printing, Marmion Street, Derby, 6728
West Ocean Marketing, Unit 1, 45 Irvine Drive, Malaga, 6090
Westcare Print, 75-77 Carrington Street, Nedlands, 6009
Westend Corporation Pty Ltd, Unit 3, 252 Camboon Road, Malaga, 6090
Westways Colorgrafix, 103 Great Eastern Highway, Rivervale, 6103
Whizzbang Art WA Pty Ltd, Suite 67, Plaistowe Mews City West, West Perth, 6005
Willetton Office Supplies, 185 High Road, Willetton, 6155
Winprint Pty Ltd, Unit 4, 44 Vinnicombe Drive, Canning Vale, 6155
Wireless Works, 76 Teague Street, Victoria Park, 6100
Wizard Graphics, 27A Wahroonga Way, Greenwood, 6024
Workhouse Advertising, 3 Rosslyn Street, Leederville, 6007
Worldwide Online Printing, 1174 Hay Street, West Perth, 6005
Worldwide Online Printing, Cnr John St & Albany Highway, Bentley, 6102
Worldwide Online Printing, 388 Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn, 6016
Worldwide Online Printing, 1787 Albany Highway, Maddington, 6109
Worldwide Online Printing, 2 The Crescent, Midland, 6056
Worldwide Online Printing, Cnr Stock and Stockdale Roads, O'Connor, 6163
Worldwide Printing Systems Pty Ltd, Cnr John St and Albany Highway, Bentley, 6102
Worldwide Printing Systems Pty Ltd, Unit 13, 105 Lord Street, Perth, 6000
Worldwide Printing Systems Pty Ltd, 390 Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn, 6016
Worldwide Promotions, 1 The Terrace, Fremantle, 6160
Wrensted Paul Advertising, Suite 62, Plaistowe Lane City West, West Perth, 6005
XL Print & Copy, 50 Queen Street, Busselton, 6280
Zig Zag Graphics & Print, 4A Haynes Street, Kalamunda, 6076


[Roping-in Award No. 3 of 2001 inserted by PR909815 ppc 27Sep01]


This award shall be known as Graphic Arts - General (Roping-in No. 3) - Award 2001.


This award shall be binding upon

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the union or not, engaged in the performance of work within scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 [AW782505CR].


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award, the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 [AW782505CR] as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this award.


This award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 27 September 2001 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.



Box Cartons, 120 Barry Road, Campbellfield, 3061
Box Makers, 25 Fiveways Boulevarde, Keysborough, 3173
Box Makers, Factory 2, 29 Barry Street, Bayswater, 3153
Cardboard Cartons Pty Ltd, 29 Nissan Drive, Dandenong, 3175
City Pak Pty Ltd, 128-130 Keys Road, Moorabbin, 3189
Kebet Cartons, 65 Kyalta Road, West Heidelberg, 3081
Paramount Bookbinding Pty Ltd, 8 Janine Street, Scoresby, 3179
Production Packaging, 3 Linmax Court, Point Cook, 3030
Service Containers, 2/227 Wellington Road, Mulgrave, 3170
Service Containers, 1/880 Princes Highway, Springvale, 3171

Western Australia

Kalgoorlie Miner, 127 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, 6430
The Copy Centre, 69 MacDonald Street, Kalgoorlie, 6430


[Roping-in Award No. 4 of 2001 inserted by PR910895 ppc 27Sep01]


This Award shall be known as the Graphic Arts General (Roping-in No. 4) Award 2001.


This Award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 Kinko’s International (Australia) Pty Limited in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 2 November 2001 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


[Roping-in Award No. 5 of 2001 inserted by PR912400 ppc 10Dec01]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General (Roping-in No. 5) - Award 2001.


This award shall be binding upon

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 The employer set out in Schedule A in respect of its employees whether members of the union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 [AW782505CR].


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award, the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 [AW782505CR] as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this award.


This award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 10 December 2001 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.



Shinsay Pty Ltd, 17 Davis Street, Kew, 3101


[Roping-in Award No. 1 of 2002 inserted by PR917812 ppc 15May02]


This award shall be known as the Graphics Arts - General (Roping-in No.1) Award 2002.


The Award shall be binding upon:

(a) the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

(b) the employers set out in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this Award, the provisions of the Graphics Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 15 May 2002 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


Aristoc Offset Pty Ltd
3 Aristoc Rd
Glen Waverley VIC 3150

APN Business Information Group Pty Ltd
10th Flr, 300 Ann St
Brisbane QLD 4000

APN Business Magazines Pty Ltd
46-50 Porter St
Prahran VIC 3181

APN Computing Group Pty Ltd
10th Flr, 300 Ann St
Brisbane QLD 4000

Roping-in Award 2002/1 - contd

APN Business Publishing Pty Ltd
Lvl 1, 28 Riddell Pde
Elsternwick VIC 3185

APN Business Magazines Pty Ltd t/as Kompass
46-50 Porter St
Prahran VIC 3181

Crown Tech
Unit 2/17 Welshpool Rd
St James WA 6102

Mack Industries Mailing Service
PO Box 150
Welshpool WA 6986

Southside Distributors Pty Ltd
20 Mooney St
Bayswater WA 6053

Carter Holt Harvey Ltd
Lvl 9, 644 Chapel St
South Yarra VIC 3141

Carter Holt Harvey Cartons Pty Ltd
Lvl 9, 644 Chapel St
South Yarra VIC 3141

Carter Holt Harvey Corrugated Packaging Pty Ltd
Lvl 9, 644 Chapel St
South Yarra VIC 3141

Carter Holt Harvey Australia Pty Ltd
Lvl 9, 644 Chapel St
South Yarra VIC 3141

Security Mailing Pty Ltd
Cnr Vanessa St & The Crescent
Kingsgrove NSW 2208


[Roping-in Award No. 2 of 2002 inserted by PR917967 ppc 07May02]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts General (Roping-in No. 2) Award 2002.


This Award shall be binding upon:

The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

Westaff Australia Pty Ltd in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 7 May 2002 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


[Roping-in Award No. 3 of 2002 inserted by PR925866 ppc 17Dec02]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General - (Roping-in No. 3) Award 2002.


This Award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 17 December 2002 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


New South Wales

1 Alfred Johns, 25 Fitzroy Street, Marrickville, NSW, 2204.
  1. Datascan Imaging Pty Ltd, Belltower Complex, Unit 16/191 Parramatta Road, Auburn, NSW, 2144.
3 Media Tech Pty Ltd, 464-468 Victoria Road, Gladesville, NSW, 2111.
  1. On Demand Digital Print & Imaging Pty Ltd, 45 Chandos Street, St Leonards, NSW, 2065.
5 PDQ Design, C17 Dalgetty Sqr, 99 Jones Street, Ultimo, NSW, 2002.
6 Print Magic Pty Ltd, SEI, 76-78 Bathurst Street, Liverpool, NSW, 2170.
7 Printers Devil Franchises Pty Ltd, 82 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.
8 Workplace Connect Ltd, Level 7, 6 O'Connell Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000.
9 Fast Books/Wild & Woolley Pty Ltd, 16 Darghan Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037.

South Australia

  1. Consolidated Paper Industries (SA) Pty Ltd, 3 White Avenue, Athol Park, South Australia 5012

1 Art Stretchers Co Pty Ltd, 104 John Street, Brunswick East, Victoria, 3057.
2 Brylyn Investments Pty Ltd, 43 Station Road, Cheltenham, Victoria, 3192.
3 CPI Group Ltd, 41-45 Mills Road, Braeside, Victoria, 3195.
4 CPI Holdings Pty Ltd, 261 Queensberry Street, Carlton South, Victoria, 3053.
5 Espak Australia Pty Ltd, Freighter Road, Moorabbin, Victoria, 3189.
6 Megara (Australia) Pty Ltd, 908-920 Mountain Highway, Bayswater, Victoria, 3153.
7 Melbourne Mailing Pty Ltd, 160 Fulham Road, Fairfield, Victoria, 3078.
8 PMP Limited, Level 2, 230 Burwood Road, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122.
9 Printco (Vic) Pty Ltd, 51 Dehavilland Road, Mordialloc, Victoria, 3195.
10 Printdirect Pty Ltd, 216 City Road, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205.
11 Printgraphics Pty Ltd, 5 Mary Street, Blackburn, Victoria, 3130.
12 Printlinx Pty Ltd, 357 City Road, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205.
13 R.W. Graphics, 125 Highburg Road, Burwood, Victoria, 3125.
14 STEP Inc., 109 Victoria Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, 3065.
15 Workplace Connect, 64 Stubbs Street, Kensington, Victoria, 3031.

Western Australia

1 Crown Tech, Unit 2/17 Welshpool Road, St James, Western Australia, 6102.
  1. Label Magic Design and Printing Pty Ltd, Unit 4/2 Cressall Road, Balcatta, Western Australia, 6056.
3 Labelhouse, 71 Paramount Drive, Wangara, Western Australia, 6056.
4 Polystyrene Industries, 5 Madison Street, Canning Vale, Western Australia, 6155.
5 Mack Industries Mailing Service, P.O. Box 150, Welshpool, Western Australia, 6980
  1. Quokka Press, 1st Floor, 848 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park, Western Australia, 6101.
7 Southside Distributors, 20 Mooney Street, Bayswater, Western Australia, 6053.
8 Speedy Mail Services, 17 Church Street, Kelmscott, Western Australia, 6111.
9 TNT International Mail, 83 Leach Highway, Canning Vale, Western Australia, 6155.
  1. Worldwide Online Printing AUST/NZ Pty Ltd, 36 Short Street, East Perth, Western Australia, 6004.
  2. Worldwide Printing Systems Pty Ltd, 36 Short Street, East Perth, Western Australia, 6004.

[Roping-in Award No. 4 of 2002 inserted by PR925868 ppc 08Jan03]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General (Roping-in No. 4) Award 2002.


This award shall be binding upon:

2.3 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and its members; and

2.2 Concept Plastics & Displays Pty Ltd, 29 Northgate Drive, Thomastown, Victoria 3074, in respect of their employees whether members of the union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to what is otherwise provided in this Award, the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000, as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this award.


This Award shall operate from the first pay period commencing on or after 8 January 2003 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


[Roping-in Award No. 1 of 2004 inserted by PR950898 ppc 16Aug04]


This Award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General - (Roping-in No. 1) Award 2004.


2.1 This Award shall be binding upon the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the Union) and its members; and

2.2 Printcast Pty Ltd, 16-20 Amcor Way, Cambellfield Vic, 3062, in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to what is otherwise provided in this Award, the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000, as varied from time to toime, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.


This Award shall operate from the first pay period commencing on or after 16 August 2004 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


[Roping-in Award No. 2 of 2004 inserted by PR952200 ppc 29Sep04]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General (Roping-in No. 2) Award 2004 (the Award).


This award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the Union) and its members; and

2.2 Fiorini Industrial Packaging (Aust) Pty Ltd, 147 Barrington Street, BIBRA LAKE WA 6163.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this Award, the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.

This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 29 September 2004 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


[Roping-in Award No. 3 of 2004 inserted by PR951770 ppc 07Oct04]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General - (Roping-in No. 3) Award 2004 (the Award).


This award shall be binding upon:

2.1 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the Union) and its members; and

2.2 The employers set out in Schedule A, in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this Award, the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.

This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 7 October 2004 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


Service Containers WA, 15 Furnace Road, WELSHPOOL, Western Australia 6106.

CTI Logistics Limited, 54 Miguel Road, BIBRA LAKE, Western Australia 6163.

Service Containers Pty Ltd, 168 Milperra Road, REVESBY, New South Wales 2212

Service Containers Queensland, 81 Shettleston Street, ROCKLEA, Queensland 4106.


[Roping-in Award No. 1 of 2005 inserted by PR956066 ppc 24Feb05]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 (Roping-in No. 1 2005).


This Award shall be binding upon:

2.1 Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the Union) and its members; and

2.2 The employers listed in Schedule A of this Award, in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this Award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.

This award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 24 February 2005 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


Project Services Australia Pty Ltd
865 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000

Nella Australia (No.2) Pty Ltd
Level 2, 24 Davey Street, Hobart TAS 7000

Mail Works
Ground Floor, Despard Street, Hobart TAS 7000

Mailing Strategies
150 Cimitiere Street, Launceston TAS 7250


[Roping-in Award No. 2 of 2005 inserted by PR959100 ppc 21Jun05]


This award shall be known as the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 (Roping-in No. 2 2005).


This Award shall be binding upon:

2.1 Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the Union) and its members; and

2.2 Print Mail Logistics Ltd, Level 2, 24 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000 in respect of their employees whether members of the Union or not, engaged in the performance of work within the scope of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000.


Subject to that which is otherwise provided in this Award the provisions of the Graphic Arts - General - Award 2000 as varied from time to time, shall apply to and be binding on the parties to this Award.

This Award shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 21 June 2005 and shall remain in force for a period of six months.


Smorgon Fibre Containers: Enterprise Flexibility Agreement at Duncan Street. West End Queensland.

  1. This agreement negotiated between Smorgon Fibre Containers, the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and employees, members of the said Union shall apply at the establishment of Smorgon Fibre Containers, Duncan Street, West End, Queensland, in respect of all employees who are performing work in the mentioned classifications of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim award 1995, including work having the characteristics of work performed by employees in the mentioned classifications, or which is performed as incidental and peripheral to the work whether significant or not.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 Smorgon Fibre Containers, Duncan Street, West End;

2.2 Employees performing work of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995; and

2.3 Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 and shall operate as an appendix to that award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency.
  2. Subject to the approval of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, this agreement shall operate as from the date of approval of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and shall continue in force for twelve months or subject to section 113 of the Industrial Relations Act 1988 until a new agreement is made.
5.1 In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.2.4 of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 the ordinary hours of day work performed by employees in the Smorgon Fibre Containers Plant at Duncan Street, West End shall commence at 6.30 a.m.

5.2 Provided that an employee whose contractual rights as to hours of day work arrangements on 9 October 1991 commenced at 6.30 a.m. shall have such rights saved and continued as though they had been acquired under this agreement and provided further that in relation to hours of day work arrangements such arrangements be uniform for day work performed in the said plant.

  1. This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in national standards such as annual leave, sick leave or long service leave.
  2. This agreement shall not be used in any manner whatsoever to obtain similar arrangements in any other plant or enterprise.

E. S. Wigg and Son Pty Ltd, 79 Port Road, Thebarton, South Australia Enterprise Flexibility Agreement.

  1. This agreement shall apply to all employees of E. S. Wigg and Son Pty Ltd located at 79 Port Road, Thebarton, South Australia who are engaged in any of the occupations, industries and callings specified in the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 E. S. Wigg and Son Pty Ltd, 79 Port Road, Thebarton, South Australia;

2.2 Employees who are performing work under the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995; and

2.3 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 provided that where there is any inconsistency the agreement shall take precedence.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.2.4 of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995:
4.1 The ordinary weekly hours of work will increase to 38 hours;

4.2 The basis of the hourly rate remains unchanged as a consequence of ordinary hours of work increasing to 38;

4.3 Weekly working cycle - Monday to Thursday 8 hours per day; Friday 6 hours;

4.4 Commencing and finishing times:

4.4.1 Day shift

7.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Monday to Thursday; half hour meal break;
7.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Friday; no meal break.

4.4.2 Afternoon shift

3.30 p.m. to 12.00 midnight Monday to Thursday; half hour meal break;

1.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Friday; no meal break.

4.5 Clause 25 - Rest Interval will not operate at E. S. Wigg & Son Pty Ltd, 79 Port Road, Thebarton.


Pep Colour Pty Ltd, 346 Bilsen Road, Geebung Road, Queensland Enterprise Flexiblity Agreement.

  1. This agreement shall apply to the Scanning and Electronic Pagination departments of PEP Colour Pty Ltd, located at 346 Bilsen Road, Geebung, Brisbane in respect of all employees who are engaged in any of the occupations, industries or callings specified in the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 PEP Colour Pty Ltd, 346 Bilsen Road, Geebung, Brisbane; and

2.2 employees in the Scanning and Electronic Pagination Departments who are performing work of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995; and

2.3 Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

  1. This Agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 provided that where there is any inconsistency this Agreement shall take precedence.
  2. In accordance with the provision of clause 2.2.4 of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995:
4.1.1 The ordinary hours of work performed by employees of the Scanning and Electronic Pagination Departments of PEP Colour Pty Ltd shall not exceed 12 hours per shift.

4.1.2 The ordinary hours of work shall be worked on not more than six days Monday to Saturday inclusive of each week and may be arranged on any or all of the days of the week, Monday to Saturday inclusive.

4.2 A shift roster will be organised to reflect work schedules for each calendar year and a copy of the roster will be provided to each employee.

4.3 A meal break of one half hour duration shall be taken by employees performing work on twelve ordinary hour shifts and shall be observed between the 5th and 6th hours of such shifts i.e. at a time which is as close as practicable to the midpoint of their shift.

4.4 In any given calendar year, public holidays will be regarded as generating an entitlement to 11 (eleven) days of a notional 7.6 hours of working time in respect of each of such days; making a total of 83.6 hours paid leave in respect of each complete year of employment. Where a public holiday falls on an employee’s ordinary working shift according to the roster, that employee may draw pay entitlement from this pool, to the extent of the hours that would otherwise have been worked.

4.4.1 In the event of a public holiday being worked, penalty rates will be paid as per the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 and the employee shall draw on his/her public holiday pool for the ordinary hours worked on that shift.

4.4.2 Where a public holiday falls on an employee’s rostered day off, that employee will be granted an alternative day off (which shall be taken as soon as practicable thereafter) and that employee’s public holiday pool shall be adjusted according to the length of shift absence taken on the alternative day.

  1. This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in national standards such as standard hours of work, annual leave or long service leave.
  2. This agreement shall not be used in any manner whatsoever to obtain similar arrangements or benefits in any other section, plant or enterprise.

  1. This agreement negotiated between Jac Australia Pty Ltd, the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and employees, members of the union, shall apply at Jac Australia Pty Ltd in relation to the self adhesive laminating and converting plant at Tottenham in respect of all employees who are performing work in mentioned classifications of this award including work having the characteristics of work performed by employees in the mentioned classifications, or which is performed as incidental and peripheral to the work whether significant or not.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 Jac Australia Pty Ltd of 663 Chapel Street, South Yarra, Victoria (the employer);

2.2 Employees performing work of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 (the employees); and

2.3 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the union).

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with this award and shall operate as an appendix to the award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency. The agreement will be interpreted consistent with the award restructuring processes that may be agreed to between the union and The Printing and Allied Trades Employers’ Federation of Australia.
  2. Subject to the approval of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, this agreement shall operate as from 12 November 1992 and shall continue in force for twelve months or as subject to relevant sections of the Industrial Relations Act 1988, until a new agreement is made.
  3. In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.2.4 of this award the parties bound by this agreement have established a skills-related classification structure as shown in clause 1.7 hereof with skills based relativities and minimum wage rates based on broadbanded level 5 of this award as at the ratified date.
  4. Wages for employees covered by this agreement shall be paid weekly by electronic fund transfer. While the facility is available through a credit co-operative, the employer shall provide a credit co-operative with the amenities to enable an agency to be set up at the worksite. The agency will provide cash facilities during the usual time of pay distribution to any employee who chooses to open an account and notifies the employer.
  5. Skills-related classification structure:
In this structure all employees will perform work which is incidental and peripheral to their main task to the level of their training and skill. All employees will perform work for which they have received instruction and employees at a given level will perform any work at that level or below compatible with their training and skill. Progression through the classifications is subject to positions being available. Employees need to show they are trained and capable of performing at a higher level before progression.

7.1 Level 1: Process Operator Trainee - 78%

A Process Operator level 1 is an employee who is undertaking up to 38 hours induction training which may include information on the enterprise, conditions of employment, introduction to supervisors and fellow workers, training and career path opportunities, plant layout, work and documentation procedures, occupational health and safety, equal employment opportunity and quality control/assurance. An employee would normally remain at this level for no more than three months before moving to level 2.

An employee at this level performs routine duties essentially of a manual nature and to the level of his/her training:

(a) performs general labouring and cleaning duties;
(b) exercises minimal judgement;
(c) works under direct supervision; or
(d) is undertaking structured training so as to enable them to work at level 2.

7.2 Level 2: Process Operator Assistant - 82%

In addition to all the qualities and duties of a level 1 employee, an employee at this level is able under direct supervision to competently assist an operator perform a single process operation and related tasks. An employee at this level:

(a) understands occupational health and safety, employee relations and other procedures applying in their area;

(b) is able to follow and provide simple written and verbal instructions;

(c) understands quality assurance concepts and recognises faults in their own work area.

Examples of level 2 tasks include:

1. routine tasks of a repetitive nature such as stacking, wrapping, labelling, marking and similar;

2. operating and working as an assistant with non-certificate equipment such as slitting machines, laminators, siliconisers, presses and so on;

3. undertakes routine maintenance to equipment in use such as cleaning, lubricating, cleaning of waste and washing;

4. maintains basic records such as production Schedules, work sheets, standard process control sheets and work history records;

5. reports quality problems in work or equipment to an operator or senior operator;

6. assists and helps other operators and employees in a team oriented manner.

7.3 Level 3: Process Operator - 87.4%

In addition to all the qualities and duties of a level 2 employee, an employee at this level is able under indirect supervision to competently perform a single process operation and related tasks. An employee at this level:

(a) understands occupational health and safety, industrial relations and other procedures applying in their area;

(b) is able to follow and provide simple written and verbal instructions;

(c) understands quality assurance concepts and recognises faults in their own work area.

Examples of level 3 tasks include:

  1. routine tasks of a repetitive nature such as stacking, wrapping, labelling, marking and similar;
  2. operating and working with non-certificate equipment such as slitting machines, laminators, siliconisers, presses and so on and certain licensed material handling equipment such as fork-lifts or similar;
  3. undertakes routine maintenance to equipment in use such as cleaning, lubricating, cleaning of waste and washing;
  4. maintains basic records such as production Schedules, work sheets, standard process control sheets and work history records;
  5. reports quality problems in work or equipment to a supervisor and rectifies basic problems;
  6. operates a computer control system, video display unit, computerised process control as appropriate for quality assurance;
  7. assists and helps other operators and employees in a team oriented manner.
7.4 Level 4: Senior Operator - 92.4%

In addition to the qualities and duties of lower level employees, an employee at this level will:

(a) be capable of following and issuing detailed written and verbal instructions;

(b) communicate effectively and be capable of teaching and demonstrating skills for other employees;

(c) be familiar with preventative maintenance and be able to apply it to their own area;

(d) has a basic knowledge of problem solving concepts and can apply them in their work area;

(e) has an understanding and competent level of skill in more than one of the tasks indicative of a level 3 employee.

Examples of level 4 tasks include:

  1. level 3 tasks performed under minimal supervision or using a wider range of equipment;
  2. the use of equipment requiring a special licence such as overhead cranes;
  3. undertakes a preventative maintenance program on equipment in their area;
  4. operates and sets up a range of equipment in a number of areas under minimal supervision including mixing equipment, material for slitter or laminators or preparing stores and inventory;
  5. co-ordinates work in a team environment.
7.5 Level 5: Senior Operator - 100%

In addition to the qualities and duties of a level 4 employee, an employee at level 5:

(a) is capable of working to and issuing detailed written and verbal instructions;

(b) co-ordinates, plans and allocates work on particular processes or shifts including meal and rest breaks;

(c) arranges the flow of material to or from a production process;

(d) ensures the implementation of a routine maintenance program.

Level 5 tasks will usually be required:

  1. in each separate work group of more than four people, such as stores, converting, laminating and emulsion mixing;
  2. in each separate shift.
7.6 Level 6: Senior Operator - 105%

In addition to the qualities and duties of a level 5 employee, level 6 employees will:

(a) have a detailed understanding of occupational health and safety, industrial relations and other regulations and be able to communicate them to other employees;

(b) have a detailed understanding of level 5 responsibilities in two or more areas.

Examples of level 6 tasks include:

  1. plan, co-ordinate and oversee the activities of two or more different shift or working groups at the one time, such as the laminating supervisor and the converting supervisor;
  2. plan, co-ordinate and oversee the work of a number of operators in a complex work area such as the emulsion plant supervisor;
  3. the preparation of preventative and routine maintenance programs;
  4. organising work rosters in two or more work areas;
  5. assist in the planning, co-ordination and implementation of technical training programs;
  6. plan and co-ordinate materials ordering or supervise material testing.
  7. This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in national competency standards where they exist for the printing and kindred industries.

  1. This agreement negotiated between the Printing and Allied Trades Employers’ Federation of Australia, Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Limited, the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and employees, members of the said union shall apply at Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Limited in respect of all employees who are bound by the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Limited, 15 Nellbern Road, Moorabbin;

2.2 Employees bound by the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995; and

2.3 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 and shall operate as an appendix to that award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.2.4 of the award the parties bound by this agreement have established an altered system of working daily ordinary hours, Monday to Friday as follows:
The ordinary hours of day work may commence at 6:30 a.m.

  1. This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in national standards such as annual leave, sick leave or long service leave.
  2. This agreement shall not be used in any manner whatsoever to obtain similar arrangements in any other plant or enterprise.
  3. This agreement shall come into force from the first pay period commencing on or after 10 May 1993 and shall remain in force for a period of twelve months.

  1. This agreement negotiated between the Printing and Allied Trades Employers’ Federation of Australia, Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Limited, the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and employees, members of the said Union shall apply at Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Limited in respect of all employees who are bound by the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 Kalamazoo (Aust) Pty Limited, 12 Mars Road, Lane Cove;

2.2 Employees bound by the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995; and

2.3 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union.

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 and shall operate as an appendix to that award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.2.4 of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 where ordinary hours are worked within work cycles arranged on the following basis:
4.1 A nine day fortnight roster;

4.2 An eight and a half day fortnight roster;

4.3 The ordinary hours of day work and afternoon shift work:

4.3.1 may commence at 6:00 a.m. and

4.3.2 may be extended to 1:00 a.m.

  1. This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in national standards such as annual leave, sick leave or long service leave.
  2. This agreement shall not be used in any manner whatsoever to obtain similar arrangements in any other plant or enterprise.
  3. This order shall come into force from the first pay period commencing on or after 17 June 1993 and shall remain in force for a period of twelve months.

  1. This agreement negotiated between The Printing and Allied Trades Employers’ Federation of Australia, Lithocraft Graphics Pty Ltd, the Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union and employees, members of the said union shall apply at Lithocraft Graphics Pty Ltd in relation to the printing plant at South Melbourne in respect of all employees who are bound by the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
2.1 Lithocraft Graphics Pty Ltd, 123 Thistlethwaite Street, South Melbourne, 3205 (the employer);

2.2 Employees bound by the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 (the employees), and

2.3 The Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union (the union).

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 and shall operate as a appendix to that award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency.
  2. Subject to the approval of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, this agreement shall operate as from the date of approval of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission and shall continue in force for twelve months or as subject to relevant sections of the Industrial Relations Act 1988 until a new agreement is made.
  3. In accordance with the provisions of clause 2.2.4 of the award, the parties have agreed that the following provisions shall take precedence over similar provisions in the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 to the extent of any inconsistency:
5.1 Day work is work (other than overtime) performed by an employee between the hours of 6.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. save and except work performed by an employee employed to clean the premises, and by the Linotype Mechanic or other employee who attends to arrange the heating of Linotype or like Metalpots or other heating apparatus for the machine or buildings, may be between the hours of 5.45 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.

5.2 The meal period of any employee on day work shall be between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.

5.3 Morning shift means any shift commencing at or after 5.00 a.m. and prior to 6.15 a.m.

5.4 All other provisions in the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995 referring to “7.00 a.m.” shall be taken to be read as “6.15 a.m.” for the purpose of this agreement.

  1. This agreement shall not operate so as to cause an employee to suffer a reduction in ordinary time earnings or in national standards such as annual leave, sick leave or long service leave.
  2. This agreement shall not be used in any manner whatsoever to obtain similar arrangements in any other plant or enterprise.
  3. This agreement shall come into force from the first pay period to commence on or after 5 July 1993 and shall remain in force for a period of twelve months.


12 Hour Shifts

By agreement between the employer and a majority of employees in a section, the ordinary hours of work shall be 36 per week.

- The ordinary hours of work shall be worked on any day of the week Monday to Saturday.

- The ordinary hours of work shall be between 06:00 am and 06:30 pm.

- Any hours worked outside the span of ordinary hours shall be paid as overtime in accordance with clause 6.4 of the Graphic Arts - General -Interim Award 1995.

- Suitable roster arrangements shall be posted.

- A shift loading of 20% is payable to an employee who works a 12 hour shift.


The following additional conditions shall operate where an employee is working under the 12 hour shift arrangement set out above:

(i) HOLIDAYS - No employee shall be entitled to paid leave for any public holiday as set out in clause 7.6 of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995.

(ii) ANNUAL LEAVE - In addition to the entitlement set out in clause 7.1 of the Graphic Arts - General - Interim Award 1995, and employee shall be entitled to 2 weeks paid leave. A loading of 20% is payable to the employee in respect to these additional days of paid annual leave.

(iii) The additional leave in (ii) may be taken by the employee at such times and manner as are agreed between the employee and the employer and is not subject to the limitations contained in clause 7.1.2(e).


(1) Meal breaks shall be taken in accordance with the Graphic Arts - Award 1995 except where the employee is working the 12 - hour shift arrangements. In that circumstance the meal break shall be taken between the 6th and 7th hour of the shift.

(2) Wherever possible, machinery will be kept running during a meal period.


[Sched J corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]


In this appendix Pemara Corporation Pty Limited means the Pemara Packaging Division and the Pemara Labels Division located at Notting Hill in the State of Victoria.


Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6.1.1 of this award, in relation to Pemara Corporation Pty Limited, day work is work (other than overtime work) performed by an employee between the hours of 6.15 am and 6.00 pm save and except work performed by an employee employed to clean the premises or any employee who attends to start any heating apparatus for the machines or buildings, may be between the hours of 5.45 am and 6.00 pm.


Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6.7.1(d) of this award, in relation to Pemara Corporation Pty Limited, morning shift means any shift commencing at or after 5.00 am and prior to 6.15 am, but nothing in this definition shall cause an employee working in accordance with the provisions of clause 2 of this appendix to be deemed to be working on morning shift.


This appendix shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 1989 and to have remained in force untiil 30 June 1996.


[Schedule K inserted by S4010 from 01Feb00]


  1. This agreement has been negotiated between the Sands Print Group Western Australia and the Auotmotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kinderd Industries Union (trading as the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union) in consultion with the members of the said Union and employees of the Sands Print Group Western Australia, engaged on the continental shift arrangement.
  2. The parties bound by this agreement are:
(i) Sands Print Group Western Australia of 12 Dyer Road, Bassendean
(ii) Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union of 1111 Hay Street, West Perth.
(iii) Employees of Sands Print Group Western Australia who are bound by the Graphic Arts General Interim Award 1995 engaged on the continental shift arrangement.

  1. This agreement shall be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts General Interim Award and shall operate as a schedule to it. Where any inconsistancy exists between the operation of the award and this agreement, the agreement shall prevail.
  2. In accordance with Clause 2.2 of the Graphic Arts General Interim Award 1995 the parties have reached agreement to introduce a 12-hour shift roster in the Pressroom for the Roland and the MO4 Printing Presses, and the Web Press.

12 Hour Shifts

By agreement between the employer and the majority of the employees in the pressroom, the ordinary hours of work for the Roland and the MO4 shall be 36 hours per week.

  • The ordinary hours of work shall be worked on any day of the week Monday to Saturday.
  • The ordinary hours of work shall be between 06.00 a.m amd 06.30 p.m. Any hours worked outside of the span of ordinary hours shall be paid as overtime in accordance with clause 6.3 of the Graphic Arts General Interim Award.
  • Any hours of work that is worked when an employee is on a rostered day off shall be paid at double time.
  • The roster arrangements that have been are set out in Schedule “A” hereof.
  • A shift loading of 20% is payable to an employee who works 12 hour shifts.
Should the Company introduce a night shift it shall be on a “by agreement” basis with employees. No employee shall be forced onto the night shift or their employment prejudiced in any way by their refusal.

Employees rostered to work the night shift shall receive a 30% shift loading.


Employees rostered to perform duties on a continental shift on the Web Press shall be excluded from any additional annual leave as set out in Clause (ii) – Holidays/Annual leave as they are not required to work on Public Holidays or Saturdays.


The following additional conditions shall operate where an employee is working under the 12 hour shift arrangement set out in above:

  1. Public Holidays – Employees shall be entitled to Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Good Friday as paid Public Holidays, all other Public Holidays as set out in Clause 7.6 of thr Graphis Arts General Interim Award shall be ordinary working days.
  2. Annual Leave – In addition to the entitlement set out in Clause 7.1 of the Graphic Arts General Interim Award, an employee shall be entitled to 2 weeks’ paid leave. A loading of 20% is payable to the employee in respect to these additional days of paid annual leave.
  3. The additional leave in (ii) may be taken by the employee at such times and manner as agreed between the employee and the employer and it not subject to the limitations contained in clause 7.1.2e.

  1. Meal breaks shall be taken in accordance with the Graphic Arts General Interim Award except where the employee is working 12 hour shift arrangements. In that circumstance the meal break shall be taken between the 6th and 7th hour of the shift.
  2. Wherever possible, machinery will be kept running during a meal period.

Sands Print Group Western Australia agree to give employees 3 months notice prior to any changes or cancellation of the 12 hour shift.


....................................... June 1999
For and on behalf of
Sands Print Group Western Australia

....................................... June 1999
For and on behalf of
Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering,
Printing and Kindred Industries Union


The agreed roster is as follows:


A Shift 5 Employees
B Shift 5 Employees
A Shift 5 Employees


B Shift 5 Employees
A Shift 5 Employees
B Shift 5 Employees


[Appx A corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

The provisions of this appendix applies to employers and employees within the area of the Australian Capital Territory who were previously bound by the terms of Graphic Arts - General Interim -Award 1995.

The provisions of this appendix must be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts Award and will operate as an appendix to the award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency.


1.1 Keyboard Operator/assembler

A keyboard operator/assembler or a junior employed as a keyboard operator/assembler will be paid the rate prescribed in 5.1.1(a) for group level 5.

1.2 Small Offset

A small offset printing machinist, including a junior employed as a small offset machinist will be paid at the rate prescribed in 5.1.1(a) for group level 5.

1.3 Junior Wages

Juniors (other than junior artist designer, junior small offset printing machinist or keyboard operator/assembler) not being apprentices will be paid the following percentage of the group level 1 rate:-


Under 16 years of age
Between 16 and 17 years of age
Between 17 and 18 years of age
Between 18 and 19 years of age
Between 19 and 20 years of age
Between 20 and 21 years of age


2.1 Work on a rostered day off

Subject to this award, an employee who is required to work on a rostered day or rostered shift off which has been made available as a result of the 38 hour week will be paid for such work at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours and double time thereafter.

2.2 Overtime

Subject to this award, all work performed by an employee in excess of or outside the ordinary hours of day work or shift work of that employee will be overtime and will be paid for at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours and double time thereafter.


Sick leave accumulates from year to year. Each year any balance of the periods specified in the award which have not been taken may be accumulated and subject to the award may be claimed as sick leave in respect of the current year of employment.


In addition to the Public Holidays prescribed in 7.5 of this award, weekly employees are entitled to Trade Union Picnic Day.


[Appx B corrected by S2976 from 01Feb00]

The provisions of this appendix applies to employers and employees within the area of the Northern Territory who were previously bound by the Graphic Arts - General Interim -Award 1995.

The provisions of this appendix will be read and interpreted wholly in conjunction with the Graphic Arts Award and will operate as an appendix to the award and take precedence over any provision of the award to the extent of any inconsistency.


A casual employee must be engaged and paid for a minimum of three hours on each engagement.


2.1 In addition to the wages prescribed in Part 5 of the award, the following district allowances will be paid to all adult employees in the following areas:</