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Closing Loopholes: Additional Fair Work Act changes

The Australian Government has made further workplace laws as part of its ‘Closing Loopholes’ changes.

This may affect the information in this article.

Learn more at Closing Loopholes: Additional Fair Work Act changes.

Some employees in Australia are not covered by the Fair Work system. They're known as non-national system employees.

The Fair Work Act 2009 extends the following entitlements to non-national system employees:

  • protection from unlawful termination
  • unpaid parental leave and related entitlements under the National Employment Standards (NES)
  • notice of dismissal or payment in lieu of notice under the NES
  • prohibition on sexual harassment.
  • paid family and domestic violence leave under the NES (from 9 June 2024). 

For more information on who's covered by the Fair Work system see The Fair Work system page.

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Page reference No: K600442