The leading hand allowance is a weekly allowance that is paid to level 2 employees who are placed in charge of other employees at work.
It's paid to all level 2 employees, including part-time and casual employees.
The allowance amount paid to an employee each week depends on the number of people they're in charge of.
To find out the amount of the leading hand allowance, use our Pay and Conditions Tool.
Is the allowance paid for all purposes of the award?
No. The leading hand allowance isn’t an all purpose allowance. This means that it's not included in an employee's pay rate when calculating penalty rates, loadings or overtime.
However, the allowance is paid when a full-time or part-time employee is on annual leave.
What to do next
- Use our Pay and Conditions Tool to calculate pay rates, allowances and penalty rates (including overtime).
- Not sure this is your award? Use Find my award to find out which award applies to you.
- Get help with pay.
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