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To be eligible to progress through pay points within a classification level, employees (including part-time and casual employees) need to demonstrate to their employer competent and satisfactory performance over the past 12 months of continuous employment.

If required, they also need to show that they've either:

  • gained and suitably used new or improved skills within their classification, if required by their employer, or
  • met the requirements of their workplace's staff development and appraisal scheme.

Example: Pay point progression after 12 months continuous employment

Julie is employed as a level 6 – pay point 1 social and community services employee.

Julie will be eligible to progress to level 6 – pay point 2 after 12 months if she demonstrates competency and satisfactory performance.

Some social and community services employees will progress automatically through pay points. For more information, see Automatic progression in the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award.

Movement to a higher classification

Employees must be promoted or reclassified to move to a higher classification.

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Page reference No: K600310