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Sessional employees get paid the casual pay rate for an Employment services officer grade 1 – pay point 3. In addition, sessional employees are paid for preparation, non-teaching or training tasks in one of two ways:

  • a 33.3% loading paid as part of the casual hourly rate, or
  • payment of one hour’s pay for every three hours of teaching time. This is capped at five additional hours per week.

How are penalties calculated?

Penalty rates are calculated on the minimum hourly rate. This is the rate without the casual loading.


Thuy is a sessional employee who works on a Saturday.

Thuy’s hourly rate is $38.88. This includes the casual loading.

Penalty rates are calculated on Thuy’s minimum hourly rate which is $31.10. This is the rate without the casual loading.

To calculate her Saturday rate, the 25% casual loading and 75% Saturday penalty are added to the minimum hourly rate. This makes Thuy’s Saturday pay rate $62.20.

How is the 33.3% loading treated for penalty rates?

The 33.3% loading is added to the loaded pay rate. This is the rate that includes the casual loading and the penalty rates.


Thuy also gets the 33.3% loading. This loading is applied to her Saturday pay rate of $62.20.

This means that she is paid $82.91 an hour for working on Saturday.


All rates contained in this article are current as at the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2024. 

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Page reference No: K600513