Teachers progress through classification levels based on their qualifications, accreditation and years of satisfactory teaching service in the industry.
Years of service for part-time employees are calculated on a pro rata basis, in line with the percentage of a full-time teaching load they’ve done for the year.
However, if a part-time employee is required to work hours that are more than 90% of a full-time teacher’s, their service will count as a full-time year.
Sasha is a part-time level 3 employee.
He works 75% of a full-time employee’s normal hours.
Sasha will stay at level 3 until he’s worked the same hours that a full-time employee works in 3 years. This means that Sasha will move to level 4 after 4 years at level 3.
What to do next
- Use our Pay and Conditions Tool to calculate pay rates, allowances and penalty rates (including overtime).
- Not sure this is your award? Use Find my award to find out which award applies to you.
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