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166 results found

Calculating annual leave loading

Annual leave loading on termination in the Electrical Award

Annual leave loading on termination in the Security Award

Annual leave loading on termination in the Live Performance Award

Annual leave loading on termination in the Vehicle Award

Annual leave loading in the Commercial Sales Award

Annual leave loading on termination in the Airline Ground Staff Award

Loaded pay rates instead of leave

Annual leave and sick leave during workers compensation

Extra week of annual leave for shiftworkers

Annual leave loading when employment ends in the Road Transport (Long Distance) Award

Can an employee be on call during annual leave?

Cashing out annual leave for high income employees

Annual leave for shiftworkers in the Joinery Award

Annual leave for shiftworkers in the Manufacturing Award

Taking other periods of leave during annual leave

Annual leave pay in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Award

Paid annual leave, sick and carer's leave - Frequently Asked Questions

Accumulating annual leave and personal leave during jury duty

Leave and the former JobKeeper scheme

Averaging of hours and annual leave

How do penalties and loadings interact?

Pieceworkers and leave in the Horticulture Award

Part-time employees and paid leave under the Hospitality Award

Unpaid pandemic leave

Leave entitlements for cents per kilometre drivers in the Road Transport (Long Distance) Award

Carer’s leave and unexpected emergencies

Parental leave and responsibility for the care of the child

Unpaid parental leave for surrogate and intended parents

Working for a different employer during parental leave

Loaded rates under the Hospitality Award

Annual Wage Reviews & registered agreements

Income protection insurance and leave accumulation

FWO’s role in enforcing Government funded paid parental leave

Ending employment during leave

Is there an unpaid parental leave entitlement when fostering a child?

Parental leave and continuous service

Cashing out long service leave in registered agreements

Loaded rate payments under the Hospitality Award

Making a loaded rate arrangement under the Hospitality Award

Does paid leave count as ordinary hours?

Direction to take leave when an employer shuts part of a business

Paid pandemic leave for residential aged care employees

Study leave in the Animal & Veterinary Services Award

Converting annual salaries to hourly rates in the Pilots Award

High income employees and a guarantee of annual earnings

Unpaid family and domestic violence leave before the 2023 changes

Transitional arrangements for recording paid family and domestic violence leave on pay slips

Accumulating leave during a notice period

Termination while on sick and carer's leave

Sick leave on a rostered day off (RDO) in the Children's Services Award

Difference between stand down, unpaid leave and shutdown

Pay, leave and ending employment for legacy employers under JobKeeper

Pay for waiting while a vehicle is loaded & unloaded in the Road Transport (Long Distance) Award

Award and agreement free pieceworkers and leave

Stand down, continuous service and accumulation of leave

Redundancy pay & leaving during a notice period

Restaurant Award flexibility during coronavirus

Part-time employees and paid leave under the Restaurant Award

Fast Food Award - Flexibility during coronavirus

Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award - flexibility during coronavirus

Extension of JobKeeper provisions in the Fair Work Act

Reducing staffing levels to comply with an enforceable government direction during coronavirus

Can an employee be asked to return to work after jury duty?

Service and continuous service

Rostered days off (RDOs) for non-shiftworkers in the Building and Construction Award

Non-national system employee entitlements in the Fair Work Act 2009

Redundancy pay after 10 years of service

Hospitality Award flexibility during coronavirus

Vehicle Award changes during coronavirus

Clerks Award - flexibility during coronavirus

Norfolk Island July 2016 – June 2018

Contract outworker entitlements in the Textile and Clothing Award

Rules about when and how to pay employees

Leading hand allowance in the Cleaning Award

JobKeeper enabling directions and agreements for legacy employers

Payment for temporary stops in the Passenger Vehicle Award

Individual flexibility arrangements

Overnight stay allowance in the Hospitality Award

National Employment Standards and stand down

Ending employment and the former JobKeeper scheme

Enforcing safety net contractual entitlements

Entitlements for school-based apprentices

JobKeeper enabling stand down directions

Ending employment during a stand down

Former JobKeeper scheme

Overtime and penalty rates for casuals in the Horticulture Award

Employee entitlements on a restricted trading day

Sessional employees in the Labour Market Assistance Award

Casual pay in the Hair and Beauty Award

Penalty rates in the Meat Award

Casual shiftworkers and penalty rates in the Retail Award

Payment by results in the Meat Award

Part-time allowance in the Cleaning Award

Casual penalty rates in the Retail Award

Supported Wage System - casual employees

Overtime for casuals in the Waste Award

Special pay rates for Crewing services employees in the Live Performance Award

Calculating overtime & penalty rates for casuals in the Supported Employment Services Award

Casual Saturday pay in the Children’s Services Award

24 hour care in the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award

Shiftworker rates in the Meat Award

Pay and the former JobKeeper scheme

Paid meal breaks in the Teachers Award

Casual penalty rates in the Road Transport Award

Shiftwork penalty rates for casuals in the Banking, Finance & Insurance Award

Casuals and public holiday pay in the Children's Services Award

Overtime for casuals in the Manufacturing Award

Weekend penalty rates for casuals in the Nursery Award

Casual shiftworkers in the Social, Community, Home Care & Disability Services Award

Casual pay in the Local Government Award

Overtime for casuals in the Storage and Wholesale Award

Casual penalty rates in the Funeral Award

Missed meal breaks in the Hospitality Award

Continuous shiftworkers & Sunday shifts in the Manufacturing Award

Evening and night work in the Hospitality Award

Temporary COVID-19 recovery provisions in the Restaurant Award

Rostered days off (RDOs) & public holidays in the Airline Ground Staff Award

Rostered days off and public holidays in the Registered Clubs Award

Casuals and overtime in the Registered Clubs Award

Overtime for casuals in the Amusement Award

Overtime for casuals in the Security Award

Overtime for casuals in the Gardening & Landscaping Award

Overtime for casuals in the Fitness Award

Overtime for casuals in the Nurses Award

Payment for two-up driving arrangements in the Road Transport (Long Distance) Award

Single contract hourly rate employees in the Sugar Award

Deducting the found amount for shearers in the Pastoral Award

Casual ordinary hourly rate in the Plumbing Award

Casual overtime in the Textile & Clothing Award

Public holiday pay for cents per kilometre drivers in the Road Transport (Long Distance) Award

Late and early work in the Restaurant Award

Late & early work in the Registered Clubs Award

Weekly all-purpose rate for part-time and casual employees in the Electrical Award

Casual employee definition before 26 August 2024

Casual penalty rates & overtime in the Food & Beverage Manufacturing Award

Redundancy and the ordinary and customary turnover of labour

Sleepovers in the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award

Remote work under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award

Travelling time allowance in the Plumbing Award

Broken shifts in the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award

Award coverage for escort vehicle drivers

Classification progression for part-time employees in the Teachers Award

Redundancy pay in the Black Coal Award

Service station employees covered by the Vehicle Award

High income employees and ending employment

Equal Remuneration Order in the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Award

Real Estate Award flexibility during coronavirus

Employees excluded from coverage by the Journalists Award

Managers in the Hospitality Award

Employees working overseas

Award coverage for tutors

Trainee rates in the National training wage schedule

Rostered days off (RDOs) in the Plumbing Award

Abandonment of employment

Apprentice training costs – specific issues with payment

Redundancy pay, continuous service and notice periods

Workers compensation and continuous service

Supervision allowance in the Security Award

Minimum employee notice and withholding final pay

Start & finish times in the Commercial Sales Award

Working in extreme hot weather

Voluntary administration

Standing by & call backs in the Manufacturing Award

Award coverage for security guards

Payment for call backs in the Manufacturing Award