MA000048 PR730911
The attached document replaces the document previously issued with the above code on 1 July 2021.
The typographical error at item 3 referring to clause (e) is corrected to clause (d).
Modern Awards Team
on behalf of the Associate to President Ross
Dated 1 July 2021
MA000048 PR730911 |
Fair Work Act 2009
s.156—4 yearly review of modern awards
4 yearly review of modern awards—plain language re-drafting—facilitative provisions altering span of hours
Airline operations | |
4 yearly review of modern awards –plain language re-drafting –facilitative provisions altering span of hours clauses –remove ambiguity.
A. Further to the Full Bench decision [[2021] FWCFB 3426] issued by the Fair Work Commission on 16 June 2021,the above award is varied as follows:
1. By deleting clause 14.2(c) and inserting the following:
(c) The ordinary hours of work are to be worked continuously,except for meal breaks,at the discretion of the employer between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm. The spread of hours (7.00 am to 6.00 pm) may be moved up to one hour forward or one hour back by agreement between an employer and:
(i) the majority of employees at the workplace;or
(ii) the majority of employees in a discrete section of the workplace.
Different agreements may be reached with the majority of employees in different sections of the workplace.
2. By renumbering clauses 14.2(d) to (g) as 14.2(e) to (h).
3. By inserting a new clause 14.2(d) as follows:
(d) Any changes to regular rosters or ordinary hours of work are subject to the consultative provisions in clause 33—Consultation about changes to rosters or hours of work.
2. By updating the cross-references accordingly.
B. This determination comes into operation from 1 July 2021. In accordance with s.165(3) of the Fair Work Act 2009 this determination does not take effect in relation to a particular employee until the start of the employee’s first full pay period that starts on or after 1 July 2021.
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